@Boston Bruins

Did Bruins Get Enough For Ullmark? | The Skate Pod, Ep. 326

Did Bruins Get Enough For Ullmark? | The Skate Pod, Ep. 326

welcome into episode 326 of the skate podcast I am Brian D fiz joined by Bridget pru and Scott mcclaflin the NHL season has officially come to a close with game seven concluding between the Panthers and the Oilers the Panthers obviously winning the Stanley Cup in game seven um but first and foremost there’s major Bruins news to get to regarding their goal tending situation so let’s get right into it the Bruins have signed Brendon busy to a uh onee two-way contract obviously yeah that’s not the major news although that is ACC SC started the day though Scott what did you tweet and I thought it was the most sarcastic thing about Brendan busy was like well one one piece of the or one major piece of the goalie puzzle or something and I was like that’s I didn’t say that wasn’t sarcastic at all I didn’t say major you add that I just read everything you write as if it’s said sometimes I’m actually not being sarcastic believe it not no I just said it was one piece of the of the goalie puzzle which I mean so yeah I mean the Brandon buy thought he had wide open Lane to the back of goalie job and then all a sudden Here Comes yonas Corp pasalo to block him up right right so yeah obviously the major news that you know what we’re referring to is uh lenus Mark has been traded to the Ottawa Senator so Bruns trade allar to Ottawa for a 2024 first round pick 25th overall uh yonas corpos solo who has four years left in his deal but Otto is retaining 20% of his of his $4 million cap hit so the Bruins are getting him for $3 million and Mark Castell who’s about a he’s a fourth line Center um for 875 he has one year remaining on his deal so guys there’s a lot there’s a lot to break down the consent amongst Bruins fans is that the Bruins lost this deal and I think generally speaking at face value they did however I think what’s important to note here is that if you’re the Ottawa Senators you currently only have the rights to Lena alark for the final year of his deal and without a contract extension in place it seems like that may have mitigated the return for the Bruins yeah and and by the way so we’ll all state what we I guess who we thought won the trade eventually at at later in the podcast once we kind of go through this a little bit but uh I I think there’s something that you have to distinguish between like did the Bruins get enough versus did the Bruins get the right pieces right like did they get enough like was that a fair value forar and but also was it something that is going to help the Bruins in the long run was it what they should have targeted um so like those are two different halfs of two different questions you have to ask yourself about um how it went down I personally think that they got enough in return like that was fair based on the fact that allar didn’t extend his contract before leaving I think to be honest it seemed to me like omark just really didn’t want to go so he was going to try to make it as hard as possible for them to get rid of him and uh this kind of was the the option they were left with so for dealing with what they what they had I think it’s a a good deal based on the situation that the brons were in but was it what we were expecting I mean we heard chian being the name passed around and then um when we find we get the final look at the deal it doesn’t include Chan at all it includes you know a goalie for a goalie Bruins get a first round pick back they get cleik who’s uh you know he’s a 10-point scorer last year but he’s you know he’s more of a depth forward tough guy and yeah they were looking for that too so I think if you look at it as lenus alar as a rental because he really is he’s only on the last year of his deal like if you don’t extend him then did you really want to waste a first round pick on a guy that’s going to be there when your team is still not ready to win a Stanley Cup this next year um so I think you could look at it I think that that Senators fans probably look at it as a stupid trade too because they might have thought that the first round pick was more valuable than a guy that’s only going to be around for one year yeah I think I’ve seen a little bit of push back from cers fans I was like looking through a little bit of cers Twitter and some comment sections on on Ottawa articles and but I think most of them like it I I think it’s we put up a poll and it’s well like 80% said the Senators won so our our followers clearly weren’t big fans of what the brunes got in return um it seems like percentage fans is probably the inverse of that like 80% probably think their team won it and are happy with it and maybe 20% are pushing back um that’s it we’re a Bruns podcast and I don’t really care what the cers think of it um I don’t like the trade I it they got significantly less than I expected and I always thought this idea that they were gonna get a top 10 pick or they’re gonna get CH and the first rounder like we talked about those I always thought that was far-fetched so I wasn’t expecting that but I didn’t think you were gonna have to take on Jonas corpus’s contract even at 75% that’s it’s a lot like he had a bad season and he signed for four more years that is not a good contract like I honestly would have thought the Senators would have needed to give up a first round pick just to dump that contract like that that’s kind of been the going rate to dump bad contracts the few years back the Maple Leafs gave up a first round pick to jump one year of Patrick Marlo um just the last year of his contract like so it’s it’s surprising to me that the brunes had to take on corpus’s contract just to get the first round pick and for it to be a late first round pick like it doesn’t I get that the brunes are in a bit of a bind and without elar having an extension in place there was only so much you’re going to get there’s no question that killed the return to to an extent um but I listen maybe it is the absolute best they could have done obviously we’re getting low on time here before the draft on Friday night and free agency on starting on Monday so there there was a crunch and eventually you you know you do have to crap or get off the pot but I just I just CLE that up for us yeah I just I just expected more is all like I ultimately I don’t really think they got Great Value they didn’t you know if you’re if you’re taking on Corpus Sola I would have expected more in return than than a late first round pick yeah and and that’s that’s the big part of this deal that is a sticking point for the majority of Bruins fans and I believe all of us on this podcast included I hate the corus solo piece of it because if because the Senators had two first round draft picks right so they kept their they still have the seventh overall pick so you know if the Bruins couldn’t get an extension in place you know sign it you know sign an extension and then trade that to Ottawa so that Ottawa has the Assurance of all Mark’s availability for Beyond just one year then if you can’t accommodate that for Ottawa then fine I understand okay fine well here’s our 20 here’s our 25th overall pick but you’re not getting our seventh you know I get I get that consolation but Scott to your point to to have I don’t understand why they had to take on Cor BR solo unless odwa was like you’re not getting anything from US unless you take him on in which case it’s like all right well you know part of part of a major part of moving on from allmark is also cap alleviation and you just you know you just bit into half of that now right I mean you got rid of omark’s $5 million capit well here comes Corpus Sola for three so it’s like you didn’t even you didn’t even get you know not only did you not get a major NHL asset in return back or a higher draft pick back but even the whole cap alleviation aspect you have you know you’ve mitigated by by you know about half and so you know even more if if you if you add in if you add in Castle like at 865,000 the Bruins in the end saved 1.65 million against the cap yeah so I guess the question is if you’re if you’re Brew as Bruins fans um and if you’re the Bruins would you have just rathered held on to Omar and kept that goie TM intact for another year I still I still would have moved on because you’re still getting some alleviation back and you are getting back into the first round and while it’s not the seventh overall pick I would have hoped for in this deal for all mark it is still a first round asset which you can potentially try to package and move up or Bridget as you mentioned about a month ago can you use a first round draft pick in a package now to go out and get a number one center from a team that we publicly just don’t know has a number one Center available so and and also as far as corpas solo goes like it’s also tough because I’m kind of trying to reserve judgment until draft weekend comes and goes and free agency comes and goes to really assess it because I don’t know if they have something else up their sleeves right so it’s tough to totally assess the situation but what I do know is that the Bruins enter free agency with just under $24 million in cap space right now and they enter a draft weekend with a firstr draft pick so had you not moved all Mark yeah you’d still have a little bit you know a good amount of cap space you have a little bit more now and a first round pick so I understand people being upset with it but I just think it’s it’s it’s not as black and white As It Seems yeah I’m still kind of waiting too like I’m reserving judgment a little bit as well because I actually think they will flip part of this deal I think