@Montreal Canadiens

“I worked for an agency when I was in law school trying to convince them that we should recruit Marty St. Louis. I won’t mention his name but he said ‘No no, he won’t play in the NHL, he’s too small.’” – Kent Hughes on the Pre-Game Twirl podcast

“I worked for an agency when I was in law school trying to convince them that we should recruit Marty St. Louis. I won’t mention his name but he said ‘No no, he won’t play in the NHL, he’s too small.’” – Kent Hughes on the Pre-Game Twirl podcast

by Go_Habs_Go31


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  2. Hughes graduated from Boston College in 1996.

    MSL played for U. of Vermont from 93 to 97.

    Looking at agencies that existed back then (93-96), most are still in business. So odds are high that Hughes still has to negotiate now with the same guy who told him MSL was never going to play in the NHL. Those must be fun for Kent.

  3. suicypher

    You’ll never see Hughes being looser than this pod. I’m here for it.

  4. Capt_Pickhard

    This guy msl and Lecavalier are all 3 people I admire and trust. I like the team they’re building, and I’m excited to see who they pick, because it’s gonna be a good pick, imo.

    Fans may be disappointed. Or they may not be. I don’t think fans are anywhere close to being as good as MTL management for making picks.

  5. IcyChard4

    You can see from the smile on this man’s face, he’s about to do something that will change the dynamics of this team next season.

  6. DrLivingst0ne

    Hughes also said Martin is probably one of the biggest reasons why the fans have been patient as the team was rebuilding. He’s been selling what they’re trying to do, and people believe that it’s all leading somewhere.

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