@Anaheim Ducks

[Ducks on X] Welcome to OC, Beckett! We’ve selected forward Beckett Sennecke with the third overall pick in the 2024 NHL Draft.

[Ducks on X] Welcome to OC, Beckett! We’ve selected forward Beckett Sennecke with the third overall pick in the 2024 NHL Draft.

by OfficialTMWTP


  1. RastaRhino420

    I’m rooting for the kid but I can’t pretend this isn’t my worst case scenario, I would’ve taken anyone else in the top 10 over Sennecke

  2. smoked_before_this

    Madden you beautiful bastard, I didn’t think the whispers could be true such balls. If he thinks it’s worth the reach, then I am so glad we got him. SENNECKE!!!

  3. unluckycowboy

    I didn’t see this one coming, trusting Verbeek though- he’s been pretty on the money so far.

  4. Well he is not nhl ready so clearly we have our eyes on some short term players to plug the holes. I’m excited but it sucks but I think it’ll be 1-2 years before he plays in the nhl.

  5. Timely_Software3979

    The fact he was so shocked is unsettling. But as he said it’s because he had meetings with teams and Anaheim wasn’t one of them

  6. CydoniaKnight

    Was there no trade down available? Obviously we don’t know what’s happening in the draft room and there may have been more smoke with the actual teams, but still surprised.

    Either way, hope he kills it. Going to be a lot of pressure.

  7. Poozer62

    Such balls, but after last year I’ve learned to trust the system. Hyped for the kid!

  8. Trading down is not easy, and if Madden and co thought he was the pick, I’m in. They haven’t missed this high in the draft in a long ass time.

    People on Reddit who watch YouTube videos acting like they know more than dudes who get paid to do this shit for a living.

  9. DBacon1052

    I like Senneke. Best right handed forward in the draft imo. I didn’t have him over Demidov or Eiserman, but the kids got nasty hands.

  10. kdizzl12

    Legit top of the draft upside. Sickest hands, just grew to 6’3 and a home run swing. Love it

  11. Level-Plastic3508

    I’m not questioning Madden’s judgment in Sennecke’s talent, but why pick a kid who didn’t interview with us? Isn’t there a risk he won’t sign?

  12. Truak24

    I’m gonna trust Verbeek here but seeing Ducks go offense in the draft with Demidov still on the board is gonna be hard to swallow

  13. CarIsson

    Love this pick! Sennecke’s gonna be an awesome addition.

  14. FatalisPho

    In Verbeek I trust! Welcome Sennecke!

  15. Narcissus87

    We’re absolutely going to get some gonzo trades soon. Let’s fucking rock

  16. I imagine we have a couple of trades lined up with this pick

  17. pixellabber

    Sennecke is a great pick. The development he made in the OHL from the start of last season to the end shows he has huge upside potential. Mock re-drafting of this class in 3 to 5 years is going to be realllllly interesting!

  18. ChidiiAnagonye

    I was never a fan of how our previous jersey looked off-ice. Damn, this one looks so damn nice!

  19. mylefthandkilledme

    Pronman on Beckett (Orginally mocked draft at #7) “As we’ve gotten closer to the draft the Sennecke hype train has continued to chug along. I think it’s gotten a bit over the top for a player who didn’t have an amazing regular season and has some minor attitude questions among teams, but he’s super talented and I get the top 10 case for sure. Around No. 7 it starts to become more of a serious conversation for Ottawa even if it would prefer a defenseman. Sennecke is one of the premium talents in the draft with true game-breaking ability. I’ve heard Ottawa linked to Dickinson and Carter Yakemchuk as well. I don’t see the Senators choosing Demidov or Silayev if available to them.”

  20. SpiritExtra5048

    didn’t pat say he was going to try to up on our right wingers this season whether through the draft or free agency and looks like we got one 👀

  21. ShowYourHands

    Are we trading up to get Yakemchuk?

  22. ComfortableText4472

    I think they’re planning to build a super speedy and skilled team that will just out skate and out skill the competition. THE FUTURE! No way we trading Z. ^(please dont trade Z.)

  23. T-nawtical

    I was really hoping for a RW, so I kinda got what I wished for!

    Pumped right now, and excited to learn more about Sennecke.

    Especially love the idea that there won’t be a critical logjam of LHD. Zellweger, Minty, & LaCombe forever, baby!

  24. SpiritExtra5048

    remember some people hated the mason and leo picks at first and look how they turned out so let’s give this guy a chance

  25. TangoSquueze

    I would love to hear the reasoning on why he wasn’t interviewed considering everyone know which guys were going to be available at three. So why not interview?

  26. Monarchy44

    Shades of Moritz Seider. Can’t wait to see Sennecke in Anaheim.

  27. Dr_Hilarious

    And this is why I said I’m good with whoever we pick this year. Last year I was silly for fantilli and then we picked Leo, I was shocked, and it turns out Leo is a stud. I don’t know anything about Sennecke but I just know I’m a fan now.

  28. Dr_Hilarious

    BRB watching Beckett Sennecke highlights

  29. spacegrab

    Anyone thinks he makes the roster come October?

  30. killerkali87

    He was 11th on the Mckenzie rankings. It’s a reach there’s no other way to put it. Maybe he’s good but verbeek reached on Gaucher too and that doesn’t look good.

    Sorry I hope the kid is good but it’s still a reach

  31. TangoSquueze

    When it’s unexpected, it’s hard not to be disappointed.

  32. gopackgo555

    Wow what a surprise. Best draftee reaction that I recall seeing.

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