@Boston Bruins

Winners and losers in the Ullmark trade w/ Evan Marinofski | Pucks with Haggs

Winners and losers in the Ullmark trade w/ Evan Marinofski | Pucks with Haggs

welcome to another edition of the pucks with hags podcast powered by prize piix the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network I believe this is the 102nd episode of the pucks with hags podcast so thank you very much for joining us I am your host Joe Hagerty you can find my work at Joe Hagerty dos substack apply for a subscribe to a premium membership you get all of my NHL and Bruins writing sent straight directly to your inbox I also write columns for the Boston Sports Journal so go to Boston Sports uh sign up there for a membership to get my stuff on the Bruins Mike gardi Greg Bard on the Patriots tons of good writers on that site so go check it out with me today on the show I have New England Hockey journals Evan marinovsky Evan how’s it going it’s going great going great feeling good how about you hags it’s been a busy week doing great busy week uh I got a fifth grader that’s graduating from elementary school so all the Pomp and Circumstance that’s going on there is actually having his clap out last day today which means like they walk the Halls all the fifth graders and they get claps from remember this my school did that it was great I remember like dreaming of that day like in first second third fourth and fifth and then it hits and you’re like oh this is my big moment it’s like the red carpet yeah it’s a huge moment you wait all like six years of elementary school for that to happen so it’s a pretty exciting day for him all right Evan I think you know what we’re going to talk about today uh there’s been a lot of argument the last couple of days we knew the Len alark trade was coming we talked about lenus almark and really the Ottawa Senators on the last pucks with hags podcast pre-trade so now the trade goes down lenus alar gets traded to the Ottawa Senators about what an hour 90 minutes before game seven of the Stanley Cup Final a final a final Fu from the Bruins to the Florida Panthers right there before the the game starts uh lenus alar gets traded to the Senators for a 2024 first round pick the 25th overall which IR ically 10 years ago the Bruins used the 25th overall pick to select David Pock so all these people poo pooing and and crapping all over oh this is a bottom of the first round pick you know this is a terrible pick why they trade for this you got David pck with this exact Pick 10 years ago so 25th overall pick in the draft um they got Mark cellic who is a bottom six fourth line heavy hitter Center big body wins faceoffs very physical drops the gloves like the kind of player the Bruins need and needed for their bottom six in their their fourth line they get in Mark Castell 25 years old so he’s going to be he could be around for a little while and they also trade for uh the very controversial junis carp pasalo um a goalie that uh has played almost 300 NHL games has a 901 career save percentage has been pretty good at times in Columbus was good when he was with the LA Kings but was arguably according to the eyeballs and the advanced stats the worst goalie in the NHL last year with the Ottawa Senators had a really bad year for a really bad team um so they take on him he signed for four more years $3 million a year um because uh Ottawa picked up 25% of the salary so um we can get into the the first uh impressions of this deal right now Evan just give me yours and then we’ll we can go back and forth a little bit but I’m I’m curious to think uh hear what you thought about this trade yeah you know it’s interesting uh all along I kind of you know there was that little bit of time right at the end of the season where it was like I don’t really know what the price is going to be and then the Ottawa Sun comes out a couple you know month or two ago and says oh it’s a CH a first and then another Prospect and it’s like okay well yeah like those are two different ends it’s probably gonna be somewhere in the middle and it’s like okay and so uh last week I had said you know if they can get one of either Chan or just getting back into the first I’m happy with the deal yeah um so I’m happy that they got a first I think that that’s good um ironically enough it’s their own pick so they just brought it back Tyler bzi trade to get Tyler bzi a couple years ago yep yep and I’m happy they got that I’m happy they got back in the first um obviously Lena Sark uh not agreeing to an extension or not you know uh saying in principle he’s going to agree to an extension there lowered the price quite a bit so I’d said last week you know uh if they can get one of Chan or just get back into the first I mean they were never going to get the seventh overall pick that would be crazy um but again I think Lena soul Mark not agreeing to an extension there was going to lower the price we knew that when we saw that Elliot Freedman tweet and then we saw the bunch of tweets like Mike renell and empty Net’s podcast being like Bruins fans are gonna hate this return um I like that they’re back in the first what I don’t love is they don’t have as much cap space to play with as I thought they would have when they were going to deal Lena soulmark and that to me is the real hold