@Boston Bruins

EN-Sunday Race Club – Men’s Race | Sunday, 23rd June 2024 -EN-

EN-Sunday Race Club – Men’s Race | Sunday, 23rd June 2024 -EN-

e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello and welcome to the mywo Sunday race club as you can see it’s qualifier race number four extra qualifier this month in June before we head into our finals next week my name is Matt Payne I’m going to be bringing you all of the race action along with the one and only Emma Martin Emma we’ve just had a mad crazy busy lunatic fast uh women’s race but not quite a course record no it was not a course record in the women’s but I can guarantee you today in the men’s race it will be a course record indeed it will I think today’s racing will be as red hot as a Red Hot Chili Pepper let’s get down for some Californication in California well we are indeed going to California and who’s going to be dreaming today dreaming of the Hollywood Hills 45 kilm of racing today 774 m of climbing and yet we are going to Hollywood 5 and a half kilometers into the race the first of four climbs the second just two categorized Category 3 climbs Hollywood climb it’s 3.1 kilometers long 6% average gradient we then drop down through the rolling lands of California then we climb then we drop we go through the San Francisco Sprint the hawk Hills and then the Spring Road climb is where we finished 6.8 kilm to the checkered flag at the top well it’s got an average gradient of 4% but it is a stepped climb and well who is going to be there at the bottom of that climb to make it to the top first only time will tell we’re heading to California we are indeed really looking forward this now 774 M of climbing means this is right in the middle of the spectrum of climbs that we did climbing we do on the Sunday race club brand new coo so lots of people hopefully will have been out making sure that they have this course St that they know what these Hills are like the transition between the first flight section and the Hollywood climb is almost instantaneous going to be very very tough how will our Riders get on well as usual one of the things that has remained the same is the four groups category one in yellow two in green three in blue and category four are in red category 4 and three separated by 5 minutes 10 minutes between 3 and two and then 5 minutes between two and one category 4 going first we’re going to take a little bit of a look at our Riders and our teams in there great to see The Return of our teams we got the level up racing team in here we’ve got the power we’ve got upcycled and WTB Brazil so we have Captain Ben Kirk the one and only Luke and Warrior in level up racing sh Russen jef Rooney and Joshua kenad for the power we have Adriano zasa Ian Lloyd and zavier mayard for up cycling osar visz Marcus Britto and ronato santorio Ramos for wtbr my wish Brazil well indeed 43 Riders on the start sheets Matt alongside and including those teams McMurtry is here Amer dadson Tobin AOA casassa Grandy drumard uh Mark dadson is here Peno Smithson uh Francis Connell it could be fabulous and all I can say is if anyone can tell us how many California or Hollywood song references there are in this commentary by the end you’re better than I am it’s time to hit those Hollywood Hills it’s time to see who is going to get themselves a start on that Walk of Fame out there it is racing fast and furious with the first of our groups away now we have been speculating behind the scenes with the production team as to what sort of racing we’re going to see in the first 5 and a half kilometers because it is very similar in some ways to when we first came to the Belgian courses if you haven’t watched them have a little watch back try and find the first Belgian race route in the men’s competition it was flat nobody knew what was coming up particularly in terms of racing they might have ridden it but they hadn’t raced it however sometimes when we go to a course it’s flat everyone’s taking it easy because they don’t know what’s coming other times they go right let’s go for it and it’s absolutely manic so real speculation here at the moment this group look to be going out pretty steadily away making sure they’re going out smoothly nice to see Joshua in there Joshua Kenard down there wearing his jersey already looking super smooth good to see you Joshua I am indeed waving as always on the the to our Riders on the screen it’s a very bad habit or great habit I have and good to see him looking smooth those those RS looking good nice and relax there in his shoulders and arms as well so clearly looking like he’s ready for today as we head down and we’re down on to what is Venice Beach by the look of it well indeed and torsson Holtz is the rider we are in with at the moment right at the front of that category 4 race pack and nice and tightly spread across the road indicates that the Riders are doing a very similar Pace at the moment just one Rider off the back at the moment uh we’re needing to push on and get back into the midst of that group it is pan flat on this course for the first 5 and a half kilm oh second rewind of the day I’ve got stuck in Hotel California um but Marco brto is the rider uh kicking off the front at the moment just stretching his legs on the flat lands knowing for a fact well it’s a time it is indeed so on to the boardwalk on the top and not underneath the boardwalk un fortunately as he goes over the top here Holt’s about to take the left hand turn in pursuit of Britto that kick by Britto just to open up the gaps at the moment looks like it’s provoked a reaction from Hol here as they come around this sweeping left hand turn toson Holz just taking the revs over over outside a in the fresh air uh that looks like it could well be a patio or a balcony not quite sure which there uh to I’m sure at some point you’ll let us now good to see toron though very quickly into action with the front group and this has wound it up we’ve got Riders struggling to get back in now because of the paces that come in through underneath the roller coaster around this turn fantastic camera angle there as it come sweeping Round the Bend absolutely love that as they come in to town once again going to come out from the arcades from the amusements and go back into death town going to hit what is the highrise multistory blocks at the moment we have one big block of riders in the peton we have a little bit of a gap to our two escapes that is Holst and Britto up front and the man floundering in the tide on the way across from alcatra it looks like one Rider just distance now in with Ben Kirk in here making his way in around the cor see Captain Kirk in action once again looking as always uh very focused as it comes around the left hand turn here wonder if Star Trek was filmed in the Studios in Hollywood who knows where the star well someone will know where the star was filed in and please do get in touch I think that’s a map fix of pain message well Andrew Neville Ross is in the mix because this is category three and they’re down on the start line with 50 seconds to go the teams today level racing well that’s cillo and cman South America well Moreno oo angarita and kirner and IO Sur from the silver snatches all on the start line today 46 riders in total in Category 3 on the start line today and joining the teams D kinosi Valencia ilino rod Ruez hagland Oro canara B batti Juliano AKA all down on that start line ready to go so here we are in with Andrew nille Ross who is going to hit W speed as they come out from the pens it’s time to go racing down here in California taking the turn to come out from those pens make the way out in front of the steps there and start to make the way out onto the course on my wish on this brand new world in California will they be heading around towards the Dodger Stadium if they do go across the parking lot that is on Vin Gully Avenue that is where they film Star Trek there you go it’s amazing what you can find out so of the uh lots of different parts of there the elisian part was used for the planet Vulcan as well well there we go uh but cigre three they are rolling towards the amusement park at the moment uh when just noticing angarita is on the front there those ruers they are moving through the pack and on the pack is rolling continually round at the moment up to 40 km an hour to 600 MERS into this race they’re a minute into racing in California Neville Ross part and parcel of the front of the group so is a bell VES guarin Oro David Young is in here as as well so is Montoya so is cillo and there indeed is Andrew Neville Ross on the screen giving everyone a huge wave and let’s see if he does need he was got his prep on social media do give Andrew a follow on social media he had uh his preparations ready he said for when he got dropped there was a big packet of tissues on the side for the tears if he got dropped I’m not so sure that’s going to be the case today but it is a big hill to finish we know he goes well on bumpy courses will he go as well when we have this Mountaintop but finish that last climb of nearly 7 kilomet is going to be very interesting to see how he goes on now race action starting to unfold in category four because Ben Cook and look allport are doing an allport that he basically teleporting the way off the front of the bunch or trying to and at the moment there is no beaming them up to the front it is all at the back they’re going to need more power I don’t know whether Scott is going to be able bble to give it to them because at the moment they are not breaking free they are stuck within the atmosphere and at the moment they do not have launch speed they have just got a long trail behind them well they do indeed have a long trail of riders behind them at the moment those red jerseys are spread back down the road behind olpa and Kirk Holtz is up there so is AA am rode really strongly last week finished