@Boston Bruins

Joe Murray Show, Bruins-Panthers game 3 reaction and more! 5/10/24

Joe Murray Show, Bruins-Panthers game 3 reaction and more! 5/10/24

[Music] after game two and everybody uh getting on me about my thoughts on David Pastak getting into a fight and they said it’s for the longterm Joe it’s for the series Joe it’s GNA help next [Music] game the Bruins played really inspired tonight huh yeah that fight got him going huh yeah all that fighting their best player fighting getting his ass kicked and how does the team respond no show at home no show at home again no show at home again like you get your game seven moment you got it you got your game seven moment and then you the you got your game one win and you said all right they can play with these guys all right goals past barski in game one what happens in game two you gave up six goals all the minutia all the things they needed to do because they couldn’t get shots on net and what happens in game three down one nothing on a greasy goal then down two nothing giving up three Power Play Goals and you show a little bit of fight in the third period when you actually got shots on net it’s it’s embarrassing at this point the fact that you went out there that sorry the Bruins went out there had a bunch of guys fight get tossed postak says he wants to fight kachuck that didn’t work out but everybody loved it everybody loved it oh look what he’s doing for the team they did not play inspired hockey tonight they left their goal tender out the out to dry they couldn’t even get shots off again tonight it’s the same thing that happened in the Toronto series it happened in game two and now in game three eight shots on net through two periods if you really look at it the only period that the Bron have outshot Florida in now three games so what is it three six nine it’s been eight the only period was the first period of game one forget about the Joe math the only period that they’ve outshot Florida was first period game one it’s the only period that they’ve had more than eight shots on net I gave gave you Coach Joe the other night I gave you Coach Joe shoot more shots get more goals win more games play more games if you can’t shoot the puck you can’t score if you can’t score you can’t compete with Florida and let’s just face it Sergey bosski is not doing anything to wow the bro he is not making the brick wall making incredible saves he is not that three harmless shots on barowski in the first period and you know how they come out in the second period five shots on net they’ve been outshot by the Panthers in every single period besides game one period one and yeah they got a third period push where was that early on where was the third period push early on in the game tonight well we’ll start it there and again the phone number is 61777 n 985 I’m Joe Murray this one was bad folks I I don’t know what to say what in the last two games shows you that they can win this series and I’m already looking here Dave’s not here man Bruins are done Panthers are just Superior in every way KB Bruins are such a disappointing team three shots in the first period 16 total shots in the game I’m done with the Bruins they’re not as good as their record indicates it’s been Fool’s Gold for 15 years now you’re going way back very disappointing with no push back tonight the old teams had each other’s backs all the time Montgomery is absolute trash so tired of getting my hopes up with this team mistakes over and over please for the love of God get de Brusque out of here he did score a goal tonight zaka is an absolute zero I got more on him coming up in a little bit people on the chat not happy tonight you can join us on YouTube Somebody won $20 from a four and a half Panthers bet tonight three and a half so you won it it was bad all around there was nothing encouraging about tonight there was nothing about tonight’s game that makes you think they can win the next game but they have to go back out there and the home ICE thing the home ICE thing is just this team can’t win at home it means nothing history was on their side in a game seven versus Toronto absolutely not on their side I I’m not going to sit her and say the Bruins are choking because I just don’t think they’re a better team than Florida but I don’t know maybe if you shoot the puck on net maybe bosski won’t block every one of them he’s not a good goal tender I know he’s up for the VZ I know he’s won it before they can get pucks past this guy right now they can’t do anything to get out of their own way get shots blocked it’s absolutely embarrassing at this point it’s embarrassing uh people in on the defense of course terrible tonight uh Bruins played right in the floor at his hands absolutely that’s the way I feel about it that whole after game two charade that happened there it’s going to linger throughout the playoffs I I I took the Bruins in six I feel like an idiot how the hell are they going to win four in a row on this team that ain’t happening that is not happening and then the goalie situation should we even talk about that six goals given up today six goals given up in game two let’s do some Joe maath on that six plus six that is 12 goals 12 in two games how many of the Bruins scored in the last two games you got no shot two goals tonight if you go back to Wednesday I won’t even look up one goal three goals you’re being outshot 12 to three 12 to3 right now and fine you want me to go back to Monday I’ll look I’ll look that up for you if you need it too or if you look back to just this team in general they can’t get shots on net they can’t so they’ve scored five so five and three is eight they’ve been out scored 12 to eight in the series uh 12 in then night so 13 to8 in the series do you really feel like it’s that close do you really feel like it’s that close because it is not your thoughts at 617 779 985 I’m Joe Murray we’re here tonight until midnight we’ll react to your calls after the Bruins lose tonight six goals they gave up six goals tonight they gave up almost as many goals as shots they had on net through two periods it’s it’s now what do you do about the goalie situation do you go to allar do you look for a spark is Swan’s run over now is this is because I don’t even blame him by the way he made an incredible save in that first period outstanding highlight reel and just since everybody wants to get on the best players on all the teams in town where was Pastak tonight where was marand where was zaka where was Coyle all the top guys where were they and where have they been in the series most of the goals have been happening are all secondary scores all of them and I know de bruss scored again tonight that was a garbage goal let’s face it and having won the other night too in the the empty Nether