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Debunking LAZY Kyler Murray Video Game Takes That Undermine Arizona Cardinal QB’s Offseason Efforts

Debunking LAZY Kyler Murray Video Game Takes That Undermine Arizona Cardinal QB’s Offseason Efforts

[Music] happy Monday everybody Welcome in it’s the PHX Cardinals podcast live from Studio K presented by our friends at Circle K at your Premier Arizona Cardinal podcast like And subscribe and become a Die Hard go pick up a free hat and or shirt shop the number 18 collection I have of course I’m Johnny venerable joined as always co-host from Studio k Mr B Brock Damon dog behind the mic today gentlemen How We Living living well thanks for holding down ship on Friday my man and uh chat out there I missed every single one of you uh but I’m excited to return as we are just uh blindsided by another lazy Kyler Murray take that from a source that I kind of grown the trust when it comes to Kyler Murray somebody who’s been a propon of K1 uh but you know excited to be here the brand new studio K here at the phnx studios of course you can roll into any Arizona location of Circle K and get yourself froster Polar Pop for as low as 69 cents it’s unbelievable uh it’s unbelievable the support in the chat already drop a like on this video subscribe to phnx sports here on YouTube and as my co-host mentioned an all time bad take took place over the weekend Bo you had sent it to me and and we’ve kind of been texting back and forth about it so I want to set the stage for everybody here and not to get too nerdy as it relates to this show I’m a big Star Wars guy as my co-host knows and there’s a show right now on TV called the acolyte I’m just gonna tell everybody it’s not very good right but there’s hot takes coming left in right so I’m gonna try to contextualize it for everybody like you can have an opinion on something like I have an opinion that the acolyte is not very good or people have an opinion that Kyler Murray isn’t a franchise quarterback but then you have to come and support it with facts with analysis with Statistics with something hopefully that’s current that can be measured right there’s a lot I don’t like about the acolyte the story The Narrative the episode length the production value I could go on and on but as it relates to Kyler Murray right and stay with me here trying you’re trying yeah absolutely you leave for a day this is what happens as it relates to Tyler Murray okay what’s your narrative you want to drive you want to drive that oh he doesn’t play 17 games right or he turned the ball over too much at times last year too many pick sixes right I can go through that we can have a conversation when you’re talking about in the year of our football Lord 2024 Kyler Marin video games you’ve lost me completely you are not doing your homework and you are let outdated narratives run rampant and you lose football credibility my mind B Brock absolutely and as I said you know Colin coward uh the source of this uh horrible take I mean he was he was he’s been somebody that that’s firmly been kind of in Kyler’s Corner when the rest of the national media wanted to count him out where he saw the skill set and within this convers there are compliments to Kyler Murray his skill set his game but it’s all within the plot of a terrible movie as you as you outlined I think I tried to catch on there as as you I can’t even pronounce the the name of the new Star Wars show yeah but like all it was just awful it was just it it was like it was a movie with with lead actors that you liked with a terrible with a terrible plot because it was John middleof I think football opinion that most people respect lives here in Arizona he lives 20 minutes away on the volume Sports Network like and to to see this and you know I I was sent this late last week and I got have credit to my guy Ken who who sent it to me in my DMs um and then I forwarded it on to you and then it’s catching a little scam today I and it’s just it’s a it’s a played out lazy narrative that is uh it’s outdated it’s it’s far outdated like and to look Colin coward starts the conversation mentioning his relationship with former Arizona Cardinals general manager Steve Kim saying you know he was in the organization for 25 years and this is a quote from Colin saying he was working for Michael Bidwell for 25 years and yeah he doesn’t want to do it again he’s like burn out if people only knew the stories fans have no idea in regard to K working under like Bidwell as if Bidwell was the issue in the Steve Kim Michael Bidwell relationship which is shocking to me to think that Bidwell in some way you know released Steve Kim from his contract that he signed in the offseason of 2022 he unceremoniously resigns and it wasn’t just a full-fledged firing of Steve Kim who underperformed at his position you know in the in the latter years of his of his deal with the Arizona Cardinal so uh that’s that’s where this it it starts off Rocky and then coword gets into this weird thing about how he talks to a a therapist and that the therapist says that most Gamers like men who are Gamers that’s a huge detriment to them having successful marriages and then he ties in Kyler Murray and and this narrative that you know came around like 2021 right when Kyler joined FaZe Clan and it was it become well known he was a professional gamer and then it was you know down the road in 2022 when Kyler was working his way for an extension him and his agent Eric Burkhart you know that the study Clause came in it doesn’t mention gaming but it mentions a clause to where Kyler needed to spend a certain amount of time in his Playbook each and every week and people just said well it’s a it’s a video game CLA or it’s a study clause and that’s just that’s completely false so there’s this narrative that this stigma and they they called it a stigma as well that I think Kyler Murray has ended like he’s no longer a part of the phas clan it’s it’s a group that’s cut its staff significantly over the last couple years and we everything we’ve heard from Monty Aon for and Jonathan Ganon is and his teammates he’s focused on ball you couldn’t follow the Star Wars part of the conversation I couldn’t follow anything you just said about FaZe Clan and like the think about everything you just said has nothing to do with football can contextualize it to start off by they like you have not talked about anything football related as it relates to Colin coward in his comments think that should show you how ridiculous his opinion is thus far nothing and I agree with you I listen to the the interview the conversation everything football related was super complimentary right right but because he’s not his kind of player off the field which by the way can we just say for a second there are quarterbacks historically in the NFL who have if Kyler Maria has a gaming hobby which I don’t believe believe he does anymore frankly but if Kye Murray did there are hobbies that NFL quarterbacks have had like go check what Joe neth was doing in the what the 1960s like their social life was out in the public like living it up clubbing going out every night talking about girlfriends like Kyler Murr is a private person I have no issue with that right when he’s not at the building his life is not for you to decipher and I’m gonna tell you right now like he put in the the conversation like Kyler Murray needs a girlfriend Kyler Murray does have a girlfriend we know I think pretty well he’s got a girlfriend a longtime girlfriend that he has and number two it’s like I’m going to tell you right now Colin coward’s opinion does not mean anything because of how that conversation started Steve Kim got an extreme DUI and had to be jailed for overnight and then that’s the guy you’re gonna go to and you’re gonna look at oh Steve K he knows what he’s doing from the draft perspective cyard loves the draft his hit rate in the first round was like a 100 how can you that conversation he’s batting a 100 how can you start that conversation with I was talking to Steve my buddy who was once jailed as an executive for this team who has one of the worst if not the worst draft records in the history of the NFL and he tells me you know what I don’t know about Kyler Murray it’s like I would think do the opposite of what Steve Kim has to say like again you can you can Circle it back to Michael Bidwell which I agree and I think Michael Bidwell has things he needs to work on but I’ll give him credit he’s worked on them because the football people are running the football operations right now for the Euro zona Cardinals yeah I’m gonna tell you right now nobody was telling Steve Kim if you’re Michael Bidwell to draft Isaiah Simmons he wasn’t telling to draft Andy Isabella Steve Kim was enabled by Michael Bidwell to do his job he just did a shitty job of it horrible job horrible job terrible so like all this stuff about I don’t know Michael Bidwell you should hear the stories I know a story Steve you put together the worst collection of talent in the NFL over the last half decade when Bruce arens left you you became a nept that’s the story I’ve heard there are some people in this world and for whatever reason they get a pass on all their [ __ ] do you agree with that like there there’s just some people and I think it’s just kind of hey they don’t want to have to have a tough conversation with somebody that they’re probably acquaintance with acquaintance with and they don’t want to have to sit there and and go through all the entire the mud that is their life like they they they like the Allure of hey former general manager has some insight on it but do they really want to talk about the real Steve Kim tenure probably not they probably like you know the access that they get a you know albe it old worn out access no longer relates to the actual state of the organization that he used to work for or the player that is the face of that franchise but I think I think that there’s Steve K to me like he seems like somebody that people especially in the media are afraid to really just call his [ __ ] out to his face yeah and like I know it’s been out there like Steve went to therapy and he’s helped himself that’s great and like I hope that Steve the the person is getting help and can leave a good life as a husband and a father and whatever I’m talking about Steve Kim shedding rumors on stuff that now he has no Insight on right so to me it’s just like and this is something else that I think it’s important for you and I to bring up to this audience of over 250 