there’s like I mean and I heard Razer talk about it too like there’s a there’s a possibility for them to flip the pick to get someone that they that they want and the pick can go you can trade the pick to anyone um it’s not like omark with his uh no trade list that only half the teams can can even be bidding for it um so you have the pick that you can flip if you want if you want a real player now if you want to be aggressive right it depends how aggressive they want to be do they have someone at 25 in the draft that that they’re really like sold on that’s GNA be like no there’s no way to be sure about a 25th overall pick so maybe it’s more valuable for them to flip it there’s also a chance they could flip Corpus solo um not sure exactly how many teams would be open to that but uh I think that we’re where we differ in a in our opinion about the return is that obviously on the the Bruin side of things they have that value for corbas solo makes sense to them right like three million is what they value him at and they’re they were happy with the deal I think they think he can be fixed they think the stats can get better um kind of just trying to reclaim someone and get his career back on track and knowing that he’s not your starter he’s your backup and he’s um not going to going to have as much pressure as he had on him he’s not going to have as terrible of a defense in front of him as he did in Ottawa so there’s sort of this okay our goalie coaching system is a system that can maybe maybe he plays here for a year his stats are great flip him then like you know like there’s some sort of an idea like look what they did with allmark they sent him as a free agent they you know they got him just for his contract and then they were able to flip him for a first round pick and another goalie and um you know a depth forward like you you signed a guy you made him look good and then you were able to get value out of it where really he was just a free agent to come in with so I that you got to look at it that way too I think if you go back further to how the Bruins even got allmark in the first place it doesn’t look like such a bad deal well no yeah I mean that that is a it’s a crucial part of this like you do have to rebuild Corpus solo for this to to to mean anything um you know he look there’s a reason he got a fiveyear $20 million deal in the first place he had a really good 2022 23 season split between Columbus and and Los Angeles signs that deal with Ottawa and has just an awful first season like legitimately just one of the worst goalies in the NHL among 54 qualified goalies who played 25 or more games he ranked 51st in save percentage 37th in high danger save percentage 53rd and goal saved above expected and like goal saved above expected takes into account team defense chances against all that like it yes he still probably suffered from playing in Ottawa but like even his numbers just outside of that weren’t good but he also suff the year before though so if you can get him back on track if goalie Bob can work his magic which we’ve seen him do with all kinds of goalies over the years um then then $3 million a year doesn’t look bad whether you’re keeping him or flipping him like then Jonas coras solo is a solid NHL backup not really getting overpaid like I I heard I heard Razer on on gesan forier a little before we started recording and he he likes the trade and he’s been admin like he said this even back on Sunday skate um during the season when we when we you know start looking ah heads of the offseason a little that he thought he was adamant that the Bruns were gonna sign a veteran no matter what and he thought that was going to come in around two million so okay if you’re one million more than that and you get Coral’s game on track suddenly that doesn’t look unreasonable at all but you have to actually do that like he can’t just suck again I guess the question I’m sorry Bridget I think there’s a little bit delay you can go ahead yeah just just real quick one of the other things Razer said about uh Corb pasalo was that in Ottawa he was the only guy so when he would he would have a game where he’ give up eight goals he’d have to come in the next night like there was no relief for him there whereas it’s not the same kind of system he’s going to be in in Boston yeah and I would also say that the same advantages that Corp bralo would have in Boston which is their coaching staff with you know Jay leech and goalie coach Bob asza and a strong defense structure and system which Scott like you mentioned online wasn’t what it normally is last year but the same advantages that corpos solo would have that I just mentioned so would Brandon busy if he were there like like he would have those same advantages for himself he would have that same Personnel that same system that same structure so I guess the question for me is is the difference between Corpus Sol as a backup and bus busy or Kaiser or whomever is it that much of a difference to justify the cap hit variance of you know um whatever it is uh just south of $2 million or whatever it is um so that that’s my question and and if it’s not that much of a difference then why are we doing it and maybe the answer to that question is we couldn’t get a first rounder from Ottawa if we didn’t take on Corpus solo so we just don’t know what’s going on in these negotiations and I think what’s also interesting is that this 25th overall pick that Boston just just acquired from Ottawa was originally Boston’s so it’s a bit of a revolving door I think it I think it was uh traded for maybe berzi or something like that yeah for Tyler bzi yeah Bruins traded it for Tyler bzi and then Detroit flipped it to Ottawa for Alex to Brink it um yeah I mean listen I think it’s it’s the last thing you said they they didn’t get Corpus Solo in this trade because they wanted him they got him because they wanted the first round pick and taking corpal was the only way to get it so to answer your question no I don’t think there’s enough of I’m not sure corpal is even going to be better than than Brandon busy or Michael DP or whoever um certainly not for the salary difference but I think what’s what’s somewhat surprising to me and probably surprising to a lot of fans is that Don Sweeney prioritized getting a first round pick over freeing up five or four million or whatever like he prioritized the pick more than the cap savings pretty clearly like that was the choice he made because he could have the other way to negotiate it would have been we’re not taking Corpus but we’ll take a second or a third round pick instead or whatever it might have ended up being and then that’s prioritizing the savings saying we want the money because we’re going to go out and spend in free agency clearly they really wanted to first round pick whether that’s to make the pick themselves or to use in a trade to go acquire a a top six you know top six forward or Center whatever it is they’re targeting um you know personally I I I think they might hang on to this pick I think they’re they’ll be willing to trade it if the right deals there but I also think getting back into the first round and getting a higher end Prospect I do think is really important to them and they’ve wanted to do when you look at they haven’t had a first round pick in four of the last six drafts this would have been five of seven uh they haven’t had one the last two years they didn’t have a pick in the first two rounds last year this year without the steal they wouldn’t have had a pick in the first three like there was about to be a very big gap in their Prospect pipeline of highend talent after your laori lysel padra you’re going to be going on like two to three years without first or even second round talent and that is that is tough like that makes it hard going forward so I think there’s I actually think there’s a really good chance that they just hold on to this and make the pick or maybe even try to find some package where they move up further in the first round um and you know I have I think what we might do a little more Draft preview stuff you know moving forward I have kind of a list of of targets already but I do think there’s some intriguing players that will be there around 25 and I know that l in the first round is always going to be a little bit of a crapshoot but as I pointed out and others have you got David Pak at 25 it’s not impossible to find difference makers there like it’s it’s unlikely but it’s not impossible yeah no it’s true I I because now like I had texted you guys earlier in the week like hey do we want to do a Draft preview and Scott was like not unless they have a first round pick and now all of a sudden it’s like okay we’re probably going to do a Draft preview um like episode on Thursday or you know U if we can because if they haven’t traded the pick by then uh because there are a lot of interesting names there in that order and there’s actually like I’ve been talking to people that I know through Hockey East because there’s a lot of Hockey East commits uh that are right in that range between 20 and 30 uh and so uh definitely some interest there and some excitement and then if they do draft someone like that like Bruins fans can watch them play maybe at you know VC or but that that would be not what Scott wants but uh well I just wanted while we’re here I’m sad to report that this actually is Bridget’s last podcast with us D Sweeny is hiring her he he heard Hockey East Intel and he was like Gotta Have It you’re in no I really have been texting people try to try to like get the scouting reports that the like they got on these guys to get them to want to sign them at at their colleges or to bring them in at