@National Hockey League

Quinn Hughes wins the Norris Trophy by a good margin

Quinn Hughes wins the Norris Trophy by a good margin

by MrSCR23


  1. MrSCR23

    Also the first Canucks defensemen to win the Norris.

  2. deanobrews

    As an Oilers fan, awesome to see Bouch and Ekholm get some votes. Although that’s not helping Edm pay for Bouchard’s next deal.

  3. sandiercy

    This has been Quinn’s trophy all year. He has been easily the most consistent Dman all year and he got rewarded for it. Congratulations Quinn!

  4. AlanWhickerNumber3

    As a Jets fan, nice to see Morrissey get some votes, although I certainly wouldn’t put him ahead of the Top 3! Very well deserved win for Hughes, too.

  5. Sdgrevo

    Not sure who actually doubted he was gonna win it ? Statistically he was a shoe-in imho. I still think Makar is the better player but Hughes had the better season.

  6. Responsible-Fox-9082

    All’s good to Hughes, but how the fuck did Dahlin get that few votes? Dude had one of the quietest, but an amazing season considering the Sabres this year

  7. Unstep-in-Time

    Reminds me of the old way they did the gold glove in baseball by looking at offense more than defense. Imo, he wasn’t the best defenseman.

  8. No_Huckleberry_7410

    This is Jacob Moverare erasure

  9. IcarusLP

    Bigger gap than I would’ve expected, and I definitely would’ve expected Makar at least number 2, but Hughes definitely deserved it. He played great all year

  10. Fabulous-Search-4165

    Makar more deserving. More pts per game. But since he already has one already they played it safe and gave it to quinn.

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