fourth overall Russen is there as well Jac Russen while he’s on our screen at the moment and he has been consistently strong over recent weeks the Canadian Rider uh pushing on into fourth place and coming to the four of the chasing group three riders in the front Holtz alport and Kirk Russen pushing on he’s Towing the rest of the pack up but there’s damage being done already particularly to the back of the group they’re at 5.4 km into this race 5.5 is coming and we know what comes at 5.5 km there it is the polka do Banner it’s the Hollywood climb and it’s a quick transition into a steep grade we go from that flat on two what is now headed for 8% goes over 8% and this is where we start to wind our way up through the Hollywood Hills so this climb very very tough climbing here as they make the way out from the coast line moving Inland this is though one of the great roads to ride on if you’re out there if you get the chance to ride out there these Hills are absolutely iconic in terms of riding a Twist and the turns very similar to an Alpine climb in lots of ways just shrunk down in scale 5.5 kmers long or if you are in uh America and you’re working in imperi it’s about 3 miles well we working in Imperial it’s about three miles and this is Category 3 they are still on the Flatlands at 2.6 kilm they’ve got 3K go until they hit the hills but they are pushing on at the moment one big group at the moment now it was 46 Riders on the start sheets in Category 3 for our new viewers category 4 start first 5 minutes before Category 3 then it’s a 10 minute gap between Category 3 and Category 2 and a 5 minute gap between Category 2 and category 1 which means 20 minutes between category 4 and category 1 starting big time Gap big distance Gap does make it even harder for category one to close down and become the leaders on the road lead us on the road at the moment well it’s Ben Kirk and Luke allport they have continued to extend that Gap but it has broken the group apart behind the fracturing while they are beginning to look like dot to dot behind in the red on the bottom left hand side of that right hand screen you can just see the red disc representing our Riders scattered across the climb as this gradient continues upwards now although it does change it is basically all uphill there’s no downhill rest on the way through they are making the way through towards those iconic Hollywood Hills letters up on the side of the mountain that features so strongly in everything on screen a very very popular location for filming all sorts from detective dram to Big Blockbusters it’s the home of many many stars as well the stars on the road at the moment it’s Kirk and allport who are really winding this up both from Level Up Racing they’re being chased by Holz by Kanga by Amur by reneg by Marin they are really starting to push behind but the Gap sitting at 3 seconds they’ve not broken clear yet it’s stable behind immediately behind little bit further back it is a long train of riders and if the this is the way that this course is going to go we could well see groups of twos and threes the whole way off this from 5.5k when we hit the base of the Hollywood climb right the way through the uh climbs all the way uh through uh the M Sprint up climb up to the hawk Hills climb up to the Spring Road climb do you know our second clim of the day it’s a it’s uh a reference to Sesame Street in my head or should The Muppets The mupp that’s not Sesame Street that’s big bird that’s big bird I want to say big bird singing no no no no no no no no no no no I did like the drummer though in The Muppets it’s a totally random thing there just expressing my preference for the drummer anyway back here setting the beat on the climb it is Philipe Marin who has got the Gap here Kirk and uh allport brought back into the fold but look at the size of that group that’s 2 4 6 8 10 maybe 11 Riders 12 riders in there from our initial pack who are in sight on the same point on the road at the moment leading them out you can see in the distance the top of the skyscrapers you can see how much height we’ve CL climbed in Hollywood on the hills and at the moment category for started to reach the way up towards the top they’re at 7.2k the summit comes at 8.6 km so still a fair distance to go behind them heading into toward towards the hills you can see category three are one complete groupo compacto one small very tight nipped block they are about to take the right hand turn that leads them onto the climb so here we go right hand turn it’s time to head for those Hollywood Hills Pino Guin and hagland on the left of your screen they’re all in this big pack they’re in this big bunch and you can see the hills in front of them time to see just who fancies it on climb number one here on qualifier race number four of June well Hollywood climb as they go underneath the banner D Montoya cadis Peno guarin all up the front Neville Ross is up there as well so is Martin Messa these Riders pushing on now Beyond them further up the climb groups of category four Riders but it’s Pino who pushes on Francis Pino pushing on at the front of the group now 7.5 watts per kilo on the early stages of the climb and boy does it kick cards soon kick cards early 9.9% right from the gun on the Hollywood Hill so here we go making our way up the climb making the way on to towards the top H category 4 Category 3 well on the way up Category 2 though all ready to go lined up down on the start line now we have the Oto Alliance here Captain by David Goodall we’ve got the level Wizards with Betty and Walter the UAE Clan team legendary Mr X100 Pablo poic and SS down to start for them today the UAE f here as always Alon Asian hamen looking to rip it up against whats up which is Coeli K and Clays well it’s time to up the Watts it’s time to hit the road it is category two it’s time to go the penultimate race start here in the Californian World here on mik wo they’re going to come around taking the left turn and take the right hand turn and we are away and racing Category 2 is a huge field 18 Nations represented in Category 2 from all around the globe uh from multiple continents as you would expect and it’s time to see who Emma has got her eye on today in Category 2 because it is a huge list come on Emma not just who but why as well well do you know what I think this course being new course is going to be a very interesting pick and mix for category 2 some very strong Riders and I think we’re going to see some very interesting race tactics today uh the Hollywood climb coming at 5 and a half kilometers into the race it’s an early early climb you would expect that this course suits a strong climber because they’ve got that Hollywood climb to start with 3.1 km it is then not a flat transition to the final climb which is 6.8 kilm you know that Spring Road climb it is really um something to that czecher Flagner HWH strong strong Rider could be part and parcel of the mix but Phil Graves Ross forcet Nicholas Spratt uh MTZ MTI uh who else might be on my list today oh krnic he might be on my list today bead could go strongly as well I know that’s a long long list but 43 Riders on St sheets of Category 2 today and often this is such a competitive race field now menac an X 100.1 of a second separated them last week on the telm course Graves bangston and Peter mstic were the Riders behind in third fourth and fifth but it is such such an open race 11 Riders have finished in the top five that’s 11 different riders in the top five over the previous three qualifiers uh and so really strong strength and depth it is is very very tough in all our categories too though very very interesting when we get that mix of riders got our regular stuff we have Riders moving up and down the categories and it is almost for me in some ways the top of the tree when it comes to our Riders who are generally do something else for their fulltime job now let’s just get back to the racing the r is cutting to the top to the summit uh of the Hollywood climb here today you can see it’s a loop around for the Riders before they descend back down so basically do a full right hand Loop then drop back down category 4 already up the top of the climb and they will be making the way back down the road they’ll see the arrest of the Riders ascending up there in Category 3 maybe Category 2 might get to the bottom of the clim beforehand as we jump back in with Category 2 just in with Mr X100 busy closing down the group in front a little bit of a breakaway the ever irrepressible at Henry East the SRC World on Instagram just at the front of the group there in with Simmons with May with Brun in there as well spe in the mix but I tell you something M Tak 100 very quickly on to the Wheels Peter mostic in here and the tus fan he so the names that we’ve become familiar to hearing over the last few qualifiers all in there and but last week well last I was going to say last week was the course simar but I was going to I should really say are any of the other courses at all similar to this and if so oh I think this is something new and the profile doesn’t really match up with Belgium it’s not the same style there it’s not the same sty as one of the uh other course I’m trying to think of a course that’s like that I’ll let you think about that whil we go through category one uh because they are all ready to roll let’s see if there’s anything similar I’m not sure that there is let’s see how on this very different course Coalition Alpha Jo gets on Anie yobs line of Jing Michael Kaminsky and Ole Jones they’re up against hard to guard now hard to guard are numerically Superior with five Riders to the fourth of the alpha jaw Osborne Martins nutton saetti and van El for hard to guard there are a whole host of superstars in here as well we will run through the rest of the roaders from the 14 Nations very shortly but it’s time to get our final group