they just need a better performance and whether it’s the defense whether it’s the shots on net whether it’s the goal tending whatever it is they’re being completely outplayed and right now it looks like they’re not going on a long playoff run so we’ll uh we’ll start it there at 61777 n 985 again you can jump in our YouTube chat I’ll try to read them all night um scaz is back there by himself tonight answering calls so I’ll kind of lead you here for a little bit we get your headlines coming up um I know there’s a couple basketball games as well and I think the Red Sox played but I don’t really know if anybody’s been watching with all these uh these playoff games going on so uh but let’s uh let’s start tonight with Chris who is in the car Chris you’re on the sports up with Joe muray how are you what’s up Joe so I’m beyond livid with the Bruins right now they first of all Montgomery needs to pick a line and stick with it tired of fiddling with the lons trying to get a spark pick one and stay with it I mean how’s any line going to get any continu continuity whatsoever if you don’t let him play second of all the defense sucks Point Blank they need to do something to spark the defense I don’t think the go fending change is going to change a damn thing they’re just going to keep playing down to the level that Florida wants to play and Florida’s going to manhandle him and if by some miracle they do get through to the next round the the Rangers are GNA throttle Us in four there’s no way around it oh it’d have to be in five and I I probably should mention I I said where are the stars and I brought up Brad marshand uh he left tonight’s game took a big hit uh Montgomery didn’t have an update that doesn’t look good that doesn’t look good and it’s easy to sit behind the microphone and say where are you star players Martian this yep I understand marshan I understand when I say where was marshan where’s he been all series and unfortunately tonight after the little scrum after the fight that happened with posternack he took a big hit tonight didn’t look good they went to him on the bench they played basically a man down unfortunate situation for Brad Maran but I don’t know did that injury kind of take the air out of the sail for the team I mean they had a little bit of a push there in the third period And I get I already got people Joe where was Marian tonight he was hurt Joe he was hurt yes how about the previous two games and again now if Martian is hurt now you’re going to miss him in a game four Florida’s awake they know they’re on the prow right now they are on the prowl they know they can get to the bees they already got inside their head they already beat them up and now they’re just lighting the lamp all over him they have literally taken control of this series I think I think Florida is better than him I’ll agree with that but to only get eight shots through two periods it’s absolutely laughable but when you go back to the Florida Series in two games now three games what really has changed you thought the game seven win they sparked them it did that is that an anomaly now and I know people want to get on the ref so why don’t we start there let’s talk to Ryan and Hampshire hey Ryan Hey guys yeah I was at the game the refs like it was bad like there are calls you could make 50/50 and you know what in the long run like they could may be made both ways which evit out the game tonight the rests are horrible there were a lot of calls two goals L up because of it so which changes a lot of things so that’s just my thought all right man appreciate you the refs uh you really going to blame the refs for this one tonight I mean the refs suck don’t get me wrong the Bruins sucked worse what what do what do you want me to do I get these people mad because I’m so critical of the Bruins why why don’t you guys handle it like you guys handle the being critical I mean you get eight shots on net you think you’re going to beat Florida with that turning the puck over giving up three Power Play Goals you really think that’s like what are you doing here I I just I look at it right now and say what is it with this team that’s going to change to come back in this series what do they have is it the goal tending I don’t think that’s the case anymore I wonder if you go to all Mark now and that’s not a slight on Jeremy Swan whatsoever oh let’s get back to the phones here I know people want to get in uh Sam is in the car hey Sam Joe right Joe buddy but it was uh I I don’t even know how to start I mean these guys it’s like they forgot how to play hockey all a sudden they can’t pass they can’t defend uh you know they and then when they get into the the offensive zone they spin all their time passing until the the puck gets uh taken away it’s just so frustrating I want to know why hasn’t the coach made some kind of changes he just sits back there St into the the sun well did you hear the caller before he thinks that the coach makes too many changes oh God that yeah that was before and the last two games he’s done nothing he’s just rolled out the same thing and I I agree with the last caller when uh the last series up 3-1 uh and then you go make changes like last year that was stupid but you got to make some kind of changes here cuz these guys are just all screwed up things aren’t right right now for the bronin so I see you guys lined up Let’s Line them up take your calls you’re coming home from the game how do you feel about this one tonight 617 779 0985 we’ll give scaz a break how long you been going till scaz what time did you start tonight 5 4 4:30 yeah I mean what what else can we do here they got their asses kicked in game two and I think it was worse tonight I will’ll hit the headlines here I’m Joe maray you’re listening to 985 the sportsub sportsub headlines hi Bruins lose 6-2 tonight wasn’t pretty not a lot of shots on net they gave up six goals [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right right back here 98 father the sports of I’m Joe Murray what else you want me to say everybody I uh the other night did not like the David pastr fight I don’t think it’s good to get your best player in a fist fight with a tough guy on another team by the way your best player who can’t fight who got got his ass kicked but it’s to fire up the team right guys to fire up the team and how did they respond tonight how did they respond how do they respond I could tell people hate me tonight because I’ve some of the tweets that I’ve been getting not so much in the chat the chat’s all on on team Joe Joe you suck at your job you’re unlistenable and you suck how much money did you lose tonight why I don’t give me WR I might suck I don’t know if I’m unlistenable though where was Marian tonight Joe Marian got hurt Joe Marian got hurt