their colleges um which obviously would be probably very similar to what Don Sweeny would be looking at GMS would be looking at um that kind of same Scouting Report uh to bring them in to on draft day so um it is interesting and and it is always nice for me I love watching prospects and because I see them all the time doing what I do with Hockey East so um kind of Two Worlds Collide when the have prospects that we can follow in college hockey but um I also would be happy if they flipped it though and I always felt like this omark deal was just the first move like it was part one of what always was supposed to be a two-part move because I think that they have a team that like I think they have teams that they’ve talked to that might be interested in that first round pick and uh in whether or not the Bruins have to add something else to it um remains to be seen But there are rebuilding teams that find maybe more value than the Bruins do in that 25th overall pick this season and there’s a chance that the Bruins this was just step one in a two part more aggressive offseason uh move that involved lenus olar yeah and and by the way for people watching or listening Brian Frozen has now hopefully temporarily departed us if he’s able to return um hey guys’s back I miss uh yeah I mean look like I said like I I do think the Bruins really value this pick as well so I don’t think they’re just going to like immediately be eager to flip it right away in a trade but certainly it it gives them another key asset for any potential trade talks uh um you know we we mentioned Brian mentioned you know they they now have about 24 million in cap space seven seven to eight of that probably is going to San so that brings you down to 16 to 17 I think we all agree they need two top six forwards it doesn’t seem likely that Jake deusa is going to be back it looks like he’s going to end up going elsewhere so ideally you get a top two Center and a scoring top six Wing if that’s through free agency that’s the rest of your cap space right there like that’s costing you at least 16 to 17 million to sign those two players so yeah can you look you know instead of getting into those bidding wars does it make more sense to look at trade possibilities is there someone who has a cap hit a little under that that makes it you know easier to accommodate that under the cap like someone retains salary like all that stuff is now in play and having a first round pick helps I know there’s there’s kind of varying degrees of of what PE what value people are placing on this draft there’s there’s some thought out there that there’s a pretty big drop off after about the top 15 there’s other people who think there’s going to be first round talent that carries over into the second round so um you know the I think this kind of every year this sort of differing range of opinions on how good or not good a draft is um like I said like Justin you know I’m not I’m not one of these draft people who’s like watching hours and hours of video and scouting hundreds of players but you know I I do my homework like I I have a little bit of an idea about these guys who are GNA be in that range and there’s interesting players there to me like I you know are any of them True Blue Chip Bonafide future top six players no because if they were they’d be going in the top 10 but are there you know skilled players with the upside with different you know valuable traits and skills yeah definitely yeah but you know what though it’s interesting because conceptually yes they’d be going in the top 10 but again that’s what makes that’s what makes the NHL draft so fascinating is that you just never know and Scott you mentioned it earlier the last Bruins draft pick that was 25th overall was David pasak and he turns out to be one of the Premier goal scorers in the world and and eventually will be the greatest goal scorer the franchise has ever had and somebody uh reached out to me or or asked me on Twitter how how passion that could have fallen so far in a draft and you know the answer is because you people sometimes forget that when you’re being scouted and drafted most kids your age are still in science class and graduating high school and when you’re 16 17 18 years old uh you just you you develop physically and mentally at different rates and it’s really tough to to predict um how certain players will develop um in both those categories and also teams are drafting oftentimes on need right so but to your point Scott about uh you’d be a top you know top 10 pick most likely if you were a top six player yes most often times but then again the core of the Bruins top two centers for the last two decades almost berson and Cree fit that mold and and neither one was a first round pick at all so you just truly never know and I think this yes the percentages would tell you the higher in the draft the probability is better I’m just saying you just never know right um but there’s plenty of bus in the top 10 too like there’s PL there’s been plenty of us absolutely absolutely just a few just a few years ago the same draft you took lysel like we’ve talked about this the Dallas Stars found what certainly looks like a number one Center in Wyatt Johnston in the 20s listen like yeah the brunes pass on but so did 20 other teams if if any of them thought he was going to be a number one Center he’s going in the top five like forget top 10 he’s going top five yeah obviously there’s a reason he dropped people didn’t really think he had number one Center upside turns out he did like within a year or two years he was in the NHL in producing so yeah and it’s tough to tell for teams because again you’re judging 16 17 year old prospects and then drafting them at 18 right like it’s well you’re you’re not even able to see them play in college most of them like yeah only the very the kids that are playing very very young in college like Ma and celebrini are the ones that you like they drafted Jeremy San before he ever stepped on the ice at Maine like they’re drafting kids that are committed to college not actually playing so you can’t see them against bigger guys guys more their age um you’re watching what what you can get it’s not always easy it’s easier now than it used to be um but it’s not always easy to get your hands on the you know as much Intel as you might like and and even exactly and you and these these teams these Scouts they make decisions based off of the information at hand and a lot of that is um you know how many points did they put up in in their respective leagues but even then you could have a player who put up a 100 plus points in their Junior League or whatever but they’re playing amongst kids that are you around their age and still developing so it it’s you just don’t you just don’t know but guys I have a question for you um because I do think that the next few weeks are going to be some of the most uh fascinating um offseason weeks I can remember in probably since maybe you know you know maybe when they brought in you know Char and Savard because now they have the money to try to actually truly replace talent-wise um their former top two centers or at least one of them and you know I I know you said you didn’t like the you didn’t like the allmark trade Scott or at least the return but whether or not the Bruins use that 25th overall pick to select somebody themselves or they find a way to package it before we even know that that answer understanding you didn’t like the return would you still have made that trade I personally would have because I I just think I you still have to optimize the assets that you have andark has one year left and he’s not the future like I I still would have done it would you guys have still done it even if you didn’t love the return Yes and I I actually might have been the highest of the three of us on this trade because I I thought of it in the back of my mind this whole time as knowing you’re going to lose him for nothing and trying trying to get something for him and you know it might make your your cap situation a little bit uh you know not alleviate as much space as you want but uh I I think that the understanding is that you know the cap is going to go up like the over the next few years and and that you have to get whatever you can for him and and he hindered your ability to do that with his uh no trade list and and with the not signing the extension so you had to get what you could get and there wasn’t enough room for both of them to be on the back end unfortunately I think a lot of people that are listeners to our podcast that are that watch the Bruins love the goalie hog they love the Tandem and so it was kind of a sad day for for fans in general so it was almost like an emotional response immediately and that’s probably why we had such a a heavy like 80% did not like the trade because I think a lot of people just like the goalie Tandem and really have um placed high value onar because was a former vno winner with I like I don’t even think it’s that so much I think a lot of fans knew and accepted that he’s going to get traded I I think it’s the return like and it’s specifically it’s Corp pasalo I just think people rightfully in my opinion hate that contract and hate having him locked in for four years like it’s if you don’t turn his game around like that is rough but would you rather them have not got anything for him had him here the whole season and locked up most of them like locked up way too much money in goal tending and um you know not address first of all a need I to add a prospect potentially or uh have another forward that you either trade the pck for or get in free agency and you have the c space floor like I think that people would have