@Anaheim Ducks

Ducks taking shots at Arte

Ducks taking shots at Arte

by cattycat_1995


  1. buckyhermit

    And it makes sense. Look at the other teams that share a media market with a larger neighbour. The Devils are proudly from New Jersey. The Islanders are proudly from Long Island.

    If you wanna dig deeper, go into my neck of the woods (Vancouver). Despite sharing a team name and media market, the Canucks’ AHL farm team’s marketing slogan is “Proudly Abbotsford” and they have a secondary slogan of “Abby’s team.” (Abbotsford and the surrounding Fraser Valley’s situation is very similar to Orange County’s – part of the same metro region as Vancouver but distinct identities and atmosphere.)

    I love this emphasis on Orange County and leaning hard into it. It’s unafraid and bold.

  2. violentgentlemen

    I’d like to think so but I highly doubt that was the intention

  3. BrandonV16

    Good I’m glad cuz I hate when ppl try to talk about us as if we’re under one club.

  4. SirJustOneMoreThing

    It’s a bit of a non sequitur. Who said anything about the Ducks being from LA? 

    And I thought the Ducks aren’t even allowed to advertise in LA because of an agreement with the Kings when they came into the league.

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