people drop a like by the way just because you held a title and then then you’re made available like Steve’s on the media he’s in on the radio business we see it all the time Damon’s guy Mike Tannon bomb does not mean that opinion is valid like and we’re not I’m not flaunting with this uh take here but like when Bo and I when we go places when we go to Superbowl week or radio world whatever there are people who are made available to us that held prominent roles within the NFL landscape that does not mean we want to have them on the show because we have respect for our audience to say they don’t care about their opinion they did not do a good job they’re an ex head coach that has a losing record and people kind of think they’re a joke or an EXE that nobody values their opinion like why would we bring them onto the show to lecture this audience of smart football people like hey this is what they need to do in the draft I’m sorry you took how many off ball linebackers in a half decade Plus in undersized receivers from division triaa schools like right we don’t care what your opinion is so again the entire argument to start off is is basically built on no Foundation at all yeah if you weren’t enabled you wouldn’t have lasted as long as you did uh once people were able to determine that it was you a product of Bruce aran’s success and not vice versa um that you know and I see in the chat 2018 should have been it right it should have been Steve Kim’s Last Stand he should have been out with Steve wils it should have been a double Steve firing that Black Monday in 2019 and you know Kingsbury should have never been hired in this organization would have been better for now it never probably would have gotten into the position they are right now where they H to hit the full reset button four years down the road and get rid of cliff kingsbery and get rid of Kim and finally you know surround Kyler Murray with the infrastructure that’s necessary I think for for him for somebody like him to uh to to succeed so yeah it’s it is uh there are a lot of people that held the title and had a certain position of status but at the same time it does not make them you know your go-to for the opinion uh on on certain things or become an expert on it because you like you said Tannon ball K like the media is littered with failures that tried to work in the NFL and just couldn’t hack it and and K is is up there probably in the top five like look carrot Top’s an actor I he’s in movies like but I’m not gonna go sad card yeah I’m not gonna go and say hey if I want to like cut my teeth on film he’s going to be the first one I’m going to ask advice for yeah it just the we are 29 days away from training camp and Kyler Murray is roughly 75 days away from beginning to quiet all of this noise we hope indefinitely real coaching staff real group of people around them smart people elevating each other but this feels like the last gasp of like get your shots in now on K1 like play excluded first of all like kyur a tough game let’s say he throws three picks against you know the LA Rams in week two we’ll come on here and be critical because that’s football that’s football related K Murray holds himself to high standards football related the video game stuff like there’s something that you probably can put on Michael Bidwell like he was insistent from what we’ve heard of putting that in in the contract right and then they regretted it they saw the blowback and you know for Kye Mar his agent leaking that out like you get leverage for that or or whether or not they leaked it out or the Cardinals I don’t know but it just it made everybody look including Kyler Murray like not buttoned up and if you’re the Cardinals and you’re trying to prop up your franchise quarterback like until Kyler Murray starts winning games again you’re responsible for this take you know people are putting this on KY Murray that’s a cardinal err like you you’re saddling your what kind what does it say about you as a franchise that you’re going to pay somebody over $200 million but then you’re going to have to hedge them public publicly with a clause like that that doesn’t and and he’s the leader of your franchise well then what are you doing why it makes you look unprofessional it’s like when they took shots at that executive publicly that they had to walk back and they were fine for like the the Cardinals are guilty of this as well and first of all like I have never heard old cardal what’s that the old cardal yeah absolutely like if you’re gonna rip somebody for that you got to rip how the Cardinals handled it they didn’t handle it well but the problem is is they are not paying the price for that now Kyler Murray continues to have to pay for that and thankfully he’s got people in his Corner that know who he is what he’s about and this is the new era this is Cardinals KY Murray 2.0 but this stuff it’s dead of off season it’s like what can we drudge up for clicks how can we force a narrative and like we kind of buried the lead on this and I touched on it Friday at the beginning of the conversation Colin references Craig Morgan’s article at and says you know reading comments from Bruce arens about the Cardinals which came from Craig Morgan Shameless plug go read the article it’s fantastic but similar to Steve Kim and I love Bruce arens Bruce aran’s opinion of Kyler Murray is likely built upon several years ago yeah and maybe what he watches on NFL Sundays Bruce arens it’s important to get his take but he is not an NFL coach anymore and so now putting that out there he took and they Twisted Bruce Aran W it’s not like Bruce was critical he’s just like I’m anxious to see more from kyl it’s got a lot to prove and I think a lot of people in our chat would say that yeah Colin and John took that as Kyler you know what Bruce arens was basically like I’m out on this guy I don’t even know right well yeah if look Bruce arens has a type too doesn’t he right absolutely we talked about that with big bodied tall strong arm wide receiver or I’m sorry quarterbacks to a fa right it’s like hey what’s your type I like tall brettes hey I’ve got a friend it’s a short blonde Bruce arens is probably out if his type is tall Brett right next next and like what he told uh Craig was he’s still in the evaluation process as far as Kyler Murray he’s been in the EV evaluation process since he probably faced him in 2019 when he took you know he was in the first year with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers so and I’m sure he hasn’t you know since he retired done any homework or really evaluated Kyler Murray outside of what he’s seen and I think it’s important like and people will ask like oh you’re you’re going to answer you know some more doubters why are you going to give this the time of day because I think it’s it’s unfair it’s unfair and to to talk uh in un from an uninformed stance to a national audience and have old lazy narratives as your way that you’re talking about a player in today’s game and that’s exactly what Colin coward on his 700,000 subscribers YouTube channel did to Kyler Murray he did him a complete disservice he did his his listeners and viewers a complete disservice to think that this narrative still surrounds Kyler Murray because it doesn’t it it’s not anything that we’ve heard and I’ve been in the in the locker room where players are talking about playing video games and stuff and and one of them’s not Kyler Murray like I haven’t heard anything surrounding Kyler Murray as far as his will his want to any questions as far as you know how much time he’s putting in in the complex out of the complex hell we heard from Michael Carter that he never leaves the facility it’s just it’s an absurd take and within that as I said like middleof says this is a guy that’s got a top 10 skill set at the quarterback position in the NFL is that what you want I don’t know yeah then they proceed to just talk about this this dumb this dumb video game thing do we have the thumbnail for that Damon can we see that it’s laughably bad it’s the most absurd look at this stop gaming and they’ve got two old guys looking alarmed and then Kyler laughing like he’s a villain in a Bond movie listen I like middleof and and cowards takes historically like I’m not gonna sit here and say like I trash everything they do I talked to John middleof when we were at the combine yeah and he loves Arizona and like you know he’s a Niner guy probably through and through but he wants the Cardinals to be good and I do think coward through Kim steered this conversation if you go and watch it and I would encourage people like go and come up for yourself the opinion of it I mean they I doubt they put this thumbnail together that’s laughably bad it’s I’m not gonna say it’s borderline disrespectful it is disrespectful yeah like like and then you go into it and they talk about Colin says specifically Kyler Murray is the most like hated talented quarterback in the history of the NFL I’m like by whom and he list he lists like National media people coaches uh the fan base I’m like well I think majority of the fans in Arizona like Kyler marray a lot what they fail to point out and I bring this up every time on this show it’s appropriate and when we do National hits other podcasts the Cardinals had every opportunity to add Caleb Williams it was there to be had and they actively chose to win games and stick with Kyler Murray like that takes their whole argument and becomes invalid and moot at that point they had one win with Joshua dobs they play Clayton 2 they have a one in6 year they have a terrible year and they can draft Caleb Williams and then you’re and then what you trade Kyler Marie you get a pick and you move on they had an out clause they had multiple out Clauses they opted for the opposite they said you know what the guy that you consider damag Goods that’s a video game addict that’s got a big contract we’re gonna double down on him with a firsttime head coach and a firsttime general manager that should tell you everything right but they don’t bring that up one time right well I mean I mean consider where this like the source of information right somebody who mudl was mudslinging during NE negotiations in in Steve Kim and like once Steve Kim exited that building Kyler Murray slander ended right because Steve Ked his wagon to Kyler Murray and he needed Kyler Murray on his own because he didn’t provide any of the infrastructure that the new regime has for Kyler Murray to succeed and for the franchise to then succeed through Kyler