been angry as well if they didn’t get anything and they like I don’t know if running it back was a great idea but here’s the thing like we’re we’re saying oh they would have had way too much lock in go well now you’re still going to have 11 million say San comes in at eight you’re still going to have 11 million locked in where so you could have had 13 million spent on the best goalie tandem in the league with the $5 million part of that being a former VZ winner two years ago versus now three million of that being spent on who was the goalie who was arguably the worst in the NHL last season like so I don’t I I guess what I would say is I would rather spend 13 million on swinging in elmar than 11 million on sing in Corpus so so that makes total sense Scott and and I I very much understand that and I respect where you’re coming from I think ultimately it’s as we speak right now on on June 25th less than 24 hours removed from the trade I do think it’s too early to tell because what because what you’re what you’re saying Scott is if you just rather pay allar and Swan for a little bit more but have that you know Elite tandem as opposed to still spending on corpor solo and lessening your Tandem and still paying you know 11 for it um obviously that versus that of course you’re you’re absolutely right but what I think myself and and and and you and Bridget and fans probably have to come to grip with is that like we talked about earlier the Bruins weren’t getting that first round draft pick if they weren’t taking on Corpus solo and so if you take on Corpus solo and you just draft 25 overall I’m kind of with you because it doesn’t really help you next year but if they turn that first round draft pick that they wouldn’t have had had they not been forced to take on Corpus solo and that somehow turns into a a a top six roster player for them this year then it changes it so we don’t know those answers right now and so it’s really difficult to really assess it that’s why on face at face value yeah like the 25th pick this year is not going to help him this year most likely if they keep it um I just think that like you said earlier Scott the Bruins didn’t want cor solo they wanted they wanted to get back into the first round and I think the Senators forced their hand into doing that otherwise they would have a first round pick and if that first round pick turns into a package for something to help him now then it changes the uh my perception of bringing on corpor solo even with the 3 million cap absolutely I think like I was saying actually this was right when you cut out but I said I just think this is part one of a twart uh you know trade that involves allmark leaving getting the pick and then flipping it somewhere else I think that at at the very least th swe has had conversations with many teams about um hey would you be interested if we happen to have this first round pick available um for you know uh Prospect or or not Prospect but like forward a or b um and so I I think it’s too early to judge uh just like so solidly right like I’m 100% sure this is bad like no I’m not 100% sure this was a bad move for the Bruins yet it’s too like it’s it’s not quite clear at this point I mean 25 goes up to if 25 is packaged for a top 10 I would also count that as a win for the Bruins as well so as it currently stands and it’s just a 25th overall pick you’re absolutely right Scott it it probably wasn’t worth it if they use that pick in its place um I guess we just have to wait and see I mean again like I I I think that pick is is valuable so like I don’t want I don’t want this to come across as like I’m totally throwing out that pick or I don’t care but like I like that they got a first round pick I just don’t like the cost that that it came at um and yeah obviously we have to wait and see for the see what the full pitcher is going to be you know a week two weeks from now um but you know as uh as a certain afternoon show says in this city we’re doing a show today so all I can react to is is today um and right now I I don’t like it because like the other thing thing that could happen is guys like what happens if we hear that they’re in on Jake gensel but they came up a million and a half short someone gave him nine and they couldn’t go seven and a half and it’s like well geez maybe you could have gone to nine if you didn’t have Jonas Corpus salo’s $3 million sitting there like you know what I mean like yeah for sure for sure I mean I I if if Corpus solo was not mandatory to get that first round pick Then I then I completely am like what the hell were you doing I just feel like it was I think Don was especially because there was no extension uh signed with the Bruins before they traded all Mark or whatever like I feel like Don was either forced with I either want to first or I don’t and if I want the first and it comes with corpa solo if that wasn’t the case and they signed Corp solo I don’t even know where to begin with that stupidity yeah because you got to imagine if the extension was in place then maybe we we end up with the original deal that was reported like last week or maybe even the week before that about chck in at first which we thought was really hot that would have been a big win they could have pulled off an extension I don’t think I don’t think that was ever happening like I said at the time and I I believe an even stronger now like I I don’t think that was ever really on the table I think that was ottawa’s front office leaking stuff to Bruce gck so that when they got allmark for a lot cheaper every their fans go wow what a steal they have to give up chick it’s like they were never gonna give up chck like what are you talking about but I do think the seventh overall was probably was probably there with an extension I do think that that that I I think that or Shane Pinto who I’ve mentioned before yeah like yeah that would you know Shane Pinto would have been intriguing too but again probably not someone who was a realistic possibility without an extension in place yeah and and you talked about Brian you said this might be the most like interesting news week in an offseason in terms of talking about like a trade and and you know bringing people in uh in however long like you mentioned maybe going all the way back to Chara but uh it really has made our week more interesting the the news had kind of like died down like I went on vacation I wasn’t even like there wasn’t even anything really going on I was just I was out there and there was I wasn’t seeing much news coming in it was basically just like okay we’re gonna talk about game seven we’re gonna talk about who wins the Stanley Cup and then it turns out to be right before the game we get this big news that’s going to change uh the rest of the offseason by the way reminds me that is the single biggest reason I I hate Don Sweeney now is that they wrapped us up right before the game so I had to spend all night writing and only half paying attention to the game which I was looking forward to watching all day and was not able to be fully invested in I know that that can’t be a coincidence right like right before puck drop this breaks it’s like come on guys seriously but um but yeah I mean yeah right now again it’s June 25th over the next week um we will know so much more about the 2024 2025 Boston Bruins roster in fact like I would say we’ll probably know 95% of what their roster would be going into next year and that includes who the number one Center is and that includes because it’s not going to be Coyle or zaka it’s not they’re gonna find somebody um now is that person gonna end up being Chandler Stevenson and and and we’re hoping for something better than that maybe I don’t know but uh we’ll find out we’ll know a lot more about this team and I think that’s what’s fascinating like like we haven’t had this Mi we haven’t had this mystery of who’s the number one Center in quite frankly in almost two decades because last year we we we knew they didn’t have the money to replace berron and Cree so we weren’t we weren’t having these conversations really yeah and also if they do end up using the draft pick like spend time talking about like digging into whoever that is and trying to figure out what their future might look like in in Boston and judging that too so yeah and and I would remind people too like Don Sweeney Works fast in free agency he usually has a plan in place he executes deals quickly so like you’re most likely going to just about have the the vast majority of their work done by the end of that first day of free agency on Monday July 1st um they are usually not a team to sit around and wait and see if uh you know someone’s hanging around maybe their value goes down a little no like they they identify the list of the guys they want they go out they sign them and they wrap it up and usually by the time Don Sweeney talks to us in the media around like five o’clock that day you know what they did like they maybe have like a million two million c space left there’s probably a little tinkering around the edges but like the the bulk of the work is done by the end of that first day yeah so um yeah I think before we move on to the sty Cup finals because we haven’t talked since that series I think it was maybe three nothing or maybe two nothing um but I I would just say like I understand Bruins fans seeing the news come down and and feeling a certain type of way about it I would just I would just suggest give it just give it a week give it a week and see see how this plays out before you before you give your final assessment because I do think there are other shoes to drop um at least if Don Sweeney gets his way you know the problem is you have to find