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Texas A&M vs. Tennessee: 2024 Men’s College World Series Final Game 1 | FULL REPLAY

Texas A&M vs. Tennessee: 2024 Men’s College World Series Final Game 1 | FULL REPLAY

the NCAA men’s College World Series Finals game one injuries ra Montgomery of course he broke his ankle he’s out that’s a 27 Homer guy with a plus 300 average and a superstar high draft pick he is right there he has been leading the cheers and the chance but he’s not going to have an impact on the field as we get set for our first pitch of game one of this world series with a sellout crowd standing room only the NCA announced early this afternoon there were no tickets left Gavin graovac leads things [Applause] off chamos the Lefty is ready wind blowing gently out towards center [Applause] field and we are underway with a World Series and a strike one from Stamos to start for Stamos fast Ball’s going to be right at 90 he’s get two different breaking balls but one thing to remember in two of his last three starts intentionally as an opener he’s only got a third of an [Applause] inning left deals and graovac third baseman and freshman fouls that off ask Tony Vella there is no script before the game they as he said we kind of vibe things out sometimes it makes sense sometimes it doesn’t there’s no Rhyme or Reason to number of pitches number of innings that he may be in there and then they’ll give way to AJ Kazi has got 13 wins most by a Tennessee pitcher in a long time set the defense after the pitch as Stamos is set on the 02 angra hovak sends this one to right that’s s Chapman back he’s still going back how about a lead off home run on two strikes for Galvin graovac one nothing agies well we said it was going to be offensive the wind blowing out it is not a night to give up fly balls and the first one of the evening sails into the right field seats you talk about a fired up agie Dugout trying to climb the ladder here late in the count and graovac just gets the barrel to it and all you got to do is Back Spin it up in the air tonight it’s got a chance to go especially to the corner see Chapman run out of room on a ball that easily sails into the seats one nothing agies hovak got the orange number he went two for five with two homers in the supers against Tennessee as the first pitch to lafolette is high that was on an 02 pitch and graovac took him out to right Tennessee goes into a shift against laet he’s dealing with a right hamstring issue hard for him to run two balls no strikes yeah these teams only only played one time during the reg season in Hoover and Aggies didn’t do a ton there that day but graovac with two homers staying hot against the BS in limited number of it bats freshman record for graovac that was his 23rd his fifth leadoff Homer the two o lolet that is down since he hurt his hamstring guys he’s old for six AJ Cy was stretching and had the bands out right when this inning started and I would assume he is going to have a baseball in his hand very quickly bobette a 306 hitter regular season will a green light him and they take and it’s a strike 3-1 28 home runs for the sophomore [Applause] th 3-1 popped up and now they’re going to have to move left fielder went out drying now coming in does he see it he does and there is one man out most successful A&M team in near 80 years of history may be Florida 6 nothing on Wednesday night to move into the finals they got 52 wins 13 losses and there you can see the righty KY who is a completely different look than the left D on the mount and a different look by rander standards Jackson Appel the catcher the [Applause] senior inside ball one [Applause] three hole hitter with 32 walks and 32 strikeouts a good eye as he bends one in there for a [Applause] [Music] strike hell to like others dealing with injuries obviously as a catcher’s been nicked up shoulder hitting a variety of places with baseballs but feeling much better today on the 1-1 that’s a called strike Mike Morris it’s one and two this is an A&M offense that’s beat up obviously no Montgomery but lulet not moving great as he wasn’t the other day Appel as most catchers are this time of year has taken his share of licks during the course of the season on a one-w that’s [Applause] down great Montgomery turned photographer during this I kind of like that he’s doubt in making himself useful third year in a row he’s been here broke his ankle and supers leads the SEC with 85 driven in the last two seasons before this came to the College World Series with Stanford two two on the way to Appel heard the grunt that’s a fair ball down the line and AEL who’s dealing with a hamstring of his own sees it go into the corner he will stop at second base a home run and a double for the agies here in the first couple pretty swings here KP just controlling the barrel this ball’s in there yeah like an Appel just really commands the batad here a fastball designed to jam the Aggie Catcher And he gets the bad to it keeps it fair past AMC and boy the agies look sharp this is an offense that was struggling coming into this game here in Omaha but boy do they look sharp here [Applause] early Hayden shot the DH the senior hitting 400 he’s four for 10 in Omaha that pitch is in there for a strike he’s a 370 hitter with runners in scoring position this season that is second only to the injured Montgomery more at second base is about 15 ft into the Outfield now Tennessee saw what I did which is Jackson Appel hopped he almost went on the first pitch and this is something agies want to do they they don’t steal a ton but they steal at a very very high percentage and Tennessee not known for paying a whole lot of attention to base runners that’s part of the aie game plan in this series and if anybody’s going to go it’s likely him he’s got 15 stolen bases B doesn’t get a piece of the corner we’re even at one Appel who is the catcher was basically an infielder growing up and he kind of Misses that idea of playing on the infield but he loves being behind the plate controlling the game and now he’s got a pretty decent lead with curly the short stop looking in behind him and that one is to the seats he got backto back IV League transfers in the middle of this Texas A&M lineup one of them standing on second base one of them at the plate right now Jackson Appel from Penn Hayden shot from Columbia both have been integral to how good this offense has been all year both of appel’s parents went to A&M he was an undergraded pin onew to shot they’ll turn around fake a there yeah that’s that’s the second time that’s the second one so that’s a ball so we go two balls two [Applause] strikes back up the middle takes a hop off the mound a tough hop and no play for curly it’s short hayen shot rolled it straight back up the mound like a bowling ball hit from the head pin and it took off and Curley had a short hop and all of a sudden first and third for the agies good things happen when you put the baseball in play you just never know exactly what it’s going to be it takes a high hop off the mound and then I think creates a much more difficult hop later for colie he has to Guess that one you can’t come get the short one can’t wa back and get the big hop shot is hurt just like a lot of this A&M offense he’s not running great but enough right there to beat it out three hits in the inning a single a double the lead off home run and Tony Vella makes his way out [Music] they’re going to give an error to curly on the play at shortstop these conversations obviously happen every time that St has started he has come out of the game here recently he said we’ve talk about movies and other things I’m not sure the conversation is as light as it’s been at other times Aggie threatening for more they got a big bomb from graovac to lead things off on an 02 pitch they’re in business and here comes AJ kazy to try to shut it down he’ll watch and he will cheer as kovak took him out listen to the sup he was in the SEC tournament that he had a couple of homers against him and here he starts the game now first and third they turn it over to AJ Ki has 13 wins the most by a Tennessee pitcher since Luke hoser had 15 and 05 421 ER KP 120 strikeouts in 87 and 2/3 in each pitch there is plenty of swinging Miss and for Cy they just like the feel of him coming out of the bullpen as opposed to start in the game fast Ball’s going to be right around n90 could show you a little bit more it’s at low three quars action the change up is his best swing and Miss pitch the righties and Lefty slider gets a bunch of swing and Miss against right-handers as well feels like if you’re Tennessee right now now if Cy can go get you five or so that’s a pretty good number and that’s been the formula most all season is whenever whenever they give him the ball in game one he gives them length he did not give them length against Florida State on Friday night inning in 23s five hits five runs and a couple walks so trying to bounce back from a rough first outing here at the World Series so the righty after being moved into a relief role last nine weeks he’s been dominant LSU he’ll beat Kentucky beat Missouri Florida Vanderbilt and now the biggest stage in the first pitch sweeps outside ball one since he’s been moved back into that rle 8-1 257 erra he’s earned the win in seven straight outings we are just in the top of the first and the agie strike first as Burton looks a one in there for a strike Ted Burton’s the first baseman he is a senior 292 on the season nine home runs for this team 44 runs batted in he’s got a pet third and shot doesn’t run well at first needs that pitch on the corner he gets it and it goes one ball two strikes that’s a good sign big part of the problem for Cy against Florida State in in game one of this World Series was the fast ball was flat and he doesn’t beat you with velocity beat you with movement that one had a lot of late run Burton’s been clutched with runners in scoring position 365 but he strikes out there on a nasty Sinker there’s two in a row the back door two seamer to get it two strikes and this one just starts in the middle and lets it go watch the late life on this thing you can see just for and in on the hands of Ted Burton right there underneath the barrel you all right if you’re Tennessee that’s a good early sign ca he was not sharp his first time out early returns tonight he’s got his good [Music] stuff rovak a friend freshman Homer here’s another freshman Kaden sell he’s the left fielder he’s having a very good College World Series at 300 with a double and a homer for [Applause] RBI away Billy ACH is at third base Curley Dean curlyy the short stop Moore is at second Blake Burke has been outstanding offensively he’s at first Dylan drying cavas tears is in center tonight ree Chapman is in right Hensley will be the DH and Cal Stark is the catcher the one on the way that one is laced up the middle that’s going to be an RBI he left it up shot’s going to try for third tear throw comes in and he is there safely another freshman delivers the agie got two on an RBI single from cell about the young kids in this first inning now rovac gets a go with the solo home run then berky back-to-back change up since sell stayed on it yeah that’s a change up just up it’s out but it’s up and cell’s able to hook that one into right center field the aies go first to third to continue to put the pressure on and felt like they needed another one here after putting all that early pressure on to not let Tennessee off the hook with just one the Aggie Coming Out Swinging a really hot bat here early their Ace Ryan frager will take to the mound with the lead and here is Ali kamaro he is the short stop just two for 10 here in Omaha with a double a triple and a couple of walks missing away one [Applause] and0 sell’s got eight stolen bases they took a chance shot with that banged up leg going all the way from first to Third and a ball to center field two and0 shot looks like he’s really struggling to move but we’ve seen him score from first on the double he obviously was able to to get down the first base line on the chopper to Curley and there he just goes first to third he did not hesitate minute that ball was hurt was hit he was thinking third Runner goes sell they will not throw down they won’t have a chance as Stark couldn’t handle it and now two in scoring position sell steals his ninth of the season I think early indication from ADM that they’re going to be active on the base pass they almost stole Third Base ended up putting the brakes on that time the Freshman off and running top of the first two zip here is the pitch swing in a Miss 91 and we go 2-1 to kamario who was a little league star he played for Parkview little league on a Chul La Vista he one of these guys that now has played in the Little League World Series and the College World Series 22 on a [Music] [Applause] [Music] play and the big stage hasn’t bothered him on the season running runers in scoring position a 260 hitter here in the NCA tournament Ali kamario is 5 for 12 that’s a 417 average he’s got a couple of ducks out there shot and cell here comes the two- two swing and a miss change up got him but A&M gets to Tennessee in the first program record said in 1990 in three games they have 37 strikeouts but it’s not easy against this lineup in a lot of ways it looks and feels as close to a major league lineup as a college lineup can be and more will be playing at the next level second baseman a junior 61 out of Brooklyn New York York in this world series he’s hitting 571 swings at the first one and that’s a souvenir for a fan here so match up to watch in this game is how Tennessee does against that elevated fast ball on the Year this Tennessee offense has hammered fast balls but it’s been mostly in the middle to bottom part of the Zone Prager likes to elevate the fast ball you see him Jam more there with that first one it’s going to be definitely something to Circle between Prager and this Tennessee all defense oh one and another one out of play another strike from Prager that’s the one they want right that’s that one right in the middle of the thighs and more just a little little tardy with the barrel there that’s the one they want and that’s the one he’s not trying to throw you could see the glove there of Jackson Appel was up at the top of the Zone Greer missed his spot but got away with [Applause] it there’s the high one it’s one ball and and two strikes to berky’s point upper third the batting average 279 get it down it goes way up down at the bottom it’s almost 400 with a slug of 739 yeah the slug is obscene when the ball is Middle to the bottom they’ve homered in 63 of their 70 games and now it’s even at 2 and two and Chris said that Moore tries to slow everything down how do you as a hitter do that I think you’re breathing your your routine in between pitches all those kinds of things just trying to really stay present and not try to do too much a guy like Christian Moore doesn’t need to get the bad head out to do damage he can catch it deep and still launch one two two this is popped straight up on the infield kamaro the short stop and there’s one down a big out for Prager as he threw him an off speed pitch four strike fast balls to start that at a bat and the change up that even though it was elevated the velocity difference was about 14 or 15 off of what that fast ball was was enough to get Christian Moore on [Music] front here comes plake Burk another big time long bomb threat the first baseman the junior out of Brentwood California he’s been great in this College World Series as you can see Homer five RB you [Applause] go and a left on left delivers and that is just down one ball no strikes it’s a Tennessee team that is equal opportunity success against lefties or righties there’s very little discrepancy in the numbers Sun can be a factor in the outfield for both the left and center fielder yeah Shadows always a factor this time of day you can tell certainly the case here this evening Prager standing in the sunlight the hitter in the shadows it can always be a challenge for the hitter to pick up the seams in these condition [Applause] the 1-1 count to Burke inside two and one they saw him for What a buck and 2/3 in the SEC tournament anything to take from that I know it was so short not a ton you know I I think it’s I think it’s you’d rather have seen him than not but the outing was was pretty short and that was by Design one out two one pitch oh here you go Jack two balls and two [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] strikes it’s a very aggressive offense the coaching staff has instilled in these guys and it’s been a three-year process of grinding with vitello and his staff trying to get the best out of Burke he hits 317 with two strikes and this one is lifted in the air shallow left field can cell see it it is a diving effort in foul territory but it drops he battled the Sun the entire way both stayed in the air a long time I think off the bat you’re on the mound you’re thinking that that’s going to be an out somewhere and Kaden cell late late jump as far as when he really started going I don’t know if he didn’t pick it up right away but that was the difference lays out at the end just off the end of that glove if the break is right I think he makes it on his feet yeah the shadows for the hitters and the sunlight for the left fielders always always part of the story when it’s sunny here at Charles Schwab stadium and as you can see it is a bright Sunshine here Greer ready on a 22 Paul strike three first PR up like a change up again and he’s got two down on two up they’ll go left on left change up we talked about at the beginning with prer I mean it’s it’s either fast ball slide or change up and you can about flip a coin in any count this one may have been just a bit down but it wasn’t it wasn’t down too much Blake Burke definitely thought it was change up called