@San Jose Sharks

Sultan Ibragimov

Sultan Iragimov training hard at the gym


  1. I like Sultan and Ruslan Chagaev.But it sucks that they have to face each other so soon, I wished they fought (klitchko,and others before facing each other. None the less, May the best man win and I think Ruslan Chagaev has the edge on Sultan by little bit. He's more tychnical.

  2. Sultan can hit and has KO power. In addition, Sultan can take a hit and isn't afraid to get hurt. His strategy is to hang back until the other person is tired out as opposed to go toe to toe slug fest. Klitchko has all that and more stamina. I agree Klitchko w/you, Klitchko on points or KO. If Sultan wins..WOW!

  3. Would love to see Sultan continue his career beyond his one loss. Respect from NZ

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