a partner right a trading partner or whether it’s to package a you know the 25 pick to go up or so I’m sure Don Sweeney wants to move that pick in some way shape or form whether it’s moving up in the draft or for a bigger piece but uh I guess we’ll have to find out so I’ll just Reserve judgment completely until maybe we see how things play out over the next week yeah I was just looking at some of the comments because I I had put up a post on the skate pod Twitter um you know with the poll and I said any questions or comments like throw them under under and we’ll try to get to them and it one of the comments was they were mad that I didn’t have a I only had who won the trade Bruins and senators and they said they there should have been a one that said no one because like ifar doesn’t sign an extension like that doesn’t look great for them either so uh yeah we had a lot of comments we had very few positive comments I mean as it currently stands any criticism going Don Sweeney’s way I think is I I think is Justified it just but he still has time to complete whatever his potential plan is here so I I I just feel like it’s an it’s an incomp complete grade so far and and I think that you know in about a week’s time I think we’ll we’ll be able to all give a fair very fair assessment of the situation um so Bridget and Scott last night uh the NHL all eyes I would say all eyes of the North American Sports Fan were on uh game seven of of the Stanley Cup finals last night you had the best player in the world Conor McDavid um on the biggest stage that there can be in hockey and his team coming down from three games to none to try to win a series um and complete a historic comeback combine that with the fact no NFL no NBA mid-season baseball and anything else it’s just not really it’s not really holding the candle to what was on on display last night for the NHL so um with that in mind do you guys think the game delivered with all the eyes on it I thought the first 10 minutes were outstanding and I think the last 50 minutes while close and competitive um I think I don’t I think it could have delivered a little bit better when you have everybody watching but still a competitive good game to watch but how’ you guys think the the game uh showcased for the league well it was close it was competitive so that’s a plus at least it wasn’t a blowout I do agree like it wasn’t the most exciting hockey um but because it’s it’s a game seven like the just the the tension of it adds that extra layer so I think you can kind of Overlook and and you know look past the fact that it wasn’t maybe the cleanest most wellplayed game wasn’t the most exciting actual hockey um but that’s a credit to the Panthers because they’re you know it’s amazing like just looking at the series as a whole it’s amazing how how much narratives changed just over the course of a series um you know they’re looking dominant and like this is going to be their coronation they’re doing everything right they’re just steamrolling everyone and then all a sudden they’re on the verge of the biggest choke in in NHL and probably in North American Sports history honestly like to do it on that stage when it’s your second straight year in the finals um it would have like there’s no there’s no erasing that like that just that’s just going to sit with you for the rest of your life and you know brov’s struggling games four through six and mcdavid’s doing whatever he wants in games four and five and you know Al even like barov and forsing are getting scored on it’s like oh my God everything’s falling apart they can’t score they can’t create offense but they figure it out in time and they lock it down defensively once again um you know the Oilers make that push late and boski makes a a few big saves for sure he steps up gets back on track and ALS sudden all all those concerns about that collapse and blowing and choking are all gone like they recovered in time and then it’s it switches back to the Oilers and it’s like oh yeah McDavid is great and he wins the K Smite but he didn’t have a point in game six and seven and Stuart Skinner was out out playing boski in the middle part of the series he lets in a soft goal for the Stanley Cup winner like it it’s everything just swings and then the the margins are just so so small for all these teams all these series all these players um but you know ultimately I do think like the the best team overall start to finish on the season in the playoffs ended up winning it just took a a much more of a winding route than than we were anticipating and ended up being the longest season in NHL history because of it because what looked like it could have been a sweep and up in game seven a one goal game and you you’re talking about how game seven for the cup adds that extra layer of tension the last seven or eight minutes of the game just felt like it just the the most tension you could possibly feel as uh the Oilers were close time and time again to tying it up and it felt like the you know Panthers were bending bending bending M David has a chance like forsling once again forsling played incredible and in that especially in that last eight minutes or so he lifts McDavid stick and you know what and a chance where he was in front of the net and would have probably gotten a a shot off on goal could have tied the game um and it was once again the story was Panthers defense um being able to to close out McDavid being able to finish out the last period without um anything happening to jeopardize their win so yeah was it took a longer time than we expected I think we all picked the Panthers uh when when the series started and I think that it was more of a shock that the Oilers had the you know what what it took to to get it to seven um and also it is kind of weird not that not saying McDavid didn’t deserve it but it it’s just so awkward when they give the cons Smite to someone who is on the losing team and like doesn’t even you know accept the like not I’m not saying doesn’t accept the award but like is in the locker room for the award and it’s just it it gives a whole weird vibe and and you know does he deserve it yes uh just kind of throws things off I don’t know because we haven’t seen it in so long to actually see it it’s like okay yeah this is a little bit awkward and uncomfortable for everyone yeah yeah I mean holy smokes with ESPN I mean like you gotta be kidding me guys guys what are we doing you got the captain hoisting the Stanley Cup and you miss them what’s going on there guys what’s going on how do you miss that that’s the I wasn’t gonna say anything I guys what the hell was that that’s used for commercials every single year they compile those every year for those you have one job ESPN watch the captain hoist of Stanley Cup and they weren’t prepared for barov to skate three feet to his right or left it’s like you you have the camera on barov and you thank God you got that you know that smoke and fire behind him and they he skates out of frame and all you see is the cameraman skating after him what are we doing the camera work all game was brutal like especially like during the cup celebration the audio was terrible oh boy oh boy did they fumble that one I’m GNA Reserve I’m know I’m not going to say anything because I sometimes work for them so I’m just not GNA say anything uh they they know they they it up yeah I mean Beyond like the the flub of missing barov lifting the cup which like in fantas like he moved quickly I get it but you have to be ready for that like that’s that’s the moment you can’t you just can’t miss it like you have to be in position to have a wider shot whatever it takes make sure yeah I mean listen I could go into ESPN I think they have a ton of work to do both on their NHL coverage on the broadcast and on the NBA there were a lot of complaints about their NBA coverage this postseason they’re like their pregame and interm and halftime shows were awful like just straight up bad very bare minimum analysis like just just not good um so yeah I I have a lot of issues with the ESPN um but yeah that that that was rough uh yeah it’s it you know just I guess getting back to like the actual hockey of it though on McDavid like yeah I think he I said I would have given it to him going scoreless in game six and seven is tough like that that closed the Gap again and had it gone to bosski I I wouldn’t have had a huge issue with that but brosi on the whole like he didn’t have a a great postseason he had a good postseason he won the cup so obviously you can’t complain too much he probably cemented his his place in the Hall of Fame with that because now he has a cup in addition to two vzas that’s a Hall of Fame resume um so like I wouldn’t have had an issue but also that series probably doesn’t get to Seven without him struggling in games four through six and there there had even been some talk of like benching him in game seven so credit him for recovering but like I the consite is supposed to be for the entire playoffs obviously finals factoring heavily it’s hard to argue that Conor McDavid wasn’t the best player in the playoffs overall like he he put up Point totals that only Wayne gresky and Mario Lemieux have put up in the postseason he broke Wayne Gretzky’s playoff assist record like that yeah it’s just it’s hard to argue with that so yeah it was the right choice was the right choice it just was weird to see it was just one of those things where like they it takes a lot for someone to be able to to win the K Smite without winning the Stanley Cup and I’m sure if you asked anybody any one of the six guys that won the KMI without winning the cup whether or not they cared about it they probably tell you no because that that