for a strike for strikeout of the night for Ryan prer well all three of these guys will likely hear their name early in the draft this is Billy AMC the third baseman the junior out of South Carolina swings at the first pitch and that change up works again it’s 0 and one CER looks very comfortable right now yeah he really pulling the string on that change up the velocity difference given these Tennessee hitters trouble you said it KP about 12 to 14 mph off the heater so far and they none of them have been able to stay back same thing three in a row change up to Burke looking now change UPS the first two pitches to get out in front of Amy going to and he pulls it foul Tennessee has scored about half their runs a little more than half by the Home Run this year but here in Omaha only eight of their 25 have been a result of the long ball and 14 of those 25 homers have come with two outs the 02 inside 52% of Tennessee’s runs this year have come via the Home Run that’s the top percentage in the country guess when you had 178 of them that makes some sense one two y not a single fast ball yet in this ab and not a lot of balls thrown either by frager and it’s interesting like Max weer the pitching coach for Tex amam does such a great job with his prep and his studying of each hitter two outs and nobody on all soft so far it’ll be interesting to see if this matchup happens later with runners in scoring position if he totally flips the sequence but early definitely trying to set AIC up with Soft Stuff prager’s 17th pitch is away and it’s two balls and two strikes yeah and Weiner there they will bounce ideas off of the offensive coaches the players you know what would you be thinking in this situation so you can think along with the opposing hitter that’s Max right there he left the Mariner organization to come here to be the head pitching coach for A&M just missed down right side of the infield Kaden Kent Ted Burton they were heading to the Dugout thought that was strike three [Applause] he didn’t know what was coming change up fast ball slider instead and he swung when the ball was virtually in the glove what a start for prer two punch outs in the first two nothing A&M after one television schedule and any other men’s College World Series inel you want is your home for all 90 NCAA championships it’s been a bit since either of these teams have won a championship SCH Nagle 16 total wins at the men’s College World Series third most among active coaches Corbin and Kevin OS Sullivan half more Cy ready to start this inning off and he throws slider at the knees ball one [Applause] this is Kaden Kent he is the son of Jeff Kent he’s here with his wife and Kaden’s mom as he takes another one and this guy has been red hot 455 at the World Series got an opportunity to play when Montgomery went down turns out that clutch jeene is is there yeah is there in this one very few guys that could hit with runners in scoring position in his generation as well as as that man right there and his son has certainly proved up to the task this postseason dad Jeff doesn’t show a lot of emotion regardless of what’s going on on the field and that’s another one that’s in there for a strike two balls two strike you’ll see him that way if Kaden hits a single or a double mom will sheer like crazy he said I asked him I’ve seen that my entire life not a surprise he’ll occasionally give him some encouragement when he maybe he’s in the Batters box on a two two wow big time swinging Miss how about that effort by KY let’s go back to the unique relationship that the TCU baseball team and in particular the headman Jim Schlagel has with that guy to his immediate right Tony fitell he hired him to be an assistant coach and really the recruiting coordinator then ultimately Tony was responsible for much of the foundation of the teams that kept coming to the world series 14 15 16 before he was off to Arkansas Tony vello and now here they both in opposite dogos at the World Series azy pours in another strike this is Travis Chestnut a TC TCU program went four years in a row five times overall under SL of course Kirk Saros brought him back last year but that was that was quite a run TCU had in the middle middle part of the last decade well two of those times it was going through Texas a MH right [Applause] yeah the value of recruiting in college sports regardless of the sport is the biggest Difference Maker both these guys are phenomenal at it and the support that they get from their supporters boosters is incredible they cried man they’re on the portal it doesn’t matter what game you’re playing where you are portal and let’s get set for next season while you’re still in this one 1- one gets the call in the outside quarter Mike Morris is calling balls and Strikes tonight yeah those those teams that aren’t here they’re not going to wait for you to finish before they hit the portal it’s there’s a whole lot more to do here than just what’s on the field all you got to do is follow on social media Florida Kentucky as we take a look at upcam from Mike Morris swinging a Miss Cy since coming in has struck out four that’s three in a row four the last five for Cy who at least early looks like he has all three going the two seamers got really good running sync the change up at one point had 22 in of of horizontal movement that’s more than the width of the plate that it’s moving going towards home plate and that time buried the slider for a second straight strike out this inning here is the home run hitter graovac so between the SEC tournament and here in Omaha he’s played two games and he’s got three homers against Tennessee that’s inside for ball one [Applause] off his foot a foul ball so I’m sure there are a lot of people watching who Wonder so why Kyle did they get into sto start KY comes in he looks great cuz he’s got four strike cuts and Five Guys how does that happen and why do you stick with it well it it happened because AJ C wasn’t great when he was starting and so it was Frank and Anders and Tony vitell saying okay we know that cusy needs to be in the game does it make sense to have somebody go in there first and St was the guy that made the most sense just try it the longest thamos has gone this year is three and a third but try it yes and then it worked and then it worked again and then it worked again and cause he looked better in that role uh honestly looked kind of like he does today yeah well it it worked from the standpoint they won the games right and they also I mean AJ Russell don’t forget this team’s most most talented arm and the guy who threw the first game of the year has essentially missed the whole season so you know they had a huge void to fill and they knew St and Cy had to do it in some capacity and so when Cy started struggling as a starter they just kind of let’s go with an opener and see if he’s better out of the pin and they just just rote it out definitely non-traditional though for a team of this caliber in game one 2-1 to graovac that’s outside three balls and a strike say this too rovak looks very comfortable as a freshman at the plate in a College World Series game sees the pitch really well bobette on Deck they were two down and it’s two nothing A&M after they got two in the first get it and into the bat that’s a fair ball that should be an easy one for Cy and it is a much better inning for the Tennessee pitcher they go one two and three but it is an interesting and fun scene just before first pitch yeah especially when you get a guy like that you know he’s going to be pretty comfortable anyway so let’s do that we can contribute to PR your success going to do that to you tomorrow when you’re filling your scorebook up I’d love that ber we’re going to just non-stop encouragement for you would you help that hey go bery here we go you got you got a playlist or something you want to give us we can boom it for you I’d like that okay Brown and Zack Brown Chesney Zack Bryan doesn’t matter okay took you is more of a snoop guy Neil Diamond Holland oats John Denver they work brager was phenomenal in the first he struck out Burke and ACH it’s drying Ensley and kavaris tears on a [Applause] 1-1 you have to be a drone this is not a bad place to be a drone or people on that boat it’s good River day [Applause] today drling a 361 hitter against lefties on a 2-1 does get the call strike the lead strike call that did that did feel a little tardy there it’s a 50/50 pitch Mike morti come out of his Crouch very quickly on that one two two driving beats it into the ground slow Hopper second baseman can’t field it that’s Kent that’s an infield hit for Dylan drying in the first of the night for Tennessee don’t know that he was going to throw him out anyway I’m with you at that that should definitely go as a base hit just a emergency hack here on a slider down on the way by drying who can sneaky really run Kent’s got a do her dot play just cannot Corral the transfer there and Tennessee’s got a lead off base [Applause] runner not easy to run against the Lefty prer he has got four steals this year and here’s Ensley generally the center fielder and we got a beach ball in left center field so that’s going to be a pause Hensley made one of the great against the- wall catches like Tennessee seemed to have a handful of them and they did Hensley had one of them and he kind of jammed up his hamstring so the thought from vello earlier today was do we use him as a DH and this is the catch and hopefully have him for games two and three if necessary you’d think the pain would come from the absorption of the wall but it actually was a hamstring hurt on the run to get it yeah cuz he had to I mean he had to get Full Throttle to catch that baseball do we finally do we clean the eye black off finally is he still out there shot but after he came to his S no still there that’s called leaving your mark Hunter Ensley has done that let’s just call that the hunter Ensley mark from here on out that catch was worthy of it 182 at the College World Series on the 01 that ball is cold and foul eny didn’t know that he made a mark there on the wall but they were watching video back and he was like that’s pretty cool so when they came here yesterday for BP he went out there gave a little picture a little momentto of it and said I hope they keep it there yeah I thought we were going to you know tape the whole body event or tears like we could have had a whole bunch of bodies against the wall of Tennessee players Drew beam’s idea was to do it CER ahead 02 drying off first and he will look over and he had him leaning a little [Applause] bit interesting drling did not see that move quickly and it makes you wonder whether he was thinking about it right there O2 is usually not a great run count especially against a guy likes elevated fast ball but Prager to the plate and that one is fouled off now Ryan Fager’s dad Howard he played at UT Arlington for 3 years he also was with the Louisville Redbirds originally drafted by the Astros the Louisville red birds okay maybe I caught a couple of his games growing up the old Fairgrounds played there that’s like playing on the parking lot yes a green parking lot [Applause] yes plenty of time on the pitch clock for Prager who now comes to the plate and this one is is headed towards the Dugout and it will get into the screen and then the seats he talked about the two Ivy Leaguers that A&M has craer is the high school valid Victorian at Hillcrest High School yeah TJ surgery Tommy John after freshman [Music] season him too huh he’s another one yep a dad Astros organization you know it’s got a lot of buddies he went to the LCS between the Astros and Rangers for game [Applause] seven and endsley into left field that’s going to get down drying will touch second he’ll head to third base and the volunteers are in business with nobody out two men on on a hunter eny single to left well he had elevated the fast ball the pitch before eny did a nice job of just catching a piece and keeping the ab alive then he gets a hanging change up and extends the barrel just long enough to Barrel this thing up into left center field does a nice job on a change up that catches way too much of the plate driving that ball into left center field drying puts the gas pedal down and goes first to Third and here come the vs I think one thing to watch too with prer that change great when it’s down The Swinging Miss percentage an righties this year is about 45% they swing through it a bunch elevated Tennessee’s taken two pretty good moves out and kavaris tears the right fielder has been terrific here in Omaha hitting over 300 he’s got got a double a triple and a couple of homers swings at the first one and this one may be playable in foul territory rovak says it is and there’s one down that’s a big break and a big boost for Prager to get tears on one pitch another one of those fast balls down that Tennessee’s hunting and tears just just wasn’t quite ready for it Tardy on that on that swing gets jammed it’s a pop up to Third and wow you talk about it big out not just the first one but especially with the hitter is hot as [Applause] tears Here Comes one of the California kids Dean Curley out of lever California at 63212 he’s a freshman so A&M got their two runs from freshman bats can curly do the same for the vs big kid at shortstop at [Applause] 63 get the call to knees strike one from Prager they’ll try to crowd him to fast ball wise that front foot just a little bit close for Curley and it’s right on top of the plate prager’s ability to to Really pinpoint fast balls could see him try to crowd him with that pitch during this at back C would love a double play ball up the middle instead an RBI curlyy delivers and it’s first and second the balls on the board as the Freshman comes through berky that change up as a very different pitch to hit when it is up and the last few that he has thrown have been up eny singled on the pitch and the Freshman curly does the exact same thing here yeah it’s almost a photocopy from the one with eny that that fast ball just begging to be hit in the left center field Gap middle middle Curley just a click out in front rifles that ball in the left Center and here comes the BS with a with a couple really loud swings of the bat here by their right-handed hitters that clutch Jean and early two he was a 323 hitter with Runners and scoring position the vs are on the board there’s one down here’s ree Chapman he’s the right [Applause] fielder pass ball for a strike Chapman’s a sophomore at 61 to2 276 on the season seven homers five doubles member Ensley out there’s got a bit of a hamstring issue and this one has popped up to left and should be playable the sun behind a big cloud so sell has an easy time following that one two down and the nine-hole hitter is Cal Stark and this would be a good time for the volunteers number nine here to get his first hit in Omaha yeah of all the guys in the lineup Cal Stark is the one most susceptible to that ball above the belt but he’s also very dangerous the one at the bottom and so we we talked about this kind of a theme with the whole lineup but but Stark probably as much as any Prager better get it up one ball no strikes to the Knoxville Tennessee native a senior 61200 Outfield playing fairly deep especially in center field just that is way out there two and0 and the very dangerous Christian Moore is next up for Tennessee Stark is a 290 hitter with Runners and scoring position here’s the 2- he squares and pulls back back and that’s a strike taking one yeah just straight taking two count with SEO on Deck I I guess you know you wonder if that came from Stark himself obviously not not seeing it great but that was a dead red [Applause] count 2-1 that’s a line right to the first baseman T Burton Stark retired they will leave two on they do get proving things they like Tennessee are going to have huge big big dollar renovations to their home ballparks yeah both these schools have dedicated a lot of money to the Improvement of their facilities and both these head coaches have these these two programs rolling here’s the dangerous lav elette and the first pitch from Kazi is a strike [Applause] one of one on the way now speed pitch and it’s one ball and two strikes so Ki is a real interesting story he went to the Viper baseball Academy in Huntsville Alabama they they kind of had an idea about how to fix him he was a traditional overthe toop guy he said let’s scrap being like everybody else he is a whiffle ball player like literally a whiffle ball player here’s the difference today okay so the two seam fast ball at at one point today had 22 in of horizontal movement to the arm side he threw a slider that had 15 Ines of movement the other way the plate is 17 in wide the gap between where his baseball moves arms side and glove side is over 2 and 1/2 ft that’s not easy no that that’s hard to handle yes here’s the one two from him and that one is again fouled so he basically described this concept when he was really he’s 13 said it was like a cheat code I tried it I fell in love with it it almost made pitching like a game to me like like Wiffle ball and he experimented he experimented during the off season against his 12 or 13 U tra season he shows up early for training to master that sidearm Sinker he spent a year working on it debuted in his 14U season and his confidence went through the roof so it’s like a sweeping sidearm [Applause] curveball well it’s a it’s a very unique look we you see so many overhand randers with high carry fast balls in today’s game so when you see that low three quarter arm angle you see the the ball moving more horizontally and less vertically it’s hard for a lineup to respond to that and that’s the game changer for him when he can front hip a a two seamer to left-handers and then throw that change up away off of it even if he doesn’t get that call often times he has the S The Hitter set up to go change up