how could he step up Joe how could Marian step up if he’s hurt Maran was hurt you idiot hey Mar Shan got hurt yes he did he got hurt and that was it I don’t what else I can tell you the goalie does well you can’t give up six goals you can’t have eight shots on net you need to score more and now Florida is playing you they’re in your head what have the bees done through the last I don’t know six periods to show you that they can come back and win the series now this is the NHL and things can change and being 22 is much different than 3-1 I get all that that’s why next game is so important but what have you seen and for the people who say he makes too many M uh changes and then for the people who say he doesn’t make enough changes I don’t know how to fix that one he had a comment on that which we’ll get into in a little bit but let’s get to you guys I you know what can we really say after tonight um let’s go Tommy and Lynn first hi Tommy what’s up Joe Joe this loss was bad what’s go you want me to tell you what’s going on with this team they do not have heart and desire they cannot score goals your centers suck coing zaka suck in the series those guys need to step it up but they can’t your best play is uh Swan and uh Mason lowai ma boy turnover machine what has he done he looks like he’s playing drunk and coolness out there that’s what I gotta say you guys have a nice night all right Tommy he came in hot huh husk I thought he was going to swear I thought he was so pissed he was going to let one out tonight well we got the stars out tonight JP and NP hi JP all right I am pissed you know when I’m pissed at Joe I’m used to the Bruins losing but somebody’s calling out Joe Murray sucks at his job go bleep yourself whoever that was are you kidding me you could get 40 people at your door in your back in one night Joe you know what’s wrong with the Bruins is bakov playing next game yes we’re screwed he’s he can outow us we can’t shoot change the line I don’t care what you do we’re GNA get out muscled bakov Bennett to Chuck especially bov there’s no way to meet their physical presence there they’re taking the lunch money from it we might as well start a go for me for lunch money for the Bruins okay they’re bullying us Joe Joe and important question what do I get at Tuscany Grill tomorrow at the seaport if I do get my appetite back because I’ll be watching the Celtics you know what I do I I I i’ I haven’t ate there but I’d go all appetizers you know just finger saw the meat yep you saw the what on the menu I think they have like the big stuffed meatball love those and what do you do tonight after a game like this do you eat your feelings or do you just kind of like Joe I just ate a box of fraking Rich crackers and a a package of salami that I picked up at Target on the way home in planville no cheese oh well I got the cheese too I only ate half of that package Joe it was the shredded cheese my car looks like a bomb from Taco Bell went off listen to the end of that game do we play we gotta play um Omar and I’ll tell you why we got to make him look good so you could trade him and get some scoring for next year Joe ah you got to try something JP appreciate you man enjoy your weekend yep the this is not an indictment on Jeremy Swan he’s going to get a big contract he’s the guy going forward if you want to change it up you need a spark you need to do something else you got to put all Mark and net now I’ll tell you from what I saw from all Mark and net things didn’t look so good and I’ll tell you the last time that he’s played Florida in a playoff he gave up six goals so I don’t know six goals last year six games two games in a row 666 I don’t like those numbers doesn’t sound good to me you know Florida’s in their head yeah I don’t like those six numbers not good not good Spence and Beverly Joe great show man you’re the best in the business let me tell you so don’t let anyone rattle you my man you’re the best out there I prer you I prefer you I prefer you over anybody me and my friends prefer you over everyone cuz you’re an awesome guy you’re down to earth you say it the way is you got a great heart and you’re just a great guy you know what I work I work harder than the Beast there you go I do you’re 100% right you come with the enthusiasm I stand by Hey listen if I’m gonna get my ass kicked I’m at least gonna throw some punches back a great Point Joe so hear me out my man this is the thing that really ticks me off and my friends right now is that it’s not a skill to come out there with passion it’s not a skill to hit somebody it’s not a skill to want it they they they after that emotional game two lost in Florida you thought they would have came back here on fire drilling people left and right giving it an effort that we’ve never seen before you know it just didn’t it didn’t I don’t understand it you’re you’re at home the home crowd you’re tied one1 with a good team you come out here and you send a message tonight and they didn’t send anything except that they’re weak and that they can’t handle it it’s it’s just ridiculous what’s Sweden supposed to do I the guy’s doing it all by himself he’s got no support they’re allowing people to park their butt right in front of them and nobody’s taking the Liberty to knock some of these guys on the rear end and I I just don’t understand what how this is happening the other thing I want to say is that this organization when they beat the Vancouver Canucks they were down in that Series in the in the Stanley Cup and you know what Middleton and bour and those guys told the team you’re not playing physical enough and as soon as you decide to be the most physical team and send the level to a place that they can’t meet you at you’re going to win the cup and that’s exactly what took place and I don’t know what mcgomery is doing anymore I don’t get it with these people in and out and lack of consistency in in in the the comments after the game he’s responsible he’s responsible you got that right what are you doing about it I don’t see anything that’s getting better I see the whole thing Sliding Away we’re gonna be down 3-1 going back to Florida I it’s it’s just it’s it’s disgusting how do you feel Jeff I don’t feel well and I don’t think you sound like you feel well no I’m really hurt by it I’m hurt I expected them to really come out on fire and they just they couldn’t do the things that they should have been able to do which was decisions this isn’t about skill this isn’t about passing and shooting and blocking this is about how bad do you want to win this game thing what are you willing to sacrifice to get it and we we we got this is what we got people paid $600 a seat tonight $1,000 a seat and this is what they got tonight oh God I would an Irish could buy at the game I