@Philadelphia Flyers

Flyers Claim Kevin Connauton: More Offensive 6/7 than Seeler #BringittoBroad Flyers (GrittiestTake)

After having defensive struggles to say the least plus a key defender in Ellis being out most of the season the Flyers need all the help of defense they can get. Well they got some help in the way of Kevin Connauton who they claimed from the Florida Panthers. In this one Pro Joe recaps the move and his thoughts in the acquisition overall. Thanks everyone and a special thanks to those who have subscribed. If you enjoy the channel and have not already consider subscribing to keep us going and growing. Appreciate Yall have a good day.

1 Comment

  1. Hey all thanks for watching and a special thanks to those who have subscribed. Flyers making another nice waiver claim to add to their D where they need as much help as they can get. Have a great day.

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