Murray he needed Kyler Murray to just be to grow up on his own he’s like hey lead us to the promised land We’re Not Gonna Give You really anything outside of like okay we we’ll get you DeAndre Hopkins and we’ll get you this but you’re gonna play behind a crap offensive line the scheme’s gonna suck you’re not going to get really any leadership from your head coach position it but we need you to do this and you can’t have any hobbies and if you do we’re gonna we’re gonna make sure that you know you get you get crushed for that it’s and then like once time left the organization like the leak stopped the slander sto the the EMP powerment the emboldening of Kyler Murray began and the skill set was realized the leadership qualities the mature the maturation I think continued and and now like as I see that like the headline is Kyler Murray needs to grow up he’s grown up the the gaming sto gaming the gaming has essentially stopped to the point where it should be an issue with anybody I I also like again this is stuff in early in history career right that have been blown out of proportion so let’s take a Bruce Aran guy let’s take a Bruce Aran quarterback Ben Ro go look up what Ben rothberger was doing and maybe not doing during his first couple years during his rookie contract in Pittsburgh go read those headlines off the field and then yeah everybody’s like you know what a motorcycle accident uh and he yeah I know the other stuff other situations yeah he got he was not um responsible off the field let’s just call it that but what did he have the infrastructure of Bill Cower and the Pittsburgh steerers the number one defense Ben rburg didn’t throw over 20 touchdowns until year four in the NFL he’d already won a Super Bowl because of the infrastructure that Pittsburgh had he was a top pick a Bruce aran’s guy what about Carson Palmer with the Cincinnati Bengals hurt couldn’t win a playoff game in Cincinnati forced his way out like Kyler Murray is still with this franchise Kyler Murray hasn’t demanded a trade Kyler Murray’s not off making TMZ headlines in the off season Kyler Murray unlike those two FR those two individuals I guess maybe more so like Cincinnati because they were dysfunctional he just wants high level people to be around like in high school like at Oklahoma with Lincoln Riley right match Kyler Murray’s intensity and and football acument and IQ like John Ganon and Mony Austin for had we’re gonna be fine Drew pet scene we’re gonna be fine but I mean we’re talking about these other quarterbacks like they were perfect off the field you want to sign up for those accolate or those Antics off the field I don’t I would much rather have whatever the hell it’s called FaZe Clan or whatever but here’s the problem the Arizona Cardinals at the time did not know how to deal with it they had never paid a quarterback of this magnitude they wanted leverage you either go all in with Kyler Murray or you don’t and that’s what his agent has told us Eric burkart off the air and the Cardinals wanted to have their cake and eat it too and they made things exponentially worse in the meantime for their quarter and it’s really unfortunate because it lingers to this well don’t you think it was Bidwell not necessarily seeing how Kyler Murray behaved on or off the field or where he felt like he could be better that the homework Clause was him trying to put his stamp on a pretty standard quarterback contract practice like we we see it like you get drafted in the first round you play your first three seasons of your rookie contract if you’re good if you’re deemed a franchise guy you re you negotiate an extension and like the the guaranteed money comes out the total contract comes out people go like $250 million for a contract and this much a year where I I think like the the arrogance of the Cardinals brass at the time said well watch this I I’m gonna cover my ass more than anybody has as far as these deals and they’re gonna say that’s brilliant but little that they know is the worst thing they could have done I think it’s that and I think it’s the insecurity that they knew that their head coach could not say I got him I’m going to make him better I’m gonna have him continue to improve if his if his head coach is Bruce arens or jonan Ganon don’t put that [ __ ] in there we’ll be fine I’m gonna continue to coach Kyler Murray hard he’s gonna get better every year but who did he have as his head coach and they felt like Cliff Kingsbury couldn’t hold him accountable whomever their offensive coordinator was Vance Joseph their defensive nobody nobody was holding anybody accountable that’s why they brought in JJ Watt as a free agent they thought that’d fix everything right so I I just I think it’s what you said coupled with the lack of leadership if you’re putting that into the contract for a kid who’s 23 years old your infrastructure stinks it’s terrible you don’t have the head coach involved you think John gon would okay anything like that he would take it as a direct slight against him that he can’t hold his players accountable to study to read up to be ready on game day and it’s ironic that ever since John Ganon got here he has factually and organically said nobody studies harder he’s been John and gon doesn’t have to do that but he says it because it’s true but they had cliff kingsbery and we know how that ended yeah yeah we do know how that ended it’s uh but for whatever reason it continues uh to linger on wild R was still talking about this as late as last week I I couldn’t believe it like you know you you hear the beginning and sometimes anybody credits Steve Kim as like a a knowledgeable football man you doing I usually tune out but then like well here’s some compliment stuff about Kyler and and then they get into this full-fledged he needs to stop gaming combo you’re just like guys guys and maybe it’s time for him to get a girlfriend it’s like dude are you kidding me it’s time for him to get a girlfriend go Allen I saw pictures this morning he’s hanging out with like Haley steinfield at like a pool party she keeping him from gaming go be Patrick Mahomes stop hanging out with celebrities nobody’s saying that right because he took over a playoff team he’s got a good head coach right well he’s MC D yeah he’s solid I mean he’s fine solid let’s say things we don’t better than kingsburry yes true sorry lot of lot of this is he got him to the playoffs with Tyrod Taylor uh yeah so go and if you want listen to that kind of garbage for eight minutes because again littered throughout the negative inaccurate takes on off the field all they do is Kyler Murray’s more talented than Jaylen Herz and he beat the Eagles on the road and this that and the other and like yeah that’s why against Philly yeah dominance top skill set it’s like you see his frame you see Bryce young Bryce young can’t do what Kyler Murray does KY Murray is way more talented I mean that’s what they’re saying it was all littered within this this horrible nearly 10 minutes take of Kyler Murray plays too many video games it’s insane it was and it was it was tough to get through because of how inaccurate it is yeah that’s why shows like this exist and uh we’re fired up here on football Monday if you can’t tell already we got more battles to fight as it relates to the Cardinals being devalued but before we get to that I just want to say the new Circle K Studio K looks fantastic B Brock it does doesn’t it look great I mean we got our uh Studio K on air sign here we got our little Mike Flags here with uh Phenix who is a bastard by the way Phenix a horrible comes after me on Twitter whatever yeah I hopefully I think he got kicked off the Twitter Street which is which is good for everybody but we love we love our friends over at Circle K we absolutely do it’s America’s thirst stop and I’m thirsty right now because it’s 110 plus degrees on average every single day here in the valley and we’re going to hook you up right now there’s a new free membership program you know it Inner Circle they’re going to hook you up get any size Polar Pop or froster for just 79 cents now through September 3rd at any Arizona location I think you just found your third stop for the course of this summer and beyond plus you’re going to save 25 cents per gallon on your first five fill-ups three cents per gallon every single day again find it in the app under inner circles D offers right now download the Circle K app today terms and conditions apply at participating locations visit for more details Johnny I I had you over for my kids birthday party over the weekend we had some some beers as well uh what beers did we have in our cooler some Fantastic Four Peaks you were drinking a wow I was yeah it’s my goto bad birdie um if if you aren’t hanging out this Sumer with some Four Peaks brw beer in your hand you’re doing it wrong we love our friends over at Four Peaks it’s of course Arizona’s number one One Brewery started over 25 years ago still the OG location in Tempe remains check it out great food on the menu from appetizers to Entre to desserts you’ll love everything that you find at our friends over at Four Peaks there’s the red bird logger it’s going to be back uh in the fall you got the wow as Johnny loves the flagship kiltlifter you got the bad birdie which is a juicy gold there collab with Four Peaks and bad Birdie the golf apparel company check it out for yourself visit for /lo you can find all your favorite beers you can of course find them at your favorite Circle K check out at for Peaks brew and at for Peaks Pub on your socials as well this is Arizona’s Hometown Brewery must be 21 years or older and drink Four Peaks while you do it do it responsibly jumping into these super chats here let’s start with my guy oh goodness big red six got to be careful how I read this $5 Super Chat happy Mad Max Monday big red Brothers Melton for defensive rookie the year plus 7500 DBS in Mad Max is set for big playing time thoughts I love it I do too I mean as far as Max Melton is he gonna be you know the three down cornerback or is he gonna be somebody that comes in in nickels situations is he going to get the playing time necessary to rack up Defensive Rookie of the Year honors I mean 7500 Great Value there uh D Rob probably going to be on the field Darius Robinson more than mad Max or enough to to to get uh maybe in there as a Defensive Rookie of the Year uh candidate I I think Robinson I I give him the The Edge but I don’t know if it’s as much value of plus seven s 7500 holy crap it is high we talked a lot about MJ’s