up with this um you only create an extra 1.65 million in cap I said hold on one just one which you’re right because it’s so that’s based on expectations but you still have more cap space after this trade than you had before this trade this is true this is true you have created an extra million dollars plus in salary cap space you know so like people people are like counting cap space they never had basically you know and trying to say I they expect it to they expected to have it that’s you never had that cap space the bottom line is you created cap space with this trade for some people it wasn’t enough cap space and the other part of it too I think is people just viewed this as a salary cap dump it was never that it was going to be about getting value for this player and creating salary cap space right I mean that’s that’s if you’re trading a goalie that won the vzna trophy you’re getting value Back and You’re creating cap space and I they both those what I would I I don’t think Corp pasalo is getting value back though I I I and I get you were probably going to get a second round pick if you just tried to make the trade without taking on corpo and it becomes a first if you when you took on corpo to your point when Lena SAR was not going to agree to a contract extension site on scene before going to Ottawa theark extension is key in this because I think that is the reason if he agrees to an extension it’s like all right we’ll bump the price up you don’t have to take Corpus solo um whatever it is I think it’s an interesting idea with like the idea that if they didn’t take a first and they just took a second like the Senators have the 39th overall pick um in that’s their first second round pick so like if the Bruins take in that I think an interesting hypothetical is you know would you have done the 39th pick and um and um castc for omark or would you rather do what they got now I like that they have a first I really do like I like they have the 25th I think they would have gotten hammered just as much if they didn’t get a first round I agree they did not get it yeah they would have got crushed now the difference between the 25th and 39th pick is not crazy the 25th you do get a ob obviously you get a better assortment of players to pick from if there’s a center you really like there’s a couple guys in that area that probably should be around which you know we can get into at some point the Corp solo thing is tough though you know I’ve seen a lot of people say oh you know goalie Bob can fix him and obviously if anybody can fix you know as scalo it’s goalie Bob goalie Bob has been outstanding he has a crazy track record he’s a goalie Guru um but I just think when you look at I I think you know everyone just says oh senator’s bad Bruin’s good and you look at defensively they weren’t far off last year and I know obviously the Bruins have the better defenseman but like I mean just look at the numbers right Bruins gave up more High danger chances last year uh the Bruins were bottom 10 in chances allowed last year like ultimately Lena Sark was outstanding last year Jeremy Swan was outstanding we said this a lot last year the gold tending bailed them out in a lot of key spots now obviously the Bruins are better on paper than the Senators and Corpus should see a bump in his numbers coming here I just don’t know if it’s worth 3 million a year I just don’t know if it’s worth 3 million and there’s potential there he’s young still I just I would have rather gone with a veteran if you could find a veteran backup and then use that extra cap space I know the Bruins didn’t have it but use that for a wing in free agency that’s in a vacuum I agree with you like they the perfect situation would be Jeremy Swan you pay him 7 eight million Brandon bus’s making less than a million you’re spending less than 10 million on your gold tending tandem on as far as salary caps space goes like that would have been the perfect scenario right but like in order to make things happen it’s not always going to be exactly what you want like but for for people to act like paying three million dollars for a backup goalie is this huge salary cap Albatross is freaking ridiculous it’s he’s slightly overpaid backup goalie he’s an established goalie in the NHL that’s played almost 300 games has a save percentage over 900 has had some good Seasons like he had a horrendous year last year but like we all know goalies are like running backs in football they’re like relief pitchers in baseball it’s very erratic Good Year bad year they can go back and forth that’s why there’s not a lot of value in goalies in trade because they can bounce back and forth a lot of those guys s next year and I yeah I fully expect Corpus solo to do that in Boston with a better system with a better uh defense in front of him I think you know the the the advanced stats and some of the uh underlying numbers might say that Ottawa and the Bruins had the same kind of Defense but I don’t buy that I think the Bruins defense is much better on paper and in reality and when you watch them play uh than the Ottawa Senators were uh and are um so and I look look and somebody pointed this out to me on Twitter yesterday if fraking Chad Johnson who I even forgot played for the Bruins could come in here be a backup goalie and