@Edmonton Oilers

What’s Next?: Edmonton Oilers | Daily Faceoff Live

Tyler Yaremchuk joins Frank Seravalli and Colby Cohen, as a guest, to breakdown the future of the Edmonton Oilers. Where do they go from here, who will stay and who will go this offseason?


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  1. Drai reported to have either 1 broken ribs or or 3 broken ribs and a broken finger and 97 needs abdominal surgery !! There you go if we are trying to understand the full picture !!

  2. Tyler Wake Up Son !! Too naive, when Our Two Biggest Superstars are hurt to where 29 is a shell of himself on faceoffs and more importantly skating and shooting etc , broken rib(s) and a broken finger ( a shadow of himself) and 97 no points in the last two needing Abdominal Surgery !! Those Are EXTREMELY SIGNIFICANT !! When we wonder why they didn’t Get It Done !!!

  3. Great for the growth of hockey that four of the last five Cups came from the Sun Belt and all from America for 31 years

  4. Nurse needs to be traded. He is minus 9, worst in this playoff. He played like a 1.5M D with an actual salary of 9.25M. Poor defense, can’t move the puck, no physical play. Oilers can’t win with Nurse in the lineup. But Tyler would not like this cause Tyler is a big fan of Nurse. Wake up grade 4 kid 😮😮😮

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