odds for offensive Rookie of the Year on Friday and it we like plus 700 yeah and it’s it’s predicated plus 700 on Caleb Williams like Damon and I firmly in that camp I unfortunately think the Cardinals odds for a Defensive Rookie of the Year because I think between he and Darius Robinson that being Melton should be in consideration based on where they’re drafted I’m concerned though if the Cardinals defense as a whole is not top half of the NFL like would they be would they warrant that consideration I think you will Anderson Jr rode the Renaissance of Houston playoff team bouncing back you know his stats were pretty I I wouldn’t say average but they weren’t all worldly I think the Cardinals could be hampered if their defense as a whole isn’t great so I mean definitely take care of a couple different problems though if mton has a big year I am McLovin backtack $499 super sticker and then we got a 499 Super Chat thank you so much McLovin if Johnny finishes the 999 challenge Damon dog has to meow Damon cat next Super Chat I agree with that and Bo has to admit there’s a stake out there that he didn’t finish if Johnny finishes the 999 challenge I’ll like I don’t even know I I’ll I’ll do anything like there’s just zero chance that that’s ever going to happen I don’t have to worry about it yeah I mean it’s if if somehow Johnny were to finish ahead of one of us like I think one of these options would be uh fine Johnny finishing the 999 is just it’s not happening uh so Bo announced today in a text thread with the three of us that the tickets have been purchased for this Saturday’s matchup the A’s at the Diamondbacks uh 1 p.m. on Saturday bu Brock we have tickets they are secure the 9.99 is happening now if you weren’t on Friday show we were informed at trivia last week at chicken and pickle that Shane debach although we’ve promoted him as part of this event will in fact not be attending uh and he was very confused as to why he thought he was included he will be at for work purposes the NHL draft so it will be your uh fearsome threesome here on PX Cardinals myself Bo and Damon competing this Saturday at Chase Field it’s a shame it was kind of D shame couldn’t believe that Shane didn’t understand that we are his friend and we want him to come hang with us he was shocked by that uh but he’s gonna be hanging outting is he gonna be doing the uh 30 for 30 challenge is he gonna be putting back 30 glizzies for 30 draft picks is that a thing no I just made it up for the NHL draft to have fun at that let’s look uh um it’s it is going down it’s official we got their tickets it’s feeling more real exclusive we’ll talk about that here in a little bit Yeah ill Dre 499 Super Chat uh these are the same people who steal material from Johnny V and Bo that’s why you’re all number one when it comes to cards you all speak facts thank you El friend of the program and listen again like I would love to get Colin coward or John mdof on this show I think to to sway anybody’s opinion right now on this team just got to win games man that’s it’s just the Elixir for everything uh Tom 499 it’s been a while missed you guys missed you Tom thank you for putting in the good work hot take if K1 plays every game MVP lock I had somebody tell me Tom uh that Kyler Murray you you’re better off betting on him to win MVP over comeback player of the year I don’t hate that I think the odds are are pretty big in in both instances but I think Kye Murray’s behind Daniel Jones for comeback Player of the Year odds so yeah you might as well dabble on the MVP we’ll see can the rest of the team you know can the offense carry the defense early on to get enough wins because typically the MVP you got to be a top seed like Lamar last year top of the AFC number one seed like Cardinals I think would have to be top one to three seed which would mean winning the NFC West but yeah again like I think people are just sleeping on Kye Marine his ability to do that like this team started S and0 one year when you I think the talent was pretty comparable so we’ll see yeah like you said the biggest stat for for MVP is wins and in order to get there I I crunched numbers a couple years ago and it was somewhere it was like 13 wins from your team for from MVPs over the last 10 years so yeah and that’s before you added another game so it’s just going to be uh your your team has to be up to Snuff too so they have enough defensively to get it done like if the Cardinal are winning 13 games with this defense on paper like Kyler Murray is your MVP most likely uh there’s baharo three $2 Super Chat dead last in motion doesn’t help K1 prep narrative so baharo is referring thank you so much for the Super Chat uh referring to I think a tweet from our friend of the program mea kimes or or maybe it was Brett a guy named Brett on Twitter who put yeah Coleman had put together some numbers Cardinals were close to last anyway in Pre snap then when Kay Kyler Murray came back they were last pre-nap motion um which according to maharo suggests that Kyler Murray doesn’t do pre- snap work I would take that as Kyler Murray is coming off an ACL and had never ran that offense before but maybe I’m wrong Bo maybe there’s more to that I mean if you look at wasn’t it uh Philly was dead last was Philly was dead last for a while last year um and so of the offensive Concepts that the Cardinals had uh that they adopted from Philadelphia um and it just probably not something they do very often anyway I just feel like KY Murray the time for him to master this offense this off season like he wasn’t wasn’t taking Snaps he wasn’t on the field practicing this time last year um so I’m I’m GNA Reserve judgment I’m just going to look at the statistics and how many games they can win and then however they need to manufacture that I’m for it I’m also high and all for the Cardinals receiving core uh because I feel like it’s trending upward like if you had ask me right now like how many young wide receiving cores in the NFL I would take over the Arizona Cardinals tight ends included I mean I could name 12 12 to 14 that I would take um unfortunately our friends at Pro Football Focus have a difference of opinion B uh because they’ve got the Cardinals I believe according to this graphic 21st in the NFL uh again this is from PF the Cardinals drafted mhj as wide receiver one filling out a major need and elevating the Outlook of the rest of the group tight end try MCB led the team in 2023 with an 80.5 receiving grade and any uptick and production from Greg dorch Michael Wilson James Conor would make this a fairly strong group but again they had this listed at 21 just don’t know how you can do that when PFF themselves listed Michael Wilson as a breakout candidate most people have mhj as a top 12 receiver in the NFL most people have Trey McBride as the top five tight end in the NFL like the Math’s not math in there for me yeah I mean unfortunately I think it is based on data right and and really not having much foresight as far as what it could project to become and you know some of the PFF nerds and if you look at Cardinals from previous season like they aren’t PFF Darlings they’re not like you’d be hard pressed to find anybody with with the decent grade outside like Mack Wilson and Trey McBride so you know they’re going to go with the teams that graded high in 2023 and just say this is where they rank now but at the end of 2024 the list is going to look completely different and the Arizona Cardinals have the playmakers that can emerge uh to to get them way up those rankings and one thing I was looking at those precept um rankings where you’ve got the bills 27 so like Josh Allen can’t read a defense is that is that a fatal flaw for Josh Allen and then you’ve got Cleveland 31 and Philly as I mentioned some Concepts they take from them pssing came from Cleveland like that’s probably just the offense it’s probably just the offense they’re running it’s not an indictment on Kyler Murray and his inability to read a defense pre- snap uh okay so not loving pff’s rankings Bo you pointed this out how about ESPN’s fantasy rankings average draft position in ranking for a lot of the cardinal skill players walk our audience through the kakami narratives that continue to come out from the worldwide at ler well yeah it’s not very flattering uh if we bring these up we’ll find that the Marvin Harrison Jr is the highest ranked on the ESPN this is non PPR fanty football ranking so you know some people did ask me like our guy Donnie Donuts Donnie drwan ask who even plays non PPR fantasy football which is a valid question but if you’re just trying to dabble and and not too get too in in depth but like Marvin Harrison Jr still is he’s 39th I believe um overall okay and he’s wide receiver 16 so that’s not great and then you’ve got James Conor who was probably their best fantasy player last year he’s rb23 and then you got Kyler who’s qb10 he’s down in the 70s like Trey McBride was 69th overall so there’s just not a whole lot of love for the Cardinals I would say that you’re going to be able to find you know you’re going to be able to land some Cardinals and and get some sleepers from this from this roster that you know fantasy football-wise people won’t be high on but I that’s not the case like usually in the area of the team that you’re drafting like I don’t think you’re G to be able to wait on mhj or Trey McBride or James Connor or Kyler Murray I think that those guys are going to go early so will Michael Wilson like who are the tight ends the six tight ends drafted head of Trey McBride like you know I wanted to go after that and then you know you look up Evan Ingram and he had 114 receptions last year this is non PPR though right you’re right I just he had more yards than McBride um and I think did yeah he had nine he had over 900 yards receiving he had a great season last year but Trent also didn’t start for half the year that’s you know gotta fer that in as well tight end six was like uh who the heck was tight end six K I mean like Mark Andrew Sam leapa Travis two Kelsey was one you know how I feel about markad of him I think he was five the the other one was was questionable the tight end had aoku maybe joku was but he scored a bunch of touchdowns last year I think I mean Trey McBride played 12 games most of them without Kyler Murray can we just that’s that’s pretty bad the K1 if Brock P’s added Kye Murray from a fantasy perspective like I saw I saw that recently I maybe want to throw up maybe want throw up in my hat we talk about with the with those props