@Montreal Canadiens

[Rumours] McCagg’s NHL source on how the top 5 may go

[Rumours] McCagg’s NHL source on how the top 5 may go

by shogun2909


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  2. Beefiest_bison

    I swear Grant has switched up 50 times in the last two weeks

  3. FakeCrash

    Makes sense, but I think Columbus might still go with Demidov.

  4. oupheking

    I don’t have anything against Buium but if we take him this fanbase will be triggered pretty hard

  5. Baronleduc

    It’s speculation, but IIRC, McCagg was one of the few who predicted it was Slafkovsky to be 1st OA.

    Besides, I know it’s a very long shot, but my choice would be Demidov, and if he’s drafted before, Buium.

  6. flepine44

    McCagg is trash but if we end up with Demidov or Buium I’m to the moon

  7. Grouchy-Bug5223

    I’d be So happy if we took Demidov, my God.

  8. PKP_en_Picoppe

    Usually how it goes is that the first uncertain team will select outside of what insiders had planned then the whole thing falls apart.

    Remember when MTL took Slaf #1 and then nothing else fit into what was expected?

  9. So, it’s either Lindstrom, Demidov or Buium like we’re saying for days…

  10. SkouikSkouikTabarnak

    You can’t say “locked in” followed by “all just speculation”.

  11. GreenCamel8991

    I don’t think it makes any sense whatsoever to take Buium over Demidov if both are available. The size thing is gone given he’s now 6’0/192 and there’s pretty clearly no issue with him coming over. We have considerable prospect depth on the back end and no elite skill offensive forward up front…not only now but basically for decades. Fine with Buium if Demidov/Lindstrom are gone but imo there’s no rationale to take Buium over either of them.

  12. nationofcool83

    1st choice – Demidov

    2nd choice – Buium

    3rd choice – No one because one of these 2 should be available.

  13. Buium, please God, let it be Buium, because in 5-10 years he’s the 2nd best player of this draft if not the #1.

    The fanbase’s wishes can go suck a fuck. I don’t care. Zeev all day.

  14. Vasichkablyat

    I like all these players. I think I like Sennecke a bit less but anyone of Demidov, Buium, Lindstrom, Silayev, Parekh, Dickinson or even Iginla would be great picks.

  15. smolgoalboy

    Can someone explain to me why we would take Buium over Demidov?

    I am not familiar with Buium’s game and I know we need a good top 6 winger, which Demidov appears to be, and may even be a top 3.

    What makes Buium a better choice than that?

  16. Geoffers84

    This fandom will be unbearable if Demidov is available and they don’t take him. I was ok with Reinbacher over Michkov. But this is something different

  17. OlivierDF

    And I continue to believe Demidov should and will go top 4 (good chance top 2). He’s just a notch above the rest after Celebrini imo. At least if I’m wrong I’ll be pleasantly surprised. I just don’t want to be disappointed again.

  18. Spicy_Pickle_6

    Can’t remember the last time we drafted a Russian forward and were able to develop him

  19. UnionGuyCanada

    I don’t follow this as closely as many others and had a question.

      How big a risk is it to draft a Russian these days with state of affairs and possibility he won’t leave, or be allowed to leave?

      Don’t know if that is still a problem but I must say, I have no love for anything Russian these days.

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