have like a 925 save percentage have a great season in Boston like anybody can come in and be successful in Boston if you’re a goalie based on the coaching the system the players around you and I think it’s going to be the same for Corp pasalo I think what it comes down to is the event he becomes a slightly overpaid backup goalie that you’re paying probably like established backup goalie like him you’d probably want to pay a couple million pay like what you paid hak when he was here uh behind tarat right it’s the same sort of situation you’re going to be paying him a little bit more but we’re also talking about a guy that I don’t expect to play more than 20 to 25 games uh behind Jeremy Swan I think Jeremy Swan’s gonna play more I think he’s gonna be in the 60 to 65 game range of how many games he’s gonna play next year he’s gonna get paid like a number one he’s gonna play the amount of games like a number one and you’re gonna have Corp pasalo if he’s on the team playing much less than allar had in the past and would have and he’s going to be a true backup so I think the impact in terms of the player the performance and the salary cap which oh his $3 million cap hit Evan is 3.4% of the Bruin salary cap that is a fraking drop in the bucket like people are acting like they traded for a guy that’s gonna owed like you know eight million a year for the next six years this is not that wouldn’t be fun that would not be fun this is not even a player that it’s going to cost you it it it’s probably a million more than you would have spent on a on a good backup experience backup goalie so you like you’re talking about it costing you maybe like some kind of fourth line scrub at a million dollars a year like it’s not this is not some crazy thing that they’re they’re um throwing away and and just shoveling money into the fire and people are acting like they don’t have all this cap space anyway to sign their play they have more than enough cap space to get the number one Center to sign Jeremy Swan to bring in a Winger to replace Jake de Brusque and have a good team like bring in two impact forwards they they have all of that even after making this trade if you had to make this trade in order to move a player in El Mark that did not want to be here anymore was not going to play on this team next year the Bruins didn’t want him back I don’t think Jeremy Swan wanted him back nobody I think wanted a situation where he’s he was gonna be a disgruntled backup next year and be pissed off the whole year because he wasn’t playing and he was worrying about his contract they had to move him and for a number of reasons to make sure that they got the draft pick they wanted in this draft to make sure they didn’t pay him the million dooll salary bonus that he was due on July 1 for a player that wasn’t going to play on the team anyway and just because of the situation like they all talked at the end of uh breakup day about how you know lenus wants to come back and we’ll be happy with the two goenda that nobody wanted that that was complete bull crap by all of those people nobody wanted allmark back he didn’t want to come back and all these people these fans out there that are saying you should have just kept allmark into the season and kept the tandem going and kept the goalie hugs coming enough hug the hug for the last years move on from the hugs okay I know it was the thing that everybody cheered loudest about when the game was over and it had its great moment even though it drove like you know NHL former NHL goalies like Andrew raycraft crazy to watch that stupid stuff but like you know it’s it’s time to make peace with the fact that the goalie hugs had an expiration date and it’s now gone and lenus Al Mark has moved on and the guy that all the fans chanted about in the handshake line after the second round playoff series was over they were chanting Swan San because he was so awesome in the playoff he’s now your number one guy he’s going to be playing no they were chant they were chanting sway Mark sway Mark you heard the sway Mark they the fans spoke the fans wanted the tandum definitely not that was the the hug faction the the the Huggy Bear group that wants the goalie hugs to remain they peace with it they need to like have a good cry and think about the goalie hugs maybe watch wistfully some videos on YouTube of of omark and Swan hugging together and and put together compilation the compilation you should create the compilation just let every all the fans cry it out for a good 10 minutes just SOB until their eyes their eyes are red and there’s tears everywhere and they’re just like they can’t breathe because they’re crying so much like get it out of your system hey a good cry is a good cry can be good a good cry it’s very CTIC but get it out of your system and then move on because now the Bruins are like this is my thing Evin the Bruins are better today than they were a couple days ago before omara traded longterm term and short term they’re better with Castell they’re better with the first round pick they’re better moving on from the elmar situation where he wasn’t going to be happy uh and and I think they’re going to be perfectly fine with Corp pasalo and established NHL goalie as the backup if that’s what happens now if if if it turns into a situation where