away but that one right there is hard to pull the trigger on close pitch Kazi wanted that didn’t get it and it’s even for lavet the wind blowing again very gently out to right on a 2 two he will not Chase it’s also one of the reasons he stands on the first placeas side of the r is it it makes it easier to go to that front door two seamer it’s a lot easier to get through it but when you’re going away man that ball is flying away from a left-handed head 3-2 on the way and three on the right side of the infield for Tennessee and he fouls the change up off it’s interesting I just noticed Tennessee is not doing pitchcombe they’re actually giving signs yeah yeah he shook just a minute ago yeah like this is we we’re we got a little Blast from the pass going on I don’t know if that’s a CA he wasn’t digging it or what’s going on but Cal Stark’s getting getting the sign and flashing it into his pitcher this is Old School baseball right now wanted to come inside with that fast ball and he missed down an in first walk that AJ cosy has allow laelette will go to First and the leadoff man aboard in the third [Applause] he’s trying to go back to that front hip two seamer and you can see it fighting to get back but that one did just miss just missed down and lavet will be on there which in normal situations lavet is a threat to run he is not right now that Tennessee Tennessee bench is not too excited about the home plate umpire right now here’s AEL he doubled his first time up came in on the RBI and that’s another one that missed in wasn’t the f fast ball though the change [Applause] [Music] [Applause] up good one evens it up one ball and one strike Cal Stark just did a pretty cool thing there to his pitcher you see him take that deep breath Stark the the veteran catcher really in the wrenches right now with his right-hander trying to slow him down making sure this this inning doesn’t get away from him off again the pitcher this time and that’s going to result in a hit wow couple of breaks for A&M early one off the mount another one sent Sky High and Appel reaches for the second time did his foot or to hit the rubber thought he h his foot yeah yeah I I I don’t know if they turn two here because curle was pretty deep but they’re absolutely going to get one because Curley was pinched up the middle but the minute goes flying up into the air no chance for anybody laid off walk in the single by AEL to follow it Frank Anderson the pitching coach will make his way out for the first time and I can promise you he will wait for Mike Morris to come out and say hello yeah yeah there’s Mike Morris there he’s he’s throwing some Stones off the mound he’s running warm right now we’ll keep an eye on it when Morris goes out there CU he will wait one of the things that vello and Anderson did they brought in some major league pitchers you see heads out there including including Spencer Strider to talk to the team and Stark asked Strider a question let’s see how this exchange goes [Music] he is talking to the home planate umpire you’re just not seeing the home planate umpire in the shot but that entire 15 20ft walk was a conversation kind of a one-way conversation but it was a [Music] conversation well really you know you watching that replay not an easy chance Kyle but one Cy had a chance to make that play and it’s it’s a 163 you you you brought up they could have made the play up the middle pitcher could have made that play as well change up to shot strike one so start asked Strider a question like when did you see your game Elevate what did you do and Strider said it all changed when he got the mental side of baseball and all of these pitches including and maybe most important Cy bought into the value of the mental side Owen two and you can speak to that it like unlocks another aspect that when you’re just throwing and you’re throwing well you don’t really think much about it no it’s the best time when it’s just kind of happening and and you get into a rhythm and get a momentum out there I do think too with causing he really understands his stuff um and and has a ton of trust in it and rightfully so man he cannot throw a baseball straight if he wants to and that’s a good problem to have on a m now what will shot do with two strikes he sends one up the middle that’s good for a hit La elette will round he will come in to third goes Appel hey they take advantage of the break off of the pitcher shot delivers his second hit and the agies have a 3-1 lead well Tennessee keeps getting burned with two strike mistakes we saw graovac launch one earlier this is an O2 change up that’s just middle and doesn’t have the late depth that you normally associate with that AJ Cy change up and tell you what Hayden shot just too veteran of a hitter to get him to roll over that one stays through it rifles it right back up the box the AI had another Columbia transfer has been big for the agies here early they lead it 3-1 there’s nobody out still men on the [Music] corners and a bunt down the first Baseline they’ll have a play at the plate here’s the throw the tag is applied and what a read by Blake Burke he came charging on the Burton bunt and they cut down a pel was almost like he buned it too hard Kyle he did bun it too hard and and to the wrong guy yeah Blake Burke does a really nice job of charging aggressively and and can really throw on the run and Appel got a pretty good jump but Burke came down his throat hard the bunt just a little too hard and Stark with a nice job of securing that baseball as they just barely get a pel at the plate yeah they do barely get him and they’re going to left the tags there right there I think this one’s upheld but it was it was a lot closer than I thought it was in real time that left hand just about got in there first first glance I wasn’t sure pel got a great jump but you look back at it he was right on time I just think you got to credit Burke for getting [Music] [Applause] downhill the crowd get a chance to see there’s a large screen in right field the Tennessee fful are watching it right now and Rocky toop is convinced he was out oh my do you see that ball in his glove he’s that was a good job to go grab it with his bare hand to make sure because that ball was moving around in his glove before KY Stark went to make the tag yeah normally there you’d see a catcher kind of swipe but he does a good job he didn’t catch a clean and he knows he’s going to take a blow after further review the ruling on the field of out is confirmed Texas s m is charged One Challenge and has one remaining for the game [Applause] so shot delivers the RBI he reached they ruled that first time he reached an error although it was going to be really close whether he was going to be out or not he’s reached twice the RBI there and now another guy with an RBI The Freshman sell so Burton is at first shot down there at [Applause] second 3-1 A&M here in the third pass ball for [Applause] strike you love all your players but I tell you one thing A&M really thinks cell is going to become a terrific player as he swings and misses at that yeah he kind of feels like he’s next doesn’t he yeah the body still has such another big jump or two in it as well he’s already proven he’s got plenty of juice in that bat but I I would not be shocked to see this one hit 20 plus next year he’s got 11 and here’s another 02 and that’s over the center of the plate another 02 Miss coming up with it Chapman he’ll go to Second the Run shot will score it is 41 A&M I I think most of the Tennessee players aside from ree Chapman a little bit confused as to why this throw went to to second base Hayden shot is not running well right now and I was a little bit surprised noan can’t send him but berky they they got a real chance if he throws home right there that’s just your right fielder forgetting who’s on the bases there Kyle I I think normally a ball that bounces three or four times before it gets to you you’re thinking just throw the ball in and keep the runner from going to third base but he totally lost track of the fact that Hayden shot was on second base and I’m with you Kyle that that definitely would have been a play at the plate another two strike hit though for the agies who lead it 4-1 oh c he’s guilty of of right now he just too many strikes you saw where Stark set up on that pitch way outside of nothing sailed right over the center cell has had a great night already he’s two for two with a couple of RB he’s got a stolen base he’s at first Burton’s at second on the 1 and that’s in there tell you this Aggie offense has been awfully impressive though throughout the College World Series of being able to manufacture offense without the need of the Home Run CU for the most part it was a very home run heavy team throughout the course of the season but they have done a nice job with runners in scoring position especially in this ball game one-1 of the short stop [Applause] [Music] kamaro three games prior to this s had just one home run and it was cell it was a freshman that had it then graovac the Freshman layoff hitter started things with a bang today it’s been about a month since the aies have lost and a chopper to third that’s going to be a tough play fielded on a short hop he threw it away Amic short hopped it they’re going to get one run on the error Billy ACH made a great play to scoop it he had time and he threw it away and the error allows kamaro to go to Second it brings Burton in yeah he he did a nice job charging this baseball Karo gets jammed but he he catches it awkwardly see how much in the palm that is I don’t think he ever got the grip you see just how awkward that catch was so when he goes in to get it I don’t know it doesn’t look that bad as he as he lets it go but he throws that one a good 10 12T short it hits the lip of the grass and Blake Burke just had no chance two errors tonight for Tennessee the bounces have gone the agie way and here’s K’s been terrific ball just missed it’s one and0 Shell Shocked right well it doesn’t feel too dissimilar to game one against Florida State I mean it has a very similar theme they’re they’re not sharp on defense CA he’s making some mistakes late in the count and you got an offense against them that is really talented and cashing in 20 to Kent and that one off the end of the bat but into to center field sell scores kamario scores Kaden Kent has arrived and it’s all A&M they lead it 71 well if you just watch A&M for the first half of the Season just saying who who is who’s that we didn’t we didn’t see that guy when Brad Montgomery went down Kaden K got his chance all he did is hit a grand slam in the Super Regionals has continued that hot hitting over here to the College World Series that time got an elevated change up didn’t get all of it but got enough of it to drive two more and it is now a five run third for the yies kayen Kent has 26 ribbies on the season 12 of them in the postseason he’s been incredible they will try to run twoo if they get another opportunity with Kent Travis chestnuts the nine hole hitter know just think they had not bunted with first and third noout this season the out came on the bunt yeah did four sack bunts the whole year yeah well there’s another one check [Applause] that just nut moves Kent to second [Applause] base a five run third inning [Music] [Applause] Jim schlagle has got to feel pretty good about the situation given Prager is’s on the mound and here comes graovac who’s already left the yard once ninth man to come to the plate the two [Applause] down shot right to the second basem and that’s where Moore was standing he’s hobak is gone but the A&M Aggies got their fans off their seats and they are standing wild inning for A&M and it’s the top of the Tennessee order as they begin to try to Chip Away against the very effective Ryan Prager big swing there from Moore Christian Moore Brooklyn New York he went to a couple of different high schools one in Tennessee ended up at safield Academy in Connecticut and they were on him early because his older brother was so good and he loved that experience 0 and two as cger pitching beautifully where’s that just the second guy in the history of this tournament to hit for the C second person to do anything in the history of this tournament that that’s pretty good that’s pretty special and you get your name next to Jerry Kendall in the record book his mom and dad said they have been massive supporters again an older brother terrific athlete and here he is on a big stage behind 02 cger hasn’t made those mistakes with two strikes swing and a miss and more is gone third strike out for Ryan frager so far today Prager has looked a lot more comfortable out of the windup than out of the stretch Tennessee got him in the stretch in the second inning after the leadoff single by drying and that’s where started doing some damage change up was coming up in the zone 02 count right there just trying to run that fast ball Up and Away got it enough off the plate to get Christian more [Applause] swinging and now big Blake Burke at 63 236 got the head out way in front of that and he pulls it foul he’s reached safely an 18 straight game 17 hits in the NCA tournament the most of any player coming into this one and his home run last Wednesday was the 20th of the Season that gave Tennessee that number of being the first division one team in history to have 5 20 Homer players in a single season [Applause] that that number just never quite computes it doesn’t because prior to this they had 620 Homer seasons ever ever and you had one of them perky uh that’s hit hard and that’s going to be a single for Blake perk 111 mph off the bat it sounded a little different yeah it usually sounds a little different off Blake Perks at 111 mph so as we said at the top five players Tennessee 20 homers um there are no teams with four there’s one A&M that has three guys with 20 there are 253 division one programs who don’t have a 20 home run guy like that feels a little like Overkill we have five of them and 250 teams don’t have any selfish here’s amck who’d love to make up for that area he swings at that high fast ball and that’s where Tennessee is vulnerable 0 and one [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you see Billy AMC take a fast ball he’s guessing that this is a guy that does does not take too many fast balls breaker has him on his heels yep 02 he struck him out last time and it was a really defensive late swing mhm This Bat hasn’t looked all that comfortable there either cger intentionally trying to run that fast ball up and out of Zone to see if he can good Chase there got him with a back door slider the first time up he’s ready in a one-w Burks off first there’s one down there it is again and he’s gone for the second time that’s what happens when that change up is down when it is down fer is going to get a ton of swing and miss and it’s exactly where we went right here 79 mph see that extension he gets all the way out in front of it hand over the top of that baseball so it really allows it to fall away from the right-handed hitter two strikeouts in the first now two in the in the third for Ryan fager I like the way he pairs that four scam fastball with the four scam change up too it’s not the traditional two seam look on that change up AMC just never differentiated the Velocity in that pitch oh and one to Dylan driling he singled and scored the ball’s only run of the game came in on a Dean Curley RBI craer this will be pitch number 50 and that is up the middle no play for Kent Burke will think about it and then then he will wisely put the brakes on and dive back in single for drying first and second Dylan drilling’s got a couple of hits tonight yeah I I know there’s two outs and you’re down six runs I I thought Burke probably could have made that one pretty easily it’s pretty hard for the defense to stop you from going first to Third on anything to center right center field but look like Tennessee just plays it safe right there and sets up a first and second situation for hinley who had a rocket into left Center his first [Applause] a best two out of three game one of this men’s College World Series and eny swings and that as a filthy slider down and in as Angley said and everybody that’s a junior upper classman we’re fighting for one more day together every day max we have right now is three in the same uniform after that we all go our separate ways you got to cherish these three three days gets the call away how about those two pitches that last one’s about as good as you can do it back door breaking ball right at the knees on the outside black after wrapping one around en’s feet to start fager didn’t give up a hit in his first outing he’s given up five here and a big pitch coming on 02 lifted in the left field that’s going to get down bark to third he’s coming here’s the throw and and he beats it Hunter Ensley is two for two as he drives in a run and Tennessee chips away a little bit 72 Hunter iny not in his typical center field position but in the DH spot he is delivered now twice change up there KP or f f just caught way too much of a play right down Broadway eny almost a repeat of the first line drive he hit and the middle part of this order here with ring and Insley continuing to stay hot he’s trying to extend this stay and turn tonight around now a five run deficit this guy can leave the building in a heartbeat this is kavaris tears looks like some guys are getting up in that A&M we finish Josh Stewart been outstanding here down the stretch on a first pitch swinging and missing from Tennessee against Prager tier swung at the first one it’s last time up with a couple on and flew out to the third baseman in foul territory now cger jumps ahead again o and [Applause] two another guy that met the wall with an unbelievable catch kavaris tears here in Omaha [Applause] out of play they got tears his first time up but in the NCAA tournament his Ops is700 