would have like I don’t know third period maybe like gone back to my seat a goal happens and I would just get up I wouldn’t tell anyone I’d just get up and go I just walk right out just right outside I’d probably get a I’d probably eat get a slice of pizza and eat it on the way home because I was upset speaking of food real quick cuz listen I got to change the mood this this is bad tonight this isn’t good did he say Target salami was that he had targets I I’ve never had salami from Target before now I’m interested I actually eat pepperonis often I uh I I get cheese and Ritz crackers I go with the mini Ritz crackers though instead of like the big ones CU I feel like if I eat the whole thing of the mini it’s I’m not eating as much even though I’m eating the whole thing that’s a tough one tonight everybody I I don’t know how they bounce back I mean pretty easy for me to say that the next game is a must- win I’m not going to go out on a limb and say that I think you got to put all Mark in and see what kind of spark you get the coach took accountability tonight maybe the players want to respond the chat is awesome tonight by the way if you’re not in our chat you got to go to n85th sportsub it’s on fire tonight uh let’s go back to the phones here we got Ryan and and over hey Ryan Joe you want to talk about stars not showing up let’s talk about Charlie makoy and his turnover on the blue line that led to the low ride penalty in two goals for the Panthers everybody’s going to turn around and say that all the double Miner the double Miner the double minor it all comes back to Charlie makoy and his influence on the Bruins throughout this whole series not being able to stop a puck in front of the net in the Toronto series and now you have the turnover at the blue line which led to a double minor it’s just unexplainable for a guy that Bruins fans want to call a top 10 top five defenseman in the NHL you can’t have these mistakes throughout a series and throughout a playoff run and if he’s leading the way for the Bruins I just I don’t see an Avenue where where they could progress any further the makoy thing is uh is bad I’m sure when the season ends we’re going to hear that he’s dealing with something his play has been so bad that I he has to be it’s yep I think you’re absolutely right he has been completely exposed and not so much he has been exposed to the caller’s point he gets exposed and then lowai gets exposed and then he screens the gender who gets exposed he is just the uh right now he is the Snowball Effect he’s involved in it and everything else goes to crap like JP’s car how it smells on the way back from the seport tonight 617 779 0985 I can’t people want to talk about the refs I fine Paul and Blackstone hey Paul what’s up Joe hey look man I don’t it can be true that the Bruins played bad and they got boned by the refs as well but there’s two things that I want to point out right so I was there I was in the crowd and nothing takes the energy out of the crowd like a sketchy penalty that gives the other team momentum right if if you look at that double Miner the Bruins had just had their first sustained it was still a one goal game they had just had their first sustained pressure they gotten a few good scoring chances and and then in the blink of an eye the Panthers are on the power play a 4-minute power play put two goals in the net and the game has completely completely totally changed and it’s again I I know all the things you’re saying are right and I’m not blaming the refs but we can’t undersell the importance of them having six goals and only one of them Joe was even strength that’s true I mean listen this is why I’m not really on sing too much tonight what what can he do when they give the puck over so many times or they’re on on the on the penalty kill like what can you do there’s only so much you can do in those cases uh we’ll take one more before we go to bre I see we we’ll go all night guys we will go till midnight actually I’ll take your calls all night I’m not staying here all night because how much more can we talk about this uh Stevens in Dorchester Hey Stephen yeah how you doing I just want to talk about just the whole team in general from you know the offense not it’s just a puck movement they’re turning the puck over right and that’s key in the playoffs when we’re going into the third period we only have eight shots on net you you just aren’t going to win playoff games like that and so you know a caller saying you know we got to start olark Swan is putting up unreal numbers he’s one of by far the best you know goalie I just want to hear your thoughts but I’m just really confused this lineup we didn’t even know was going to go this far and they’re still doing this so I can’t wait to see what we do in the off season cuz we’re going to have so much money and it’s it’s awesome but you know right now we’re really in a hole Yeah it ain’t good SW uh I’ll tell you this Montgomery’s taking the heat he says he needs to have a better game plan and his job was on the line in game seven maybe he saved his job winning that series maybe maybe and as far as the he’s not hot anymore probably have to make the switch uh we’ll take a quick break I’m Joe Murray we’re here until midnight the phone number 61777 985 we’re also in the YouTube chat and I learned that Target has salami we’ll go to break talk to you guys right after this don’t go anywhere there’s more Joe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] took responsibility so we’ll get that that in a minute um plenty of calls still on the line which we’ll get to you we have no commercials here for just a little bit but a couple of things in the chat that I wanted to bring up number one uh one of the guys in YouTube I took more shots after the game than the Bruins had in the first two periods that made me LOL toer top shelf salami or top top shelf goals I would say top shelf goals and then someone brought up my Market Basket Fiasco from years ago when I you ever get the grab and go chicken fingers right up the front grab and go and when I got into the car I went to take a bite and it was a plantain now I like plantains I ate it anyways but it was upsetting and I feel like tonight watching the Bruins we all wanted chicken fingers instead we got plant hands uh we’ll take a look at the headlines and uh Jim momery and whatever else happened tonight as we’re here until midnight tonight I’m Joe Murray here on 985 the sportsub the Town Fair Tire Studio the home of the Bruins Patriots r and Celtics Max set back three is good Boston’s home for sports is c85 sportsub EAS Media Group station sports upub headlines Bruins lose 62 it wasn’t pretty at all where do you start barov had two assists the brus had a goal and an assist so I guess he had