they can spin off Corpus Alo because he’s a little bit less of a price tag now for a draft pick that’s even better and maybe that doesn’t happen until a year from now if he has a decent year and rehabs his you know career and his the way people view him by having a good year as a back with the Bruins whatever it takes but I feel like is going to work out in the end prize picks is the largest daily fantasy sports platform in North America and the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports instead of battling thousands of other players that could be Pros or sharks you simply pick more or less than on two to six player stat projections and you watch the winnings roll right in uh some great features on prize picks you can now win up to 100 times your money on prize picks with as little as four correct picks you can turn $10 uh into a th000 if you’re looking for promotions prize picks has got you covered every week from lowering select player stats projections on Tuesday to help your lineup hit or getting your entry fees back if you have a losing lineup on Fridays um it’s fun and pretty simple download the prize picks app today and use the code clns for a first deposit match of up to $100 pick more pick less it’s that easy Mark had to go I mean I think there’s no debating that like it had to be done um what I wonder about like with Corpus I mean there’s a couple things OT and Ottawa was the only place he could go now after the Kings and the Devils had traded for goalies that was the other challenge of this deal is you know you’re only negotiating with one team the Ottawa centers this this is the thing and I I saw in the a of a sudden like Vegas was interested Detroit was interested I don’t know how serious those got I can’t imagine they got very serious yeah although him going to Vegas would be hilarious with Cassidy I think that would be just outstanding stuff um there’s a couple things I mean I think the cap space end of it is tough just given like I think we all expected the cap space to just magically be off the books and and then you’d have more cap space like now I mean they have like 21.5 in cap space um let’s say you put eight towards let’s just say at least LM eight towards San so that leaves five and a half um that’s enough to get one good Winger that’s enough to get you know um if you want to do a defenseman for some Reon like probably get to defenseman I think the idea because debrus is gonna oh yeah get a Winger 100% you have to get a Winger but um I think the idea was like if you had that extra two to three million in cap space uh if you just dealt omark straight off and cap space was open on the books you could have gotten a wing and maybe like a Brendan Dylan or you could have gotten two Wings you know of different prices and I think this just kind of hurts you you depthwise this may have cost you a scorer and and then another score and that is sort of my issue with it obviously yes it it adds a million in cap space and that’s good but you could have I just feel like you could have had a little more cap space and that would have done that would have helped for like an extra 2 million I don’t think it it’s going to you’re not going to be able to get a scoring Winger for $2 million like that’s 2 million but what I’m saying is you’d have that extra two million to then give to like not saying the Winger would be two million I’m saying like if you let’s look it’s 5.5 right now you add two to that so 7.5 maybe you get to Clair at I don’t know three and a half or something like that and then you the rest for tioli something like that and again both those guys could be over that price I could be way out of the ballpark but those kinds of guys you would have for that obviously 2 million you wouldn’t a scoring winner for $2 million you would hold on to like it was going out of style yeah but I just I I think the extra cap space would have helped and I think it would have made it more palatable the other thing um with Corp pasalo what happens with busy now that’s the other thing like I know they just signed him to a one-year two-way deal do they trade him like do you get value for him I mean like maybe there is a little value there that you could squeeze out cuz corp’s here through 28 yeah the other part of this um that I don’t think I fully have grasped yet is um like if there’s a possibility of burying Corpus Alo in Providence too and if that would give you you know any more savings which it might uh beyond what you’re what you’re already uh saving on the salary cap so like that would be a tough thing to do with a guy that’s an established NHL player and it would not be a good look and I don’t think a lot of players would like that um if if you traded for a guy like that and then you put him in the minors but like that’s also I think a possibility um and certainly I think it’s something the Bruins would investigate if they thought they were better off and it would add more cap space having busy as the backup and putting carpos solo uh in the AHL and uh you know that that’ll be interesting to see how that plays out but I wouldn’t rule that out at this point no I wouldn’t and I I think I do I don’t have the number in front of me I think they do get savings if they put they number but they would get I don’t know the