@Boston Bruins

Nikita Zadorov talks 6-year deal with Bruins

Nikita Zadorov talks 6-year deal with Bruins

uh how how many teams were uh interested in you and What attracted you to the Bruins we had few teams in the mix um we obviously we had a long conversation Vancouver and um and then we also when we kind of got stuck on something we had few teams picked it up and I mean it’s where do I start why did I choose the Bruins I mean everything uh the culture and organization you know like it’s a big leak we talked between the guys all the time everybody talked about their experience in the past teams and I haven’t heard a bad thing in my 11 years about Bruins culture Bruins team and the players who played here so pretty pretty much it was no-brainer for me when they were we find out the Bruins were interesting in me to come and play for them and uh it was Mutual U I think Boston was up top of my list my whole life you know it’s unbelievable organization original six team and just the I feel like the Brewing Style always like I always loved that I love watching that you know even my first years my second NHL game was against Boston and they had those big guys Char Bergeron Luchi Horton you know like the tough hard team play against so it was always like it would be one day it would be great fit for me to come and play for the Bruins and I mean I’m super thanksful and uh for opportunity from organization to get the deal done and everything and I’m super excited to join Bruins yeah and considering your size did you model your game at all after Chara uh I mean it’s hard I’m not even close and I want to start with I know like in my past teams people were calling me big Z please do not ever call the big Z now because I mean I feel like I’m not even close to be call half of the big Z he’s he’s unbelievable he’s one of the best defensemen all time you know it’s there’s definitely a lot to learn from him uh obviously he was one of my role models growing up because size kind of physical play everything and the way the leader he is I think I can learn a lot from him um so yeah I mean that that could be a good good time for sure great thank you we’ll go to Dan roach hey Nikita welcome to Boston um how much do you think your physical style would be a match not only with the team but with the building with the fans and everything that comes with being being the Boston Bruin no it’s it’s unbelievable I mean the city the city overall I mean it’s it’s the probably the best SP city in the United States you know you get Celtics they won this year they always uh have a really good team and unbelievable history in the past you know the Red Sox as well I mean I’m not a big baseball guy but from I’m hearing the r rivalry against Yankees and all that and uh obviously the PS with Brady and the bich dynasty you know it’s and the Bruins you know in the past and with all the Bob bobor time and 2011 cup you know like there’s uh there’s the city of winners and the fans expect you to win and do good every year and I like the challenges you know I played in the big markets I played Big Market of Vancouver and U it’s always fun when uh you Embrace Embrace that Challenge and high expectation you no pressure and you just bring your best every night I think that’s perfect place for me and I will fit right in for sure Kevin dupon uh Nikita uh I’m wondering if your experience though might be somewhat similar to charz in how he he changed his game over game over the years from Islanders to Ottawa than to here you know coming in as this you know big kid and expected to be just a physical player and became War have you had that sort of similar experience of of changing your game refining your game from the start yeah I mean obviously I was drafted us the offensive guy I would say like I had some offensive upside in junior when Buffalo pck me in the first I was running some power play Buffalo and Colorado you know but I get older there’s there’s leak a little bit shifted towards uh little uh fast skilled demm man you know when I was drafted there wasn’t many of them in the league and uh but I mean I can I I can chip in offensively when you need I can uh obviously the defense is first for me in St being physical being hard to play against that’s the main thing as well but I can also skate score sometimes you know like not like Big Goal score but uh I mean I’m trying my best and like you said sometimes it takes some time for Dain to develop in this league I feel like um one of those cases for sure if you look at I’m getting better and better every year I think definitely the right coaching helped me a lot you know starting with Daryl solder and then last year I got Rick talk he was unbelievable in me Adam F worked with me a lot and helped me on so many details what good for Dem man so that’s one of the reasons I came as well because of the coaching stuff with this team I mean Jim Montgomery I actually spent a couple weeks skting with him while he was coaching uh Den University while I was getting ready for the season in Denver while I playing in avalanche so I kind of know him personally a little bit and I only heard good things about him and I mean watching the Bruins in the playoffs you know while you play on the west coast it’s easy to watch East Coast games a little bit early so you can go to bed early so I’ve been watching a lot of East Coast Hockey for sure and just Uh there’s Big sympathy sympathy how Bru’s been playing and how they’ve been coached well and how they’ always uh um creating this