@Toronto Maple Leafs

[LeBrun] From Stamkos’ agent Don Meehan, who tells me regarding his client: “He will be a free agent on July 1.”. So would appear Stamkos is going to market Monday unless something changes in Tampa’s position.

[LeBrun] From Stamkos’ agent Don Meehan, who tells me regarding his client: “He will be a free agent on July 1.”. So would appear Stamkos is going to market Monday unless something changes in Tampa’s position.

by CancerFreeLeafs


  1. BigMick20

    Looks like management runs the team in TB, not the players. Must be nice.

  2. drow_enjoyer

    Fuck it lets go 80% of the cap to 7 players

  3. He’d bring some nice scoring depth to the 2nd line. Core 5, anyone?

  4. CancerFreeLeafs

    Stamkos – Matthews – Domi

    Knies – Tavares – Marner

  5. mikesully374826

    We already have a past their prime centerman who isn’t actually good at center anymore

  6. sadrapsfan

    He wants money lol, he’s not coming here

  7. fancypants55

    If we could move Marner I’d be all over this. He’ll provide nearly as many points as Mitch for half the cap hit. Our PP would have so many shot options as well. 

  8. Goatzilla44

    Listen, i was talking to some of my guys around the league and it sounds like Stamkos could potentially possibly be in the process of signing a contract for a team in the next few months here. I got frank sarahvalli on line 2 here stamkos is a Leaf

  9. BrokenBy

    Remember in 2016 when TSN 1050 used to take 15 seconds out of their ad break multiples times every day to run a countdown of how many days it was until Stamkos hit free agency? What a time to be alive. I can’t believe it’s been 8 years. I also can’t believe we’re doing this shit with the Stamkos watch again, albeit a little toned down this time.

  10. GoldenDeciever

    If dude wants to be our next Spezza, absolutely, but we can’t pay him a fair contract.

    Him with Marner or Domi though… would be pretty sweet.

  11. RealCanadianDragon

    I fully expect this to be a:

    TB: We want you to take a big discount.

    Stamkos: I’ll take a small one but that’s it.

    TB: No good.

    Stamkos: I’ll test FA and show you how much teams want to pay.

    Which just leads to Stamkos signing back with TB.

  12. KnuckedLoose

    No thanks unless he wants to offer a hometown discount.

    In other words enjoy Montreal.

  13. JamesCurtis24

    The only way I could see it working is Stammer is willing to take some stupid undervalued deal to play “at home”. Which nothing about his last free agency tells me that would be the case.

  14. Dash_Rendar425

    Is he going to play defense?

    Come on man, this isn’t EA NHL here…

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