a two-point night if you want to say that that was good Brad Maran the left the game with an injury no update yet on him Jeremy Swan 27 saves on 32 Shots tonight no word yet if he’ll be in net in the next game which well will be a pretty important one for the Bruins when they play at home Sunday Mother’s Day win one for your mother uh uh Oilers connects time at one right now Vancouver leads that series one- nothing in the NBA Pacers has got a 111 106 win over New York but they still lead the series two games to one Denver all over Minnesota 5641 Jamal Murray 18 first half points Mike buen hosler the new head coach for the Phoenix Suns and the Red Sox lost 5-1 headlines they are brought to you by safety insurance providing comprehensive coverage for your auto home and Business ask your inent an agent about safety I’m Joe maray your next update in 30 minutes no matter where you go you’re always connected to Boston sports with the 985 The Sports Hub app download it wherever you get your apps today you know the way that that game to ended I I I sniffed it out I sniffed it maroon gets taken out Coyle gets taken out maran’s out of the game all of a sudden kachuck is chirping at postac hey let’s fight hey let’s fight and no one’s there to protect Pastak nobody nobody was there and kachuck kept going with him want to fight let’s fight let’s fight because he knew nobody was there so what happened Pac leader on the team wants to change something the vibe maybe a spark going into the next game the sentiment was appreciated by most but your star player went out there he fought got his ass kicked people still like yeah it’s great it’s awesome it’s going to spark the rest of the series and they’re going to be fired up in game three so fired up that they absolutely tanked in this one three and when I tell you harmless shots on net in the first period then marshan gets injured which we’re we’ll get into in a little bit or left the game the second period the Bruins got five shots on net so Joe math that would be eight shots in in the first two periods eight shots eight shots like I ate more Wings tonight than shots they had through two periods true story it’s just that was the way that they were supposed to rebound that was the spark that happened after that fight everyone rallying around him oh pasta I love what he did what did it do did it Inspire the team no what happened is Florida goes these guys fell for it oh and kachuck got a few extra Jabs in there too huh yep they hit early on there was some big nice little hits going on around they were physical it was all there they can’t shoot the puck anymore they’re no longer looking to shoot the puck they’re no longer trying to score goal well at least that that’s what I think they’re no longer having an emphasis on getting shots on Sergey babowski they need to get shots to score goals they struggled to do this versus Toronto Toronto took him out of this game you know what else Toronto did they stopped them from getting rebounds were there any rebound chances I’m one of the guys who think that barski is a product of the team he’s on and the people in front of him I don’t want to discredit them he’s one VZ in his last year you saw what happened him in the Stanley Cup I know this team’s reloaded I know that they probably won’t you know should go back but the bees effort it’s it’s it’s it’s horrible and now the coach is taking the responsibility and he’s saying that he needs to change it up why they’re weak right now this team is weak and let’s just bring it up if Brad Marian can’t play in game four what does it mean for the Bruins massive loss what’s bigger than massive what it is a Monumental loss leaves the game tonight with an upper body injury uh reading from TY Anderson right now Bruins will hold at 11:30 a.m. practice at Warrior Arena Arena Arena Arena on Saturday but what does Swan say after the game they got to go back to the drawing board and see what they can do you know what that means you’re out bro they got to change it up you know why cuz they’re desperate they got to go all Mark I’m not saying he’s the Savior but what else do you have you got to change it up you got to find a little bit of luck you ride the hot golender the goalie no longer hot change it up that’s what I would do but again Coach Joe Coach Joe told you more shots on net more goals eight shots through two periods not good not good so that’s where I would start more shots more goals uh we got Bob and Denham hey Bob Rob Joe hey can we Fire Dawn Sweeny finally this guy built this team they have one and a quarter lines if they’re lucky they have tell me about what’s his name Brando out there he reminds me of Hal Gill who what’s his name Carlo Brandon Caro Brandon he’s six foot yeah he’s six foot five Joe he’s got the Andis Hedberg prob he’s got eggs in his pocket he would they they need guys like Bruce shoot him back you know you’re getting too old for me who guys do you know that guy would who did he say to bring back who the hell is that guy I don’t remember that name in my life as okay I love a blame pie oh oh you know me I love to bake me up a blame pie don’t really have Sweeney in that pie I don’t have a Sweeney ingredient they’re not getting offensive Presence by their players I think number one all right fine you want number one Charlie McAvoy I can’t continue to beat the guy up how many goals is he giv up what are you what are you g to take him out or you gonna take Brandon Carlo out in game four to what send a message you gonna take him out to send a message is that what you’re GNA do do people want that you want Charlie makoy off the ice I think he’s the number one problem on the team I don’t think there’s anyone that can may maybe that’s what they have to do I I think the rest of it’s their secondary scoring which has been a problem for I don’t know how many years now right I’m I’m just going to look at shots for the night beer one had a goal Breo Coy one debrusk one Frederick one geeki one Loco not bad goal I like that kid by the way and I think he had to play only he only got 10 minutes tonight what uh marand obviously played 10 minutes as well maroon got 11 maroon got more minutes tonight than loo and he uh maroon had a shot on net David Pak had three shots on net zaka well I bet him to have a point tonight that didn’t work and then James Van RDJ two shots on net 13 minutes if you look at the defense BR uh what was his name what do you call him Barlo forget what he called them uh makoy zero shots on that lorai one shot on that one assist hey anybody notice uh peak tonight they need more shots on net they need more offense they need more offense they can’t turn the puck over anymore you can’t have penalties and go on the penalty kill and you give up three Power Play