with runners in scoring position so is that good I feel like that’s that’s a good number for a hitter to have that’s okay it’s a guy that has cashed in and early in the year they they went with tear in the five hole lately they’ve been going with eny in the five hole and te after after him and he talk about a scary dude to face this this part of the order red shirt sophomore at one is high and tight by of Lewisburg [Applause] Tennessee drying at second endsley at first craer goes onew swing and a miss craer strikes out three in the inning he’s got five in the game back to the change up and when it’s been down it’s been outstanding for prer today the balls add one three hits in the inning put another one on the board but Ryan Prager struck out five in three Innings the aies leaded by five 13th College World Series downtown here and we will have our 12th different winner Vandy won it you saw 19 they also won it in 14 the first pitch is a ball that’s down shows you how many teams are in invested in baseball how many different competitive programs there are across the country sport is growing in popularity there is no doubt about it look at these stands yeah 10 to Lavette gets the call on the corner one ball one strike yeah the investment that colleges are making in baseball is nice to see May at some point see what scholarships for everybody on the team yeah feels like that’s around the corner got two programs here that are putting nine figures in their [Music] facilities and make no mistake the SEC has been the dominant conference in college baseball although ironically like the first SEC title was Georgia in ‘ 09 I mean 90 I’m sorry 1990 they have they have since taken off 1 that’s a good pitch one and two yeah it feels that feels very recent but you’d think baseball in the South would have been more competitive before that but but Georgia the first team to do it before that it was so West Coast [Applause] heavy one and two lobet will not take so for the 15th time in the last 16 years at least one SEC team is in the finals and maybe it’s just us maybe we don’t like to acknowledge it it’s not like 1990 was last year I mean it is 2024 freshman in high school that was that was a while ago maybe that was a while ago sorry to date everybody but 1990 wasn’t 2 years ago sometimes it feels that way and more often than not we act that way but but that that was a while ago but to to think that it took the league that long based on the way we view the league now it is inter two2 lolette he waits that’s down three and two well and and I mean you talk about West Coast dominance before that now we’re seeing West Coast kids on almost every SEC roster I we’ve got some in the middle on both sides today that are hitting right in the middle of the lineup that didn’t used to happen very often robet trying to get on as the leadoff man he fouls that off so hamstring issue people at home he’s a power hitter he’s got really good speed for a guy his size what impact does the hamstring have on a left-handed hitter well you definitely are feeling it in your legs now I I you know I it sounded like he got through the first game with it without any problems offensively it was defense where it kind of gave him some pause 32 he swung at it that’s a good one there from Cy but no no no hitter likes to feel vulnerable in their lower half I think from lav eletto all signs are that he’s feeling pretty comfortable with the bat in his hands this this will not make you feel comfortable there’s that front door two seamer that he did not get the call on last time this time lulette goes fishing that is a big first out after a rough third inning for Cy Cy came in remember struck out four of the first five he faced and then he faced nine guys didn’t strike out anybody he picked up his fifth here needs that call and he gets it they haven’t been able to get a p out a double and a single tonight big part of that rally last inning when the ball off Cy went for a base hit totally changed that inning [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] out of [Applause] play I think Tennessee’s got Kirby conell down there kind of just standing in the bullpen but you know it is a three-game series you have to manage the Innings you have to manage the outs of course Kirby’s kind of been everyday Kirby down there for them throughout the course of his career by the same token I think they would love for Cy to give them some length here in the middle of this game onew this ball pull down the line given a look is [Music] [Applause] Chapman yeah you’re managing a three- game series it felt a lot like it if you talk to people A&M really I wouldn’t say need it because you never know but they would benefit big time by winning this game it gives them another day maybe to rest lampin and go Bullpen game in game two if they won game one well listen A&M’s pitching numbers have been outstanding here in Omaha but they use Five Guys the the depth component is the one that you’re not sure if you get past those five guys and and so it did feel like if any’s going to the best chance for them to win this series is you kind of got a win when prager’s on the mound probably won’t see lamin tomorrow two two to a way outside yeah yeah you you if you win the first one then you have the luxury to being able to rest lamin to try to get the best effort and give him the most rest possible from him because again with Shane sedo going down in the postseason they’re they’re short a starter 32 Oh snared by Cy didn’t bounce off the mound didn’t go off his foot he picked it clean he heard you he heard you on the last one and because CI can make this play and this this time lands in a good Fielding position gloves in a good spot that’s not an easy for two got back to him pretty quick almost harder like that ball is way outside of the frame of his body the other one was right off his shin and boy that that ending would have looked much differently if he was able to glove that one the way he did the most recent one here’s shot reached on an error then singled and there’s that pitch he’s got that one working now that two seamer into lefties to get ahead 0 and one we’ll talk with Schlagel Chris button will next half inning he arrived on the campus in 2022 twice already to the final four five times to the College World Series as he said I got a little tired of leaving before the championship series I didn’t really like it he’s enjoying it now a lot more on a 1-1 and that oneall is lace to Center Chapman goes back it bounces off the wall Hayden shot heads to second base have a night Hayden shot he’s reached all three [Applause] times looked like a change up that just just hangs again yeah Cy a soft change up up and out over the plate and haon shot just shoots this ball into right center field a barrel up missile at 107 that goes sailing into the Gap as you said rabit he is having himself a ball game reached on a questionable error then he’s singled and scored now a double the transfer portal is paying dividends in game one of this World Series for [Applause] A&M Ted Burton trying to give them their eighth run slider outside ball one to that point you go a pel shot Ted Burton right in the middle of this lineup and and while they don’t have a ton of itats at the within the SEC they’ve got a ton of Collegian at bats between the three of them four years in the ivys for the first two three years at at Michigan for [Applause] Burt the portal has become Charlie Finley’s dream come true like he was the owner of the a every year I think we should just have free agency one-year contract this ball is smoked to left center field this one is deep tears oh did he make the play he did it again wow kavaris tears covering ground sliding on the track takes away an extra base hit and a sure RBI from Burton wow kavaris te did it to the opposite field Gap last game this time he’s going to show it to you to his glove side lay out young man take extra bases and another run away from the Aggies kavaris tears putting all his skills on display have four days rest for Prager will Circle that catch by tears and see where we go from it in the bottom of the fourth Dean Curley leads things off and prer pours in strike one your typical rest in collegiate baseball is 6 days right obviously Major League rest is 4 days which is what Prager has today it is different you’re you’re not used to doing it not surprising that he doesn’t have his sharpest stuff tonight but he’s getting that call and it is 0 and two curly asks is that as far out as we can go and go back to that TI play he has saved 5.6 runs defensively in the Outfield which is roughly worth half a win o and two High left a pretty good skid mark out there left center field too he did Jersey to prove it one two beaten into the ground High Chopper and no play for Burton and the leadoff man is AB board as we go back to the incredible catch by kavaris Tears to your point watch how far he slides I mean this is this is pretty cool now he makes the play kind of just before full extension right he’s just before full extension and he just has a little fun at the end Hunter en’s left his Mark with the eye black and now kavaris tears with I don’t know 10 feet 10 ft of a skid mark out there and it was it was the next night that tears made a similar play to what Ensley did except it was in right center field he banged into the Craton logo lot easier to slide like that than whack into that wall out [Applause] there defense in the Outfield has been tremendous for Tennessee all series long all season long and remember eny’s not playing tears is incenter tonight they go in a shift with 01 they move graovac up the middle so that side is wide open that’s where he put it can craer make the play yeah that’s what he did it was interesting right before that so with the first pitch of the IAT the defense was pretty straight up normal and then with the one strike graovac went they went into the shift Josh elanders coaching third base and took both of his hands and just kind of laid him out to say hey you got an opportunity here if you want to do it and if Chapman can get it past the pitcher yeah that’s his single the entire way but prer Falling that side gives him a little bit more time to get there and just enough time to get Chapman a first base really good job by Prager to bounce off that mound down to second base goes Curley here’s Cal Stark lined out to First his first time up still looking for hit one here in [Applause] Omaha yeah they shifted 01 which opened up that left side and he could not push that closer to the foul line or past Prager otherwise you get two men on nobody [Applause] out Stark beats that into the ground it’s one and one anytime you go to the third Baseline against a left-hander you you really got to get it over there cuz obviously that’s his his glove hand now Prager still has to spin and throw it accurately but Chapman just wasn’t quite able to get the angle there on that bunt [Applause] [Music] [Applause] gets the call on the corner and the catcher Stark he knows the strike zone probably as well as anybody in this game early cuz he sits there with the Umpire wasn’t too pleased with that one he’s a very good hitter with Runners and scoring position with a high slugging percentage here’s the two strike pitch and he’s gone six punch outs for Prager now we went back to the slider so as the change up to get strike two comes back and he should building to back door this pitch and then throw right here try to wrap it right around the back foot k dark and uh he had a few parting words for Mike Morris a home pled umpire before he left it may be talking about that again here in a moment Christian Moore the lead off hitter who came in hitting 571 in Omaha it’s 0 for two he struck out his last time up there is electricity in the bat when he makes [Applause] contact more talked about his approach and thinking about theats to Paul SK during last year and replaying them in his head he looks at every play appearance as a competition between he and the [Applause] Pitcher look at the balls that have been barreled up the hardest here in Omaha Christian Moore is basically at the top of the list and all but a couple of them he’s hit five balls at 114 or harder this is a uh a man that that can compress the baseball and he has put that on display but prer has just had him off balance like Christian Moore hasn’t looked comfortable on one swing yet tonight prer 02 with six strikeouts and two down here in the [Applause] [Music] fourth you around Christian Moore and there is a a confidence about him a comfort about him not too much spent time on other things but there you see Kylie McDaniel has some currently projected 12th in this draft that’s outside he was one of the heroes in that big comeback against Florida State and his his Approach at the plate and his comfort level there was a justtin Upton field to him he just stood there took pitches waited for his pitch and then smashed he hit for the cycle only the second cycle we’ve ever seen at the World Series cger [Applause] 2-2 that Florida State game just had the feel of just get us back to more and we’ve really got a chance and then it was four straight two out hits for Tennessee to walk off the seminal in the open SCH Nagel and everyone else in baseball knows third time through the order is a big time challenge for a pitcher this is the third time he has seen more 3-2 and he left one right over the heart and he fouled it off and if you’re just KP you talk about all the time going off swings like you’re just going off the swings Moore looks a little Tardy on the fast ball he he it’s it just everything looks like it’s a click deep for him right now you just wonder do they stick with that fast ball or do they go back to the change up that they got him to pop out on his first it [Applause] B slider there even that seemed abnormally deep there from Simo really letting the ball travel here Stuart continues to throw more by War sixth Most Valuable Player in the [Applause] country hitch 76 here in the bottom of the fourth from Prager and a squibber to First Burton will flip toer he got the B he said he got the base Moore is pointing at the base to suggest he didn’t we’ve seen more convincing arguments from base runners and the first base umpire yeah lonus was right there yeah lonus Baker was right on it um it was the the second move by Prager though with his right foot that lead you to believe he may not have got it the first time ruling on the field is out at first base Tennessee is challenging that ruling players under forther review he’s there in plenty of time there’s no issue as far as that but watch his right foot all right so he goes down misses it the first time he yeah he bumped it but watch he when you got a reach back like he does right there it does send the idea that maybe you’re not quite sure if you got it it looked like the bottom of that right foot slid into the base and got a piece of it early so I would suspect that the out call stays here well A&M is convinced because they’re looking up at that big screen and right and they’re running off the field lus is continuing to kind of call them back like just just wait here it wasn’t the most graceful footwork but it did look like the the foot got into the side of the base before it came [Music] off he misses it and then he slides into it right there I think can see the base moves yeah after further review the ruling of out at first base is confirmed Tennessee is charged a challenge and has one remaining in the game Mo is0 for 34 in the books it’s 72 Hunter andley bolts back somehow hung on you talk about Full Throttle not afraid of a little contact tears goes back into the alley on the move and hangs on just like conter Ensley is tears up to the task so tears has to go in center field with Ensley out and tonight we didn’t get into the wall we avoided it but we made a similar spectacular catch in center field they have taken some hits and runs away the cool Factor on that one late was was off the charts new pitcher into the game Tennessee Johnson City Tennessee the 511 196 I can pitch a lot and I will get the job done for you Kirby canel has been terrific speaking of cool Factor you get the volley fingers mustache you got personalized Jordans and the the pants rolled up does that work for you KP and the and the blue green glove whatever that is cool factor in space yeah he’s got like the old School tight roll the pants I didn’t see [Applause] that he throws a first pitch strike to Cadence sell he’ll get cell kamaro and Kent you in on that I I had that look going about 35 years ago yeah I’m in on [Applause] that baiton into the ground Third Base tough play AMX settles and he throws him out he would roll your pants up stuff like that for what what reason um it was I’m I think it was really cool and I’m a big fashion guy you kind of know that and and it was I was just once again probably a little bit ahead of my time Mom and Dad would appreciate it if like we were big puddles you would do it as a favor like we’re not going to ruin the pants and we’re rolling but that was not at all P for no the look passion PL just 100% and it worked still do it from time to time just feels right that day maybe tomorrow we’ll see yeah let’s rock that tomorrow full roll up well if canel pitches the way he has they’ll let him do whatever he wants he’s got that first out and here’s kamario so 72 fifth inning game tomorrow look what do you guys think about the usage of canel how many innings is it is it relevant how many runs Tennessee maybe scores the next half I I think so I think this is like two innings at the most to see if the offense can make a run can you hold A&M there can the offense make it interesting this is kind of for Tony vello like are we going to be in this game are we not I think over the next few Innings and he’s going to go to his veteran to try to solidify that fast