wasn’t what they wanted that wasn’t the one they wanted so it kind of stinks like you want someone like that who had such a great playoffs and a historic playoffs to be able to enjoy it but he doesn’t really get to enjoy the K Smite it will go on the resume um but it will always be there like with an asterisk like but without winning the cup like every time you talk about his K SM win unless he wins another one and at the same time as getting a cup it’s like oh yeah he did that and with it being a a non- [ __ ] like it feels different to me and again maybe it’s just that that he went scores in game six and seven like I feel like if he had two points last night and they lost three to two it might feel a little differently but like I don’t like when I think back to like John Sebastian jagar winning in ‘ 03 when the Ducks lost to the Devils I still think back and I’m like yeah jar was awesome that postseason they’re probably not even in the final without him you know that’s not a long Series without him like I it still adds to John Sebastian Jer in fact it’s the number one thing you think of when you think of Jar like that’s kind of top of his resume you know along with the you know along with winning the cup later um but you know with McDavid like for a non- goalie it does feel a little different though where it’s like I don’t know because he’s the guy and he’s the team leader and all that it’s you maybe it’ll change over time like maybe we’ll look back in this and be like yeah you know what Conor McDavid was just absolutely ridiculous that postseason and he he deserved it and it that playoff run does add to his resume but in the moment it it does feel like a little Hollow for him yeah I mean we lost we lost Brian again so we’ll see gets back he’ll be back um and you know I’m sure you saw the videos before the game of how many Edmonton fans made it down there like it was there was it was almost like Canada outside of the rink in certain areas it was just all Edmonton fans and they definitely showed up I mean you could hear them loudly singing the Canadian national anthem before the game uh and by the way I know you listen to to Razer with h gresi and forier for’s first question was about Alanis morph set and whether or not Razer had a crush on her um because I think forier does or did so that was this big you know it’s big hockey question um but yeah like there was there was a huge contingency of uh fans that traveled a really far distance uh from Canada down to Southern Florida or is that even where Sunrise is then Southern Florida I don’t know it’s like it’s like 45 minutes north of Miami okay and and you know it’s just a little bit disappointing uh yeah it would have been probably more disappointing if it was on their home ice but um but yeah I mean the Panthers went I’m sure Bruins fans were watching that game most most of them rooting against Panthers because uh they were rooting for a collapse that was even worse than than what they forced on the Bruins last season so um there was a little bit of uh Vengeance wanted from Boston fans I I would assume at least what I was hearing um but it did not happen so no Brian’s back yeah Brian’s back but still still a little frozen so I don’t know if he if he’s going to be able to jump in um but I’m still I’m I’m back in like 2022 as far as what I can hear um I’m a few years behind you guys so Bridget I don’t know if you want to uh maybe sign us off before I’m I’m uh you know glitching again but yeah I I I I I really can’t uh I I can’t say much because I don’t know where you guys are but um yeah I think maybe if anything for Bruins fans like it’s it’s it’s it’s somewhat of a consolation to know that like you well no I mean obviously the Oilers were were the Panthers biggest test but you know you gave the Cup champions a good run and and you didn’t nearly have the talent they had so um I think you take that that work ethic that you had sprinkle in some true talent to match that and fill out your roster in other AAS I think I think they’re in a good place um I’m sure Bruins fans would have preferred to see Sam Bennett yeah maybe crying after uh game seven instead of hoisting a cup but but you know um maybe that’s a takeaway for Bruins fans that that that the Bruins uh they’re not too far off they’re not too too far away I just think they have to add some pieces which we all know yeah if they do the right thing in the next few weeks here yeah yeah yeah and you know sometimes when you have less Talent you maybe your work ethic is is harder so maybe you know if the Bruins get more Talent the key is to make sure that the work ethic is is as desperate as ever um any any final thoughts from you guys before we uh depart uh I’m just gonna throw it we’ll get more into the draft probably later this week and like I said I’m going to post something but just because I I mentioned there’s a couple players who might be in that range that I like I’ll I’ll throw out names just so I don’t totally leave people hanging listening to this but if if they’re on the board centers Michael ha uh who’s heading to Michigan fast player High skill really good shot Sasha B heading to North Dakota um another you know like two-way Center really good shot hard worker defenseman stean soberg as a left shot out of Norway Charlie ellic right shot uh played in WHL both bigger 62 63 um physical soberg I I keep seeing him ranked as like the hardest hitter in the draft but he’s also mobile physical so I’ll just throw out those four as players I I like if they’re still there 25 they’re all possibly gone before then but kind of right in that 20 to 25 range yeah and then the one that you didn’t mention who may or may not be available at at 25 he may go before but it’s uh Dean lerno who’s uh he’s he’s tall he’s 66 he’s a center committed to BC um that would definitely be uh an interesting pick if he were to still be available at at 25 um which he may not be so yeah he’s that range I’ve seen him in his projections between 20 and 26 like he’s right there he might be a little bit he might go a pick before you and it’d be devastating but um but yeah and and unfortunately in this draft there are there there are a lot of good centers which is good but there are actually a lot of teams that are probably going to be prioritizing Center as well not just Boston so yeah I think I think might even be an inch or too taller than that 660s listed as like I’ve heard from people that he’s he’s actually taller than that um so yeah like you’re the hope there would be that he follows the Tage Thompson path like that’s the kind of player you’re looking for at that size as a center um he played he played Prep School in Canada last year so kind of like hard that’s not a usual place to find first round talent in a draft here so a little hard to project he’s kind of a player um he was supposed to go to the USHL for a season but is now heading right to BC this fall so yeah he will be local yep local young tall I don’t know there’s a lot there’s a lot there um and then you’d get to watch him at BC and Scott you know Scott would have to go to a bunch of BC games uh next season if that’s who they drafted so that’d be fun I I go in there playing be oh come on Scott come on I did I did go to a bunch of BC games was so good last year you just can’t deny how entertaining those games were um and but and to to like make a comp like Gabe perau went I think 23rd overall which is right in your range and he seems like he’s going to be a really good player in the NHL uh who played for BC as in their all freshman line last season um so if you can get someone like that you know that’s that’s a good Prospect for the future it doesn’t help you now um but you know maybe maybe you get a guy who’s won and done in college and he can help you sooner than later maybe you let them develop in college maybe you know there’s so many options if you use that draft pick for yourself rather than trade it all right so yeah I mean we have um you know less than a week away from the NHL draft it’s obviously later this week on Friday um and then we have three days away yeah it’s a couple days away actually um and free agency begins uh next Monday so also less than a week away so always on like great Fourth of July weekend it’s like we’re we’re going we’re grilling and we’re just like watching see if moves are happening yeah and Bruin’s development Camp rookie development Camp begins that same day Monday July 1 so get to whoever they do draft most likely will get to see all of them there as well as you know other prospects from the last couple drafts so will you be there Scott I will be okay so see poor Scott doesn’t get to go on vacation for Fourth of July Brian and I are always like up North having some beers and burgers on the lake and then Scott Scott’s going to rookie development Camp yeah I’ll be I’ll be reporting on what’s going on free agency and development camp and Bridget and Brian will will log on with with Burgers you know wearing their [Music] flipflops yep bikinis right Brian oh yeah yep yep yep yeah I got a nice skimpy one um the I was gonna say the YouTube commenters would love that I won’t do it I won’t do it I used to before we used to post these on YouTube I used to record and just like the like my pajamas and I looked awful and I have like a robe on and like one day I was in a particularly bad mood because I was going through a breakup and I had my hood on over my head and like tears in my eyes and we just recorded and because we we didn’t have video at the time no one knew that’s what it looked like so yeah I don’t think we’re I don’t think we need any visuals that are different than the norm by the way it was nice of all us to wear