Johnny I think it’s just like a games played thing they think Brock py will sustain the season and they think there’s a chance Kyler doesn’t Brock the Brock pities of the world are always available in the waiver wire pickup like you can always go get a brock py like Jared G was always available in our league saved my ass from going to Waffle House last but Kyler Murray like there were people drafting him and stashing him all year for what reason because he’s an electric playmaker the James Conor thing everybody’s ready to anoint Trey Benson like again when I do hits it’s like how soon can try Benson become rb1 I’m like well James Conor is pretty good he had a career last year no Trey we’ll see about Trey Benson though right by Halloween he’s gonna take over I’m like probably not like I could Envision a scenario in which James Conor builds off of the year he had last year has another really good season so you should probably draft him the Michael Wilson one let’s see that one more time though Damon the Michael Wilson one is probably outside of try bride the most egregious wide receiver 82 he’s like 224th overall 80 wide receiver 82 they’ve got Z Jones ahead of them guys guys I think what what you’re not realizing about this is sh don’t tell anybody we’re taking Michael wton in the in the 14th round listen I’m a homer I’m a fanboy I love this team we were not doing this last year with the Cardinals as it relates to no rankings we were sitting there and taking our medicine saying yeah it’s probably about right they got Co McCoy throwing them the ball and you know this this is this is an offense in transition Zack hers pray for your life if you’re drafting him like that that’s the kind of things we were saying check the tape I I’m telling you right now I think you’re going to get a good litmus test within this first month some of the defenses they face they expectation is they’re going to score a bunch of points and have a bunch of yards like where when are the Cardinals going to sit back and score under 20 points again it’s not happening you cannot take what they did last year outside of maybe at the end with Kye Murray when they’re cooking with gas in Philadelphia and they’re putting up nice numbers against the Seahawks like outside of those instances you just take last year and you throw it away from a a total team offensive production standpoint because when you don’t play the large majority of your season without your franchise quarterback he then comes back has did not have an off season and needs like four to six weeks to get cooking and then that’s what people are basing it all it’s like I’m sorry you’re paid to be smarter than this ESPN that’s that’s really bad it’s like you’re looking at the receiving stat you’re looking at the uh like the yards and the touchdowns but you’re just like you didn’t even look at the games played you didn’t look at the games started you didn’t look at the counts just like you you’re supposed to be the next level you got to help out you know the the person that’s not paying his close enough attention so so they can have a good fantasy team yeah I mean but when I look at this and I see Marvin Harrison Jr I see Trey McBride so you got mhj going in his rookie year you got Trey McBride going into the year three you got Kyler Murray uh poised to have you know in his prime and then you got like Trey Benson is like where do you think these guys can rank next year at this time oh man I mean like it would be a colossal you know let down of Marvin’s not a top 10 receiver which again like I I looked over the weekend he’s top 10 right now in certain instances has him as a top 10 wide receiver in fantasy I think if he’s not if he he can be anywhere from 12 to 10 next year yeah I think it’ be a mistake I think it’d be if we’re not sitting here seven eight or nine projecting then that’s that’s disappointing Kyler Murray I just I mean with firmly within the top 10 would be good but what I mean how do you feel like the trajection of Trey Benson is do you think James Conor a future year that’s my question for you well I mean it’s just seeing the writing on the wall taking Trey Benson 66th overall he’s you know fresh legs coming out of Florida State should you know get some opportunities this year but like year or two I think Trey Benson could be in a position to be immediately anywhere from like 20 to top 15 running back with as much as they run the football and then Trey McBride’s going to be top five like who are who are some of these other teams this is not good podcasting that is is ranked higher than Arizona with with PFF like you sent that Philly San Francisco are you talking about like usual suspects I’m gonna tell you right now all right so this is not good Niners Dolphins Eagles Bears Texans Vikings Lions I don’t have an issue with any of those Rams I I mean puka and Cooper cup what else do they have Cincinnati yeah Cincinnati’s fine they have korm Seattle’s fine Tampa Bay I’m gonna I’m gonna tell you right now I’d rather have Arizona’s receiving core than Tamp like in a year the Cardinals are gonna be ahead of them easily Tennessee yeah makes me sick I want to flip this table right now I love the new like Studio K I’m about to flip the table that Tennessee they’re nearly 10 spots ahead of the Cardinals who did on pay off this off seon to be elevated where he’s not taking shots left and right in the media will Levis DeAndre Hopkins Taj Spears was unwatchable last year unwatchable Calvin the the other like the alternative Tony Pard who is terrible Falcons is fine I have no issue with that God Dam it you want to add something I just I don’t think Taj Spears was unwatchable I thought he was pretty good hang on all right hang on T Taj he was just behind uh Henry yes Taj Spears okay maybe I was a little bit critical he was a rookie all this money for for some reason that’s crazy yeah okay Taj Spears has better numbers than I thought he had he averaged over four yards per carry for whatever reason I did in my mind that Taj Spears had like 2.5 yards per car last year maybe I drafted him as a handcuff to to Derk and for whatever reason didn’t work out he was not unwatchable thank you Damon for correcting me I Taj spear family members are watching I apologize I don’t understand why no one crushes the Calvin Ridley deal as much as like it was a nasty nasty deal they have Vegas they have the Las Vegas Raiders ahead of the Arizona Cardinals as a receiving to to Damon’s Point like Calvin Ridley had the quietest thousand yard receiving season like if you had him on your fantasy team like you look at the the cumulative stats you’re like oh he had a thousand yards but I didn’t win anything in fantasy because he didn’t have like big weeks he was not an impact receiver last year for Jacksonville and he got 90 million he’s just like I’m just here to get my 60 yards and maybe a touchdown I just need that that money to use on B MGM the Vegas ra I would I’d rather have the Cardinals than the Vegas Raiders I’d rather have the Cardinals than the can I mean would you rather have the chiefs receiving core or the Cardinals Patrick Mahomes would rather have the Cardinals no doubt no your only case against the cars is like you got Kelsey and peo P come on Pacho is fine he’s fine no I would James Conor they’re listing Hollywood Brown is the number one receiver for Kanas City it’s crazy Cardinals belong in the top half of the NFL yeah trayon Burks was my guy he’s there he could be cut this preseason MV they signed Tyler boy they have the all Steve K receiving Corp they have Tyler boy they have uh Calvin Ridley and they have DeAndre Hopkins for will L kicking the tires on all those guys like on paper it’s not bad as a three but like talk about old receivers in 2019 legit no youth on that at all no project projectability like just just old guys yeah Calvin Ridley has played in the league for five years he’s 30 yeah Jack Smith says it Hollywood Brown can’t get open I don’t remember any time outside of the maybe the Dallas game last year that he was open I mean the bride going off and taking you know he was the vocal point of the Cardinals offense and like you just couldn’t couldn’t find space for your for your ex Hollywood Brown wanted to stay here his best friend is the quarterback and the Cardinals were literally like we cannot pay him bare minimum money because he legitimately he’s I don’t even know if they view him as a starting caliber receiver in the NFL right he’s he he was a hamper to what they wanted to do he’s a losing football player like I’m sorry but he is I watched him all year last year he didn’t make one winning play that’s how I feel about Rond Del Moore I saw him hanging out with Mahomes and uh I think it was Mahomes and maybe Kelce at the in the at a Finals game H just yeah it’s already infiltrated like the crew the the Baltimore Ravens could not after a career year trade him fast enough what does that tell you they’re like get out get what we can we’ll take advantage of Steve K coward’s buddy I the Cardinals receiving Corp may not be the most established but you gotta love that it’s young it’s got a ton of Promise it’s cheap it’s inexpensive and it’s only going like this like I Marvin Arison Jr top 10 Receiver Michael Wilson you know how he feel he’s our breakout player of the year for this podcast Greg dor slept on Trey McBride a freight train from hell like this is this is if you’re a Cardinal fan this is the most exciting receiving core since Anquan Bal and Larry fer were here maybe an maybe Larry and Michael Floyd when Floyd had thousand yards like I see I see Green Bay and like I know Green Bay emerged last year youngest roster they make a division round playoff game they had the Niners on the ropes but like like Wicks and they I know they added Josh uh who’s the kid was it Josh Jones well they have uh Jaden Reed right yeah no but I’m talking in the Run game oh Josh Shob sorry apologies like and he got a big deal but I I think the Cardinals could have more upside offensively than that Dallas just has CD lamb like they have Turd Ferguson at the tit end position who made the Pro Bowl for Trey MCB they got got Brandon Cooks Zeke bro they got zek yeah they brought Zeke back in I can’t say anything bad about Brandon Cooks because Brandon Cooks at age 30 last year saved me from going to The Waffle House for and then the Cleveland Browns with like Amari Cooper’s good and joku is good but I I like the Cardinals upside if they get Nick chub back and changes things you’re forgetting that Jerry Judy was