@Boston Bruins

Linus Ullmark dealt to Ottawa! Bruins Legend Mike Milbury Discusses the Return! || Greg Hill Show

Linus Ullmark dealt to Ottawa! Bruins Legend Mike Milbury Discusses the Return! || Greg Hill Show

is our guy Mike Milbury Michael good morning it’s a lovely morning isn’t it how how’s the cape summer going so far uh it’s the weather’s been just spectacular the last couple of weeks so it’s been and down here we got a good little breeze and I’m thrilled with that can you weigh in quickly on shime and the uh the breakfast did Courtney say something good about shye this morning did uh the breakfast ball besides pushing the buttons properly the breakfast the breakfast ball is it does not exist a it is a a a stroke is a stroke am I correct no not if you’re like my age and just learning to play you get you get one on every hole all right well uh how are you feeling uh in the immediate immediate aftermath of this trade I don’t think it was a steal by any stretch of the imagination they they they got a first round pick but when you’re picking 25 that’s a crapshoot and uh it it’s Hey listen it’s a chance it’s a lottery ball and go ahead and take it but it’s you know they also they had to eat some money Corpus solo I unless I miss my my reading glasses he’s got four more years on a contract that’s pretty healthy I know they that the Ottawa Senators took some money but the the other guy is a you know he’s a he’s Castell is is a fourth line player who who doesn’t skate very well it’s sort of a reaction to Florida being out musling the Bruins maybe a little bit and you know he could be okay in that role uh but uh it’s not anything to get particularly excited about so you know they downgrade their second goalie and they but he’s okay and they pick up a a chip with Castell who can play on the fourth line but needs to get get his wheels going a little bit better and um and they the dice with a first round pick and and that for you know after signing lenus hmark for nothing he was a free agent so I guess it’s a little bit of a bonus but it’s um it’s not a huge haul but wasn’t Don Sweeney in a bit of a pickle anyway because all Mark had to say and where he went you you couldn’t get that deal done based on his reluctance with uh La last year and so and you have a year left he’s only got a year left you you didn’t extend that so didn’t he get the best that he could have from the position that he was in yeah well the position he was in was the position he was in because he put himself in that he gave him half the league not to trade and and I guess La was one of the teams that he couldn’t trade him to so you got to live with that but that’s the price you pay when you’re dealing with a free agent you know you sell your soul to the devil when you’re trying to sign these guys usually overpay and and give them more protection than maybe they should have gotten but in the end listen it all works out I think Swan should be the number one guy Corpus solo is a certainly a good 1A 1B whatever you want to call him but he’s a you know he’s a seasoned professional and um I wish it was a little less on the money side and if I were one of the Bruins go Tenders in the organization I’d be not not particularly happy today Mike you saying that the backup it went down a little bit when it comes to talent but he is a season vet does it worry you at all that San’s going to be have to looking over his shoulder when it comes to yonas behind him no I I don’t think that’s going to be a problem whatsoever swan has got a Swagger about him and a confidence that I I love and I have for some time you guys have heard me talk about it and I think he’s he’s he’s earned the right to be the number one goenda solo is you know he’s going to be he’s going to be very functional as a as a backup and a guy that can play what 30 Games 25 30 Games whatever whatever they decide is the the approp R amount for for swayman to get not only playing time but rest and be ready for the playoffs I it’s it’s not a problem for me Mike when you look at this moving forward is the biggest thing for this Bruins team we kind of just been discussing it and free agency is offensive help or defensive help in your opinion uh for me uh they have to address the the Gap in the center position I mean listen zaka and Coyle played as well as they could play Under the circumstances trying to replace kie and and and and you know berson but they’re not they’re not they’re out of position they’re they’re they’ve been they were slaughtered in the wrong spots and they they did as much as they could possibly do well maybe zaka not quite as much in the playoffs I me finally scored a playoff goal but it it it it’s not ideal when those guys are playing in slots that they shouldn’t be playing in so the number one pick for me is that finding somebody to play in a top Center position that can distribute the puck and play in his own Zone as as well so I think offense for me but one thing they did do and and I think was needed to be done uh is they hired a defensive coach and Jay leech who’s you know didn’t have a prolific you know NHL career but has done very well as a minor league coach uh he needs to find a way to Corral Charlie McAvoy who was all over the place during the playoffs and and and and I love him uh his talent is great his his lateral Mobility is tremendous on the blue line he needs to shoot a little bit more but he needs to get his game under control and and the other thing I’d say to the Bruins or Jay leech is go out and find a good shoe store with really stiff shoes and find a way to to practice kicking somebody in the ass because that’s what they need to do with lindol that guy should be a really solid player but he comes in like it’s just another day at the beach and you know that’s good if you’re living on Cape Cod but not if you’re playing for the Bruins and lindol needs to wake the hell up what is it with you and shoes that’s a good question about keeping the feet comfortable yeah that’s right um so Wiggy has a big issue with Conor McDavid being given the con Smite last night I I agree you do do I I agree where was he last night this is the biggest game maybe you know decades in the National Hockey League and you know there were a couple of quick flashes he and dry Sidle were shut down I mean I I give Florida Credit they you know we talked about their Relentless checking and it it finally reasserted itself last night and I guess you got to give the coach as well as the players some credit um they came back and trust me when you’re you’re up 3 nothing and you’re all of a sudden facing elimination as well as a championship the heat is on and you know they wound up doing things that they were doing early in the series and and in the playoffs that made them so successful uh but Hey listen McDavid was great for for three games but there were four games when he wasn’t so good and I I I mean I I certainly wouldn’t have given him the MVP and I don’t like giving the MVP to a player that’s on the losing side to be honest with you I mean boski was pretty good don’t you agree he was pretty outstanding he had some moments you know that were not so good and by the way speaking of not so good moments the winning goal was a was a disaster for Edmonton the the the first of all don’t blame it entirely on the goenda you can blame significantly on it kulak the defenseman backed in scared to death couldn’t stay up they had four Defenders back Edmonton did to three attacking players from from the Florida side and the and the defenseman backed into the you know the lower part of the circle and gave him unbel gave a good goal scored unbelievable opportunity and you know if he if he can recover from that God bless him cuz I don’t think I could it was it was just a disastrous play by him and decision by him he was so indecisive so so lacking in confidence when you when you have a player like Reinhardt you want to stay up near the top of the blue line and force him to make a play from outside not not let him drift into the middle of the the shooting zones and and and snipe a shot like he did and and yeah the goal tender was at fault as well no doubt about it know knowing the Jacob’s family as well as you do do you think the Celtics winning banner I don’t know them that well and I don’t want to but the Celtics winning at all does that put any added pressure on them when it comes to to you know to spending and doing what they need to do you know I I I don’t live in the ri billionaire Heir but I don’t think there’s any pressure on any of the Jacob’s people I mean I’m sure Charlie wants to win he’s got some good people around him and they spend to the max um doing the best they can but pressure I you know I don’t think they’re going to feel that I think they’re I think Cam Neely and Don Sweeney feel pressure that they want to get back to where they well not shouldn’t say get back to where they were they’re still in a pretty good spot but they want to get back to another championship and I I think they’re going to feel some heat on themselves that’s what they are competitors and I think they they know what they need they made the deal for olark I think it’s going to open the doors for Swan to be a better golender than he he already is and I think they know that they have to find a way to get a Quality quality centerman or two uh whether it’s via the draft which is a crapshoot at 25 as I told you or certainly uh inat could be a guy that they count on I’m not sure I would be counting on them but certainly in free agency if they can do it or via the trade route which is you know they don’t have that many assets to deal with now uh Mike you’ve been in many different organizations you’d be well suited to answer this do we overstate that owners really do care at any part of any hockey team or you know how rare is a guy like Wick that seems to genuinely just want to do it to win you know what I it’s a it’s a good question I think they all want to win they all want to win for ego I don’t think many of them understand what goes into winning they certainly not many of them have played not many of them have coached or managed uh but they know what they they’ve done in other businesses and sometimes that’s a good thing and sometimes a bad thing I think the commitment to give the people that you hire the resources uh in order to get the job done is the as Paramount and certainly the Celtics have done that and I can’t say that the Bruins haven’t done that for for the last while they’ve given they as said paid to the cap and and hired some good people to to work for them and you know I I’ve got no complaints I can’t speak to the the Red Sox and their squirrly owner but I you know I mean I just and and crafts have have been in pretty good spot for a long time and now they’re they’re going to have to find their way out of this mess when it comes to Bruins fans any comfort in the fact that you were eliminated by the eventual Stanley Cup champions yeah yeah I felt felt that way before since I’ve been I close to the Chalice many times but never able to grab it uh and it feels good for a little while and then it still sucks all right Mike so you give what do you give this uh this trade a b a c what what’s the grade you I I guess I’d give it a a b minus I was hoping for something better I was hoping you know they would grab a nasty defenseman along the way or some something like that uh I I’m not a big believer that this pick is going to turn any turn into anything but you know you never know so I’d say be minus be at best okay all right that’s Mike Milbury