exact number but as you said I mean that’s a tough thing to do to an established NHL or I’ve seen some people on Twitter being like you know can they flip Corp pasalo can Ottawa tried to Forever like I I don’t think they’re trading Corp pasalo right now for anything no I I no this I think it’s more realistic that Corpus solo is the backup plays like 25 games plays well as the backup uh you know has that Chad Johnson bump uh where he has a decent year as backup for the Bruins and then the Nicholas fenberg bump exactly and then they’re able to spin him after this coming season for some kind of a draft pick and maybe they even have to like retain 25% but it would be worth them to do it uh worth it for them to do it and you know get a couple of million in savings on him so I think that’s a possibility after this year is over if everything goes well but I don’t I don’t see that I think it’s very optimistic to think they might be able to get a draft pick for cor pasalo this summer the season that would be wild yeah I don’t think that’s happen it’s like oh it’s like no he did a couple sessions with goalie Bob on the ice video sessions he’s good he’s fixed you can we’ll take a third for him um I just I I you know I think it’s tough like I if I was to grade this trade I think I’d give it like a c c minus and I know that that’s not optimistic because again I do like the first I do like that but I think there was that part of me that always thought you get the first and you get the cap space yeah and that would have been fun and I think that would have been obviously a much better situation you’re right though in that I don’t think there were enough other teams um to negotiate with it’s not like the BRS could say okay you’re going to give us Corp pasalo let’s go talk to other teams as well I I also wonder if all if Sweeney waited too long with all Mark you know you you know I don’t know what was going on with New Jersey um and I know they picked up markstrom but you know and obviously the deadline had its own issues and well I also think like La was not an option because I think I think they tried to trade him at La last season and for Pierre Luke DuBois and that that that was the trade that omark nicked and used his no trade clause and and did not want to go to Los Angeles and did not want to go all the way across the country uh so I think that one was not GNA happen at all like I don’t think that was ever GNA get Revisited um I don’t know if he was willing to go to New Jersey or not what I had heard with Ottawa was that Ottawa was on his no trade list as well and Dan alfredson reached out and talked to alar and convinced him to go to Ottawa and that it was going to be a good place for him and that’s when he waved his no trade when alfredson reached out and talked to him um just about Ottawa and kind of like the market and all that stuff so it that I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that happens just given the weight that alfredson carries with Swedish players and I think in general he was probably also explaining how swed friendly Ottawa is too they’ve had some great Swedish players over the years and I think it’s a a very good place for for Swedish players to go so I think it’s a place that I’ll Mark will be very happy and uh it would make all the sense in the world to me if if something like that did go down yeah no I I completely agree um that’s an interesting tidbit that can go on Twitter that can be nice little social post um but yeah I mean if that’s like that would sway someone um and it’s just like how Boston’s a great place for German players like Leon ridle you know think that work out great is going to tell him how much he enjoyed Boston when he played for the BR hey hey hey Leon you know when you’re coming over the red line you fake that dump in the goalie loses the puck and then you throw it on net and it goes right in it works every time um yeah I mean I you know I think it’s an interesting thing with all Mark um obviously you know I’m glad they’re back in the first round um Castell is an interesting depth piece probably means maroon is gone I would assume um because you you got the big physical presence uh I don’t think he’s going to be a guy that slots in your top six I don’t think he’s going to be a guy that you know magically develops all his offensive skill I think he is what he is and that’s okay so nice little depth piece there and I I think I’m fine with just go on YouTube and watch Mark castel’s videos like all the videos from Mar cellic are him blowing up somebody on the other team and then fighting the other team’s toughest guy like him fighting Tom Wilson after like blowing somebody up on the capitals behind their net him fighting Matt Martin after blowing somebody up uh on The Islander uh you know him fighting uh who was it there was a couple other guys like there were videos of him fighting a couple other guys and it was like the absolute toughest of the tough guys um and he’s got the long hair and it’s like flying around as he’s throwing punches and he just looks like a like a scumbag he looks like a guy that’s got a lot of Fu in his game um that’s gonna bring some attitude and and some some of that uh in-your-face style to the Bruins which I think they need more of and I think it’s going to be