Goals tonight don’t make the mistakes get more shots on that sounds easy right Jud in the cap hey Jud hey how’s it going Joe you don’t just uh I honestly a lot of calls tonight I was at the game don’t know even know where to start it’s another [ __ ] oh D you can’t swear bro I will say this in the cers defense though you if you ever watch The Bill Burr special Bill Bergos you know when somebody’s from Boston you know they’ll they’ll mention you know you know who is there you know scaz and Matt and you know Bill that’s what he did just happened to throw in a swear in there can’t do that stream WINS again Justin and Shrewsberry hey Justin Hey Joe what’s going on so I call called in uh Wes day saying that tonight’s game was sneakily going to be the most important game sneakily and um I mean if if they lose game four going back to Florida you might as well just not even show up for game five with how they played the past two nights and especially if they kind of repeat that performance uh next game I mean at this point like it if they get bounced this round it would be two Wasted Years where they kind of dumped all their prospects into into something that turn into nothing I’m like moving forward you kind of have to look at the coach and look at the core of this team and you know potentially shake it up I mean I’m a I love the core as much as anybody else but at this point like you can’t just keep trying the same thing over and over and they need to take a hard little premere and make some some tough decisions move a for if it all goes back appreciate you bro I mean are we already looking ahead do you want me to do that you want me to pull up the salary cap for next year and start looking ahead listen win game four win game four win game four even the series go back to Florida simple as that win game four you’re back in it I don’t know what they’re going to do to win game four I don’t I don’t know the only thing I have is put all Mark in it not an indictment on Swan you need the change you need a change you need a change you need a change need to change don’t change the lines don’t do anything different put all Mark in net he has a career 123 and one record versus fer 123 and one now he hasn’t played well in the playoffs against them gave up six six six goals how many goals they score tonight six don’t give up six goals get more than eight shots in two periods you’re still in this thing doesn’t feel good but you’re still in it nothing good to say tonight about the Bruin says Thomas but speaking of wings I got a handful tonight from Market Basket I ordered the regular ones only drumsticks and they were pretty good I was a bit surprised on how good they were good for you Thomas I usually get the butter buttermilk ranch and blue cheese and I dip in both speaking of Dipping we got to go to a break I’m Joe Murray here on 9985 this work you’re listening to Joe listening to Joe [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the bars or another bar if you’re hopping back in the car right now feel free to call in at 617 779 0985 I know a lot of people want to talk about changes where do they make changes I mean you saw Peak back in the lineup tonight I don’t know scaz what do you got you got you got anything bad because I just at this point like I feel like Florida’s the better team and if they’re basically not going to get shots on goal Florida is going to score more goals that’s it yeah I mean I think we knew going into the series that the Bruins were going to be outmatched their way to win the series was great goal tending and limiting turnour s they’ve gotten one of those well you know tonight wasn’t great but goendale team when you’re not the more talented team you can’t make mistakes and you have to capitalize on opportunities and the Bruins are doing neither of those things and and they’re just not their offense like the crazy part is they they have much more room to skate and much more room to shoot in this series than they did especially at the of the Toronto series and they’re just not capitalizing so they’ve gone to forbo they’ve gone to Peak do you go back to shaton Kirk and grizzli like is grizzli done I I I don’t even I can’t believe I even said that I mean those are the only calls we get after games right is that grizzli is the problem and now you’re gon to bring him back in no I I don’t I can’t even believe I uttered it I I can’t believe I uttered bringing grizzli back how about ChatOn Kirk I mean doesn’t that kind of tell you all you need to know though is if that’s that’s your plan that’s what’s going to change the series is bringing back Matt grizzli or Kevin shattenkirk aren’t you already screwed if you’re doing that if if that’s your last resort no they need their stars to be the Stars they need I mean Jake the Bros I think is your leading goal scorer in the playoffs and he’s been fine but that’s just it’s not going to be enough the they’re just everyone other than swayan is letting them down right now all right weird weird makoy take here is he comfortable playing with grizzli and that’s why his plays falling off I I I I hate I hate excuses so what now it’s like a it’s like a pitcher catcher situation you got he can only pitch if he’s got like his catcher with him remember when he was Charlie mavage he was playing with Chara right Chara leaves he plays well now he’s not playing well because he’s not with this guy but you’re right the pitcher catcher thing yeah you know Greg Maddox needed the pitch to whoever that backup catcher was had to have Kershaw right didn’t he have his own guy for a long time Wakefield yeah well wake and marabelli the best ever do it I just I can’t believe that here you are in a 2-1 series you’re looking to make moves and now we’re bringing up Matt Grizzly coming back it’s a chunky uhoh you got a [Music] chunky again Coach Joe anybody this Edmonton Vancouver game every time I look up there’s just shots on net shots on net shots on net shots on net shots on that shots on that shots shots shots shots shots shots shots that’s what the Bruins need more shots shoot the puck more please I need people that can shoot the puck if I was Joe I’d go down there and I would want whoever can play to be able to shoot the puck I don’t care if he’s good on the penalty kill I don’t care any of this stuff can he shoot the puck can he shoot the puck they need shots here’s another one marinating but Mark I’m marinating back to allmark for a second here Coach Joe says go to allar because you get nothing else let’s say you play all Mark and he does well now you got someone to ride in the next game flip side of that Coach Joe is what if you play allar and it’s bad now you’re down 3-1 you have to go back to Swan and now you may have just hurt some trade value for a former