No more goalie hugs?! Linus Ullmark dealt to the Ottawa Senators! Bruins legend Mike Milbury joins The Greg Hill Show to discuss the trade! Did the Bruins get enough of a return? What does Milbury think about Connor McDavid winning the Conn Smythe even though the Oilers lost? The Greg Hill Show!

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© Nick Turchiaro-USA TODAY Sports


  1. A minor league talent at goalie and center, no cap relief and a late 1st?! 😂 Literally ANY of the other offers would have been better. If we dont trade the guys we just got (id take 7th rounders) we are back in cap jail…

  2. Here’s what I’m gonna say I liked ullmark but he was injury prone. I think Korpisalo putting on a bruins uniform is going to be a lot better for him. Plus maybe will get to see a side out of him that the senator fans didn’t get to see

  3. Absolutely embarrassment. Sweeney should be fired.
    The only thing worse would be to hire Mikbury as coach.

  4. totally agree with Milbury on Lindholm. he is just there collecting eight million a year. there is not a team in the NHL would touch that contract. Lindholm is still owed around 50 million. even with the bruins retaining money. Lindholm's non-movement does not kick in until 2027-2028. Lindholm has the talent to be a to 10-15 Defenseman in the league.

  5. Don't like seeing Ullmark leave. There must be something going on in the locker room. No disrespect yet no way in hell Jeremy is the future of the Bruins.

    We've got another Tuukka Rask on our hands.

    He's going to always be the bridesmaid never the bride
    Not an elite goalie on a Stanley Cup winning team.
    He's too short, they've been fudging his height for a few years.

    Swayman has been ripping off Tom Brady's approach to Robert Kraft.

    So let's see how many years he can take those ADHD meds at that level. Look at his interviews during the playoff series

    Then look at his interviews previous.

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