@Vancouver Canucks

[Canucks] General Manager Patrik Allvin announces that the Canucks have agreed to terms with forward Teddy Blueger on a two-year contract with a $1.8 AAV.

[Canucks] General Manager Patrik Allvin announces that the Canucks have agreed to terms with forward Teddy Blueger on a two-year contract with a $1.8 AAV.

by electricnux


  1. schierke_schierke

    holy shit that’s great value, even less than his last contract

  2. electricnux

    His AAV last year was 1.9M, so he got a bit less probably for one more year of term.

    From the [article](
    > “Teddy was a key addition to our team last year and we are really excited to have him back for a couple more seasons,” said Allvin. “His versatility and experience really helped our group in both the regular season and playoffs. He is a strong leader and someone we will count on a lot more moving forward.”

  3. -GregTheGreat-

    I LOVE this deal. I thought he’d be getting closer to 2.3-2.5M. Him taking a discount from last year was not what I expected.

  4. CtrlShiftAltDel

    Excellent deal! Gotta think this means we have our 3C secured.

  5. Twatts71

    100k less than his previous contract with an extra year. Summer of Allvin

  6. 21marvel1

    Incredible deal. Patty Allvin is a world renowned chef

  7. PaperMoonShine

    And the dominos start to fall. Zadorov next please.

  8. Another amazing signing by chef Allvin. Thought for sure he was going to command closer to $3m but getting a guy who can faceoff and PK at this AAV is massive.

  9. Nuck_1198

    So how much do we have left to spend on Dak, Zaddy, Guentzel/Lindy? Cause this is a great deal!

  10. GoldenChest2000

    Wow thought he was getting at least 2.2 or more. Great piece of business.

    Solid 4C, proven chemistry with Garland if he moves up to the third line. Just need a Joshua-esque winger for them now

  11. CrayonOlympics

    Solid deal, especially since the weak centre market would have been a potential pulling factor away for him. More than happy to have Teddy back especially at a pay cut.

  12. Delicious-Door-3226

    ahaha great to see teddyroo back in the fold The TeDDster, TeddyRiley

  13. jack_of_zero_trades

    Holy crap it is so refreshing to see players taking less than market to play here

  14. I will never forget Teddy holding the McDrai powerplay to an 0/5 in Game 5. Bro is a PK menace for us and the perfect bottom 6 centre

    ETA: 1.8 mill is incredible value, I thought it would’ve come closer to 2.5 mill

  15. That is great value, I thought it would be above 2 million.

  16. 21marvel1

    With every signing Allvin makes, he makes Benning look worse and worse and worse

  17. makeitmessi88

    Praise be to Allah.. or whatever people are believing in these days

    ZADDY next please

  18. BroliasBoesersson

    Under 2m for Bluegy is a STEAL

    Holy W Allvin

  19. And now sign that second latvian boy waiting for contract and that backup spot

  20. Wow, I was expecting ~2.5. That’s awesome.

  21. Blackhole_5un

    Awesome. So happy to have him back, he really helped improve our over all defensive play and especially the PK. Solid signing, welcome back Bluegs!

  22. CBennett_12

    A fantastic start to a very important week for Our Swedish Chef

  23. memorieswriter

    Chef Patrik cookin’ some fine fucking food

  24. iTsN0ScOpEs

    what insane value oh my god, Allvin is COOKING. are players actually taking discounts to play here???

  25. metrichustle

    Wow, I had him at $2.2M x 2 years. This is amazing value.

    Good bye, Lindholm. We have cemented our 3C for the next 2 years.

  26. ZealousViper85

    Amazing deal & Good Center I hope we get Joshua and Zadorov soon

  27. JTMilleriswortha1st

    I figured he was getting over 2 after this season. Getting him for less than his last contract AND getting an extra year is great. Fuck yeah Allvin

  28. Live_Presentation_74

    Just for context on how big of a steal this is, Daily Faceoff projected that he’d get 2 years, $2.6 million per year on his next contract.

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