our Panthers colors today I wear pink okay this is I know it looks red it looks kind of reddish this is pink I swear no no no no need for you know for visuals like you like I’m not going to bring up you know you know the fact that Scott has a American flag bikini he wears every fourth of July so there’s no need to go there so I won’t but um in any event yeah we have a lot of a lot to cover in the next uh the next week week plus so obviously keep it here follow us on Twitter um YouTube can I share my vacation story oh please yeah so we Scott and I are complete in complete uh mystery mode right now because Bridget just said she had the vacation from hell and we don’t know a thing so I’m interested yeah I like I like to we’re a great support system because Bridget texted us that and Brian can’t my reaction was like I’m not going to respond because I’m just gonna to hear it on the podcast I texted them I just got back I had the vacation from hell no response I was G to say like like for all we for all we knew Bridget could have logged on with like a completely cut up face like she got attacked by a wild animal or something yeah no nothing nothing no no the only the only response seriously hurt the only response was Bridget said I had the vacation from hell and Scott just did the he just reacted with a laugh um yeah so that was a very nicey face emoji um no so see it could have been worse I will say that thumbs up I just figured it was probably something you’d prefer to you know talk about uh you know when we we you know not over text you know okay you just wanted you just wanted me to save it for for the podcast I understand um so what happened was I went I went to Bermuda I went on a cruise not my normal type of vacation but my par my grandparents don’t fly it was their 60 oh yeah their 60th anniversary so they picked the cruise from Boston to Bermuda turns out I get seasick um day two not great uh which is like the full day at Sea where it’s just the ocean is incredibly rough it’s you’re in the middle of the Atlantic um almost threw up on my cousin’s boyfriend uh I spent most of the day in my room just in my bed with the lights off um so that was that was the first full day uh Apper muta was fine when we were there um but then on the last day I once again wasn’t feeling great I was supposed to be going because the last stop is Bar Harbor so I was supposed to be going to Bar Harbor but I told my family I didn’t feel good I’m like I don’t feel good I don’t want to go they’re like you’re coming so they’re they’re like making me go to Bar Harbor and we’re in line trying to get off the boat and you have to go through customs and this room Pack full of hundreds of people and I’m telling my family like I don’t feel good I don’t feel good and then all of a sudden I’m going I’m gonna pass out and then I passed out but luckily I had told my brother and my mom I’m going to pass out and then within like two seconds I did so they were but I had like grabbed onto them so I didn’t fall like hit the floor but there was another woman who passed out by the way it was 100 degrees uh I was gonna say was it it was was it heat exhaustion or something I it was a combination of all sorts of stuff just I I didn’t feel good the whole trip um so anyway I I passed out I didn’t like hit my head on anything another woman passed out later she did hit her face and had to go to the hospital so I’m glad that wasn’t me like I’m glad I didn’t get that hurt um but yeah I had to get like my brother to pick me up and put me in a wheelchair and bring me back to my room um and I was just needless to say I’m not going on another cruise I just I don’t oh and and half of the people on our trip came back with Co so thanks for the thumbs up yep thanks Scott now now honestly I’m kind of glad I didn’t respond because I don’t know how to respond that’s that’s such like yeah so awful that sucks like be being sick on vacation is the worst but P like being that like like passing out that’s I passed out in front of hundreds of people in the scanner like you know how you go through a metal detector to to like go like they put you through a metal detector so you can go off the ship like make sure you don’t have anything was in the metal detector I fell people stepped on me people walked on my ankle like that was the first thing I remember seeing when I woke up was like people just like stepping over me and not stopping to see if I was okay uh it was bad that is that is very scary like thank God you’re okay obviously yeah this is the third time this is the third time it’s happened when when I was when I was younger like middle school high school I I passed out like several times like I don’t know exactly what it was that caused it wasn’t wasn’t drinking like the SE separate of when I would drink too much from pass out category like I like I pass when I was in high school I worked at Kmart and I was at the cashier and R it was it was a very hot day and like I was standing there like behind the register and just passed out and like CRA crashed into the register crash the floor like had to get taken out of an ambulance and at at home one time I passed out and fell backwards in the bathroom onto like a porcelain trash barrel and just like shattered it and cut up my back I was I still like doctors never really figured like my blood work would come back fine I never really figured out why I don’t you know I drank water so like I don’t think I was really dehydrated but um fortunately that stopped knock on knock on what I have not passed out in a long time yeah Pro tip if you feel like you’re going to just you probably sit down sit down like do not because if you if it happens when you’re standing up you’re GNA hurt yourself yeah so like sit down um breathe really deeply like um like because I think mine might be anxiety related so like breathing better would probably help me but also every time this happened to me I hadn’t eaten yet and I was always when I was traveling because this has happened to me this is the third time in the last three years this has happened to me when I was traveling I was on a flight home from Nashville um for my cousin’s wedding uh early flight hadn’t eaten yet just got on the plane felt really bad ran to the bathroom thought I was going to like be sick all of a sudden I realized that wasn’t it I was like I need to get back to my seat because if anything happens I need somebody to see it rather than be like in the bathroom and no one’s there to find me so I try to get back to my seat and I pass out into some guy’s lap and then I bounced back up like really quickly like I bounce back up and I just keep going just keep walking to my seat and this guy must have been so confused because I just like landed on him and then was gone and then I think everyone thought it was turbulence but it was not I yeah go with that I and I never I never apologized or anything because I was so confused I just like why am I in this guy’s lap and I just pop up and keep walking on my seat and it happened again less than a year ago on my way from um Barcelona to Sardinia for uh last last September so yeah that happened three times well um yeah I I I I I personally know what to say pass up before um so but always on my way home was always on my way home did you did you pass out after you crashed into the lamp post or whatever it [Laughter] was that’s his no that that you know the poll shouldn’t have been standing there that’s the problem um but whatever we’re friends on Facebook now so it’s all good um it just whatever it is what it is um but what I can say is wherewithal to take a picture of your face after that just you know just a little nose bed I mean yeah you want to hear want hear an embarrassing story of me crashing to something yes please yeah get the attention of me in I think it was 8th grade or maybe nth grade we did a school field trip to New York City and we were like walking through I don’t know like a kind of like an open area or whatever but I was like looking up at all the skyscrapers it was the first time I’d been to New York and they had you know like those little poles that are in the ground that they’re parking they’re in Boston yeah whatever yeah for parking or what you know keep cars out of there or whatever I walked straight into one and just nailed my nuts on it and like had to pass it off like it like didn’t totally kill you know they tried to do the like keep walking like you know no no like the Peter Griffin yeah like don’t don’t just like crash to the Ground start crying but I was like oh my god did that hurt well see I can’t relate to that I don’t lesson learned from you don’t look up at the skyscrapers you got to got to watch the ground right Brian no you’re muted Brian’s muted ran oh sorry yeah I was just gonna say um you know obviously it sucks that you know you guys experien that but if if if your experiences can help help our listeners like you mentioned then it’s worth staring onast you get on a plane or a boat please just eat and yeah be hydrated and sit down if you and sit down if you feel um well on those pleasant notes um everybody should just sit down and breathe and see how uh the next week unfolds and we can all reassess uh the state of the Bruins um so thank you all for listening enjoy the rest of your work week and we’ll talk to you soon hey guys thanks for watching the skate podcast if you want to see more of our videos visit our playlist not in front of a screen you can listen to us on Spotify Apple podcast or wherever you get your podcast don’t forget to follow us on social media and if you enjoyed this video please don’t forget to give us a thumbs up Subs subscribe to our Channel and leave a comment