the move of the offseason B remember that from last week call back egregious uh Jets 19th one of the worst offenses in the league jets are 19th ahead of them the commanders ahead of them they the commanders yeah with Terry McClaren and and Johan doson I don’t want to be this person because you’re going to be I resp I respect the opinions that we that external analysts bring to our show we we’re very respectful of hearing outside noise I’m at the point where I hate the national media with this team I can’t listen to them talk about it we live this every day we analyze it paralysis by analysis we talk about it at nauseum and these people are so inept and ill-informed like put turn your brain I just want to be like turn your brain on to some of these people yeah Jerry Judy who’s hurt every other game Amari Cooper who’s my I’m 36 Amari Cooper is probably almost my age they David and joku off a career year let’s yeah I DeShaun Watson who Kyler Murray would smoke head-to-head now listen this breakdown of the commanders with they’ve got Jaden Daniels they’ve got tan mcen who’s a stud sure up I’ll let that slide he’s fine he’s a good receiver joh who was very underwhelming last year what’s his name Johan yep he wears leader hosen uh and then you’ve got Luke mcaffrey is a unique big slot receiver we’re talking about Luke mcaffrey as an option the 12th best receiver at the Senior Bowl this the Senior Bowl at the Senior Bowl like they had all the big name guys run routes and like oh don’t forget Luke he needs balls too you know whose his brother is though yeah I do yeah and then you got Z and sonat in the tight end room and Austin Eckler out of the backfield is a sneaky fun receiving Court ausler can’t move anymore we’ve established that like if if I’m a if I’m a higher up at PFF I’m reading that and I’m deactivating your key card you can’t come we need to get Daddy Trevor on this show and be like Trev I know you’ve gone hard during draft season you’re probably taking some much deserved time off check your staff what’s happening here get get this staff in order it’s almost as bad as when Jaden Daniels was going 25th in PFF mock DFT simulator we have to keep p on get Marv to fall to four J Daniel going to the Cowboys in the middle of the 20s Trevor can you fix that for us bro we’re the worst uh I love this team they’re gonna they’re gonna surprise a lot of lot of people this year but be be prepared until the season begins hopefully that you got to eat a big you know what sandwich with these rankings and these previews because it’s just I just I grew up thinking that a lot of people nationally knew where the end all be all knew what they were talking about and then the more we get into this and just like don’t meet your Heroes like they might know certain aspects of certain teams like I I believe the people that cover some of these huge Market teams like they keep them honest Dallas and Philadelphia New York we we do that here in Arizona people who are not in this market do not know this team at all it’s been proven unless you have TI and even if you have ties like Steve K you don’t know this team it’s tough man it’s tough out there in them streets Colin coward saying you wouldn’t believe some of the stories I’m sure like some of the horror stories or whatever was Michael Bidwell like banging on the door of the worm like don’t draft that linebacker 16th overall don’t draft him eighth overall what about your Horror Story Steve can we talk about stories you wouldn’t believe what I got away with doing for 10 years you wouldn’t believe some of these fat checks I got to cash right probably still get to cash you wouldn’t believe how they enabled me to do whatever wanted to you didn’t believe how many buddies of mine I got hired in The Scouting Department uh yeah it’s good stuff man I want to talk about training camp uh first I want to talk about desert Financial Credit Union uh their money for me and everybody else who knows how to up their financial Acumen that’s because desert financials the official Credit Union of the Arizona Cardinals phnx Sports and the venerable household it’s because for more than 84 years desert Financial has been Arizona’s largest most trusted Local Credit Union dedicated to creating exceptional experiences by giving back to the community and providing Financial Solutions that make lives better and again they can hook you up checking account they got it savings accounts mortgages credit cards you need a loan they can take care of you there how about investment options they got everything you need Under the Sun financially to be able to help you and your family plus if you’re an Arizona sports fan there is no better place to do your banking than desert Financial Credit Union the only place to show your team spirit every time you make a purchase with the exclusive Visa debit card represent the Red Sea Rock the Arizona Cardinal Visa debit card today open up a free checking account online get started at Cardinal to get started we had such a great time at chicken and pickle last week that you know people are Juiced up about playing some more pickle uh we’re starting a club around phnx uh we might be out there at any point during the week you got to check out their Glendale location yeah and check out more trivia opportunities as well it was unbelievably rocking success with our friends over at chick chicken and pickle uh loved it great food uh you can’t beat what was going on had uh some wings big old Wings whether they the the the wings are the flats the drums are the flats pardon me you had great beer great margs that night they were flowing Dam what did you have to eat I had the uh grilled chicken sandwich that was brined in pickle juice uh but also I’m I’m I got my eyes on that rotisserie chicken did you see that thing that they were I mean they just had it on the on the little steak there just kind of moving it all around and came with a serrano pepper it looked insane somebody a part of this company selfishly would not share their outstanding looking cobbler with me I tried to grab a spoon and just take a little dabble and they swatted my hand away the desserts you knew I’m a dessert guy uh looked fantastic at chicken and pickle last week yeah it was unbelievable able you got dips loaded tops uh tots and you also have pickle ball you got table games you got everything you could ever want in one place chicken and pickle in Glendale check them out chicken andp see all the fun you can have in their Glendale location you can uh also if you’re new to a pickle ball they got newbies night you can get a $10 chicken and pickle gift card so just show up to newbie night did you guys know that uh me Flex Michaela and totry closed that place down did you really oh yeah they kicked us they had to drag our bodies out of there were you just pickling you were on the court oh yeah we were playing all night long 9 to 9 to like 11:15 they closed at 11:00 and they were like all right guys you gotta get off the court actually it’s that much fun for 15 minutes they just heard the squeak of your tennis shoes in there just getting after it dinking and duning in there what do you know about pickle ball Johnny sport I dabble yeah I’ll do it what’s the strength of your game probably my my quickness my acceleration at the net uh put twitch ability my power you know it’s like when I I’m a halfback I hit the whole hard and then I you know cut to the sideline you got any finesse to that game you know what no I’m mostly all power all right sometimes people call me uncontrollable which I don’t know if that’s a positive or negative uh but you saw me I got third in our company pick aall event you did not place at that event a couple years ago I remember that so have my medal terrible Dam’s athletic is like he can get to any spot on the court I’m diving too that’s my biggest quality is is all I don’t really care about my body I care about the point I care about the team effort yeah for sure I that first half of that sentence I don’t care about my body that’s gonna be me Saturday during 9.99 I don’t care about my body I don’t care how I look I’m gonna do everything I can as YouTube user points out nine99 skills are the only skills I can think about right now you’re trying to talk to me about a different sport entirely I got my eye on the prize come this Saturday Chase Field I had uh like I said Johnny came over kids birthday party Damon you didn’t wanted no part of this it was just a bunch of adults with tiny little kids running around but everybody we told we informed that we were doing the 999 challenge they were appalled they’re like first why are you doing that and there’s no chance either one of you is coming close they weren’t just coming after me which was a nice change from the chat they were coming after the host uh Mr Man himself to the right no one thinks we can do it no one supports us our wives were disgusted with us yeah we are putting our bodies on the line our reputations maybe too for the 9999 challenge uh via the Discord Damon have you informed your family that you’re taking this on come Saturday I have they’re worried about me for sure they don’t know they think I’m gonna be a different man when I come back like a guy coming back from war yeah you won’t believe the things I’ve seen Johnny says his rep that reputations are on the line but I’d say that in his way it could be a positive thing right that’s what I mean I think it is a positive yeah No One Believes In you so the only there’s no way there’s no down from there there’s only up meanwhile Bo I mean he has to put in a hell of a performance Bo has the most to lose easily absolutely I just you know I’d be happy with if I got six that’s a performance that I would you know I would say I gave it everything I got today I have a regimen built out I don’t know about you guys come come about Friday morning until I arrive at Chase Field where I’m sticking to it it’s almost regimented by the minute and I know exactly what I’m eating what I’m putting in my body what I’m consuming and then I’m gonna mix in a couple hit workouts high high intensity interval training that are going to get me ready to go as it relates to okay I’m gonna look at these hot dogs as a hurdle I’m gonna look at these beverages as a hurdle as I make my Mark at Chase Field I was at uh dollar beard night at Phoenix Rising Tom Brady speech by the way yeah it felt like it yeah and uh I got you know I was getting some some $1 uh I won’t say the name of the beer no fre ads but uh yeah we were at we were