ball slider change curveball and he will get a bunch of Chase on his fast ball like the 99th percentile as far as the chase he’s up onew to the Junior kamaro [Applause] goes with a slider there instead got on that back foot for Camel are you scissor kicking is that what that is yeah trying to get out of the way and just give yourself a little bit more clearance that that ball was coming for his back foot y scissor kick by necessity and he got on top of that fast ball and turned it around chased it up in the zone kamaro has reached for the second time tonight well they honored Ryan Sandberg today at Wrigley Field the Cubs went out and got a terrific performance from Jameson tyion and the Mets were beaten badly Chicago scored five in the first Sunday night Wrigley Field it’s the Mets and the Cubs again game three of the series s Eastern Time ESPN ESPN deporis and ESPN Radio former Florida Gator Wyatt Langford by the way heating up now for the Rangers he had a homer the other day and a grand slam today here he comes just a matter of time with that one had a feeling that one might work [Music] [Applause] mhm the other two significant pitching stories relevant to this College World Series Paul sk’s on the mound tomorrow for the Pirates and Max Scherer makes his debut for the Rangers and Scherer and vitello are very close and Max has spoken to this team several times times and as Tony said to me this morning the most impressive speaker we’ve ever had I would assume there’s a little intensity in that one you [Applause] think that ball is laced to right field coming in and not going to be able to get there is Chapman Kaden Kent continues to hit that’s his second of the night man it is cool to see a guy get an opportunity to play and just sees it especially on a stage like the NCAA tournament in the College World Series watch him keep these arms super connected to his body there as he gets that Barrel inside that two seamer trying to dive in towards his belt buckle Kaden Kent has filled in admirably look at before and after the NCAA tournament and he’s not bra Montgomery but it would be hard for bra Montgomery to do any more damage then Kaden kit has done in at the corners for Chestnut The nine-hole Hitter and he doesn’t Square against canel and that’s ball one there is Montgomery there’s a high draft pick once we get to Texas for the All-Star Game in the draft Ian led the SEC and ribbies 27 homers one one of the great players in college baseball but who would have thought kayen Kent would hop right in there and give him that kind of RBI production as well [Applause] Kaden Kent would have yeah I mean even through the struggles and not playing as much as he wanted Jim schla angle just talks about the perseverance and the confidence that still remained yeah as this run has gone that kid has been in the middle of a lot of it and he will tell you man I put a lot of work in behind the scenes late nights hours in the weight room took care of his body his brain the rest make sure his mind was right we talked about his dad and how competitive the entire family is here’s the 1-1 one and two he to this point doesn’t have the the power that his old man had back in his prom that he was famous for Kaden Ken after hitting that Grand Slam in the super was kind of famous for saying that was really the first home run he ever got to enjoy as soon as he hit it cuz he he just launched one into the night at College Station the runner going and canel didn’t see him did he get him in time there’s a good throw and the tag was put on Camaro went and a good throw and Amic slapped the tag down on him it’s a pretty good presence of mind too on the mount because your natural reaction on that is is for your legs to buckle or something so even when he knows you got to step off first spins and makes the throw to third but did disengage from the rubber before he did it you get him a perfect throw and the glove did come down and there will be no appeal of that he he checked second and then flipped his hips and ripped it to Third and not not just threw it hard but threw it right on the base like that throw had to be on the dirt it looked like a first base or a right-hander pickoff move to first base he just spun it in it to third yeah how about it a line shot there may have produced a run and that ball gets away from the right fielder Chapman they both move up sliding in safely his Chestnut time out reys Chapman had an easy play looked like he might have picked his head up and the ball got by him a few feet and that allowed everybody to move up 90 yeah Chapman we we saw earlier in the game he chose not to throw the ball home with hating shot that one may be coming through a little too aggressively like nobody’s even going first to Third and instead of breaking down there’s nowhere to throw it just break down and keep the ball in front of you he whiffs the catch and allows two Runners to advance and Chestnut keeps the streak alive of hitting a thousand when a runner gets picked off in front of you like it’s just every time [Applause] automatic that that’s caught stealing or pickoff however you want to record it cost the aies a run but still plenty of life left in this inning tell you one thing the bottom of of the order for A&M has been huge when you look at sell at a couple of hits and a couple of RBIs kamario just delivered Kaden K’s got a couple of hits and now Chestnut enters the picture exiting the picture is going to be Kirby canel Marcus Phillips will make his first College World Series appearance when we come back Upp 90s bery I think we probably saw him on his best night we saw him in the SEC tournament he went we go three in that one um against Vanderbilt yeah and they stretched him out for the first time and kind of tested him just to see how he handled it and that night he handled it great Su Fall South Dakota native who played his juo ball about a 13-minute drive from me right across the river at Iowa Western and also played in the low League World Series y a Phenom at a very young age when you see him right it looks like a major league arm we got some chirping going on here between the two sides looks like maybe pushing more this start Ed earlier Blake Burke came walked to the mound and and said something to Nolan Kane the third base coach was pointing at him now we got a little bit more back and forth right here between about everybody on the [Applause] field it’s a big part of the game here in the fifth inning two men on two down they bring in Phillips and graovac the leadoff hitter is up he homered to start the game on a two strike shot shot to right [Applause] field there is that fast ball and it has some spin rate on it too man that’s a 2590 spin rate on a fast ball at 96 that thing had a little cut action to it too I mean it is an angry [Applause] heater Kon third Chestnut at second [Applause] 98 right there that that first 96 mile I don’t know if he’s trying to throw a cutter or if it just cuts it really doesn’t matter but moving just glove side away from the right-handed hitter at mid90s there’s not too many that do that 23 homers on the year for this guy Gavin grov and the Runner comes halfway down third before he goes back as Kent trying to get in the head of Williams a Phillips I should say really interesting that Tennessee is going with signs too he’s he’s got the pitch com on his wrist yet Cal Stark still going with signs behind the [Applause] plate 98 up and you can feel the Phillips effort every time he throws it this will get the crowd into it a little bit big spot we’ve seen Tennessee come from behind a a whole bunch this season we saw it happen here on a two- two swing and a miss Marcus Phillips enters the game graovac exit stage right 98 and gas and it stays 72 shorter swings and you know not get a home run or anything like that but get something going for us thank you Tony thank you than all right KB thank you very much he he got more to end the fourth you take a look at the line for Ryan Prager 76 pitches again A Day short four Innings he has not walked anybody which is his calling card he’s got six strikeouts so it’s Burke AMC and dryy and if last inning was big this inning is even bigger for [Music] [Applause] him ball one to start say today for prer 2 he’s definitely not as sharp as it was the other day I mean I know he had loed anybody struck out six those are big numbers but Tennessee had three hits in the second inning and three hits in the third inning but he’s battled through it mhm and most importantly hasn’t given up a home run I mean that to this offense if you can keep them in the building you can scatter some hits and this ballpark’s given up a lot of homers 29 now in this College World Series two balls in a strike it’s a lot different from when we moved down here in 2011 and 12 and 13 and teams were Bunting and that’s how the games would produce runs now it goes over the wall a whole handful of [Applause] times I like the way this ballpark plays now 100% right now I think it’s very fair I think it’s fair I mean if you get one it’s going to go especially considering the win that we have had for most of this event I mean it has not been a home run friendly wind and yet still the second most homers ever here it’s been pretty impressive display two two Burke sent one back up the middle last time up and this ball is driven to left field sell going back he’s not going to get it bounces off the wall made a good play off the wall diving in with a double to lead things off Blake barke [Music] there’s a lot of offense in the volunteer bats and cell did everything he could out there and left that fast ball out over the plate and Burke just continues to Barrel balls up a liner is last at bat and this a rocket off the left center field wall has really transformed himself from just a home run hitter to a complete hitter and the doubles on the stat sheet this year for Blake Burke indicate that 29 now on the season Amic has struck out twice hasn’t looked comfortable you see the number Brookie just gave you 29 Destin D1 he goes back to the bag tying to shoe out there at second base thing about Burke having 29 doubles too it’s a small Ballpark and he’s not exactly a Blazer right so it’s he’s not getting a bunch of leg doubles either it’s just been a laser show for him this year Josh Stewart is definitely ready he’s this is now the second inning that he’s been up and going and I he’s become a very dependable guy late hasn’t he cuz it wasn’t always that way this season no and the trust factor for the last few weeks has grown more every time that he’s been out [Music] there well that may be the time now with Prager facing AMC who he did strike out twice for the third time as Jim schlagle comes out prer faced a minimum in the first but after that Tennessee get some really good swings and I I don’t think this is just a discussion I think I think they go to the bullpen right [Applause] here and no doubt about it so they’re going to bring in the right-hander to deal with the middle of this Tennessee order lella said it would be huge to get him out listen to the Ovation as he heads out and we head to break for Ryan frager throws a bunch of Sliders except when he came in last time when I I think thought they’d see a lot of Sliders he pumped three straight fast balls to start he gets Billy amch then amch maybe one of the more happy guys to see craer out of the game he didn’t look very comfortable in striking out twice real good hitter in the three hole Junior at 61217 [Applause] on the season Josh Stewart is thrown almost 60% sliders comes in first two pitches there weird Stewart did not pitch in the Regionals did not pitch in the supers but has been absolutely nailed here yeah yes behind two [Applause] and0 gets the call with another one on the corner two balls and a strike and for Amic it’s it’s reverse splits he’s about just shy of 340 against right-handers this year 60 points higher when he faces lefties so yeah for a variety of reasons I think he was happy for prer to leave n it’s pretty good take right there that that that’s the exact slider Stewart’s trying to throw a ball that probably a strike about 98% of its life just misses the [Applause] edge Clemson transfer with 14 doubles 23 homers on the year and he should get a good one and he did and he was taken it three and two wow almost looked like he was taken all the way right there unless he’s just sold out the slider that was a good one to [Applause] hit 32 they’re setting up high and he went low and missed Stewart comes in walks the first man he faces and given what they’ve seen 29 come from behind winds from Tennessee and that big one against Florida State Rocky Top is ready for an [Applause] outburst oh they’re at the right spot in the order Dylan drying only Blake Burke hits better with runners in scoring position then this man right here has come up with a ton of big hits as Max weiner makes his way to the mound all smiles when he goes out there K yeah talk with Max this morning he is he’s permanently optimistic there’s no other way that he goes through a day and most of these Mound meetings have very little to do with me nothing other than trying to get the Mind Right trying to flush that they made a big deal when Cortez pitched the other night and threw eight pitches the message was by the time you leave the mount to get back to the Dugout forget everything just happened like this night wasn’t yours we’re going to need you yes all of these positive reminders and Weiner has been such an asset to the A&M program I feel like he would even smile when he was chewing you out like yeah like at some point he has to get mad right there there there has to be something in there yeah but yeah you talk about positive energy this dude has it in Spades and every other coach will tell you one of the great things that SCH Nagel did was bring him in so here’s drying big spot [Applause] 72 and good pitch 92 in there for a strike Gillan dring two for two with a couple of singles and he has been there best hitter at least as far as number of hits with wers in scoring position this year he’s got 33 of them on the corner another good one there as Stewart locks in look at the numbers with runners in scoring position from Dylan drying and he was the guy with the walk-off hit against Florida State incredible as the night Christian Mo had going five for six with the cycle plus a double drying was four for six that night with the biggest hit of them all no stranger to Big swings we have seen a handful of two strike hits tonight 02 and this one is pulled but foul down the line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for Stewart It’s it fast ball though to get into the low 90s that one to 93 he’ll throw a cutter behind it he’s thrown one this at bat to drying and then a slider that’ll be mid 80s and have a little bit more depth spoiled a couple the next 02 look at look out the slider just just so much different for Stewart first lefties than right-handers you can tell he he wants to wrap that thing around the back foot but you just don’t have the freedom to do it with a left-hander standing in there especially one that can crowd the plate the way dring can Burke who they used to pinch run for is standing out there at second and that’s a good one on the corner he went with a breaking pitch and it got a piece of the plate big strike out for Stewart that was a pretty good one to end on right there and since coming out of that bull pencil it’s start with a fast ball all right and it’s going to start moving in towards the left-hander cutter another fast ball that’s fouled straight back the slider that gets hooked down the line foul and then look at this back door just enough movement just enough movement to bring that back over the plate steal strike three right there that was a beautiful pitch yep there’s another guy that’s got two hits Hunter Ensley Tennessee is knocking on the door again and the A&M arms Prager and now Stewart so far have been up to it about 14 inches of horizontal break 14 on that vertical as well that ball is moving from [Music] [Applause] Stewart now field straight away and deep the wind continues to blow out out here and Charles Schwab [Applause] field hung over the middle of a plate and he fouled it off just enough on that cutter just enough to get it off the bat with the pitch shape different between the cutter and the slider velocity difference about 5 or 6 milph but he’s leaned on both of those pretty heavily since coming out of Bullpen and L thought he’d be in center field spite of that injury and now he’s trying to contribute with the bat again three and two it does look like these Tennessee right-handers are sitting on that that slider away that’s couple good takes from amch and Ensley on pitches that are really close kavaris te on Deck 3 two one out pitch strike three right down the middle Josh Stewart backto back punch outs and they have been huge Max weer saw it KP right they’re taking those sliders you know they’re sitting on that’s a fast ball right down Broadway and just a fantastic job by the A&M Dugout reading swings and reading takes because they know if a righty’s spitting on those sliders he’s got to be sitting on well and Tennessee knows the book I mean the book is he’s going to throw you sliders and and the minute you see the comfortable take and the comfortable take and fou no one offense should strike him out just lock him up with a fast ball right there cuz he wasn’t looking for it here’s te 20 homers on the year and he gets ahead with a fast ball at 94 [Applause] milph Josh Stewart’s average fast ball v on the year is 91.3 three he likes this environment the last two are 94 he is feeling it Tennessee two for 10 with runners in scoring position the 02 that one a slow roller first base vacated now hustling back in time is Burton Josh Stewart comes in walks the first man then strike out strike out round out [Music] Marcus