of riders underway for the first of our Sunday race club qualifiers in California it is qualifier race number four and we are go with category one it’s time to head out around California to make our way around the amazing scenery that stretches from the very base from the borders of Mexico right the way up some 900 mil of Coastline in California fortunately today we are only going to cover 4 kilm and not all of that is on the coast there are some big climes and Ruben Don has had his we toix that’s a very UK based reference but basically it means he’s had a breakfast of champions and he’s away and an absolute Mission so thank you Ruben for coming from the gun and this is going to wake everybody up on the flat lands he has got he’s moved up right C from Cat 2 to one well we’ve seen him move his way up through the cat he was really strong in two he’s moved to category one and you know what he’s taken it to him I’m absolutely loving this good good stuff Kos to Reuben well indeed and you know what let’s mix it up let’s mix up cash cre one because no one was expecting that Reuben D what a flyer off the start Hayden pucker who’s been doing brilliantly since he joined the Sunday race cup in the mix as well but Kaminsky Barnes D Osborne van El yobs penit all in the mix here power is here as well so is Barnes so is olle Jones you know these Riders tight in the pack and don’t well he’s down the road at the minute this group well it’s it’s a steady steady Pace this is going to be a really interesting course I think in cat one uh because of the nature of it Matt just asked me is it like any other course that we head to on the Sunday race club but my answer is pretty much no’s nothing quite is there’s nothing quite like it but what I could say you know it’s a little bit of Belgium but it’s got a big climb at the end it’s not a huge climb like we see on the Paso Alto in Colombia it’s not as steep as the Y feet but it’s sort of got a flavor and a mix a match but I think it’s going to race all to its own it’s going to race uh like California which is where it is and X100 I’ll tell you something X100 is up and out of the pen and he’s pushing on in Category 2 he’s got N9 seconds so seeing an attack in Category 2 from X100 like we saw an attack in category one from Reuben D X100 pushing on and he knows that climb is coming he’s at 5 kilometers into this course he’s got 500 meters till the Hollywood climb is he giving himself a bit of wiggle room on the climb because of the class of the race field or is this an early attack as he goes through the amusement park so making his way in through there are lots of Studios with lots of great attractions down here we go down in through underneath the tun City Banner great cartoons of course some of the iconic and very pioneering uh things that are happening but look at this Mr X100 coming around that right hand turn he’s onto the Clin he sees some of the category four Riders who have come down descending coming in the opposite direction but he has got the Gap the rest of the group go under the banner now so that is a substantial Gap 18 seconds it was shown on our screens as they went underneath the banner will he manage to maintain that to the top this is going to be TOS off and the climbers should come to the four but and it is a big but we are on to those lower slopes and it is a long way to the summit it is indeed a Long Way to the summit The Climb is 3.1 km long with an average gradient of 6% well this is the chase going on behind Brun Millis stick Sprat oh a kerine all in the mix as vdo as well Kan G all in here absolutely pushing so is kinsky Ross foret is here as well now absolutely pushing on up the clim it’s early early in the race to have a clim of this length and this gradient but stretching this category to pack Now by my Reckoning 12 Riders went over the top in a leading group in category four are we going to see that replicated in Category 2 kerine is pushing on he wants to be part parcel of any group that go over the top of this climb this early in the race does not want to be distanced at 8.6 km into a 45 km race and it is indeed 8.6 kilm into this race that the checkered The Checkered Flag it’s the polka dot Banner from the Hollywood climb so we’ll see how these Riders go on here they’ve got to make the way to the summit already we’re seeing Riders distance in Category 2 they’re about to see more of our descending Riders come shooting back down past them here they come flying down that big pack there in Category 3 descending as Simon Walter out of the saddle on the ascent looking good took nicely in with this group they’re just a chasing Ed sail Betty who’s the rider off the front here but water looking pretty calm uh in that shot we saw down inside his pain cave and of course great to see on Riders In Action we get to see the person behind the Avatar oh Emma’s back in the room it’s all right Emma was just doing a little bit of on the Fly research there by the look of it uh which is uh uh always part of being able to multitask in the studio it is uh uh we do have a number of screens in operation if you see any of the social media that goes out it’s before we switch about half of the screens on in the morning so if you are looking at that on Emma’s social media feed or similar and wonder what it’s that it it’s everything in the is definitely not this about another two or three screens per person to come out uh and be switched on but they happen a little bit later in the process right back to the process of climbing the hills up to the summit at the moment the Riders just breaking out of the city making the way up through the very landscape here we are going to be on our way up just one or two riders in Category 3 to make the way down in the opposite direction Category 2 looking good on the climb pretty much together only Betty really taking a bit of a flyer in from being chased by Mr X100 the rest of the group mostly together in category one well it is pretty much all together here as we approach the 4 and a half kilometer marker you can see we’ve got Hayden Pucket in here we have got Ruben D not in here and reason3 seconds down the road he’s absolutely done a fly he’s literally off our screens at times but is that I mean if if Ruben dun could take this to the Finish I will personally buy him ice cream yeah an ice cream what a surprise an ice cream if he can do this I tell you who’s not they’re not looking B are they no there’s four Riders who really don’t want Luben Luben Reuben do I need to put my teeth in today Reuben do to go down and take the win so Yassin Kaminsky Jones and yobs four Riders from Coalition Alpha jaw and I tell you something oh will which one of those will be the king of Hollywood king of wish thinking maybe well we’ll see I think if you go off the front of this stage on the way into the climb and as you can see the left hand side of your screen our category one ride as well Ruben D just about to hit the polka dot Banner the Chasers still to take the right hand turn right hand side of your screen the Riders at the moment well they are category 4 Riders the leaders on the road they’re at 16.5k they’ve just come over the top of the climb between the tun City Sprint and the alcatra Sprint they’re about to start dropping back down off here as you can see just being DEH hasmed on the way through very Star Wars esque on the way down through here as you can see or is it going to be the Men in Black who appear next well at the moment it’s the men in red because we have an all red cast with the exception of Justin Roy who took the fastest time up the climb in the category 4 race that is up The Hollywood climb he’s still got Mount and then the H kills and three I promise you we’re not going to H that every time well 10 riders in this leading group in category four as they sweep around this right hand corner they’re on a descent at the moment but 10 Riders I can confirm leading the category 4 race and it’s looking a little bit more than 10 here in category one in the chasing group there still 30 plus seconds behind Ruben d as Michael nudson starts to move now is this significant because this is the second climb but it’s the first climb real climb of the day and nudson has gone from the traps at the bottom he’s are really open this up look at the PS going down Kaminsky straight onto the hills trany trying to stay with him as they sorry he’s just dive down through the group on The Descent jumping in the M here really interesting how that shows on our screen so it’s n Kaminsky van El allor panita look at the pace and the speed they’re climbing they’re doing nearly 30 km hour there absolutely fantastic as we drop back in with Category 2 huge huge group coming to the top they’re 8.2 km they’ve been on this climb since 5.5 400 m 300 M left to go phenomenal sized group when they come underneath that Pol do B I’m going to confirm how many riders there are in that category 2 group but it is big now we talked about the strength and depth earlier on on the show of the category 2 Men race field absolutely proving the point absolute class riding by the category 2 race field very very shortly going to see the polka dot Banner there it is just up ahead phenomenal is my word of the day for category 2 it is absolutely brilliant to see this aggression they go over underneath the banner the leaders making the way around the third they’re going to go around this little Loop and you see at the moment has been dwit who has led them through followed by Van Walter Betty behead Harvey kin Kan and mostic are the times up there 7 minutes 20 for the ascent of this climb which is a 3.1k climb but remember the average gradient is 6% is a tough tough climb so around the top it goes m m Deco it’s being chased here by van he bet water and Co he’s going to drop around the left turn here he goes and then it’s on to The Descent down mle Holland drive