unbelievable culture inside the team and everything so I mean it’s uh I just want to get started as soon as possible and learn new things and get better every day for sure mat VOR Nikita did you and um Elias Tad all going into this and and what’s it meant to kind of play together now will be a third spot we talked a little bit obviously it’s uh you know you’re trying to keep the low key a little bit between you and your family you aging kind of but uh uh I mean we were actually joking around last year but well we play Bruins we were like that would be a great place to play here together but it I mean it worked out perfectly he’s uh I’m I’m excited you know it’s going to be our third team together past four years and hopefully next six years as well and I mean he’s unbelievable obviously we had a a pretty good team in Calgary my first year and then uh and he was big part of it for sure he had unbelievable Wingers and they put up the show they were probably best line in the league that time and uh he came in and uh to canx this year at the deadline little bit uh different role for him for sure you know we had a pretty good depth on the in the settlement so he had to play a little bit less minute than he expected but he can like like he show it he can do everything he can PK first Power Play He’s a first line sement he’s going to complement his ringers his unbelievable teammate he’s the the guy who’s going to go up there and compete every night and he he wants to win as much as I want so that’s definitely exciting time for us to come to Bruins and hopefully try to win something what are things that that he brings that people maybe don’t see that they can’t see just from watching he’s not a flashes guy but I think he does everything right so like people love the players who plays the right way all the time you know he’s not going to cheat for offense because he doesn’t want to give up something defensively you know he’s but he like I said he compliments his Wingers really well so if you put him in the right situation to succeed he’s going to be a blue player for sure and I think that’s the plan in here go next to Chris Ryan Hey Nikita welcome to uh to Boston um just kind of during the the process were any of the Bruins players uh reached out to you and you mentioned the culture kind of what kind of a feel did you get from them on that a and and B um playing with Charlie McAvoy potentially as a top uh D pair what do you like about him and how do you see your game potentially complimenting his yeah I mean I probably cannot tell you about the reach out and all that stuff but uh I spoke to some of the guys after the deal was announced for sure you know they welcomeing to the team it seems pretty good group like I uh I told you I did a pre homework pre- Scout a little bit I spoke to the guys who played before and uh they told me so many good things about the uh the room the the guys you know the the the group they created how they it’s super helpful it’s so easy to fit in so uh obviously that’s a that’s a main thing for me as well and uh with Charlie I mean he um I’ve been watching him a lot you know he’s one of my favorite dmen in the league for sure and uh the way he play he’s got some great like when he hits open IES hits you know that thing that that will fit well with me um he played unbelievable against uh in Trona series it was definitely fun to watch and in florid as well so I mean I just I got to go up there and just compliment him help him to be good you know maybe he can create something little bit more offensively as well because he can trust in me to be behind him help him and be aggressive I like his aggressiveness as well you know I think it’s it’s important in this league so you can kill plays uh quickly and then don’t let the team much time in the dzone neutral zone you know close the things quick so I think that’s important for sure and I mean we’ll see I mean when the camp goes on we’re probably going to gain more chemistry together and uh that’s pretty important I think as well

Newly acquired #nhlbruins defenseman Nikita Zadorov discusses his 6-year deal with the media.


  1. The 2nd coming of the Big Z… Toronto and Matthews are not going to enjoy playing against him… Perfect fit for Boston ✌️

  2. Canucks need defense and they give up the hest d man canucks had and sign more fowards lol so stupid hahaha. Already have overpaid fowards, forwards thats sign long deals and take the rest of the contract on a break. Lol another 10years for canuck fans of heart break lol. Fowards that cant perform then give up the only d man that can fight and score. Lol vancouver will suzz more this year. Vancouver will be a bottom team this coming year.

  3. Sad to see Zadorov leave Vancouver but happy to know the Leafs are gonna get knocked out the first round the next 6 years straight.

  4. This one blew me away. Hopefully, they'll pair him with McAvoy and both can play their game together. And the next time teams try to nullify Mac, Zadorov might have something to say about it. EDIT: this guy really did a lot of research about Boston, the fans and the org. He cares. He's engaged. That's big!

  5. Two great additions by Sweeney; glad their making a push for the cup next season. Overall great day to be a Bruins fan!!

  6. Love how he goes on about the way players talk all the time with eachother about their past teams and what theyre like. Famed Bruins culture snagged a couple more big boys this summer.

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