@Tampa Bay Lightning

*Me watching JBB clear 16.5 mil in cap to not re-sign Stamkos before Free Agency*

*Me watching JBB clear 16.5 mil in cap to not re-sign Stamkos before Free Agency*

by static-n0mad


  1. static-n0mad

    I know it ain’t over till it’s over, and it’s only really over if Stammer inks his next deal with someone else – but come on, Jack

  2. You realize stammer has an agent that is trying to get the most money he can, right? He doesn’t care if the team stays competitive, he just wants the money. JBB naturally is going to play hardball to the point that the decision will be up to stammer if he wants to stay or go.

  3. I’m sure the bolts will be given an opportunity to match any offer made by another team.

  4. icecreambandit7

    This encapsulates every one of my emotions

  5. AdamAptor

    Best case is this:

    JBB’s last offer was the last amount tossed out from either side and JBB can’t be seen offering more without a counter from Stammer. Let’s say $3×8.

    Stammer “test” free agency by getting some AAV samples. His agent then takes that to JBB. Now let’s call it $7×4.

    JBB counters somewhere in the middle and Stammer signs. Now let’s say they call it $4.75×6.

    This is all me spitballing in the hopes that Stammer doesn’t leave.

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