through down into town they’ve got to really push now to get back in touch with him because he is motoring here still holding over five wats per kilo Into The Descent yeah well mandit and Van he went over the top together manakit has now pushed on in fact X100 has come up to lead the charge with Walters but 25 riders in that leading group uh in Category 2 they’re now starting to get spread and interestingly they’re getting spread more on The Descent and now we’ve often talked about this having to push on The Descent as much as you push on the clim they’re over at 72 74 kilom an hour on The Descent well Martin Martins is up the front Ruben Don still got 10 seconds on this group you know van El Martin Kaminsky Pucket all in the mix doing the chasing but D he is The Lone Ranger up the top of the climb well he is and he is ascending up here at speed I think he needs a gold star rather than a silver star as he makes his way around the turns because he has broken clear he’s just seen the leaders in Category 2 on the way down there they go in the opposite direction to these Riders there goes the chasing bunch in category two but tell the speed of these riders in category one on the ascent you go out and try and ride your bike at 20 mph 32 km an hour and hold it on the flat you go out and try do this climb this is a phenomenal speed up here Mel Kaminsky with hiden pocket in attention are closing in On Da he’s 4 seconds up the road he’s the Solo figure in yellow he’s going to go around that right hand turn and as you can see he’s at 15K now on the tight inside of the bend here comes the pack it’s being led by OE Jones with a blue cap on it looks to me like saf’s also come right to the four here as they’ve caught D back Ruben D now has to kick he needs to stay with this group he gave himself a lot of sliding room they are currently at 7.8k they need to go to 8.6 kmet to get to the summit and D is starting to suffer here because this group have come up and they have swept past I tell you something this beats a c chase down M Holland Drive this is your alist Blockbuster time because we are seeing a fast and furious action on the roads already as they make the way in to this rightand turn it’s still kicking up the front look at the watts per kilo being kicked out here all these Riders are sitting well over six watts per kilo with some really serious Peaks going in there it’s relatively straightforward to the top now no major hairpin turns it just weaves its way round then you go into that turn round past the banner and round the loop at the top any gaps that are in at the top and are not closed down on that Loop will not be closable on The Descent because this is a big group oh sorry I know these Riders are riding phenomenally but ice cream cafe they’re going for an affag they are the My Wish ice cream cafe that is for me that that that is that mat Cafe I tell you something this climb is for vasin Kaminsky nson Martins van El planto is in the mix as well these Riders absolutely pushing and pushing hard because just up around that corner that sweeps on that tight left hand Bend is indeed the polka dot Banner they are 100 MERS from the top of the climb they’re going to then do the switch around on the top and come back down but this group what a phenomenally class group of category one Riders going across the line well there we go Kaminsky 6 minutes 37 seconds 84 saffra vasin nson clro Osborne Martins van elst pucker Jones and yobs 11 riders in the leading group in category one at the top of the Hollywood climb it’s just a who’s who and when we were uh looking at this early on we never expected necessarily to break apart so much look on the left hand side of your screen the difference between these Riders this leading group are now going to go diving down and you’re going to see Rider after Rider still on the ascent and they are category one remember these are the best riders that are out there being distanced by this leading group who are putting them to the sword today so category one hit the start of The Descent let’s see those Town gaps see if they open out left hand side of your screen category one right hand side of your screen Category 2 the group that off in front now we have got mwis up in here absolutely motoring at the moment he has got company he’s got company because he has got Mr X100 in here and at the moment they have a slight Gap to the Riders behind ex only two three seconds to van he heene Walter Betty forer and Co category three weeping around this Bend here and you can just see we’re in with that race at the moment angarita race nicely Tu in that pack in Category 3 they’re approaching the 20 kilometer marker so they’ve already made their way through the Tom City Sprint and through the alcatra spit they’re now on that little bit of an uphill drag that will take them to M on the way through who decided to call it that it’s brilliant it is brilliant and it means that we will all always remember the climb let’s face it now uh back on something a little bit more familiar for the Belgian rer Maas van he on the cobbles at the moment are Category 2 Rider just sitting in here they’ve closed down on our leaders that’s Mr X100 and uh it’s going to be mic MTZ who is leading they are just about to hit the back of them but it is a select group of riders here as we hit the 15 km marker point w 15 km marker point for the category two men this group well it’s so strong MTZ Harvey Walter X100 Betty just a few of the riders in the group take a look at that Gap now there’s a gap now back to the chasing group so 25 Riders we had at the top of the climb in Category 2 they are still transitioning through to the next clim mumum but uh this group are pushing on and creating a gap and this is a rise between the tun City Sprint and the Alcatraz Sprint and it is not a classified climb as part and parcel of the climb competition today on the Sunday race cup but it is making a difference to this group the push on has come the Gap is now being closed down but the Riders at the back here are having to work really hard to close the gap down and bring this back to one group they are going to be successful as the gradient starts to come off it’s now around 2 and a half% under their wheels very shortly they’re going to be at the top of this section they’re going to roll down and when they hit the bottom they will go through the Alcatraz Sprint yep alcatra Sprint the next opportunity we have to work at just who’s how many’s left in that group it’s not many now category one almost down to the bottom in fact they’ve just hit the bottom they go underneath the tun City cartoon City uh uh Banner that into a Wars ton City Sprint at the moment they’ve got the right and left chicane to do Kaminsky at the moment with two second Gap yobs and Booker with nudson in there and Kaminsky continues to push eight watts per kilo so he’s now eliciting a response from Michael nutson at 10 watts per kilo they’re on the way into the Sprint and there is no rest bike today we have seen Ruben Don attack kick and go clear we saw him being brought back we have seen con continual attacks here as we go into the Sprint so ton City Sprint where our category one leaders are at the moment it’s cominsky and nudson on the way through well I am just going to give you a bit of an update because uh M num is actually a real place for those who only recognize the tune it’s part and parcel of the Santa Cruz mountains based in Santa Clara County California it’s the fourth highest peak in the Santa Cruz Mountains and the name means resting place of the hummingbird and I know we are joking about it in terms of the uh uh being easy to remember because it is uh part of the M which was a big production out in the area however um of course it is of no doubt a native name for the climb there and great to see that being kept for the uh for the actual Mountain Top as we’re starting to see around the globe see more traditional names being used for for the clown and for the mountains which is really good to see although we’re still probably going to get the coat to Yorkshire whats it Bob coat do Yorkshire whats it B well I’ll tell you something there’s no what’s it Bob about OE Jones Michael nson and Mel Kaminsky because they are pushing on three Riders absolutely motoring here at 14.1 kilometers into the race and now they are coming into this section where we just saw Category 2 push uh so an uncategorized climb on this course in California and it’s looking as though Kaminsky and nudson making the most of the run into this rise vasin yobs planto the Gap now four seconds back Category 2 back in with them 17.1 km to this race they are on The Descent here mandako it’s now getting company so as they make their way through the area that we’re not allowed to name in the area of the world that you’re not allowed to visit uh you can see at the moment it is mass menis coming in on the front here Mr X100 chasing as they come in to this big descent very very tough stuff at the moment as they make the way around this course here and some fantastic shots from our drone immediately behind the Riders are com sweeping down at the moment this leading group it keeps dissolving and reforming it keeps on breaking and then finding itself back into gear again very very very fluid at the moment yeah very fluid at the moment it keeps stretching and coming back together again huge group of 25 Category 2 Riders all still in the mix it’s not 25 category one Riders In the Mix that looks like four at the moment planto having joined at the front three of nudson excuse me of nson commin it’s not good when you get a frog in your throat when you meant to be talking about a bik race no so shall I say who’s at the front it’s Jose it’s nson Kaminski and plant so Mel planto at the moment from France with Michael nson in there from Norway M Kaminsky of Poland in as well and olle Jones