@Columbus Blue Jackets

Torg and Elliot Waddell interview?

These guys are referencing an interview they supposedly did with Waddell this morning that I cannot find anywhere- did anyone hear it?

About 12 minutes in they start discussing how during the interview Waddell told them that Priest made it very clear that this is a retool and they are in win now mode and he (Waddell) told the plan was to start trading off our young players for a more veteran roster.

This is not the impression I’ve gotten at all from what he’s been saying, and I’m not able to find this interview from this morning anywhere. If this is what he said, this is concerning.

by Seattlekrakenlegend


  1. NontransferableApe

    Well if that’s true it furthers my thought that priest ALSO needs to go. It’s also torg so grain of salt

  2. tribucks

    Adding vets is fine, but trading off young guys guts the depth an org needs to make a run and it also depends on which young guys. Vets replacing guys like Bean and Boqvist? Great. Vets replacing guys like KJ or Marchy? Dumb. I trust Waddell to know the difference.

  3. Waylander2772

    I listened to most of the interview and I didn’t get the impression that his intention was to trade off all the young players for veterans, but rather that adding a few key veteran players would help make the team more successful. I don’t think he thinks as highly of some of our younger players as the fan base does and I think he feels a lot of them need to spend some time in Cleveland before getting a regular spot in Columbus. I don’t think he wants to trade away players as much as start them in Cleveland and make them earn their spot.

  4. joe_lmr

    How many sidekicks has Elliott had since Wags retired?

  5. joe_lmr

    I’m not believing it until Common Man rants about it

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