getting dollar beer night and I was just pounding beers just in preparation for this trying to get them down as fast as possible you know just just look at the skill set you know yeah so in about what 110 minutes how far did you get well I would so I sat down at like the 30th minute and I’d say I’d say by like the 60th minute I had about four beers down so I mean that includes some halftime in there too 15 minute halftime so yeah that you’re on track yeah I was that’s that’s kind of what I was going for um Ryan H saying lay off the appetizers Johnny uh Chase saying we’re on your regiment Johnny I appreciate that chase saying you can do it we believe uh aie saying you better not go out by like big Dom I I have a number in mind that I want to hit just like d somebody like put his hands on somebody is that what it means going fight a family I’m gonna go after somebody’s [Music] dad I’m gonna well here’s what I am going to do I will have supplies on hand I will barbecue sauce on hand I will have Advil I will have Tums to be able to offset the stringent workload that I’m going to put my five six frame too um but yeah I think I think I’m gonna surprise some people this weekend I really do I think you two especially you’re gonna have a front row seat to probably one of the biggest Shockers in ph& exp Sports history why are you laughing he so motivational yeah we’re just gonna sit we’re gonna sit back as old men and just say hey tell us about 2024 Johnny venerable during the 999 challenge we’re just G be like it was special it was in the eye Bo do you have any strategy yeah I do uh I think my my emphasis is going to be on the dogs on the glizzies I think that I think the beers will be fine and I want to get I think if I do them in like three or four bites I should be all right you dip in water a little bit no that grosses me I’m a texture guy morning Prep Prep type of thing like maybe go on a run yeah I might have to get some exercise I don’t know about getting into the hit you know I’m not g to get into that part of the pelaton Rolodex but uh I I’ll get some sort of Johnny’s doing burpees in his in his living room I also think at some point I’m gonna want to stand up and eat while standing I don’t think I’m gonna be sitting very much during this event okay um and I know you know you you were nice enough to get the seats uh secure them for us today um and so we are not going to be in the nose bleeds which you know I’m excited about it but at the same time is like I don’t want families kids to see what’s going on with the three of us I you know sometime I need 11 first pitch against the Oakland Athletics I think we’ll be all right access to the concessions which is key it’s G be an early Friday night yeah get some good rest get your eight hours in hydrate that’s super important uh yeah but again we’re playing this up the only way you can keep tabs on the 9999 challenge you have to become a die at go this is a Die Hard exclusive event which means thankfully for your boys you’re not going to find a sniff of this on social media it’s not going to be streamed here on the YouTubes you got to find this content one place uploaded by your boys live and In Living Color on phnx Discord Cardinals videos updates photos whatever you want it’s all coming from the three of us not only at the event before and after so you’re going to know exactly where we stand otherwise you gota wait till Monday’s show to hear the breakdown you will not want to miss it plus we’re telling you right now comeing Die Hard taking the $99.99 challenge and then shop the number 18 collection get a free t-shirt from the number 18 collection which by the way are shipping right now I got my notification all three of these coming my way Bo I know you got notified they’re coming your way you can’t get a number 18 jersey for the Arizona Cardinals unless it’s discounted AJ Green but you can shop the 18 collection right now at the phnx merchandise Locker this is the best time in the history of the company to become a die hard in my opinion yeah you can’t beat it you you got great selection of t-shirts we even have the as you mentioned the the pH andx collection coming um you’re going to want to get in if you come and die hard you get your choice of a free shirt or hat from the locker don’t miss out on that plus you get that access to the exclusive member Discord free membership card you get the entrance to the uh you can get discounts on all events and then access to all our premium written content Craig Morgan’s already turning out some great stuff uh some pieces on some of these Arizona Cardinal players that you want to know more about beyond what we’re telling you on the podcast you’re only going to get access to all of it by becoming a die hard level access as becoming a DI hard member of phnx yeah Craig Morgan already Making Waves being uh suddenly quoted by Colin coward on his podcast which is Led off our show so uh we make headlines here at phnx Sports and we want to do it with you becoming Dar hard you will not regret it uh Christmas came early a little bit for Cardinal fans today Bo as you as well as many other members of the media announced training camp dates I was looking for The elusive red and white practice at headlines training camp taking place Saturday August 3D what more can you tell us I can tell you that my birthday brother and I Damon are probably gonna be struggling on that day uh for the red and white s uh scrimmage the day before is going to be our our bday birthday brother you guys share birthday yeah I don’t think I knew that happy birthday said I don’t care about your qualifications when’s your birthday he said August 2nd I said you’re hired wow that’s how he became the producer maybe we could all go out have some it was it wasn’t a long drawn out process or anything like that was pretty simple um they said what skills do you have and I said my birthday’s on August 2nd have an early August birthday okay glad I wasn’t included on those decisions just Dam make those decisions on their own we got nine practices open to the public starting on July 25th uh you’ve got the 25th 26th 29th 30th and then you dip into August get the 1st 2 third sixth and seventh and then they basically after that they’ll leave Glendale they’ll start pre-season action and uh have like joint practices and stuff but for the most part things will be done away from from Glendale so couple opportunities there including that red and white on August 3 there is one event it’s going to be on July 28th it’s going to be exclusive to season ticket me uh holders to where they can go watch the team practice and they’re really the only ones let into the into State Farm stadium that day what kind of environment will training camp be compared to last year that’s the question I want to know Bo Brock last year or the year before because the year the year before it was like it was Camp Country Club and then you know you had JG and his staff and Monty Austin for trying to identify you know who they could feel a football team that was going to be competitive and that bought into the culture and they you know obviously weeded people out but then this year it’s going to be ultra competitive it’s going to be you know players fighting for position who are going to be guys that are GNA help this organization take a step forward uh and and kind of maybe into these expectations to go from a four- win team to team knocking on the door of the postseason I remember watching training camp on the sideline with you last year and thinking about Marvin Harrison Jr and that was a year before they drafted him for about eight months I’m like man they could really use a player of his caliber and he was about to complete his junior year sophomore red season in Ohio State the Cardinals last year at training camp had Michael Wilson that was an attraction Trey McBride at time times and like James Conor and that was probably about it Hollywood Brown missed a bunch of time Colt McCoy couldn’t throw Kyler Murr wasn’t practicing I asked you that question just because we had I’ll just call it what it is we had a very neutered training camp last year remember we had Isaiah Simmons playing free safety was just it was like bizar World Cardinals and I’m like who who is this team like right who’s gonna be playing for this team and that’s why it was so refreshing to see dorch and especially Michael Wilson light it up it’s like okay there’s one guy we can saddle our hopes and expectations to this year it’s completely different it’s like K1 back Marvin in the fold Trey McBride Superstar like the star power on the field during training camp like I expect monster turnouts for these practices and rightfully so yeah Chase saying my birthday is 82 can I compete in the 999 challenge dam was hired right after that chase if you’re in the area come out to the to the ballpark on Saturday this this is good researcher by uh my uneaten steak my b day was October 28 2021 the alleged day how does he know that I mean Thursday Night Football I would guess where got AJ Green didn’t turn around got his jersey turned into a Marvin Harrison Junior won that day basically people are saying uh tip better not see you with the red and white practice JV tip wants to talk to Johnny tip is about three sizes of me I think tip needs to worry about you know producing on the the field I think he will uh I’m ready to come around I’m waiting for tip he doesn’t need to earn anything from me but I’m I’m waiting for tip Ryman to make plays so I can get excited about tip Ryman I’m not I’m not gonna sit here and walk back my opinion that I thought he was overdrafted we had his position coach on and we talked to him a couple weeks ago or about a month ago but I’m not I’m not here to anoint players before they do something yeah just just how things go I hope he’s a good player though yeah he’s not going to be able to really show off his skill set until they put on pads and they start hitting people yeah then he’ll become a really easy player to if he’s if we fast forward to sometime in September and he’s laying out Jared verse as a six lineman against the LA Rams and it bursts James Conor free for about 20 yards down the sideline I’m gonna be fired up about titim well be honest like if he hits the C Gap and blows up some four Stringer for somebody in preseason you’re going to be excited about that sure again preseason uh Saint you know what bag 199 Colin coward looks like he eats his steak well done yeah yeah Colin man catch up you know that show is almost unwatchable