well I’m tipping de rer in there but we’re in with Mel planto the man who is based in France and at the moment looking pretty warm there at the minute and I’m sure he’s got the fans in action the temperature warming up been quite wet in France of late it’s been quite wet all around the world a quick shout out if you are watching us uh in Switzerland I know that the weather has been so bad there’s been a number of areas really struggling with conditions and avalanches uh mud slides Etc I think uh at one point zerat really struggling so if watching over there uh hope you are all well and not affected by that well at 26.1 km category 4 are now up and over the second main climb of the day Ola Warren setting the fastest time up there Jax Russen in two Alex West in three bre Mery in four buama in five Justin Roy Luke alport Ben Kirk mat opino and Filipe Marin so 10 Riders still together at the front of category 4 now at 26.5 kilometers into the race at 24.6 kilometers this is Jose oo he is pushing up the climb 7% under his wheels he’s got 1 second over the group behind and it’s still a big group as well in category three as they start to ascend the second categorized climb of the day it is indeed excuse me 1.7 kilomet in length with an average gradient of 4% a little bit more like we see in Belgium expecting these Riders to pretty much stay together as Jose oo out on the balcony at the moment trying to be in the shade not the sunshine well pushing on here in the group 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven eight I’m counting about eight or nine Riders right at the front of that pack but it’s got a big tail it is a huge pack than it was this shot comes out slightly wider you can see just how many uh Riders have managed to get back onto the back of this group they have a desperate real spread out set of riders in category 4 in front of them they are going to slowly pull them back as they make the way up here and the summit of the climb coming at 26 km 1.7k climb for those Riders at the moment meanwhile in Category 2 no prizes for guessing that there are Riders on the attack it’s Category 2 uh probably no prizes to be fair in guessing that it’s Mr X100 who’s on the attack this time it’s Olivier Simmons who is closing him down Simmons has been very very strong and he well could be the rider today because today the way the racing is shaping up this is not a course necessarily for a climber because although the end climb is relatively long 6.8k the way this racing is shaping up you have got to have been strong all the way through so you’ve got to be almost like a ruler style Rider so you got to be able to climb you got to be able to descend you’ve got to be able to change your pace very frequently you’ve got to be able to respond and attack and that for me is what it feels like no I don’t disagree with you at all Matt the X100 and Simmons are the two Riders now out front of this category two race malistic Lyon is the rider who’s pushing on Ricardo Betty is in there as Wella kerine force it right up the front so is yonas behead at the these Riders well they are pushing on and working but not bringing that Breakaway of two back yet yet well will it just be time I think it may well be we will take a look now left hand side of your screen you can see that we got a big split now in the group we’re starting to see the gaps appear 12 seconds behind these leading Riders is line of Jesse I know plant Jones nson saffra and Kaminsky so one two three four five five Riders clear vasin van elst are indeed in the group behind so is Martins uh this is this is really interesting move as to whether they are going to stay clear and they’re running up pace Jones and Kaminsky the fastest two of the category one Riders In fact the fastest ride of the day coming from Nicholas vanharen ahead of Mark Gates both those Riders sprinting it out uh then behind you can see we got cillo of Category 3 Simmons of Category 2 then it’s Jones now an Kinski coming through then van elino and dson but a real mix the rider is not ridiculously quick which means that they are sitting at a pace at a Tempo to get through there at the moment these are your leading riders in category one making the way in through here the rider in the green skin suit is the fifth Rider in this group in category one that is Michael Kaminsky he has got the red socks on and the all green outfit rather the green jersey and the black shorts of Category 2 now category one at the moment are just making way up to the 20 kilomet Market they’re just about to start the long drag that takes them out uh to Awards the Santa Monica Hill so just about to kick his way up that long drag the lead is in category one heading towards the second of our clim in category two around these twists and turns you can see that we have missed x18 seconds now n seconds clear of Olivier Simmons Simmons only 4 seconds clear of the chasing group behind so it’s open up the same applies if Mr X100 can make it to the finish I’ll buy him an ice cream well making it finish at the moment Ben Kirk is leading the category four race he’s got ryers chasing on his tail just 1 second back but they are at 30.1 km at 27.9 km these are the leaders in the category 3 race and it really is leaders so at the top of the previous climb 17 Riders went over the top in the lead on the Category 3 race I think one or two may have been dropped since then but it’s still a huge group canar is there Pino angarita kerschner cman dauch Neville Ross is still in the mix so is uh Nicholas Oro really interesting to see this these Riders look at that just slipping onto the back of the group so pushing on there Peter Connell just making contact back into the bunch safely in the group they are moving now at 28.3 km into this the San Francisco Sprint is the next thing on the agenda that this group of Category 3 Riders will face they’ll then transition into the hawk Hills they then move down off of the hawk Hills into the Spring Road climb where the checkered flag well that will be at the top it will indeed so in over the bridges here making our way into San Francisco to see who who is going to be able to take away the next of our Sprint points remember there are three Sprint segments today toon City Sprint the alcat Sprint both of which have been completed just the San Francisco Sprint to come at 31.8k so it is a fair way in to go before we get there Category 2 23.9k in the chasing group The Leader though is Mr X100 he’s on a solo Mission at the minute 60 now 17 seconds to the group behind and this is where Mr X100 is going to be scoring time because at the moment he’s got the pressure on those pedals he’s keeping the chain tight all the time behind him then not as much he’s giving him sliding room as he comes onto this clown now this climb the second of our climbs here today quick reminder 1.7 k long it has 67 M of climbing now the average gradient is 4% however there are steep kickers in here and that could do some damage to his lead but going into the climb 18 seconds for Mr X100 on the right hand side of your screen the Gap has opened to the chasers on the left well it’s really interesting tactics today isn’t it from X100 we know he’s a very very strong Time trailer he can sit at a set pace for a long period of time the fact that his course is producing fluctuations in Pace May well be a challenge for him and maybe tactically he’s gone out with a different approach so great to see X100 push on and set a different style a style that works for him on a course that maybe doesn’t because of its Punchy nature so X100 tactically astute moving forward in category two another tactically astute Rider Mel Kaminsky three wins so far can he make it four well time will tell today saffra nudson Jones and planto are the Riders on his wheel who are going to be trying to stop that van elster 35 seconds back is the closest Chaser to this group of leading riders in category one five Riders off the front of the pack five Riders currently leading category one 23 km into this 45 km race and as they make the way in through here their masters of their own destiny to get themselves out from the gate the magical bridges that connect this part of California don’t exist out there in real life you have to swim across from one place to another but by the power of virtual reality we can magically bring places like alatrust a whole lot closer to the side so if it was that close in real life lots of people would swim across rather than the RoR two or three that have allegedly swarm from alcatra and escaped but has never been confirmed either oh well we like to keep escapes from alcatra Secret indeed we do don’t forget it is one of the roots uh if you are out and around we’ve got some great Roots here in California one of our new worlds here in the latest launch of mayw California and hriat both with seven new routes each the downtown LA coastal range escape from alcatra gate here the hilly route the technology and entertainment and of course Wake Up San Francisco the routs each rout varies in distance but they range from 6 km to the but just shy of 60 km marker so plenty of terrain for our Riders to explore and to race on now left hand side of your screen racing over the summit of our second CL mount uman it is going to be the leaders in Category 2 on the right hand side of your screen at 33.6k that onto the climb it’s the leaders in category four that in the hawk Hills so basically if you know your geography if you’re a mountain bik find this is actually out in the Marin Hills oh so Marin County it’s basically north of the Golden Gate Bridge you go over the bridge go in and this is the birthplace of mountain biking or V or V if you are French basically this is where mountain biking was born the clunker races did you ever have a Marin mountain bike I’ve had one Marin mountain bike in my life and I didn’t have it for very long