it’s going to be good Annie can win faceoffs which they needed a center that could that too uh in a big way I I wonder what it means for Johnny beeer um that too they bring in a guy like that because I think it either forces Johnny beer to go to the wing or to to go back to Providence it’s going to be interesting to see how that plays out uh when he gets up here but I I think cellic is is the kind of guy frankly that the Bruins need to get more of and is gonna help them and the attitude Department the physicality department and the toughness department and like after watching the Panthers win the Cup this year and the they won it by just like hammering everybody on the four check constantly uh for two months over the course of the playoffs I think you’re going to see more players start or more teams start to Value physical players that can just kamakazi bomb defenseman on the four check and get really physical and wear teams down kind of old school and and I like it I hope other teams copycat the Florida Panthers in the way that they won uh because I think it’s a it’s a great way to to play hockey and it’s an entertaining style that we should go back to it’s I agree with you it’s hard I think though cuz they so many of their top guys are like that Bennett kachuck I mean obviously yes there are stylistic uh implementations you can make for sure uh in the sense of you know hey you’re going to for check harder you know 212 all that stuff but do the Bruins have the Personnel for that like down in the bottom six you can get those kind of guys it’s hard though to get a Matthew kachuck it’s hard to find a Sam Bennett Y which that part of it’s tough um and the other part that I think Florida did so well is they shook things up they went out and made that Matthew kachuck trade two years ago now that is a one in a million type trade that just was kind of a perfect storm it came together but like you think back to that and you think back to not just the kachuck trade you know trading away Jonathan hubero who had a great season who’d been there for years trading away uh McKenzie weager who was a very strong defenseman but also they let Andrew brunette go Andrew brunette who was an interm coach but still LED them to the president’s trophy y to also pull the plug on that um they’re they’re a bold team they were a bold team and I know that everybody around here hates them because they’ve knocked the Bruins out two straight years I get that but that’s a team who you’re right you do want to copy but not just in the onai style but also how they managed that roster now it’s tough obviously I mean we’ve talked about this a number of times like who are the the the core players of the Bruins they’re all locked up long term they got no move Clauses like you can’t it’s not like the NBA where it’s like Kevin Durant’s on his gonna be on his fifth Team U or like stuff like that but you know getting those guys before they sign their big deals if they’re not fits for your core I think it’s an interesting thing so yeah the Panthers are a good team to copycat from let’s also thank game time uh your best place to get Red Sox tickets at Fenway this summer if you’re well and actually they’re winning some games so you probably do want to get Red Sox tickets at finway summer although uh from me I might use game time for I saw yesterday that uh joury and uh de leopard and Hart are going to be playing at Fenway Park in August so I made game time to go see that three because I went and I saw poison uh Motley Crew de leopard and Joan Jet last year at Fenway or it was two years ago I can’t remember that was like one of the all-time great concerts the de leopard was unbelievable I would definitely go I I mowed a lot of lawns in Middle School uh with a Walkman playing de leopard in my ears Evan back in the day young Joe Hagerty when was like 12 11 years old game time is a great place to get tickets for concerts baseball um all that stuff right now uh seat views you get a panoramic view from your seat in the app before you buy lowest price guarantee or a game time will credit you 110% of the difference Zone deals you save even more when you choose a section and let game time choose the seats this is just good stuff so take the guest work out of buying MLB tickets with Game Time download the game time app create an account use the code clns for $20 off your first purchase terms do apply but again create an account download the app and redeem the code clns for $20 off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed I agree uh and I hope it happens um before we go Evan I know you’re a draft nick uh to a degree I know you uh you look at the prospects and uh I think you you just came out recently with a list of the top 10 new prospects for the draft is that right was it I did yes I did any anybody uh from New England that you think um the Bruins could be targeting at with that first round pick or is that most of the prospects from New England it’s Cole Eiserman and then there’s like a drop off to when they’re going to get selected or anybody that you think uh locally the Bruins would take and and any names that you potentially think might be available the Bruins would be interested in that 25th pick so the it’s interesting um with the 25th pick Teddy Sea from Sudbury is an