@Toronto Maple Leafs

[CJ] The #leafs have acquired Chris Tanev’s rights from Dallas.

[CJ] The #leafs have acquired Chris Tanev’s rights from Dallas.

by MarvelousRedditor


  1. theguyishere16

    Need to see that contract before celebrating too much

  2. mikesully374826

    Please, do not sign a contract that you know will age poorly with the hopes that Tanev won’t remain healthy. I’d rather pay more short term than handicap the ability to make moves due to never knowing if $4-5m will need to be used for a 40 year old defenseman.

  3. Svalbard38

    Gonna plant my flag now, I don’t like this. Chris Tanev from 34 until he’s 38 or 39 isn’t a guy you want as your first option, he’s a backup guy in case your top options go elsewhere. If there’s a really heavy discount here I’m ok with it but otherwise I wish we hadn’t done it.

  4. iBangNoobz

    Nothing longer than 3 years pls. 2 would be ideal even with a higher AAV

  5. Mulder1562

    Please not longer than 2 years…. could be another Patrick Marleau situation.

  6. 7 ~~or 8~~ years to keep AAV down (not eligible to sign for 8 years)? Either that or they just wanted to get him signed before Monday.

    I think Monday will be a big day for us. We have been pretty quiet during the draft until now. Gave up almost nothing too which is nice.

    Edit: seems like some chatter thinks this will be long term deal too,

  7. Shawn13337

    Chris Tanev is the true definition of a shutdown defenseman. However, the age and injury history is a massive concern. I’m hoping the AAV is not more than 4.5mil.

    This is Tre’s guy. If it doesn’t work out, it’s all on him.

  8. NewTdotleafs

    I’m gonna reserve my opinion on this till i see the term on the contract. If Brad goes long term with an injury prone 34 year old we are so fucking cooked

  9. Obviously this is a gamble but this is a good gamble especially for what we lost.

    If we can sign him to a friendly deal I see virtually no downside to this

  10. and they wanted to do this so they could offer him 8 years? heh

  11. 8×3 then Robidas when the time comes.

    Trading for his rights don’t really make sense unless you’re giving him that 8th year.

  12. MaplewoodCabinet

    I’d love to be unabashedly happy with this but that man has arguably accrued some of the hardest miles in his career amongst active players. I hope this will be okay in the short-term.

  13. RealCanadianDragon

    So our D will be:

    Rielly, Tanev, McCabe, Benoit, Timmins so far.

    Liljegren hopefully re-signed to round it out?

    Still not a great d core but it’s something.

  14. This kind of acquisition is just going to show how poor the blue line still is. They’re going to need much more.

  15. Intelligent_Chair901

    Five years incoming. That being said it’s ok if it brings the AAV down and nets us Roy in the process.

  16. LtColumbo93

    People will be saying “wow I can’t believe the Leafs gave up on this guy” when Max Ellis scores 1 goal in Game 4 of the first round 5 years from now. 

  17. GregGolden6

    Can someone explain what the benefits of trading for him 2 days before we could have just signed him in FA would be?

  18. Actual_Cobbler_6334

    Given the options available this year, prioritizing a guy where the plan is to sign him to a contract that you don’t intend on seeing him play to completion seems suboptimal.

    Hope he ends up coming home and they can get someone like Roy.

  19. StevieBlunder44

    Long term deal for an injury prone, aged defenceman? You know what, I’m in.

    Seriously. We fill a need at a lower AAV and if we need to we can flex our financial muscles and LTIR him indefinitely. If that’s the worst that can come of this, it’s nothing but upside.

    We already know the Leafs can swing tickets to Robidas Island even if by some metrics the player could still play… I would hope that scenario has been (or now will be) talked about with Tanev and he agrees that he won’t fight against the light when the time comes….

  20. boredinthebathroom

    Hope I’m wrong but leaf’s too late to the party, he’s older and injury prone and best days likely behind him, probably going to get an unreasonable contract too

  21. Nextyearstitlewinner

    I know it’s just a 7th rounder but it seems stupid to trade a pick for a guy you can talk to in 2 days.

  22. picklesaredry

    Why does everyone on the leafs have a boner for this guy he’s not the solution

  23. MrStealYourGrandma

    Not trying to be a party pooper, but can someone explain to me why I’m seeing comments as if we just signed Roman Josi ? I’m all for reliable right shooting d and he’s one, but he’s also 34 with enough interest that he could fetch more than he’s worth on free agency. All I can think is this could be a contract we regret. I’m very happy to be proven wrong, just want to see the leafs do what’s best

  24. marcman84

    This is so we can give him 8 years isn’t it?

  25. reggierock2010

    I’d front load it and make it signing bonus heavy. Give him 7 years and lower the AAV he can retire after 3 or 4 years. Caphit will also disappear as he’s an under 35 contract. I think the leafs can use this as a way to add some veterans but keep the caphits low. Players 33-34 are perfect to do this with.

  26. CanadianHitman

    For the hilarity please let Dallas re-sign him

  27. Gold_Gain1351

    Here comes 8 million for 4 years for a 34 year old

  28. The Leafs window is the next 4-5 years with Matthews and Nylander.

    A 7 year deal with low AAV is just shrewd management.

    Why are people placing more care in years 5, 6 and 7 when this (presumed) contract might suck, compared to the first 4 when it undoubtedly helps this team?

    Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good here guys.

    I saw someone say they’d rather pay higher AAV for 4 years compared to lower over 7??? In what world does that make one iota of sense?

  29. Idontcare416

    Robidas island might get another tourist in a couple years

  30. Current-Own

    There goes Johnston. Reporting after the fact again.  

  31. So it’s a win for Dallas since they get an extra draft pick out of someone they clearly had no intention of re-signing, and it’s a win for Toronto because they get a few days to secure a deal with a d-man who, on paper, fits exactly what they need, without worrying about other teams poaching him.

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