before because it was borrowed and then given back so it wasn’t technically mine but I did have it for a little while had about six months well there we go I wonder whether Michael nson ever rode a Marin or whether he is pric or proficient on a mountain bike I think I might have to ask him that this week but Kaminsky nson Jones and planto are tapping their way up the climb at the moment this is Category 3 catching a group of category four Riders as they sweep across the bridge but that’s not the leaders in category 4 on the bottom left hand corner of your screen you can see this catch being made uh but you can see further up the road more groups of category 4 Riders uh so van velum is in the front of this pack at the moment collecting these Riders as they sweep over the bridges the group is huge and getting bigger so the r is in category three going over the Golden Gate Bridge and making the way towards Maring County towards the clim where we see Ben Kirk who is clear at the front by six seconds he looks over his shoulder behind in that’s chasing group behind he’s nearly up at the top of this climb with the haulk hills climb very famous for its view back across the Golden Gate and across the bay behind them chasing categories 3 2 and category 1 who at the moment are at 25 kilm covered and it means that they are partway up the second climb this leading group of riders open the Gap they’ve kept the Gap there Emma this is strong riding I mean are we going to see this to the Finish do you think can they keep it clear uh it is indeed a class Breakaway field but there are some class riders in that chase group however there are riders in the chase group who are teammates of the riders in the Breakaway group who may not want to do any chasing but want to be in that chasing group to pick up the race should somebody else close the gap yeah interesting Chas is on the right hand side or what’s left the nearest chases should we say because it’s really Fran but vasin Martins and Van ell two Riders from hard guard one Rider from Coalition Alpha J and we got to remember there’s no team prize today that comes in in our finals with 50,000 u a being the top prize that is a prize to chase for in our finals but today it’s not there so it may be that they’re looking for the individual win and let’s face it if in that leading group your teammate was Mel Kaminsky the man who is at the moment the rider on form you’re not necessarily going to want to chase it down because you would I’m not sure bet your house on it but You’ you’d be quite prepared to put a big state down there you’re going to go down to to the Vegas tables and you’re going to go spin the wheels I think that would be a rider to put to to put your money on well kinsky quite publicly said that he did a PB racing this month so obviously on Thor Kaminsky taking the fastest time up the climb 2 minutes 50 seconds nudson planto Jones saffr that’s the leading group of five in category one Betty foret Simmons van he Lyon MTI and Burke cayen uh the riders in Category 2 coming through obviously these are live times and will change as more Riders come up and over the top of the climb but uh if Kaminsky is setting personal bests now in racing can he hold or increase that form before the World Championships semifinals in September yeah that is a big question and of course we’ve got a test event coming up on the 2 6 of July for June sorry of June sorry 26th of June which is this coming Wednesday 10:00 and anybody can register to ride you do not have to be one of the Riders who may well be selected by the national federations for those semi-finals in September you can register flam Rouge racing there is a document for you to register and you can try out the world championship courses and I say courses because there are three different courses that will run run one after the other and you can try out the format yourself so please do jump on board that and try really looking forward to that lots of events coming up on mywo you check them all out on the website for the premium events you can click on there lots of ways to register lots of different events don’t forget some of them you have to register direct so things like the OTR team time trials there I think they’re next raft of uh Team coming out soon get yourself some friends and get on board great fun I could do the fun bit but I’m not sure about the friends not sure I’ve got enough to make a team T well whilst Matt Ponder’s registering for the team time trial no I’m not zff planto Jones nson and Kaminsky are at the front of the category One race the front of the category three race though it’s still a big group of riders they are coming up to the 35 km Mark with 10K to go but at the front on the road Ben Kirk is leading the race in category 4 and he’s currently leading on the road at the moment Luke allport 2 seconds behind him they’ve got a gap but it’s a small Gap Just 4 seconds to the chasing group here in category for these race fields are so well matched they’ve been racing now for 1 hour and one minute they have still got some way to go but it is all uphill it is it’s time to hit the climb you can see at the front of the race now allport and Kirk are being closed down here this pack have tied it to Perfection they’re going to come onto the hills here on the lower slopes a quick reminder for you the race distance in total 45 km the final Spring Road climb a climb which is 6.8k long and finishes at 700 M to go not 500 700 M to go the summit run in of the top of this climb is very very tricky and we’re going to see which of our rers got that right we’re not going to give any spoilers away on that one but it’s going to be very very interesting to see how that plays out at the moment allport from Kur from ammo from Mery West Pino Warren and Co in category four category three well they are still absolutely motoring big pack in there we’re going to jump in with category one as our five Breakaway leaders are continuing to push on they are some 40 plus seconds 45 seconds it’s averaging now at the moment from the group behind Martins V jassin van El and Co and these five Riders are looking like they have this pretty much in their control you can see that they are two full turns away from the Riders behind and this surely Emma is going to make our final Riders so just making the way in I mean Emma we are currently of these Riders they are at 29.8k they’re just about to head towards the Golden Gate Bridge where we seeing the leaders in Category 2 just a little bit further up the road go onto him and deitz going on 32.2k versus 29.9 category one leaders are motoring they’re going to be there well they are indeed motoring and they may well sweep up the Riders on the road ahead of them but there’s eight just over8 kilom still separating the leaders in category one from the leaders on the road at the moment which are the leaders in category 4 and they are on the final climb of the day the Spring Road climb well let’s take a look at the map and see where our Riders are at the moment in California so here we go this is the profile Riders completed the first the second and the third cim the leaders on the road at the moment partway up the Spring Road climb now there’s a little kicker on the way into this climb which makes life difficult and that’s where we saw the big close down on our two initial leaders Kirk and allport Emma that final climb it’s the biggest today you know it’s it’s huge it’s 276 M of climbing the biggest climb before that was the first one the Hollywood climate 188 we saw the damage that was done there has the racing before the final climb changed what’s going to happen on the final climb well let’s bear in mind the final climb is not as steep as the first climb 188 M was over 3.1 km the 276 m is over 6.8 km the gradient is not as steep as the Hollywood climb the Spring Road climb though is long and our Riders have raced hard before they get there 37.5 km of racing before they start the final climb it is a category 3 climb like the Hollywood climb and the fact it comes latter in the race is going to be part and parcel of that classification note 700 M from the polka dot Banner to the Finish Line when they get to the top of the climb it is going to be attrition on that climb interesting let’s see if it is uh going to play out as Emma has suggested the attra on the clim with riders diving off the back meanwhile front of c 2 Mr X100 who was on the offensive so often so far still there but has company James Harvey M MTZ the other Rider with them at the moment but Harvey and Mr X100 leading this Al which is at 2 seconds so you can see he’s about 20 M behind at the moment but closing in at speed let’s see if he’s going to close the gap down behind him that group is starting to come back to the wheels again so we’ve had or is been a plot with twists and turns as we come in will it be a show stopping finale on the final climb here in Category 2 I suspect it will be because we have got a big group coming up onto the hills and surely they are going to make contact the fight for the finish the top of this clim am in category two is a big big group this should be absolutely brutal and I’m not sure it’s going to be well this particular climb I think uh they are looking at and waiting for the final climb of the day and there is indeed a nasty kicker before the Spring Road climb even starts uh so the Riders will come down off the Hawk Hill here and they will transition into the Spring Road climb but it’s not an easy transition and it is for me predominantly uphill that transition so this is a very very hard finish from I would say the uh 33.4 kilometer mark because it is up the hawk Hills down the other side then an uphill transition into the Spring Road climb and then it’s uphill all the way you know you might look at this and think what does that profile look like but this is a hard hard race