interesting one he’s a left Winger he’s 5’10 about 176 he Junior Eagles right he’s Junior Eagle former Junior Eagle former Belmont Hill um went to the National program was really kind of irrelevant his first year as a U7 but as a u8 took off played with Hain was outstanding I think 25 is actually like the first slot where you’d consider him so I don’t think he goes at 25 I think he probably goes somewhere in the high second midc round I think that’s more his value great player though and I think at the NHL level someday years down the road I think he’s going to be a very valuable middle six Winger um I just don’t think the Bruins I don’t think that’s what they’re going to prioritize I don’t know if he’s the best available at 25 um it’d be awesome if they got him but for me but I don’t think it’s what they need and I don’t think he’s the best that they’re goingon to be able to have at 25 um other than that for New England prospects not really I’d say know like as a defenseman Elliot Greenwald from Vermont um he’s committed to Quinnipiac he played in the USHL this year really good shutdown guy I think he’s gonna be like a fourth rounder probably uh Ben Merill is an interesting one he’s from St sebs he’s from hangam um six fo4 really skilled centerman um lot of upside going to Harvard uh guy that has the ingredients to be a really good you know top six NHL players someday um but he’s raw he’s still kind of raw and I think that’s more fourth or fifth round pick kind of a flyer you take on a guy um and then there’s another kid I really like giod de Julian who’s from Kent uh who he’s from Connecticut he went to Kent uh Cornell commit Cornell always turns out good you know Quality Pro players um I think he’s going to be a pro player someday you know I think he can fit anywhere in a lineup I think someday he’s going to be a guy that you can stick anywhere whether it’s the AHL or the NHL I think he’s just a reliable High compete kind of player um in terms of that 25th pick though I think it’s interesting because I think there’s a lot of questions you can ask with this um you know should the Bruins uh I mean we know Center is probably going to be a priority do the Bruins go after uh a high upside you know a boomer bus type guy or do they go for someone who they historically have gone for in the past which is more of a sure thing the Cole the Cole boen bodan I hope I’m saying that right from the Barry Colts kind of fits that mold Cory prman again I haven’t seen this guy so I’m kind of quoting Cory prman here when he said you know he’s probably a third line guy in the NHL but you know what you’re getting it’s a sure you know it’s probably going to be a sure thing Frederick like type pick at that uh spot exactly which is okay people think every first round pick needs to be this like you know Superstar player yeah it’s sometimes it’s hard you can’t you can’t always hit that Trent Frederick uh example is a really good one Evan because a guy that they passed up on and they could have had and a lot of people thought they should have taken with that pick instead of Trent Frederick was Alex to Brink it and 100% you know that that’s that’s where I feel like I’m of the camp in the first round you take a flyer on the high ceiling guy and I agree you take the guy like Alex D Brink who scored you know what was he scoring like 60 goals a year and Junior or whatever it was back then and he was definitely in that mold of like young undersized Winger that super fast super skilled produces a ton of offense that you thought in today’s NHL was actually going to be okay and be a player because you know those kind of smaller players uh can survive and thrive these days but it’s the perfect example what you’re talking about where you go for you know you you you swing for the fences and try to hit a home run with the first round pick rather than playing it safe and get a player you know is going to be in your lineup but probably not as high up I agree and I I I want them to kind of take a swing what I think is interesting though when you think about this you know they haven’t had first round pick the last two years prior to that it was Fabian lysel which is what they did they went for the the best available and it’s been kind of an you know the development hasn’t worked out I think the exact way they wanted it um we don’t know what he’s gonna end up being in the NHL there’s been some issues down in Providence divver obviously mentioned that quite a bit so again people assume oh they’re playing shat St Mary’s in St Andrews college is playing shat St Mary’s in Mount St Charles yes they are but the best kids are not staying till their u8 year this is a whole another discussion on Player Development there you know back 20 years ago they were now those best kids the Cole iserman at Shad mlin celebrini at Shad James Hagen’s at Mount they’re playing 14 u5 then they’re gone they’re going to the national team they’re going to the USHL um you know there’s the other end of it with like you know they’re still good kids at the U6 level then the u8 level the talent there it’s a lot of late bloomers it’s a lot of people hoping to get those last minute College commitments um so again I’m not saying Dean lerno played bad kids or bad teams he didn’t but it wasn’t the highest level of