@New York Rangers

The Jacob Trouba Situation Is UGLY! Who Will Be The Top Line Winger? My Thoughts & Opinions!

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  1. TRouba went to Michigan – Detroit has a lot of ties to Michigan players – Larkin I am not sure if they played together – Copp – although he might be part of the trade for him . The deal will get done .

  2. The thing that bother's me most is that moving/trading/buying out Trouba means you no longer have that "snarl" on your back line, in particular on the Rangers where we are lacking that sort of hardline guy. Say what you will, but we need a guy to pair up with fox that can lay hits /stick up for the team.
    So if we move him, whose going to replace that?

  3. Wings fan here, secondary team is NYR. I don't want that POS wearing red, he's dirty and he can FOAD. A Captain should never be a dirty player like he is.

  4. We can't afford him and continue to add pieces to the team, we don't need another Wheeler! If you're asked for your list be smart and make sure there's places you want to go on there. Be a professional too.

  5. The whole "moving the family hassle" situation… him and his wife make over $8 million a year. They pay ppl to pack up and move them lol. All they have to do is board the plane

  6. He ain’t staying after all these rumors and shit drury will waive him if he tries to play games and he should I’ve always defended Trouba and I dont think he’s as bad as a lot of people say like he def has his uses but 8 mil against the cap and being shocked after that playoff performance and a gradual decline in his play since leaving Winnipeg and if he starts to play games and block trades come on dude get the fuck outta here with this bullshit and grow up Trouba your a pro athlete who makes millions if you can’t take criticism your in the wrong line of work but I’m pretty confident he’ll be gone in the next few days

  7. Great Video, as usual, Evan. I think that he has to go, so, it's My Patrik Laine/Jacob Trouba Trade (package) has to be A Reality

  8. And yes agreed Evan I’m also very annoyed at how Trouba is handling the situation like grow up dude your holding the team back and it what world would you assume that you were untouchable or that you would finish your contract after some of these horrid playoff performances it’s not personal you just don’t bring enough to this team and your eating up way more money than your play deserves

  9. The Igor situation, him wanting 12 mil per season, has me seriously concerned. If he gets that we can forget about winning a Cup for a while, at least until his contract expires.

  10. His deal instantly screwed us w the flat cap. Now he’s tryna screw us again by blocking trades you can’t make it up. What a nightmare that signing turned out to be!

  11. I was also shocked when our 8 million dollar captain on the 3rd defensive pairing threw himself in between two panthers players and let Bennett score with 40 seconds left in the 1st period of game 6.

  12. I wouldn't be worried about RW. There are several options out there. Maybe not as sexy as Jake or Kane, but there are options. I feel there is no need to make a bad long-term decision at RW right now. This roster is a playoff team right now. We can address things later if needed. As far as Trouba goes, like you said, his lack of self-awareness is hilarious. His wife can practice medicine in any city in this country and have a great career.

  13. The players watch video of the games. How does Trouba not see how bad he is playing. How is he not ashamed that he is taking 8 million dollars a year from his employer and not playing worth a shit. How can this be a surprise to him.

  14. The moving your family thing is a lazy argument. I don’t get 8 mill a year to suck at my job💀

  15. This guy is such a 🤡 that he’s trying to flex his muscles the guy is an AHL player at best

  16. He doesn't want to move or go to a team not in contention for the cup, so this is going to be interesting.

  17. On a whole I like what Drury has been doing; I think he finds a solution here that works… On another note, I’d be looking to put package together to get McGroarty pronto, asap

  18. What's the problem with these athletes and their complaining? This is part of the business they are in and they are paid A WHOLE LOT OF MONEY! I'm sick of hearing multi millionaire complaining about stuff which is part of the business they are in. GOOD FOR DRURY AND THE RANGERS long over due

  19. To be honest, I think this a NYR culture problem. Here me out, everyone knows the history with the NYR, original 6 Franchise, big ticket market…etc, but in all of that lies a major problem and personally I don't know if it can be fixed anytime soon. The major problem being that when a player, especially a big name player comes open to the market, Rangers are always linked and in the mindset of players and there agents is $$$$ big money. The culture needs to change, the Rangers need to be ruthless and start running the team like a business, screw feeling, screw comfortability. The notion needs to change that players come for a big payday.For example, the player we are talking about. Jacob Trouba should have never got 8 mil from the Rangers and when he was thinking of signing 6 years, he demanded that he wanted 8 or not signing. What Rangers should have done is say this is what we will give you, take it or leave it. Another example, Barclay Goodrown. He wanted a big deal and Rangers overpaid for him, and this not anything new, this has been happening for years and years and years. Rangers need it to stop. The organization needs to change it and do things differently. Rangers need to show that players asking crazy money for what they are not worth need to stop. Rangers organization needs to be ruthless.

  20. His wife being a dr complicates this and I still can't believe this dude was handed the C. Thinks he is untouchable bc of that and gave him the idea that he is way more valuable than he truly is. What a mess. Just get this guy the hell out of here.

  21. Hey great video breaking it down, I can’t read all the comments it’s a lot. Bottom line like you said it’s a business and if you put your shoes in his place it’s more than likely a combination of him feeling he’s not finished here and his family. If his wife’s doing good in NY then that’s what there trying to hold on to for the benefit of themselves. The Rangers gotta do what’s best for the team and if they can’t meet in the middle then it’s going to be ugly. Can’t wait to see what unfolds but spot on regardless, trouba is not 100% and hadn’t performed on the ice so he’s gone and not going to be a part of the team.

  22. Why would he turn down Detroit? Perfect trade for him on an up and coming team. I’m glad at least we know he’s gone one way or another. Good man, not a great player (anymore)

  23. The best thing Trouba can do is get traded why would he want to stay with this SHIT SHOW. He’s the reason they lost. Wake up Drury is the worst , how many deadline’s you need to see Drury is horrible.

  24. If things do get uglier, Trouba could get the Tony DeAngelo treatment at MSG. Sad that would happen to an ex-captain, but whatever.

  25. BTW; I have absolutely no faith in Dreary
    4yrs and did nothing to fix 1RW
    Traded away 8 draft piks in 3 yrs with nothing to show for them.
    How did Mikkola look at 2.5 3yrs winning a cup

  26. This is why naming a captain has to be strategic. if he might be taded in 2 years whats the point. imo it needs to be laf with a next deal

  27. Kane signs with Detroit for 1 yr deal. Guentzel and Kane off the board. Stamkos or Marsceallult is now Rangers best option via free agency

  28. Kane to Detroit and I am SO HAPPY!!…Bring in younger guys with some jam please!!…And you know what this proves, he didn't want to be a Ranger and I found him underwhelming when he was here…I want guys that want to wear the Rangers Red, White and Blue!!

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