course the fact that we have got still such a large group of Category 2 Riders together is Testament to the quality of that category 2 race field we’ve got a couple of Category 3 Riders In the Mix they’ve picked them up on the climb but I am looking to see I’m counting around 14 one4 14 riders in that leading group in Category 2 well we’ll see how they go on KH K in here in this group and he was running strongly in the very first part of this race here today qualifier number four four qualifiers and a final in June before we move on to our July races and at the moment Ken with B Ken nicely T in that group in category two they’re on their descent off from the hawk Hills they will then have the transition into that final climb to do there the right hand side of your screen left hand side of your screen well you can see at the moment on the way up here hitting the banner and starting to ascend this is the leading group of five are they going to stay together would you want to break this apart here or would you just want to set a really good Pace would you attack or would you just set a pace here EV I think we can see on the bottom leftand corner of your screen we’ve got the second group of category one Riders we we know there’s three riders in there uh coming into the base of the climb I’d want to set a Tempo to keep the distance um I think the winning move she says I think the winning Move May well come on the final climb winning Move May well come right now because Kaminsky is pushing on the pedals at the moment but nson saffra Jones and planto are responding they’re going to keep this group of five together I think with with a climbing distance here of 1.1 km we’re not going to see any real attacks here because of the latter part of this race parkour had this been the final climb then like we see in Belgium where there’s a thousand meters of climbing coming into the Finish often we see Riders go on that and put in a short sharp attack and we’ve seen Kaminsky do that before in fact he did that um back in qualifier one when we were in Belgium plant n safadi and nudson were the Riders behind him in the top five that day it’s a slightly different mix today but Jones is in their plant Kaminsky and nudson alongside Kaminsky at the moment so they are motoring up towards the top of the hawk Hills they’ve then got The Descent further up the road now with 5 kilm to go that’s the category 3 race field and they’ve worked their way through most of the category 4 race field just 14 Riders now ahead of them on the road and it’s really frantic in that race just was was watching that there as some suming up absolutely flying as it went up and over now let’s take a look at the time set by our riders in category one up de climb it’s going to flick onto our screens very shortly surely they haven’t gone up slower than the category 2 Riders the fastest time set by B yonas bead a two minutes 11.1 141 here we go it’s updated so 2 minutes 11 not anymore it’s one minute 57.97 seconds CU is 13 seconds quicker in a 2-minute climb that is absolutely memoing Kaminsky planto saet nson and Jones basically going over together as they went up over the top the leading riders in Category 2 going through just a little bit slower behind uh reflects really what we saw on our screen now we’re back in with the lead in category three at the moment these are our Riders who would normally be in the blue but we’re in with the polka dot Jersey of matus kman matus kman is the leader on the road in Category 3 he has been attacking along with iOS show Kara’s been doing the same that it’s been incredibly active they’re at 40.6k in front of them are a few Riders and then we’ve got a gap to the leaders in category four and I can confirm allport is allting in California oh yeah really well and truly he’s managing to allport in California he is indeed and allp porting in California he’s 10 seconds ahead of the rest of the category four leading group as calman pulls through canara sir koikov these are the leading riders in Category 3 and they are working their way through these Riders now the four of the category four race field question is how far can they go and how long can the leaders in category 4 stay clear well they’re still over a minute up the road to 10th place on the road Mark dadson is going to get swept up here he’s in the green Sprint skin suit signifying the fastest Sprinter today in category 4 he’s going to try and stay in that group and take a bit of a toe up and I imagine some of the other Riders are as well but category four Riders how long can they stay in on the climb with Category 3 LCP is hoping not very long he is indeed because he has struck clear he’s seen the group coming behind he knows that Riders will be closing down he’s trying to accelerate so as we work our way through our groups you can see our very leading Riders on the way through luk off of the front in category 4 bottom right hand side of your screen category three leaders closing in on him bottom left hand side of your screen top right hand side of your screen you’ve got the category two group Wass 11 Rider Strong not all that long ago left hand side at the very top that’s category one leaders five Riders the Breakaway five who have continued to extend their Gap with their teammates behind not looking like they’re closing that gap down we have have a little bit further for them to go but meanwhile let’s get in with the climb 41.6k and 42.6k on our screens indicating there is one kilometer from calman to allport the leader of Category 3 chasing the leader of category 4 on the road time is running out though because although this climb continues up the very top of it it does level out and it’s going be interesting to see how many of these Riders get this finish right well getting the finish right is going to be crucial and cman is pushing on in category three kotov sir dut all try and stay on the wheel in fact there we go just closed down by iOS Sur and kotkov and dauch coming to the four as well so a group of four there on the right hand side of your screen on the left hand side of your screen that was category two and category one well that’s it now all four categories are on the final climb today all four categories on the myou race gber on Spring Road climb the last climb today in this race in California so heading the way in through those big giant red Woods they’ve literally been going through the trunks of those trees one of the most amazing places in the world uh I don’t have much on my bucket list going back to a very early conversation that’s definitely one of mine on my bucket list is going to see the Redwoods because they are absolutely amazing trees uh out there and absolutely giant uh we would uh uh be very interested to hear from you if you’ve been there say here are there’s your task for this week if you’ve been to a giant Redwood if you’re one of our viewers or one of our Riders let me know if you’ve been to the giant redwoods you’ve been in the one there’s one you can drive through or well you used to be do you have a picture I think is what you yeah you’ve got to send us a picture for size for scale for scale there you go indeed well allport is 8 seconds up the road at the moment but am is the rider doing the chasing Mato Pino Alex West well the Gap back to West now 18 seconds so three Riders looking like they are going clear in this category 4 race on the final climb West Marin Roy Russen Kirk all much further now down the climb Matas cman in Category 3 continues to push six seconds now on dut kotov s canara is at 11 seconds so cman now really stamping his authority on the Category 3 race Luke cport continu continues to push in the category four race he’s adamant he wants to get to the Finish Line first but Amma and Pino now riding together behind can the two of them work together to close down allport oh it could happen yet will we see them closing in on allport the man from Level Up Racing well time will tell now leaders in category 4 they are still some way off that polka dot Banner the polka dot Banner 700 M from our Finish Line here today in California into the first visit of the Sunday race club to California and it’s already proving to be an absolutely brutal race route it’s torn these groups apart really early on and it’s continued to decimate the race fields we’re on the final climb with category 4 Luke alport leading he has a gap at the moment of 20 seconds to the chasing Riders bmer and mattio Pino the Riders nearest to him then it’s going to be Marin and West the duo climbing up currently in fourth and fifth place is Roy at the moment in the polka dot Jersey well he’s in sixth position in category 4 but the man who’s going to go up and take maximum points on the climb today on our final climb the Spring Road climb here is luk aort will’ve done enough to wrestle that Jersey off the shoulders of Roy I’m not so sure but it certainly looks like he has cuz there he goes the skin suit is on allport he’s taken that on the final climb the timing was superb lukot is going to take away the polka dot skinu or is he no he’s not because behind him it has all changed but remember that is the top of the climb it is not the Finishing Line he’s gone in over the top he took the points he points took him to the top then bu mured then Pino we’ve got to remember Roy’s still got to get up there and that may well be that he’s going to go back across well Luke alport now has 300 M 200 m to the Finish Line he’s been Californian dreaming all the time can he be the king of Hollywood today that’s the UCI Banner he’s all ported his way to the Finish Line your winner today Luke Hort in category four what a ride by Luke Hort to go clear the chase never broke it never got in but bamu is going to break clear to take second place here today he’s chased all the way to the line by Matteo Pinto he’s going to come through in third position