Phillips back on the mound from Iowa Western Community College in 2023 he’s a 6-4 righty and you can see he has got all sorts of stuff he didn’t think he would be here last year he has been thrown into the fire tonight and he’s got that high riding fast ball at 96 milph easy as well [Applause] so last June he was in the stands at Charles swab just to watch The College World Series and he dreamt about someday being on the field he actually went to a Tennessee game that day and he sat next to Hunter eny’s family said I didn’t know him I didn’t know who he was and here we are after that June date about 4 months later watch out he was a teammate yeah Frank Anderson had a connection there with the junior college coach that had bore fruit in the past and Frank just kind of took him at his word like hey we got a guy here you need to you need to take a look at this AR plays yes Lobby elette has seen a bunch of pitches in three plate appearances on a 2-1 he will not Chase that’s the biggest concern with Phillips right his ability to control and command and it’s it’s for the most part it’s one pitch I mean he’ll throw you a slider but it’s fast ball [Applause] heavy that one actually had a little bit of run to it first in when he came in high leverage everything had cut and it was getting off the bat that one had two seam run away from l left he can figure out a way to do both of those intentionally run that two seamer of 97 away and then cut it at 97 pretty good combo power on power 28 bombs off the bat of laelette and this one is lifted to left field should be playable for drying and he’s there and that’s a big first out after falling behind for Marcus Phillips that guy gets healthy obviously over the year probably going to impact where he plays and what he does in the course of the summer but 28 homers this year there’s a real chance for 30 plus next year for oh there’s no doubt about he and he has nothing to Pro in summer Bowl obviously I’m sure he would love to go be a part of the USA team or Cape cot or where wherever he plans on going to play but he he certainly doesn’t need a a lingering hamstring issue to Trail him into the fall either [Applause] ball one to Jackson Appel double single score to run he hits three for this A&M lineup and he’s now ahead 2 [Applause] and0 finance major University of Pennsylvania I said well you’re going to end up being like an agent you’re going to deal with other people’s money he said well first I want to finish this baseball journey and that that felt like it was more about the journey after this it was about just here he’s got real as he’s going to be a decent draft you got a switch hitting catcher who can catch and throw shown the ability to hit at the highest level uh-oh yeah we got balls balls counting and the 12th man does not deliver ball for three balls in a [Applause] strike imagine all the years that these two programs have played baseball and what baseball means to these these schools and these communities this is a chance for the first ever championship by both and that’s why you had a migration College Station and from Knoxville here because to witness the first one so important and a story you will tell the rest of your life 3-2 doesn’t get the call and he missed outside good at bat by Appel Jackson has now reached all three of the four four times he’s beenin [Music] up there you go Bud what do we got in there what do we got popcorn one piece at a time sure I’ve ever seen anyone do that patient never mind there we go that’s the appropriate way just slam Runner goes they will throw from the knees and AEL stolen another base he’s their best he’s got 16 on the season now and again just right out of the gate not even waiting around you know Phillips is thinking about throwing strike one and he is not quick to the plate and as soon as Appel got his chance he took it they plated five in the third and they have gotten to the bullpen of Tennessee the fly over today was loud and impressive in fact we got a double dose cuz yesterday while we were walking out of the ballpark on uh practice day it buzzed the tower and there were clouds up there so all you heard were these huge noises and you couldn’t see them and then on their way back to the base you could see them and you’re like okay I see they’re practicing we like that practice here’s Andrew Banky 3 and one [Applause] 308 and he will get the very difficult to get out Hayden shot first his pitch strike B’s been very good against left-handers just hit 167 against him on the [Applause] year Columbia staring out there at second base kids from Penn on the 1 one that’s at the top of the Zone one and two [Applause] two for two re each on an err is scored one and Banky fooled him there shot front footed it got him all the way out in front of that slider right there shot didn’t like the look at this [Music] one beny another one of the reasons why this Tennessee pitching staff has been so good top to bottom there is a lot of depth and if if there’s a team that come back and fight through if you got to use a bunch of guys today Tennessee is is definitely that team good job left on left right there to get Hayden shot who had two hits and it hit it hard all three times and now Burton Huntington Beach California kid with two outs that didn’t miss by much but he’s behind one and0 and you keep an eye out there at AEL at second base took the pretty aggressive lead let me see if he can force a throw on maybe an error and pick up another [Applause] run 91 on the corner down and [Applause] away and Burton this is a slow roll to third there may not be any play Banky wisely eats it and they will have first and third as Burton will reach on an infield single I thought it was smart to keep it in his pocket KP if anything right there I mean maybe you fake the throw just to see if there’s any chance that a pel comes too far off a third base and spin but no reason to throw that ball to first story of the game for A&M here into the six has been the the two strike hitting and the Freshman approach graovac with a homer then Kaden cell single an RBI in the first single and an RBI in the third he is up again with two men [Applause] on and cell smokes one to right Chapman is there and he is able to make the play I will say the positives are that the bat to ball and the power are both world class so you got a slugger that hits which is always nice and the and Ops was off the charge drew a ton of walks I I I wouldn’t even call it a negative I would I would just say the the question mark is where does he settle in defensively cuz we’ve seen him at first third and then he’s played all three Outfield positions so that will be interesting for me to see where he ends up playing defensively at the next level this is Dean Curley and it’s one ball one strike you know speaking about defensively and where people play like there’s a chance curly next year moves off short and maybe goes to Third Base the ability and the versatility which major league baseball highlights with its players bouncing around College baseball’s been doing that [Applause] forever I think Curley kind of profiles him he’s 63 212 as a freshman and it’s one of the stronger arms you’ll see kind of profiles maybe more as a third baseman so it wouldn’t surprise me if he does slide over there next year but man what a what a season he’s had they’re not a whole lot of freshman starting in college baseball at the at the highest level of the sport and especially at Short Stop in the SEC on this team exactly to get that much offense out of [Applause] them this ball Sky High shallow left field sell will come running in and he will make the play and there is one down here Inky dinky do pet kavila in 854 38 there’s your buddy Lance burkman who had 41 Conan got to 37 and he won the golden spikes award I think burkman drove in 126 that year it was well over a 100 I know that it’s not a bad year at college baseball but I I thought there was a really good chance that condom was going to get to to 40 this year and didn’t quite make it but a legendary season nonetheless for a guy that didn’t play as freshman [Music] here you I I think people probably who follow college baseball no Condon story but his story is incredible as braovac moves into a shift now again with one out so the left side is wide open for Dalton Bargo the Omaha Nebraska kid and he swings and misses it the first [Applause] one Fargo bats for ree Chapman who’s the right fielder he used to come to games forever watching the teams come to Omaha and now he gets a chance to wear the ball’s uniform and play on this field you know what that’s like KP pretty cool it’s really cool yeah we’ve seen a lot of om Omaha kids come through and play and for Dalton Bargo from Omaha Westside High School about a 15 20 minute drive from here started the balls opener here we get a chance to come off the bench and [Applause] finals onew Stewart has been solid so far and he throws him a fast ball at 93 with an uptick in that velocity and he continues to be very effective well that a bat against Baro way through it was it was fast ball fast ball and now having a pretty good idea how to use that for seamer at the top when you see that that Barrel dip like it did earlier in the about for Bargo that’s where you want to go you want to elevate the fast ball see if he’ll swing underneath it because that swing pad tells you he probably will two runs on eight hits for the vaunted volunteer offense Prager and Stewart two down in the sixth for Stark couldn’t get the barrel on that slider he’s behind o0 and one there is Prager at that incredible weapon Corte has in a 72 game you leave him right on the bench and likely in game two he will figure in a potentially huge way for A&M good pitch there on the inside corner fast balls and Sliders in a steady diet of them right where he wanted it Stark doesn’t offer I mean how many times have we come to the finals of the World Series that over the course of the NCA tournament and certainly here like some guy has to emerge and be a stud and maybe we’re seeing that with Stewart it is kind of crazy though how quickly their trust Factor went through the roof with and some of it is I mean we should down yeah I mean there’s there’s going to have to be somebody else but um they are not afraid to put this kid into big spots and that hasn’t necessarily been the way all year really good take good pitch from Stewart no offer from Stark and these Tennessee hitters continue to be all over the slider it’s it’s obvious they they know the the report and Stewart’s made most of his work with the fast ball I I’d expect to see one here look where Stark is on that plate with his back foot he is on the white line and he’ll move that left foot in on a 2- Two Full Count Christian Moore on Deck will he get a chance to hit here in the sixth kept him in check tonight he is 0 for three back foot right on that corner ball ball four just missed and a two out walk issued to Stark back to the top of the order for Christian [Applause] [Music] Moore call him Simo and Simo is Du [Music] now this one will be interesting because it’s been very clear Tennessee is on the slider they haven’t done any damage on it yet but they’ve taken some really tough ones and Stewart’s going to have to continue to stay unpredictable here cuz if he throws the the wrong breaking ball over the plate to Simo he might not get it [Applause] back anxious at the plate that’s a swing it’s strike one [Music] and that guy doesn’t give up anything Evan Ashen Beck when do they go to him phenomenal numbers of 154 ER on the season about a half run lower than any other pitcher Stuart ready on the 01 that’s outside wo race to the right field line and it got into the seats that jumped off his Bat and we’ve seen it a whole bunch of times at7 mph you were talking about it the last evat with Christian Mo it’s just it’s just a uhhuh tick late everything’s a little deep right now what’s the message to the pitching coach after that swing what do you do here if you’re throwing a slider it can’t be overplayed you you better get it down and off the dish one two and he did do that this one towards the Dugout look out over the railing goes Burton he paid no attention to the railing and just kept going as if he was going to go into the stands to make the play he didn’t break stride no he was hellbent on going to get it Ted there’s a warning track here bud you got to feel it oh boy I mean he just he took a peak but but he Peak so late he was already full stride into the into the railing give us a handstand Mr Burton appears to be just [Applause] [Music] fine creep up on the plate berky with that slider you stay where you usually do if you I would stay where I was because I don’t want to chase the one off the plate one ball two strikes to more way out the other thing you worry about that too is then do you are you tipping your hand and then they just bust you on inside yep steuart has shown that he’s not afraid to throw that fast [Applause] ball more hit a ball 117 mph on a line into a 30 mph wind over the wall in Center 22 did he check they’ll check first no swing similar situation we saw in that Tennessee game where they had another check swing that was not called to strike and that ended up being a big rally for them no swing that appeared to be a check on the ground to short fielded cleanly kamario throws across they’ve kep more in check he’s over for four the lead is five and he told me about that story he said when he got to Third Base here in Omaha he had flashbacks to the Little League World Series yeah he said I remember I hit a triple in Omaha and I hit a triple in Williamsport he remembered them both and I said to him I said you remember the 09 perkie team the Chula Vista team had remember Luke remirez was a giant and used to he hit balls I so well I know him well I know the family really well but I was there in 16 I didn’t remember that they were there I remember the Ramirez Chula Vista team they were incredible I think they were there the year I believe the Maine Endwell won the whole thing in any event the highlights I look back at some of those clips of him in in regionals and super regionals in Little League he could put back to the ball then too almost identical swings yeah he said that good so D Margo’s gone in to play right field for Tennessee 72 we go to the seventh inning this is game one best of three each team looking for its School’s first baseball championship and now behind B is 3 and0 to kamaro gets the call at the letters disappointed in Maroon they were just waiting for their first ball five chant of the [Applause] night oh Ravi Kaden Kent coming up here uh we’ve had some fun with Dad just locked in on the seats never really smiling no matter what his son does as he continues uh finishing off the bag of seats I asked g go what could you do to make Dad smile said well win a College World Series is probably it he said he’s been that way my whole life there’s just this attitude of Never Satisfied that double could it have been a triple and while that was tough it’s also what allowed him to have that work EIC throughout this season when he wasn’t in the lineup constantly to have the moments like he’s had in this postseason when his time was called well he has been phenomenal since he’s been inserted into the lineup he also said he recognizes too he he knows that Dad would like to see Kaden pass him on he wants to be better and he wants me to be better than he was and he did say look he’ll give me a nod before I step in the box and there’s mom’s mom is the biggest cheerleader we have you know Dad as you know dads aren’t there when they’re major league baseball players they’re on the road so Mom is cast with all sorts of responsibilities I asked him like who was his Heroes growing he said well posy Matt Kane were were the guys he said Matt Kane was sick that’s what how he described the former giant pitcher fast ball down the middle I mean it took a bit but this was see mom’s cheering at some there you go there we go well pull up the clip of the walk-off Homer hit against the Cardinals in 04 you’ll see him smile it’s it’s possible it happens yes that one’s High they’ll throw down to First dive and back kamaro those two are so good at that play Stark and Blake Burke I mean it’s there’s some kind of there’s some kind of movement between them to where Burke knows that Stark’s going to spin down a throw behind the runners but Burke is outstanding to getting back to the getting back to the bag letting that ball travel just snapping a tag down 1 one and you can just feel the confidence in Kent building every time he sees his name every time he steps in the [Applause] Box two and two he’s an interesting story cuz he’s they they view him a little bit of a tweener defensively and then offensively even though he’s a big strong kid there there hasn’t been a ton of power just yet in his career they’ve always valued his Bat to ball and the professional way he goes about his at bats it’s just he hasn’t quite been able to bust into the [Applause] [Music] lineup but he stayed ready and as soon as Brad Montgomery went down and they called on him he’s been as valuable as any hitter in their lineup yeah and there’s versatility there we saw him earlier this week go from second base he goes playing Third Base he’s got three long balls on the ear and he’s got a good duel going with Banky right [Applause] [Applause] now A&M is take ADV AG of Tennessee on the base [Applause] paths this one is lifted deep to right field Kent has done it home run Kaden Kent dad’s off his seat mom’s got the bubbles and there’s the Applause fourth of the year what were you saying about that power coming yeah that’ll bring the old man to his feet Jeff Kent no stranger to Long balls in meaningful games how about a two-run rocket into right field it’s a slider working away from him he gets into his legs to extend the barrel