VZ a goalie so that’s twofold for me there like at this point Swan’s the guy forever forever he’s the guy but as far as allmar goes I think you got to do the move I think you need to make the move to omark got to change something up if not I dare ask if Maran doesn’t play can you even afford to do any of that can you even afford to do it your thoughts at 617 779 0985 Joe when is the last time you ate a whole large Meat Lovers I don’t really do a lot of meat lovers I’m more Veron guy when’s the last time I ate a whole one ah it’s been a while I used to be able to pound of pizza like it was I used to be able to eat a lot of pizza Eric’s in methu Eric how you doing Joe tell me everything’s going to be all right man I need to hear that I I I don’t know if it is man and by the way me love is is gross but anyways just leaving the game what’s your addition of a what’s your I don’t know there’s just too much [ __ ] going on there show me up man come on who hates a meat lovers Pizza out out what were the odds on someone’s swearing over a meat lovers Pizza and not the Bruins tonight I think we’ve had more swears than Bruin shots through the first period that’s why I love post game with y’all go bleep yourself oh that was great plain cheese says John pasquali uh oh Tuka people bringing oh now you’re bringing up Tuka huh that’s how you know Bruins fans are really hurting tonight when they start bringing up Tuka oh man it’s not the goalie that’s the problem it’s called Tuka you’re the best Joe the only way to hate a meat lovers Pizza is to have a Target salami on it oh man all right we got to go to break we got to get a look at the headlines here it’s the final one of the night let me tell you what’s going on in that basketball game and well if you want to like react to anything we’re here till midnight I’m Joe Murray here on the sportsub sportsub headlines all right Bruins lose 6-2 tonight barkov two assists Hey Jake de brus had two points tonight but wasn’t enough cuz they didn’t get enough shots on net [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the sarge Mike Riley’s listening Tonight line of the night I think we’ve had more swears than Brewing shot tonight thanks Sarge for listening Joe forget the Bruins check out the Aurora I don’t know should we get our uh those glasses the uh the eclipse glasses and go outside and look at the Aurora what is the Aurora there we go now going down a rabbit hole the oh okay Northern Lights I was going to say you got you got to know what the northern lights are Jo well you know there was a Kid Rock song once oh I’m sure it was good that talked about the northern lights and the Southern Comfort I can’t really say the rest of the lyrics and I’ll get in the pit and try to love someone sure it was a very deep meaningful song that he he took a lot of time writing you know with the northern lights and the Southern Comfort I can only imagine the lyrics that he came up with at the time uh Bruin’s lose tonight I don’t want to leave people holding Dylan’s in Wakefield hi Dylan hey what’s going on Joe hey all right so I got a bit of a hot take for you but I am a hockey guy I’ve played all my life and uh sometimes we would do this um we were struggling uh but we had a really talented dman uh we’d sometimes throw him up on like a w or something and kind of make like a you know a makeshift line with like our maybe top two guys or top guy up there so I’m thinking maybe with makavo struggling the way he is and he’s you know turning the puck over you know non-stop put him on of line with Pak or or throw him on the second line or something or just put him up there see what he can do get shots on net you know we’re we’re struggling with shots so he’s a talented dude probably one of the most talented guys on the team so dyl throw them up there would you put makoy with him I mean you put grizzli back with makoy is what I mean yeah I would I would um I I I’m a little biased um I played with Grizz back in the day so ah no no no no no no bias no men’s league stats no bias no no no Steve’s in pey hi Steve what’s up buddy boy a tough one tonight I’m not happy tonight yeah how was it there I’m very very distraught how was it there tonight I’m sorry how was it yeah how was it it was Lively it was Lively but you know when you get three shots in the first period people coming walk in the hallway saying are you kidding me are you kidding me you probably poured more shots in that third period or maybe in the first two periods then or three hold up you probably poured more Shots tonight than the Beast oh man they are brutal they are brutal I the I just can’t believe what I’m seeing can’t believe what I’m seeing was there booze from the crowd tonight Steve was at works at the Garden were there booze at the Garden yeah yeah people bought some bottles for the sweets and you know had had some fun and uh just I I just I’m just in shock I really am what do you think about I mean there’s still I mean Steve as as uh in doubt is is seem things seem right now all they got to do is win game four right I understand I understand and what’s killing me is between them and the Celtics losing games at the Garden I mean whatever happened to home court advantage I mean it just doesn’t seem to to happen anymore and it’s just not us I mean look at them lost two home games to Minnesota you know now it looks like they’re going to come back in Minnesota tonight um I I I don’t know I don’t think got to happen I don’t think it’s helping you huh if the if they’re not playing well at home what’s it doing for you well it’s it’s not bad for me I can’t complain okay so you know I know you’re a humble man yeah no it’s it it’s fine the uh people are good U how’s the sky look tonight can you see the Northern Lights uh no I’m driving I’m almost home but when I get out I will look all right well look pray to your lucky stars tonight that they win game four all right I’ll talk to you soon thank you thanks Steve hey Bruin’s lost but you know what you get the Northern Lights James in the car on the garden Vibe tonight Joey how you doing baby how you doing buddy I’m doing well yeah I was at the at the game tonight it was um yeah was it was Nor like I ever seen before there was like beers being thrown on the ice after that Loco penalty they threw wait wait Bruins fans threw beer on the ice yeah that Loco penalty like everyone was booing and then beers there was a rat thrown on there wait someone threw a rat yeah yeah it was like a plast like a plastic rubber a rubber one but uh yeah I never seen it before like a beers being thrown water bottles anything else get thrown on the ice that you know of like what do you mean the fact I wasn’t taking any CH saw saw you backed away from the vehicle SC put his hands up like freeze we are