well category four over the line matus cman is Category 3 he is very shortly going to see that Finish Line he’s got 900 MERS to go it’s an 18c Gap back to sir and D kotov is there as well they’re going to do the chasing continually up the Spring Road climb but that’s the polka dot Banner that is the top of the climbing segment still got some way to go until he gets to the Finish Line 700 M to be prec precise the chase is on behind it’s on but is it going to be enough surely he’s done enough surely matus cman has opened up a sufficient Gap but remember you can still have issues when you’re on your run in to the Finish he comes in between the rock walls here the Banners at the side of the road indicating it’s not far to go it will open up a little bit then he will see the banner he will see the finish line the UCI Banner there’s a little bit of a drop here where you go over the top he will pick up speed and he’s continuing to push sprinting his way down well cman is indeed sprinting his way to the Finish Line he’s very shortly going to see that UCI Banner Matas cman has absolutely ridden clear of this big category three race field that’s the Finish Line This is cman Matas cman takes the win in category three well cman takes the win in category three the fin is on behind between sir and dauch for second place dauch is coming fast he’s going to come through over the top of IO sir dut is going to take second place I think unless sir can respond no Andre dauch is going to take second place in category three iosu will come through for third o koikov I think will come through in fourth place so a frantic fentic race all the way in into the finish in our categories who have made it over the line there still more to come those fantastic carved eagles either side of the road looking down on Lind mostic as he continues his Ascent at 42.3k will the youngster be able to stay clear of Betty of for of spena bhead and Van time will tell still got 2.5 2.6k to go to the finish a little further behind the leading riders in category one those same five early Breakaway Riders have continued onwards and it is still being pushed at the front as they make the way up here there is no let up in the pace they know that they want to stay clear they want to stay in that prize money for our top five Riders well they do indeed and they continue to tap on those pedal saff red nson Jones plant and Kaminsky five Riders clear in category 1 continuing to work their way up the climb on the right hand side of your screen they are 1.1 km further up the climb and Millis stick is indeed leading out but Betty is bringing everybody back behind so the charg is on from yose Ricardo Betty Ross foret Carlos osena yonas bead all in Category 2 all chasing the young Rider up the climb at the moment and it’s looking like they are close closing down so Betty now coming up onto the wheel of Lyon Millis going up and over the top Millis needs to respond force it pushing hard behind so Ross foret now coming in making this a group of three three seconds back to osina now can Carlos orpa close the gap and make this a group of four oh it’s it’s so yoyo at the moment it bounces up and down it is such a crazy Pace here as they make the way in around the turns the group in category two breaking reforming but the pressure is on in categories two and one so category two on the right hand side of your screen Betty Mage along with foret and opina who has made contact they have dropped Peter mostic so Lyon up there Peter mostic distanced and out of contention at the moment a little bit further down but this is the lead these Riders are coming in there are four of them together we’re at 43.3k they’ve not yet snapped this to go break clear solo behind them chasing harder category one the five leaders in category one basically still all together on this time no breaks in that race in the top five at the moment well I’m talking about chasing hard behind there’s actually a very big group of category two Riders chasing hard behind and I think they’re only around 11 seconds back you can’t can’t quite see them on the shot on screen at the moment yep there you go behead Graves K all just over 11 seconds back all pushing in this Category 2 race and the graphic on the bottom left hand corner of your screen absolutely key here at the moment in this race because everybody is on a charge up the climb the finish line that UCI Banner is coming it’s 1.2 km away can the chase group do anything or is this it is this the Breakaway in Category 2 Betty and Millis stick are the Riders here clear they’ve just opened up a little bit of a gap on Force at the nearest Jason to them is only a matter of a few seconds behind it’s three seconds back to a Spiner and force it so it’s two pairs of Riders on the road it is currently Lyndon mostic he’s the rider in the green jersey with the black shorts white socks with the rider in the polka dot skin suit of the best climber so far today in Category 2 that is just Betty behind a speed and foret are the nearest Chasers but they are losing ground and bead and Co are closing in on a spin and foret those top five position by no means fixed bead working hard on the right of your screen but the leaders go underneath the top of the spring rad climb in category two Linda mostic and Jose betti are your two fastest Road Riders at the moment of the climb 700 M at that point it’s now 600 M because we are on this fast upper section we come in amongst those Rocky outcrops up on the top when they come out from here they will be able to Sprint pretty much for the line it’s a great visual indicator we’re on 400 m to go at 300 M to go we come out from the Rocks into the trees and it’s that big run for the line who’s going to take it they’re out they’re in the trees oh Betty leading this out from mtic Millis now kicking at 9 wats per kilo coming up onto the wheel of Betty goes up to the side over the top has he got his timing right or can Betty respond Betty responds that’s the UCI Finish Line y Betty takes the win from Linda mtic in category two so Betty from mosic then it’s going to be aena and forer I suspect behind and not far behind them this is cat one so it is indeed Betty mostic of SP of forcer in Category 2 category one Mikel plant is on the offensive he’s gone at 9 wats per kilo he’s trying to break clear he wants to get rid of this man Miguel Kaminsky who’s just gone storming over the top whatever you can do I can do better he says I’m going to answer you and give you some back as well he came here as hot favorite he’s been winning his way around the world in all of the different places we go to on the Sunday race club can he make it a first here in California he’s been pursued by Michael nson can nudson take him out well can nudson do anything can Jones or planto or saffra saffr is out of this now at 12 seconds but Jones nudson and planto well they are chasing now olle Jones is indeed teammate of Kaminsky he’s not going to chase or chase hard he may well put a Sprint in to take the best position he can but this is down to nudson and planto because Kaminsky has got 500 met to go he’s gone into the Rock section he’s going to work his way through this section when he comes out the other side that is when he is going to move towards very quickly the Finish Line Banner today Ole Jones going nine wats per kilo behind but he’s not closing the Gap Michael nudson is he broken he’s at 9.3 he is chasing but the road is going to run out today Michael Kaminsky continues to push that’s the UCI Banner this is four of four for Kaminsky there’s your winner Michael Kaminsky takes the win in category one today so the rider taking away the win is Michael kinsky he goes through in one behind him it’s all about keeping the Pace High to the line OE Jones comes through in two Michael nudson in three Mel planto in four it’s going to be a fifth place today for S safadi he comes in and through the line to round out the top five in category one they had a gap they opened it up and they held it in fact they extended it as they came on the CL Kaminsky Jones nzen planto and saffra the top two places going to Coalition Alpha we have third and fifth for the Riders from hard to guard with Miguel planto sitting in between them the race time the new course record as said quite correctly a uh new course record set today 1 hour 7 minutes 43.3 to5 going to Miguel Kaminsky and that sets us up fantastically for a final which is coming next Sunday it will not just be our individual competition it will be our team competition as well Emma is absolutely on the edge of a seat already don’t forget between now and then we have the ride test event on the courses for the World Championships that’s coming up on Wednesday you can see Emma’s going to be riding it I’m going to be watching uh I’m also going to be doing a bit of tech check as well at the same time so I’m not just taking it easy and putting my feet up it is time though for me to go put my feet up slightly because it is the end of the show it’s been an absolute pleasure to be in California and a new world yet again on my wish with Emma Martin you can catch it with Emma at biking with me at M fix pain please make sure you subscribe to the mywo YouTube channel every single one of you doing an amazing job thank you very much if you have done already a big thank you to the teams behind the scenes I know that they are under the weather somewhat at the moment but doing an amazing job today particularly with a new world with all the surprises that can bring so from them from Emma from myself Matt pay it’s time to say stay safe we’ll see you again again next week goodbye for

We got your Sundays covered! Join us in the Qualifier #4 of June and watch the riders battle some tough routes for their entry into the Prize Money Race to be held on the last Sunday of the month!
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