@Washington Capitals

How Only Training Arms is Growing My Whole Body

Arm Program:


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  1. Perfect timing. I have a similar set of issues, going on a decade now. I wonder whether mine came from an ankle injury too, hard to know.

    I just noticed this same thing with pullovers. I do wonder whether this is actually good advice though. Before I got as twisted up as I am, I was working around my injuries, doing bench and deads when I couldn't squat. Eventually moving to deads + accessories only when I tore a pec, even some accessories would exacerbate my biceps tendon and send crazy bursitis-y symptoms though my shoulder.

    How do you feel about the idea that resistance training on top of these shitty foundations, could just be making them even worse? Or are you of the opinion that you've seen so many specialists and not really gotten anywhere, that you're just happy to train and move & to hell with the consequences.

    From what I can gather, yes certain exercises can eccentrically stretch the lats for example and 'lengthen' them, but that this actually contributes to their stiffness over time, not flexibility like you might intuit. Penny for your thoughts.

  2. I think you have to have pretty good genetics for bodybuilding if you get whole-body growth from a triceps exercise. I think its already clear from the training history you go over and starting physique that this is the case. Because it's worked for one person, doesn't mean it will work for everyone. Not trying to minimise your gains or achievements or go against the main message which is, to train what you can, how you can and you can get results. But just saying that generalised advice should not be based off of outliers.

  3. Why dont you add some cable flies ? Probably wouldnt cause any pain and would help develop your whole upper body physique

  4. You look great be glad you don't have boobs like all the other guys. They just mad you got a manly chest. Also your physique looks great so what they are saying is pretty irrelevant.

  5. I have the similar situation. I have a sprained on my right ankle but I also have body injuries on the left side of the torso, both arms especially the wrists, and right pelvis due to two scooter accidents. When it happened i didnā€™t think much of it I just went to hospital to get it x-rayed and they told me everything is fine. It was just heal by itself so I didnā€™t have to worry about it after. I noticed that the left side of my upper and mid back was numb. But after a couple of years, I noticed it affected my digestive system and my breathing mechanics and also some foot pain on the right foot. When I started training with constant resistance before and after the injury there was a difference of force production immensely, more fatigue, and less gains. It wasnā€™t until I found variable resistance with X3 bar that my muscle imbalances were severe than shown with constant resistance training. I focus on going to absolute failure especially on the fatigued lengthen partials that I noticed and doing compound lifts and doing 4 arms exercises Drag curl, bicep curl, overhead tricep extension, and tricep kick back. The arm workouts definitely compress, vertically the upper body meanwhile deadlifts calf raises, front squats, split squats and overhead press too if I might add, the chest press, bent rows compress the body horizontally. You gotta see where the imbalances originate from vertically or horizontally. I see that muscle inhibition or muscle weakness is slowly disappearing more with muscle endurance than strength training, but Iā€™m still experimenting overall Iā€™m seeing that my muscle imbalances are being address and I feel more decompress, less tense or tight, more lighter than ever before. Thank you for the video Iā€™m going to focus more on arms. Either way our arms are supposed to be strong as much as legs or torso. We use arms for most of time when we do strength lifts.

  6. life is so unfair man , my man right here gets his back and shoulder growing doing triceps extensions and im out there busting my ass out literally with rows , pullups ohp lateral raises and can't see any growth …..

  7. The misalignment you speak of is true for poor repairs too. Any structures that require tuning will experience a chain reaction if one part is poorly tuned/maintained. I don't see why the human body would be different. I mean we see it happen to people who are on wheelchairs their whole life. I experienced the same with my injuries.

  8. U can train and workout without doing bodybuilder poses. Youā€™re so far from being in that shape and having that mass in your chest, it looks ridiculous

  9. This is a great example that there is no universal great exercise. Tier lists are just generalities. At the end of the day, we are individuals and must find what works best for ourselves. I'm glad to see your progress. Cheers, mate!

  10. I ran into the exact same issues you did on my left side shoulder. Had to come to terms with the human body being asymmetrical but after a long time of rehab/prehab work I can lift pain free

  11. Call me a hater but even though you're big your physique just doesn't look proportional to me. Chest and back should be bigger/wider.

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