just enough to reach this one over the right Phil wall and the Aggies just continue to add to the lead and Kate and Kent now four ribbies on the night and the bottom of the order for the agies have been outstanding Kaden Kent Clark Kent right now he has been Superman for the [Music] agies pretty special deal I mean we talked about it on mount with his aies Club but but Kent offensively has been the other guy oh that’s a cool shot right there Montgomery giving it [Music] up you know Kaden did say as he just saw that he said it is amazing what Braden Montgomery has taught me he says I’ve watched players take BP and Braden was the guy that I have taken the most from work ethics swing path really the joy that Braden Montgomery brings into the Dugout and pulling for his guys he’s had the biggest impact on Kaden Ken he was kind of that guy from day one when he got there I mean it’s it’s an infectious personality and then it also happens to be one of the most talented baseball players in the entire country and so you’re going to listen right away because the success that he’d had but he’s he’s really turned into a leader since getting A&M too how about A&M n Tennessee [Music] [Applause] 2 Got Back and it’s the agies who have out homered the vs tonight graovac and Kent he’s an affable kid and I is it you who had that conversation with him he he’s a sponge he wants to know like you you you play with my dad you know my dad tell me some stories yeah I didn’t play with him long but he was he was memorable player I got to play against him for a couple years too I mean just one of the greats of his generation no doubt about it there’s a lot of baseball knowledge in that man’s memory bank 3-1 Sky High it take it take it take it and caught by Curley on a ball that was up there about 8 [Applause] [Music] seconds did you talk did you talk it lose that ever no watched watched but never got into the mental side of it with him but there was a lot to learn just by watching him especially the way he handled himself in Runners and scoring position he just was one of the best that using the back side of the field and Barry Bonds needed protection in San Francisco and he helped yes he did he was really really really good [Applause] back to graovac who’s been awfully impressive as well both in the field and at the plate than he misses badly it’s 2 and0 you know feels like guys in the middle Innings Tennessee had their chance they had chances to score and their inability to punch them in and give credit to both Prager and Stewart for keeping them at Bay but they had Runners they’ve left 10 guys on Bays yeah they left two on base in the second third and the fifth so there there’s been opportunities and listen they can score runs in bunches this is this this thing a’t done yet [Applause] [Music] y it is interesting in a seven Run game like do you expose them again to Ashen backck or do you breaks right I wouldn’t I wouldn’t yet if you can get through this thing without use an ashen backck and win it if you’re A&M that is that is a really big deal yeah so far it’s a dream scenario for Jim Slagle they they they have a comfortable lead and they’ve only had to use one of their best Bullpen arms again they’ve only used five pitchers to this point at the College World Series we two of them have handled all the outs so far change up to punch out for [Applause] hovak and that’ll bring up Jace l sir unless you had their day last year and of course SK and Cru were outstanding and we saw Florida go all the way to the finals Florida squeaked in this year and was awfully impressive again so Kevin o solivan company work in the portal they’ll be a high high ranked team when the season begins next year LSU will reload [Applause] again Arkansas was number one for a big part of this year well the SEC was decent this year it was [Applause] okay so they got nine runs they have 13 hits and this guy doesn’t have a hit yet Jace lavet and you do wonder you have to wonder what the impact of that hamstring is on him he hadn’t had a hit since he heard it no he’s had a fairly quiet series from from for his standards but it just shows you the depth of this offense one two that one was hung up there and he pulled it foul yeah I mean you you think about it jayon lavette’s hitting 185 for the for the postseason right and bra Montgomery got hurt and they’re you know nine outs away from being one of in the they haven’t lost in the finals they haven’t lost a game but again the the pitching and the emerg of Kent are such a big piece of that story two Heroes tonight of the many for them Prager and Kent Bobby elette that is a fair ball that’s fielded cleanly by Burke Jace is out four in a row and six of their last eight and yes it’s Clark and Reese tomorrow Chicago busy tomorrow Sunday Night Baseball you got the fever and Angel Reese and Sky playing ball back here Tennessee finds itself in a seven run [Applause] Hole 2 three and four Blake Burke against Stewart the game within the game right now for the Tennessee offense two things number one you just want to put some things together to feel good about the way you finish the ball game and the second thing would be can you scare the a him dug out enough to get Ashen Beck in the game that that’s even if it even if you lose game one you you feel like you you got to figure out a way to get Ashen Beck out [Applause] there Ste longest outing of the Year this year he went three and a third at Alabama most pitches that he had thrown in an outing was 45 in that outing his last pitch was his 46th here tonight one ball two strikes so remember they faced Evansville did Tennessee they won their first game then they lost to Evansville then they came back and sort of played like with a different level they were angry I guess they won that last game 12 to1 so unlike A&M they lost a game in the postseason Stewart gets him fishing and Burke retired they’ve only lost back-to-back games once this year and that was their only series loss at Alabama as you see Stuart go to that back foot slider to get Burke fishing Stuart just continues to execute pitches and and mix that two- pitch combo up just enough to keep Tennessee all balance that slider is pretty special when he spins it right [Music] [Applause] I saw saw something there I don’t know what it was cuz he went out to Mike Morris all played umpire and I did he slip uh I don’t know but he brought the trainer out as [Music] well now whatever it was Stuart was very convincing [Music] [Music] h i mean he had a little hop yeah Hop was a little bit different it was enough to just go out and ask make sure that he was feeling all right cuz he’s going to be a big piece this is not going to be the only time if they’re going to win probably that Stewart’s going to be on this mound riding fast ball in on the hands of AMC Well I mean if that’s the case you wonder how many can he go tonight and and still be able to bounce back if if they’re able to hang on and this thing potentially goes straight cuz there’s there’s no way he’s going to marrow no no no [Applause] no looks like a couple of right-handers warming in the bullpen for A&M [Applause] a little different Miss at bat since that [Applause] meeting he threw 37 his first time out in the College World Series against Kentucky came back on one day’s rest so two days later and threw 30 against Florida but obviously getting to a spot that he hasn’t been in his time at at A&M pushing that pitch count up over 50 and again they’ve used five through the tournament it looks like they’re going to go a little deeper tonight cuz they have that luxury and they probably also know if they get a couple Runners around we have the we have the firemen out there if we need them yeah it does look like we’re going to see somebody new that hasn’t pitched yet here in Omaha 3-1 that’s Ball Four yeah I think they go get him now stuff looks a little bit different he’s taken you further than than he has this year and I I know you want to squeeze as many out as you can look like double barrel action Z budm and Brad rudas both [Music] throwing well looks like it’s going to be Max weer coming out to talk with him now okay I love Max Max is not afraid to hop it out there he’ll run out and he’ll run back great Pace oh he RAV was right on that the first time when he went running out there knew exactly where he was going too maybe he could Inspire others to do that you know he’s a coach as he said to me earlier like he went all of his brother they went to military school when he was young and I think he was 12 by the time he was 15 he was in charge of 60 guys that means getting up early in the morning like you got to get up before they do you got to polish the spoons you got to do all of that so he the leadership thing he’s that’s his Mo he loves and I think he comes from a family of high Achievers but he loved that role and responsibility and took it on as a 15-year-old how many 15y olds know you’re running out of bed at 4:30 in the morning the Polish spoons and get make sure you’re in charge of everybody he caught me off guard with the Polish spoons that’s what he told me I didn’t realize that was on the agenda but yeah you’re right that didn’t sound like a bunch of laughs so they leave him in to face driling for his pitch misses not polishing spoons in the Burke household these guys no just trying to get them cleaned keep keep them off the floor when we use utensils Kyle that does that does bring up a dinner we recently had with berki and Sushi you know those Chopsticks allergic to them he goes bare hand in the big PL Chopsticks are eyewash like we have fingers with thumbs you know what drying right field Lavette oh he ran right into the wall and it is gone Dylan drying a two-run shot 94 for a second I thought we were going to see laet make another home run robbing catch but he banged into the corner of the wall and drying leaves the yard for the 21st time this season yeah bery it’s right at the spot where the bullpen ends and that wall Jets out a little bit pretty good job pulling those hands in here too back spinning us out the right field but I was with I thought I thought he was going to rob another one and if he doesn’t bang into the wall he might yeah he totally lost track of where he was cuz he’s at a at a space where there is a little more room until there isn’t and right when he takes that last step to his right he was timing his jump o he had it was yeah that’s that’s probably lower than the ball he robbed from Kate klin early in the week but he just runs out of room and Aggie’s probably kicking themselves for not making a pitching change yep they had a lot of conversations with Stuart he’s going to leave the game and Tennessee little sign of life here they get a couple 94 with one out we’re in the bottom of the seventh inning I I think he makes the play and that is within of where the other ball was hit it’s the exact same spot in the wall it’s the exact just a different outcome so Brad rudus comes on for the 24 time he’s been really good out of this aen Bullpen All Season 6 and0 with a 229 side wander that will get you a lot of ground balls when it’s right that good late action everything fast ball change up will move pretty hard to the arm side so down it into a right-handed hitter Dylan drying who hit that home run is three for four tonight with a couple of singles and that long ball now it’s Hunter Ensley who has reached twice couple of singles and rudus is ready in a 94 game at the knees that’s wicked that’s a strike dyl and dring now 9 for 16 yeah World [Applause] Series Ansley left field and gone big fly for Ensley back to back home runs for the vs and they chip away again it’s now 95 Hunter ansley’s third hit tonight 12 home run of the year we talked about them making a little run just to feel a little better get a little momentum and maybe get Ashen back up they might have done it all in one inning here guys now a four-run ball game three spot in a heartbeat this game just got real interesting uh and they’re not wasting any time nope they’re going straight to Ashen begle right now one pitch one Homer Jim schlagle out and the best relever in college baseball Evan Asen backck will come in where in the bottom of the seventh there is one out drying left the building Hunter rley exit stage left a no doubter we got ourselves a new ball game Ashen Beck coming in well it’s become a 95 ball game game one of this men’s College World Series with Chris button Kyle Peterson and Chris Burke I’m K ravit it’s the bottom of the seventh inning there is one man down and out of Brenham Texas you’re bringing Evan Asen backck he’s an interesting guy given his number numers are so great doesn’t walk anybody strikes out so many and if you’re just watching him for the first time you’d be like jeez it’s not overpowering in any way how does he do it I mean it’s fast ball right about 90 mph how he does it is he uses all three and he uses all three about equally between the fast ball the slider and the change up and he throws a ton of strikes if he is in the game now he is in the game to finish the game the Leander is coming in to try to get the final eight outs now certainly Rocky Top is feeling a little better about things cavar te who has one of the defensive plays of the night will step up a little more energy from the Big Orange first pitch ground ball that’s going to be foul the starting thing with Ashen Beck it’s not necessarily the Run preven even though it’s fantastic how effective he’s been from an RA standpoint it’s how low the hit total is I mean 47 hits 70 innings in 70 innings for for a guy that doesn’t have overpowering stuff is it just it doesn’t really compute well he’s walked 12 guys the whole year so that many strikes yet almost no hits great pitch there left on left change up less than 20,000 people in that town of Brenham second season with the agies that’s how he gets guys out Wicked slider away and tears shaking his head asan Beck comes out and says all right I’m just going to I’m going to show you all of them here right away F fast B to start change up to get the second strike and then the slider to finish kar’s te off right [Music] there we were talking this A&M coaching staff today he’s from blend junr college comes in the first fall and they’re like we honestly were thinking about maybe C like we weren’t sure if he was going to make the club let alone pitch this year he’s been the most reliable relief pitcher in all of college baseball and he pours in another strike Dean curle is the short stop his dad described the A&M experiences a dream come true and that Evan and his family came in ‘ 09 when he was just he said a little bitty kid to watch that misses High live about 45 minutes from the A&M Campus so they can all go watch him do his [Applause] thing well and you said KP he’s in the game to finish it which would be two and 2/3 and with with the L that Stuart gave them that’s two of their best three Bullpen bullets very heavy workloads here in game one at the letters two and two ear they will not Chase they need base runners G curly a couple of hits he flew out to left ready on a 3-2 he went with a fast ball and he got him Ashen Beck comes in and Strikes Out tears and curly the balls are back in it two swings and this is what they can do Dyan dr’s having a heck of a College World Series and Hunter edley follows with a slider that goes in the leftfield bullpen balls cut into a four run lead they bring in the Lefty The Freshman Dylan ly making his 20th appearance numbers could be pretty good strike out to walk he doesn’t give up a ton of hits in 28 Innings now just again trying to keep this lead where it is for A&M not let it grow and get the bats back up for the final two Carl a guy that grew up in Pigeon Forge about an hour from knock growing up a huge Tennessee fan when he finally got the offer to come to Tennessee when he’s in high school he was like well everyone told me you got to play it cool like don’t commit right away he’s like I lasted a day and then I was like yeah I’m [Applause] coming KP I guess he kind of showed his hand huh he’s wasn’t a good poker player I’m in will you yes yes I will yes I will can I think yes well he had his his moment this year in the SEC Championship game against LSU LSU his his best outing of the year four and 2/3 scoreless in that one against the Tigers after AJ Russell started that game left-hander hasn’t hasn’t pitched a ton since then but that that was definitely the high water mark could definitely go the rest of the way if we see from him what we saw that day [Music] [Applause] his ER at Pigeon Forge which KB just brought up was 09 his senior year 09 9 batters hit 097 against him didn’t want to play Pigeon Forge you been a Pigeon Forge bery yeah it’s right there in Gatlinburg so Lloyd to Appel swings at the first one right center field it goes but it is misplayed and then caught in right field Bargo didn’t get a great read on it stuck his glove out and stuck The Landing maybe not the most direct route here KP Bargo breaks back like this Ball’s headed to the wall and it has to come in here late but give him credit he took that ball off the turf with a backhanded catch and he has to go down late to keep this one from being extra Bas is a heck of over recovery there by Dalton Bargo that’s a great catch yeah great catch he takes this one right off the ground and he caught it yeah they’re going to challenge this too cuz can’t take him with him you might as well ask but I don’t I know the this one’s going to take very long yeah a little deeper route that maybe you would you would ideally like to take but he made up for it at the end now gets to watch himself on TV turn around and watch the replay this is a good one cuz everybody can see that it’s a quite clearly a catch after further review the ruling on the field of out is confirmed Texas A&M has charged a second Challenge and they have no more remaining