now if Colin turns on K1 because Jason McIntyre you’d be hard pressed to find a bigger hater of the C than Jason McIntyre right Jet’s going to the Super Bowl though Johnny I don’t know if you heard is that J Maxx take oh he’s the biggest Jets Homer in the world Damon outside of the teams within the Cardinal Division I don’t think I’m rooting for for a team to fail more than the New York Jets it’s gonna be electric when it happens it’s not even an if like Aaron Rogers getting hurt and that team imploding like I’m ready to laugh at them I’m ready to get that injected into my veins Sean here’s what I’m ready for and Bo that team to be terrible Cardinals trading a fifth round pick for Hassan reck at the trade deadline to help their playoff put that’s what I want all right the Jets being about one and six Cardinals beat their ass before you don’t think they make it harder by giving him a brand new like a big contract I think he’s isn’t he Holding Out for one isn’t he like cos playing in Japan have his money yet yeah he told them that he was gonna report to mandatory training camp and do all the team activities and like it wasn’t going to be an issue he they talk contract after this season and then it came time for that and he was like just kidding I want new contract I’ll be in Asia while I wait wait on it I love H come back Hassan electric that shows you though that’s Aaron Rogers leadership like Aaron Rogers like I don’t need to come to any of this so Hanan R’s like no me neither bye see you Robert S you joke of a head coach get me to jonan Ganon Hassan reck will be back you just watch we root for the we root against the Jets Hassan re will be back in Arizona you called it with Marcus goldon a couple years ago you’re GNA get it this get it right with us I called it was Zack her that was before you were here though I do pretty well mid-season trade predictions but yeah I gotta watch you know I gota see what where’s the pass rush coming from reck would have been had reck not been an eagle I think there’s a good chance Cardinals at least entertain it but there’s a big Hoy Roseman Block in the way and into a lesser extent big Dom Cardinals don’t want to deal with those CLS in Philadelphia had Hanan reic played for any other team maybe he’s a he’s a cardinal so now that he’s free again and he’s causing a stir with the jet maybe he becomes available again yeah you imagine if Austin Fort was like not doing not dealing with the Eagles big Dom pissed me off too much last season was watching those highlights of the Eagles game this morning just awesome you’re sicko I am you were kind enough you got my kid uh Darth Vader he got him a Darth Vader toy for his birthday I’ve been teaching him all about Star Wars give him all the Insight said this here’s this guy he’s the uh he’s the EMP can’t get through this he’s he’s the emperor of the dark side this is this is the guy he originated it incorrect all that what you just said not the emperor originate he started it yeah he said the most insane thing I’ve ever heard I think he mad mad seen from he had a run in with Obi-Wan that went arai and he said you know what screw you guys I’m starting the dark side it’s like when tries to talk about Battle Star Galactica and DWI over there going like this that episode from the office I know B knows that that’s not true and he’s just saying that to upset me tell him what else I got your son for his birthday oh you got him his favorite gift you got to me uh this one I can appreciate yes uh the Ghostbusters uh proton blaster that’s love it so much uh like rip it out of his hands before he goes to bed get go get that Slimer look at that Slimer in the backyard uh murv saying Johnny probably bought that Darth Vader for himself no but I do have several Darth Vaders displayed in my home or I didn’t even know I I was kind of concerned like I took it out of its box and was like oh [ __ ] was I supposed to do that or does he have to keep it in its box like his is he talking okay does it do the electronics work well yeah it’s got It’s got James Jones’s voice perfect that’s what we want St [ __ ] bag with any house of the Dragon thoughts uh bo and I were talking earlier today he’s a big S Christen Cole fan that’s his favorite character he wants to model his life after he’s the uh Cliff Kingsbury of the uh Game of Thrones Universe I’ve not seen the first two episodes so not n yet get on it thank you though I’ve watched I’m caught up on the boys caught up on reron uh but I’m not caught up on House of dragon we had a lot of family here in the month of June and then we got got our shows queued up yeah and somehow Bridgerton got moved up the queue has I hope I hope that’s that’s it’s Kelsey’s Choice it is absolutely yeah it’s it it’s an okay it’s one of those you know I’m on my phone while it’s on I’m not you know locked and loaded people are die you guys know have significant others out there that que queue up the old Bridgerton come on now the Bridgton Cinematic Universe BCU uh we’re fired if you got if you like what you see on this podcast how can you drop a like uh and if you want an extended look at your boys live and in person come to Miami with us does anything sound better than that I don’t think so that’s because via true fan travel myself bul Brock Damon dog the GM Saul Bookman and the rest of the phnx sports group is headed to South Beach Hollywood Beach Hotel on the beach all inclusive event the 25th through the 28th via our friends at true fan travel I’m talking direct flights hopefully from where you’re located uh trips to and from the airport how about a booze cruise how about an alumni event how about a tailgate event tickets to the game seated together October 25th through the 28th it is going down phnx Cardinals heads to Miami as Kyler Murray takes on Tua Marvin versus Tyreek Hill it is going to be a blast points will be scored Vibes will be had beverages will be consumed Damon dog wiing up somebody that weekend could be could be you out there if you’re watching the show right now we’re fired up in all seriousness bow and partner with our friends at true fan travel yeah you can’t get any better deal than our friends over at true fan travel taking out all the heavy lifting as far as you going and seeing your favorite team play on the road true fan tra Trant get in on our trip to Miami October 25th through 28th it’s going to be elite uh we’re gonna actually uh introduce you to some former Cardinals players we’re gonna hang out the entire time you’re GNA get sick of us but we’re gonna make some memories together uh down there in Miami Johnny myself Damon dog salul Bookman the GM I think Brittain Golden’s gonna be down there H cannot wait for this trip it’s going to be unbelievable our guy Saint [ __ ] uh can I read this one can we put it on the screen Christian Cole is a Munch who’s that butt munch maybe I don’t know this is the perfect show to be able to chren Studio K uh at phnx sports uh we’re having a blast hope all of you again become a die hard I cannot urge you enough you’re on the fence about becoming a Die Hard first of all let us know drop us a a DM our DMS are open by the way um pick up a free t-shirt from merchandise Locker the we’re we’re talking up this $999 challenge it is going to be worth the price of emission alone plus all the other stuff you get to become a die hard so again let us know become a die hard now I think we had somebody earlier in the show saying they became a die hard this off season and it’s some of the best money they’ve spent so we appreciate you tag us on Twitter with your Die Hard membership retweet immediate follow yeah brusi 523 let’s go you became and Di watching this offseason hands down the best list and watch for all things Cardinals we appreciate that and again I think we’re I I’m under selling it like when you become a die hard at go you’re not only becoming part of this community you’re part of phnx sports in general that means phnx hockey phnx Dbacks Suns everything under the sun Arizona Sports you’re a part of including phnx Cardinals B yeah it’s it’s unbelievable it pays for itself and uh you’re going to be part of something that we feel is really truly special here and uh kind of taken this Sports Market by storm something that people have been craving to have this community hang out and talk ball Puck whatever it may be you can do that only in the exclusive member Discord here on a daily basis phnx Cardinals and our other cast of shows here on the network make sure you subscribe to phnx sports here on YouTube you’re following Along on Twitter at Johnny venerable Damon dog boob Brock and phnx Cardinals if you missed the Zach gallon interview today check that out if you saw you got to be following our guy Craig S Morgan on Twitter for all the updates as far as this coyote Saga it’s all being reported and talked about right here at phnx sports we’ll talk to you guys tomorrow here on phnx [Music] [Applause] Cardinals like the May

Time to debunk LAZY Kyler Murray video game takes that undermine Arizona Cardinals QB offseason efforts. The NFL continues to devalue the Arizona Cardinals receiving core despite the drafting of Marvin Harrison Jr. Is Trey McBride ready to become the league’s next great tight end? Will Jonathan Gannon contend for coach of the year accolades this season?

Join Johnny Venerable, Bo Brack and Damon Dawg on Monday’s PHNX Cardinals podcast!

0:00 Intro
2:00 Cowherd talks Kyler on his podcast
15:40 Bruce Arians’s thoughts on Kyler
21:00 No more leaks from Cardinals organization
38:30 NFL WR core rankings
41:00 Fantasy football position rankings
52:20 Hollywood Brown wasn’t a fit
1:03:20 9-9-9 challenge THIS SATURDAY
1:12:15 Training camp preview

An ALLCITY Network Production

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  1. I heard his commentary on KM. I honestly lost my respect for this flip flop hitching his wagon to a disgraced general manager with an ax to grind. His ratings are tanking and he's resorting this click bait reporting. Sad. We'll do our debunking on the field gentlemen.

  2. You hear kiem sniffing before they talk about kyler over and over like he had some kind of drip from some kind of substance 😂😂

  3. You should get these guys on the show so that we can debate K1 and call them out on it 💪🏻

  4. THIS STAYS IN THIS COMMUNITY! Kyler does still game. Not nearly as much as he used to. But you know who he games with? Other All-Pro players. And we don’t hear a damn thing about any of them.

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