competition either no it wasn’t for a guy like him for someone who’s 67 and there’s nothing wrong with what he did by the way like you can can do that you are allowed to do that and and I think it’s good for a lot of players confidence you know dominate the level I think that’s a really good thing but projecting for the NHL draft is hard with a guy like that because I think Scouts would have wanted to see him play against older kids uh in the USHL um or the bchl and I think they didn’t really get that now rankings have him everywhere like the athletic has had him at like 20 to 25 um some don’t have him in the top 100 some have him in the middle at like 40 or 50 um he’s tough to project now like when I was telling this to Conor Ryan yesterday he’s like that’s the kind of guy I would want because what it could be you know you’re taking a big swing on it um I think there’s other options like aasha Bo is someone I like a former Mount St Charles guy uh lit it up this year for Muskegan in the USHL High offensive upside um that’s the kind of guy I would like down the middle but I don’t think he’s going to be there at 25 so you know you want to take a big swing lerno is a huge swing it’s a project he’s going to be at BC this year was supposed to be in the USHL but went to BC now because Will Smith is gone um you know we’ll see what ends up happening I what I could see happening is he gets picked in the first round let’s just say by the Bruins and then has Growing Pains as a freshman and everybody’s like oh my God this pick is a bust and it’s like no no no if you’re picking Dean Loro this is a four to fiveyear process this is right you know he it’s going to be a while before you see him I mean like it’s 2024 like think 20 28 29 2030 when he’s like paying dividends but again if that turns into Tage Thompson then you take that um but it just comes down to what you want at that pick so I don’t really I don’t know because the Bruins didn’t have a pick all year in the first round so I I never really talked with anybody about like what the Bruins want in the first round so I can’t really tell you what they want but that’s why I will not be in the sphere in Vegas this weekend Evan because I was like Father they’re not picking until the fourth round and the joke is on us uh tra yeah I’ll be in Buffalo at select 17 Camp so far from the draft which everybody’s pissed I don’t know it’s dumb that they schedule it the same week as considering these are all the top 17 year olds who are going to be picked for next year’s NHL draft yeah why would you have why would you schedule that the same weekend as the current NHL draft because none of the scouts will be there so yeah they’re all going to be ripping it Up in Vegas at the sphere why would they no one’s choosing Buffalo over Vegas except for me definitely not all right good draft talk Evan thank you very much [Music]

Joe Haggerty and Evan Marinovsky discuss the pros and cons of the Linus Ullmark trade between the Bruins and the Senators.

0:00 – Intro
1:45 – Ullmark trade breakdown
5:30 – Creating cap space
7:01 – Comparing 25th and 39th picks
10:47 – Impact of Korpisalo’s salary
12:28 – Ullmark’s departure
14:02 – Moving on from goalie hugs
15:49 – Korpisalo’s future with Bruins
18:16 – One-year two-way deal
20:04 – Spinning him after season
24:59 – Florida Panthers’ physical play
26:50 – Bruins’ core player considerations
29:26 – New England prospects for Bruins
30:59 – Young player potential

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  1. We would have won the trade had we just dumped Ullmark for nothing but salary dump. That five million in cap space would have made a tremendous difference in signing a top goal scorer and signing Swayman and some other parts now I have zero faith we improve the team this off season. I have defended Sweeney’s moves in the past especially trades and deadline moves but now I think he needs to go. This deal totally screws us

  2. Kastelic may have been fighting other teams' tough guys, but I watched 4 or 5 of those videos, and while Kastelic was game, he didn't really win any of those fights. 😆

  3. There are some interesting ideas for 25th pick, which is surprising. Doesn't look they are flipping that pick. The salary situation is a mess. Didn't realize Ullmark refused to resign in Ottawa. Sounds like Ottawa salary dump.😅

  4. Haha you have to talk to Conor Ryan too before he loses all credibility in Boston sports reporting. I agree whole heartedly with Evan and Conor. It’s a decent-solid value, and this may work out to be a great trade if korpisalo can play 20-25 games and win 75% of those starts. Keep it up Hags I’ve liked the input and panels you’ve had on lately!👍🏽

  5. paying 10-11 million for goaltending when u just dumped a goalie? haggs talking about chad johnson, u can find a chad johnson to play 25 games for a million bucks.

  6. So.much gnashing of teeth about this deal. We got a first rd pick back. We have 25 mil in cap space. We've got some good rookies that are either coming back like poitras, a center, and the defense is. Still very good. We don't have to break the bank and give 1 player 10 mil as an FA. Sweeney signed geekie last year at 2 mil and the guy was good. The panic is silly

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