for the game all right so out of out of challenges [Applause] [Music] A&M Dalton orgo backhand off of the [Applause] lawn gavaris tears let me throw that on there for you back on Outfield play continues to be terrific for Tennessee as ly fires in misses loy’s mom was an outstanding athlete High School in the90s played basketball softball and track and passed on all sorts of competitiveness to her voice and Dylan brings that to the mound here in Omaha one and one [Applause] got [Applause] [Music] [Applause] out a play off bat of Hayden shot he’s a DH he’s the senior he’s banged up and he’s playing like a hero tonight started out reaching on an error could have been a hit then he reached on a single he had a double he did strike out but Banky came into the game so this the third pitcher he has seen fourth pitcher he’s seen actually [Applause] two and two another one on a play everybody in this A&M lineup has scored a run tonight except ches could say there’s some length in this lineup right now yeah it has gotten really strong at the bottom kamaro’s had a big night Kent’s been crazy good and just that did have a hit he got to second base we got stranded there eight 0 in the postseason it’s Texas A&M on a 22 swing and a miss another good one from ly I I know he probably won’t mess with it but it would be hard if your Jim schle to leave kateen Ken in the E hole you know it’s just as hot as he has been and as clutch as he has been it’s you you think that in that Dugout they want to see him getting up to bat a few more times but usually the traditional school of thought is if it ain’t broke don’t fix it very aable easy to talk to kid right there Kaden Kent so two down Burton beats it into the ground that’s a fair ball AMC they get him one two three they get a chance to grab the bats see if they can cut further into this 95 A&M lead was Vanderbilt in 15 Ashen Beck back on the bump first his pitch swinging at it was Bargo heing his oats after that great catch we talk about Ashen Beck Stu but his last fast ball of the seventh inning was 93 pretty good get up on Bargo can leave the [Applause] yard one ball one strike he’s got three pitches and there is an account in which he won’t use them so with one strike now they vacate Third Base nobody [Applause] out and Ashen backck picks up strike two three on the right side and that’s fouled back up this [Applause] way how much interaction did you have with home plate umpires like if if you think one’s off the plate were you a hey is that as far as it goes or yeah yeah that’s about it we we you know you got that at the bottom or is that the edge those kinds of things most part you’re just trying to hold him accountable with that first of all you’re telling them you didn’t like it Ashen back does it again how’s he been since he’s come in that’s three punch outs Nicole Brisco Zubin Mente they’re standing by Sports Center will follow us KP will join them to talk about this one look ahead to game two Yankees try to Avo a four straight loss Aaron Boone Aaron judge both thrown out of that game and the Oilers and Panthers we started this College World Series asking about who has a better chance to avoid a sweep the Maverick or the Oilers and KP said that’s a silly question he’s right the Oilers and Panthers go game seven this ball right center field playable and weak contact and Ashen backck efficient here with two down in the eighth as he gets Stark to fly out on one pitch and that’s a bonus yeah cuz you can face Christian Mo with nobody on base it’s a much better feeling whoever it is whether it’s Ash Beck or anybody out there for but two quick outs he’s retired all four that he has seen some coming out of the bullpen kind of taken the air out of this Tennessee offense for now and it’s been very efficient right you start to think that the very low pitch total now you start thinking yeah he probably will be available tomorrow if he keeps this pace up Mo has been very aggressive the leadoff hitter oh for four tonight such a unique aspect to the game of baseball versus other ones you can be so great one day come back to the next you’re facing a different pitcher and you go [Applause] hitless here’s Phil Fulmer right in the middle there there’s hmer in the house A&M the agies in the 12th man up for Ashen Beck and he does his job a little spin on the mound back to the Dugout goes more 0 for five Asen Beck four [Applause] strikeouts ninth inning sell will lead things off and that strike one H so you look at it they got three runs here late you tell me psychologically how important if you lose but you kind of showed a little fight here how’s that carry over well yeah I think the three spot was was certainly helpful from a momentum standpoint and you got Ashen Beck in the game now he has been dominant since entering the game and it’s been pretty low stress so not quite the win that you’re looking for on on a moral Victory side from Tennessee and A&M it’s been about as perfect as it could possibly be the offense was clutch your pitching has been every bit as good as it needs to be and you know Stewart is burned for tomorrow but if Ashen but if Ashen Beach can get through the ninth with a low pitch count you have pretty much everybody available tomorrow that you would want he’s thrown 18 pitches that’s a strike out of sell yeah and you led 71 after 2 and 1 half Innings like it’s 71 well and I mean if you’re Tennessee you got Drew beam going B I don’t know if A&M knows who they’re going to throw you yeah um so it definitely is Advantage Tennessee on the mound tomorrow the Drew beam would it be his 51st career start tomorrow in college baseball he’s been out there a few times yeah that’s the guy you want to send out there when you’re facing elimination no doubt about it Camaro’s been on base a handful of times has scored two runs so far [Music] [Applause] tonight Dylan ly has been very good here for the vs since he came in [Applause] Kent will get another shot he’s in the on Deck Circle that one bends in for a [Applause] strike yeah you come to Omaha and you know you have a chance like this and there are a lot of rooms that have a lot of people staying in them yeah it’s not just like one or two there’s there we’ve got rooms with five six seven people we’ll find floor space couch space a lot of rollways a lot of rollways hotel rooms have become very hard to [Applause] find in a city that is not short on hotel rooms no and continues to add the two fan bases here for this series have booked them all solid quite a showing by both fan bases here tonight those are the two hotels these teams stay in you see the Hilton and the Marriott the Hilton is where A&M is the Marriott is where Tennessee [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stays got an 02 against Camaro as ly is ready here will not Chase one ball two strikes I do love now that we’re starting the finals on a Saturday I think that was that was a great change a few years ago because it just it brings so much more energy for a weekend start it’s a lot easier for fan bases to get here on the weekend y great Point swinging a Miss Wicked slider Camaro is gone L look really good really good and he looked good when we had him when we had him at the SEC tournament he was great that day but has come in has thrown strikes he’s now punched out three in the two innings he’s been out there and at least is given this offense a chance to not have to fight back any [Music] further Mr Capital won himself the rewarding performance Kaden Kent with the four rbi’s three hits including the Homer how about 14 RBI in the tournament he had 14 all regular season most in the field how about [Applause] [Music] that now we know what puts a smile on Jeff Kent’s [Applause] face yeah if you if you can’t smile on that one that mean 100% all right we might need to check his pulse he’s he’s living right life right there [Music] [Applause] [Music] here you go here you go [Applause] k okay so you brought it up do you move him up in the lineup would you if you’re making that decision I just don’t I don’t you scored nine runs you you haven’t lost in the postseason I I just I don’t think think I would but it would be hard not to have him up more with the level at which he’s approaching as a bats right now I mean he is just so locked in and it’s a barrel show right [Applause] [Music] now but there is something to lineup chem chemistry and messing with it yeah Comfort and all those kinds of things messing with it is pretty dangerous at this point and this one to center field tears is there we got a half inning to go bottom nine last chance for the volunteers college station for the first time volunteers have three outs to play with tonight and then they get another chance tomorrow at 1:00 local time 2 Eastern on ABC Ashen Becks doing what he needs to he starts Blake Burke off with a strike keep an eye on that pitch count for Evan Ashen Beck as you think about tomorrow and how quickly he might be able to come back missed away didn’t see Cortez who when he’s wrong he doesn’t last very long when he’s right he can give you length and absolutely dominate a team yeah when he’s right they don’t touch [Applause] him this was sort of a Bend but not break performance by the agies pitch Tennessee had a whole bunch of base runners they go two for 10 with two out two for 11 runners in scoring position and five for 16 with a runner on A&M has struck out 14 batters tonight and they have 51 strikeouts at the World Series Cortez has no gloves and no need right now in a n95 game three and two Burke two for four amck 0 for two and then you get to drying and Ensley who were six for eight between them each with three hits and each with a homer 32 on the way [Applause] a little day baseball tomorrow boys you could be toasty too shocker triple digit toasty uh feels like the old ever popular feels like the dreaded is Burke doing a really good job mhm one thing they talked about with his Tennessee team and you’ll see it after if they lose tonight how they stay together the team chemistry that was a focus point and a lot of times these guys would go hang out at Blake Berg’s house and just sort of sit watch sports you know play cornhole just hang out and they feel like this is as together a team as perhaps they’ve had under vitell this guy’s one of the main reasons he’s taking a big chunk out of Evan ashen’s pitch count right now he is he’s running it up there he’s certainly doing his job whether he wins this at bat or not but if he does as you said Carl you start to get to the part of the lineup that’s been very productive in this ball game this will be the ninth pitch of this at back called strike three Ashen Beck does it again strikeout number five pretty good pitch right there K right pitch yeah I mean he was fast ball fast ball heavy again we talked about it when Ashen came in the game he will throw any of his three pitches in any count of doesn’t matter what it is gets to 3-2 after Burke had fouled some pretty good fast balls off that was in top of the Zone but in the zone and just froze him with a slider just right at that front shoulder locked him up he has faced six and struck out five and he gets the call there as Beck makes the ability to mix three pitches in for strikes look so easy I mean it is an effortless strike thrower and still a ton of if there’s contact it is very weak contact two outs away from winning game one of this College World Series and taking a big step [Applause] forward people wonder how important is game one of these finals 13 of the 20 to win game one have gone on to win it including nine sweeps get to a game three and the advantage of winning game one disappears that’s going to keep the line moving AMC he delivers a single with one out Billy ax struck out his first two times up since then he’s been on base three times with a couple of walks and now a hit and there are those numbers graphically [Applause] [Applause] represented now here’s drying who’s got three hits andsley three hits on Deck we talked about Tennessee’s ability to hit left-handers [Applause] looked like he was taking one there maybe the approach right there against ashbach we’ll see you’re not taking now that’s for sure but drying had another big night man he likes hitting in this ballpark three hits including a homer last time up ball he thought about it but he takes it it’s two balls in a strike and again keep an eye on that pitch count now to 34 pitches and if there’s any team in this country that believes this lead is not insurmountable it’s the team at the plate right here and they’ve done it here already this ball driven to right field and that’s going to get down rounding and heading to third is ACH and hold the phone first and third with one down for the balls as drying picks up his fourth hit of the night wow he’s had two four hit games in four College World Series of appearances this year and he just he gets what is that is that a change up KP yeah just just a change up kind of pulled to the outside part of the plate dring continues to Barrel the ball up now four hits and we talked about how big that 3-2 count was to Burke imagine if that wouldn’t have gone Ashen Beck’s way but Tennessee making it interesting here in the ninth we started this College World Series with three games all ended with a walk-off ends the got three hits Ashen Becks looking for a ground ball strike one 82 M hour breaking pitch to get [Music] ahead single single strikeout Homer kavaris te has had big time success here in Williams in Omaha not tonight though that’s another good one back to to back back door breaking balls get out in front of eny o02 his last time up it was a breaking ball that he hit out but it was off a Right End 02 trying to get him to Chase and he [Music] won’t as this a red shirt Junior [Applause] [Music] 61 Huntington Tennessee Outfield fairly deep center fielder Chestnut is in a little bit and he spoils one there she went up top that’s the one where Ashen Beck gets a lot of his swing and miss that ball just at the letters nice job there by NCC talking to home played umpire Mike Morris about whether it was a ball or strike and it it was a ball just a touchup no team in college baseball has won more games since the start of 2020 than the Tennessee Volunteers onew on the way to Ensley and he went filthy slider down and in big second out and another punch out for Ashen Beck he could put a clinic on sometimes just pitch selection of locations climbs the ladder with that fast ball gets the foul ball and then comes right back and all three strikes in that a bet against eny were sliders first two he took this one back footed him for the second out six strikeouts in this game for Evan Ashen Beck it’s 16 in the game for Tennessee yeah karz tear [Applause] oh and two there’s that swing and miss the whiff on the high heater they are a strike away from winning game one 02 and he stays [Music] [Applause] [Music] alive option back has recorded seven outs six of them by strikeout another foul got to be a slider in here somewhere H KP keeps climbing that ladder yeah and you would think a slider I mean 8 10 Ines outside too just to see if you can get tears to to go out of the zone to try to end this thing right now and they get to Dean Curley he’s the Freshman he’s on deck it’s 0 and two again to tears in the dirt [Music] only a freshman but he started this thing off by delivering couple of hits in his first two plate appearances want to make sure they get the moment fling and a miss the agies will take game one Asen Beck strikes out seven in relief and they win it 95 pretty workmanlike today for the Aggies a clean defensive sheet they don’t make any errors threw a ton of strikes offensively put five on the board they gave him some distance in the third inning and then if the left-hander comes in the game usually going to be a good night for the Aggies and you punch out seven of the eight outs that you get I’d say he was feeling pretty good yeah and 13 hits and nine runs just a a ton of clutch hits by this agie offense kayen Kent continues to shine and really a dream scenario for the Aggies because they still have some bullets to fire if they want to out of that Bullpen and the offense was plenty in this one to stay ahead of Tennessee they stay unbeaten in the NCAA tournament and the next win for them will get them a world series title again two runs in the first and things started from jump streak with Gavin graovac going deep to right the leadoff band with a homer on a two strike pitch they got one more in the first then they picked up five in the third as we send it down to KB thanks so much Ravi kayen what is it about you the work ethic that when your moment has been called this postseason you’ve been able to deliver no it’s just uh it’s just a repetition of hours on hours man and baseball’s a hard game uh there’s a lot of ups and downs and and right now I’m I’m living on an up been around a lot of baseball in your life what’s it like to produce in front of this kind of Crowd Oh it means so much These Guys these fans support us uh till the very end win or lose and uh to be able to pull out a win our team played amazing Ryan pitched a great game it was it was it was it was a fun game you are one win away from celebrating a national championship how are you going to sleep tonight I may not uh no but you know we’re going to celebrate for a little bit right now and I’m sure shash is going to say we we got one more to go so and we do we’ll see you out of here tomorrow congratulations thanks guys Kaden Kent a big big part of this A&M offense nine runs on 13 hits they did not commit an error you got to turn the page pretty quickly we’re back tomorrow during the afternoon

Texas A&M baseball defeated Tennessee, 9-5, to take a 1-0 championship series lead in the 2024 Men’s College World Series finals. Watch the full Game 1 replay here.

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