@Pittsburgh Penguins

Mario Returns To NHL- (12/27/2000)

Came across this beautiful video on YouTube earlier today of 66’s return to action. As soon as I started watching I instantly got an incredible rush of nostalgia and a warm feeling that brought me back to when I was watching this happen live on ESPN with my family right after Christmas nearly 25 years ago. I was in second (or maybe third) grade and this video took me right back there again.

Watching the whole thing unfold again now brought back some memories and was even a bit emotional for me.

I hope you all get a chance to watch this clip and experience a bit of the nostalgia and memories from when you were younger.

by jimbo62692


  1. Ihaveaboot

    I really have no words to express how much Mario has done for not only our franchise, but for Pittsburgh and humanity in general.

    Without him there we would be the Portland Penguins, cancer research would have had a huge funding setback, and we would probably have 0 cups instead of 5.

    He’s the definition of hero.

  2. DazzlingPerformer470

    I know Lemieux only played 1/2 the season, but, he had 76 pts in just 43 games for an amazing 1.77 PPG. The top scorer in the league, Jagr, had 121 pts in 81 games, good for 1.49 PPG. Simply amazing what 66 was able to do after being retired for 3 years. I guess, for the best, it is just like riding a bike.

  3. krzykris11

    Thanks for sharing. This was one of my best memories of Pittsburgh sports.

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