@Calgary Flames

They are NOT thinking about us.

They are NOT thinking about us.

by wahlberger


  1. SomeJerkOddball

    In their dreams. When it looked like they were on the verge of being swept, one of them came in here to brag that they were number 2 in mid process of being annihilated. Softest fucking cope in history.

  2. _disLogic

    *Goes out of their way to Flames sub, gets triggered by meme, crossposts Flames content to Oilers sub.*

    “wE dOn’T eVeN tHiNk AbOuT tHe FlAmEs”

  3. I love when people use this meme because if you watch Mad Men Don is actually super insecure about this guy being better than him at his job 😂

  4. Mollyfloggingpunk

    Man, sometimes I come here when I’m having a bad day and y’all just immediately cheer me up. Also tis true… you all know they won’t shut up about this for the next 30 years right? Coilers are the WORST

  5. Comfortable-Ad-7158

    Can’t spell delusional without Oil.

  6. JerbearCuddles

    The irony of this meme template is lost on everyone who uses it. Just makes it funnier to me.

  7. Yes bending over backwards, spamming our subreddit to tell us “tHeY dON’t tHinNk AbOUt uS At AlL”…

  8. Ice_warrior45

    The mere existence of this post proves itself wrong

  9. raspoutine049

    How ironic that they say they don’t think about Flames yet post it on their sub 😂

  10. Coiler fans contradicting themselves. Yep sounds about right lol

  11. crashalpha

    They are going to be a few months behind in their golf game. They put in all that effort and got nothing in return for it.

  12. davekingsword

    I think it’s all hilarious.

    The memes from Calgary are funny. The retaliation, cope, and pretending not to care from Edmonton is also funny.

    This is like… Sports Rivalry 101. Of course you’re happy when your rival loses. They’ve had threads dedicated to the Flames being eliminated from the playoffs. We’ve had threads dedicated to them being eliminated. That’s how rivalries work.

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