Going through each piece of the trade that sent Linus Ullmark to Ottawa and whether or not Boston lost the deal. Discussing the career of Joonas Korpisalo, his down year in Ottawa and what his cap hit means for spending power. Should the Bruins flip their acquired first-round pick or use it to draft a promising player of the future? Plus, thoughts on Florida winning the Stanley Cup and stories from Bridgette’s vacation from Hell.

Leave your questions in the comments and we will answer as many as we can!

Photo: Patrick Smith/Getty Images & Steph Chambers/Getty Images

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Thumbnail images courtesy of Getty Images/USA Today Network.


  1. Flip side korpisalo isn’t traded he ends up sucking and your stuck with that contract for four years

  2. I do agree it’s too early to judge the whole picture. Draft is in a few days then FA. Then let’s see

  3. Um the trade sucked. Deal with it. Selling a vezina for a late first and getting a anchor contract us a joke. You corporate yes nen

  4. So we got a glorified second round pick, a 3rd 4th line center, and a goalie who is hot garbage and only "save" 1.1 million in cap space. Should have kept Ulmark.

  5. You bring a goalie in with four years left on his contract. That’s crazy. And you’re trying to get better as a team you needed that money.

  6. No need for the draft preview. That pick is getting flipped. If it doesn't that's a big-time loss for the Bruins. The draft doesn't exist for the Bruins anymore.

  7. They could have kept ullmark and traded swaymen they should still trade swaymen they have the best goalie coach they haven't had a bad goalie in twenty years

  8. I bear no ill-will towards the Panthers. They paid their dues and earned the heck out of that Cup. The Panthers currently are what I want the Bruins to be.

  9. I think it’s clear that Bs are nervous about Bussi in the same way they were nervous about Swayman a few years back. Simply put, the Bs don’t trust goalies who haven’t played at least one full season in the NHL. I wouldn’t be surprised if they asked for Korpisalo to be part of the deal. They’ll see if the they coach him back to respectability and if not, we’ll see what they do with his contract. I doubt they buy him out. That’s not the Bs style.

  10. About Ullmark only being guaranteed for a year for Ottawa, the B’s traded this same first round pick for a couple months of Bertuzzi.

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