not going there Joe it’s been a tough night everybody he didn’t need a Buffalo Bill situation you said it he said it they suck tonight and we have I got to have fun with this one it’s bad everybody this isn’t good what’s going on with the bead is not good trying to be uh try to keep it funny trying to keep it light guys wanted nothing to do it did you hear the call go what what do you mean oh I knew what you meant you do by the way how do you Pat someone down with that like what do you do Mike is in DC hey Mike Hey Joe man I have to disagree with you about game four man Florida Florida has it they’re going they’re going to take over no I I didn’t I didn’t say the Bruins are gonna win game four I said they need to play they need to win it or it’s over yeah I don’t no way man they’re they’re just going to take it Florida’s too strong they look like a a cup team I I put some money on them for sure right now kachuck is just so good he he dominates the team he’s he’s oh oh listen he has he has made the Bruins call him their daddy yep yep you’re absolutely right I wish he played for the Bruins honestly I I mean he’s such a a you know a badass man he he is the man he owns them you’re right he’s the daddy wow we got Bruins fans calling Matthew kachuck Daddy imagine that now they want Matthew kach Chuck on this on their team this been this been a fun post game tonight from Target salami to meat lovers to Northern Lights to wanting Matthew kachuck on your team it’s been a very interesting night all right well take take the final break of the night here no Joe me the money tonight too it was too good last week I can’t go back just G to take a week off uh but that’s it we’ll uh wrap this bad boy up on the other side we’ll tell you what the schedule is here on the sports for the rest of the week and well maybe we’ll tell you what the schedule is next week as well I’m Joe Murray here on 985 the sportsub I’m used to the Bruins losing but somebody’s calling out Joe Murray sucks at his job go bleep yourself whoever that was are you kidding me don’t go anywhere there’s more Joe Murray more Joe Murray [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don’t I can ber get you through the midday Joe Murray gets you right through the night I actually spoke with women today maybe the Bruins should bring their moms to the game I mean they’ve brought their dads to the game in the past right I don’t know imagine being like yeah you know I uh I can’t make get for supper I got to go to the Bruins game tonight Mama I’m not going to be home for supper no no no just I’m not going to make it okay bye-bye that was from The Departed Sunday they’ll play game Hey listen people doesn’t look good right now all you got to do is win game four it’s all you got to do so again Coach Joe um I would ask the Bruins to shoot more I am interested in what kind of changes Jim Montgomery has ahead I’d look at chatton Kirk and I don’t can’t believe I’m even thinking the idea but you got to get makoy right is it if he’s not right should they play him I the bigger question is Brad Marsh ain’t gonna play and then who plays in that case uh one other thing about Martian just while while we’re on it the injuries with him I he’s been you know pretty consistent all year he’s had the hip injury a couple years ago when it matters though I mean I’m I’m going back to the Blues game a couple of years back has in a game seven tries to get off the ice for a change and then gives up the goal you know he’s hurt before that I mean he’s had some big games had a big game this in this playoff I just don’t think they can afford to lose him at all at all so if they don’t have marshan I don’t know what you do to try to get more offense usually he’s a kind of guy to steal a game for you right without him that could be uh could be pretty interesting but do you go back to grizzli to help makoy you know I don’t think you’re taking makoy off the ice I don’t what about playing him at forward though you know what is that the changes they’re talking about that’s what some guy called in and said that they should play makoy forward didn’t they Krug did that once right well I don’t know I mean if he’s out why don’t you play I know I got an idea Coach Joe will listen to all ideas you move makoy to wing and then grizzli takes a spot or shaton Kirk it’s a chunky uh-oh you got a chunky you’re all losing your Minds tonight you’re losing your minds you’re losing your minds the team tonight played so poorly that you don’t know what team you’re watching anymore and now Montgomery says it’s on him and that he needs to make changes oh boy still a shot everybody I I’ll I’ll say this I won’t be surprised if Mark place the coach is desperate right now in a game seven he called out his best player his best player performed I think in a desperate situation going to allar it might change the pace for Florida but if he goes down you HT his trade value and then it’s swming the rest of the way and it’s probably it for uh for the bru season The Departed the Bruin played like two guys from Providence you could say they got clipped tonight shooting pucks like salami from Target who doesn’t like a meat lover’s pizza except for vegetarians like besides a vegetarian who doesn’t like a meat lovers that one guy they called in can you believe that well someone goes on the bright side it can’t get any worse can’t it this is where the DMX y’all going to make me lose my mind this is where we’re at tonight everybody uh so what’s the rest of the weekend we got uh Celtics tomorrow 8:30 Celtics tomorrow and then Sunday Bruins 6:30 and then Monday Celtics so we’ll be back here on on Monday night and we’ll have live reaction oh blame Tatum everybody blame Tatum there’s an article up at 98 father go check that Anthony Edwards getting blown out at home right now he he must be terrible Anthony Edwards uhhuh yeah blame Edwards yeah yeah uhhuh I’ll say this about the Celtics I don’t know the two guys you’re traded for one’s not [Music]

Joe Murray Show, Bruins-Panthers game 3 reaction and more! 5/10/24


  1. Marchand folded like a lawn chair. The hit from Bennett looked like an adult slamming a child to the ice.

  2. 9 goals in 2 game's is not exactly standing on your head. Is it Sways fault? Certainly not. But Ully does cover more of the net and he owned Florida during the season like Sway owned Toronto . As for Jim he has to realize east west games win in the season but north south games win the Stanley Cup. You have to forecheck to death when there's no room.

  3. There is something really funny to me about someone who looks like they have trouble walking to the fridge for the 14th time that day being critical of professional athletes not performing.

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