@Chicago Blackhawks

Connor Murphy Natty or Not

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  1. there is something ppl who have never used roids don't understand ! you can be on gears and look definitely natural, the dose matters, if you are taking only 300-500 mg of test a week you can look ripped and jacked but not massive and bulky

  2. Definitely wasn't natural. Look at his current physique. The guy noticed he is quickly losing his hair because he's on the gear, and stepped off to try and stop the swift hair loss.
    His shoulders are small, chest getting to a pretty normal level and his arms are as if he has been working out for no longer than six months. Obvious gear boys.

  3. He is not natural kenny, your clearly a friend of his, i mean he wasent natural. Ive been training 14_ years from 18 years old. My testosterone was at its peak when i started, even then i didnt get gains like that. Of course i was not as educated about bodybuilding then as i am now, but i know a natty when i see it. Some people run one or 2 cycles to build a structure of muscle and then build on that, which is very common. Although everyone believes you lose your gains after a cycle, the truth is you can mantain alot of it, especially if you mantain training and diet. And even if you lose some of the muscle and strength, memory is still there so you will always be one step ahead after a cycle.

  4. This guy doesn’t look like he wldnt even be top 10 biggest in a local gym if he isn’t natural he shld def keep that to him self out side of his abs nothing is impressive on this guy

  5. My bro was in his class growing up, the kid didn’t fucking drink a coke until high school. His parents made him do push ups every morning, he’s been ripped since he was like 8. I remember seeing him when I’d pick up my bro in middle school, he’s always been shredded.

  6. if you think Connor is natty, then you just lost all credibility you've had for me. Since you have no clue, won't be wasting time watching your videos again.

  7. Me and my buddy have been training since high school, and he's Connor's height and weight and looks very similar in shape and size especially when we choose to cut for summer. We haven't touched any drugs though in high school we did take a prohormone whoch we didn't even know what a prohormone was at the time. This was 10 years ago and he's pretty much plateaued since 24 but still remains pretty much close to Connor.

  8. Lol this dude is most definitely natural… jesus, he just has a good physique not big at all. I would HATE to see what u have to say about me once I release my before and after transformation to youtube.

  9. Only the doctors who treated him know he is natural. If he stores his sperm in a bank, he might not be natural.

  10. This video is stupid. Connor is juiced out of his mind. He's not just taking a little test. He's on a full stack. If its his size you doubt, ever thought he might just be a lazy sack of shit that spends most of his time looking in the mirror in the gym? I'll bet he's taking shed loads of gear and just not working as hard as he could. He has the steroids shape. It is all his androgenic receptor zones that are puffed up.

  11. Disappointing to find out this is all he could achieve with drugs and great genetics, because he genuinely looks like a natty with great genes that works hard. Was actually interesting that he came clean on his full stack eventually.

  12. He's has steroids, all you need is to start the process with testosterone injections, then he most likely left them alone.

  13. You can definitely see the moment when he stops being natural and then afterwards when he gets off cycle and starts losing his gains + many of the side effects (hair loss backne etc)

  14. Connor was most definitely natty up until he started taking Finasteride, MK 677, and all those other things later on once his hair line started receding and physique started declining. But early on in his YouTube career like 2015-16, definitely natural. His first Q&A video tells it all.

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