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“There’s Nowhere Else I’d Rather Be” | Buffalo Native Patrick Geary After Development Camp

“There’s Nowhere Else I’d Rather Be” | Buffalo Native Patrick Geary After Development Camp

thank you uh yeah I was kind of just sitting at home um it was me and my dad uh fortunate enough uh my brother’s getting married so the bridal shower was the same day so I had ant at the brid sh my mom was there my sister was there and then kind of just chilling on the couch and just saw my name pop up obviously super excited and very grateful uh yeah I was kind of there’s a few teams that I was definitely looking at and I knew it was going to be later rounds and I saw Buffalo only had one pick in the sixth round and so I was kind of hoping for it I kind of looked down before there before name went up just so I wasn’t looking at it directly and then picked my head up and saw my name so I was very happy so when you arriv at Michigan State this season what was your mindset as you tried a prep how do you feel yeah for sure I mean you go in there you see leoff coming in stach I mean we were stacked on the D and so I kind of just went in there day by day I mean the coaches are great there they help you a lot they have a plan for you every day and I kind of just followed it I trusted them a lot I trust them with everything now and yeah they carved out a plan I stuck with it I mean I didn’t didn’t go well the first month I was out of the lineup but got the opportunity I kind of just stuck with it and ran with it last years kind of settle you explain I guess what happen with that yeah yeah yeah for sure yeah I was a little wild when I was young on the back end and honestly I went to waterl in the USL I had a great coach Matt maybe there and he was a defenseman as well so he kind of taught me the game and it’s a development league they care about you they they really want you to develop and so I went there I grew my game each day and then going into Michigan State it’s the same thing great D Mike works with the D he’s unbelievable and of course you got NY one of the smartest coaches I’ve ever been around so yeah they kind of just grow your game they tell you what you need to do and if you follow it it works out for sure yeah he’s been great I mean I lived right next to him all year so I got to know him pretty well but yeah he’s so smart I mean he’s a young kid but he’s very mature for his age and yeah I mean he kind of sees the ice a little bit different he’s a little more offensive than I am so he helps me with with that and just we just kind of talk pick our pick each other’s brain and out of the ice and stuff so he’s been great for me how many languages did you speak well he tells me he knows five so but I have I’ve only heard English so what your earliest sa memories honestly just growing up I mean coming down here and we’re very fortunate for the junior Sabers to come around and just going to the games I mean my dad took me my sister my brother is 12 years older than me so um he kind of help me with that but yeah just come to these games I mean sold out Barn I mean what’s a better place to be play hockey in Buffalo there’s no nowhere else I’d rather be you have to tell him a lot about Buffalo uh a little bit I mean I didn’t really talk to him until we got to school obviously he came to Camp before that but yeah I mean I told him few restaurants about the wings and stuff so the usual what kind of stat yeah I was fortunate enough I sat next to him all year so I mean he is he’s unbelievable his maturity and I mean he’s coming from a different country he’s culture shock for him was crazy and yeah he’s an unbelievable player very mature and yeah he helped me a lot actually he was very good for me even though the English wasn’t great he he showed me on the board was it was it better for you to be a little bit older going to colle settle in get playing there suppos to be a true yeah for sure I mean you go on some guys that go on a true freshman I mean I obviously just uh went with what Michigan State said they said take another year in the USL don’t come in right away and I trust that yeah it’s you’re playing against older guys I mean we had a 98 on her team so we got we had some old guys and you play against old guys all year long so yeah the older you are I think the more better you are going into college what you think when you got the word about Michigan State coming here this year oh yeah well we uh we Kisha came to us so once I saw that I was like oh do we go to them so yeah it’ll be fun here I can’t wait to come back did you were you ever partnered with Max or anything in games uh no no no I mean a few times in practice so I mean whatever but no never in games you mentioned you know you set out some games early just like when you look at it what settled you down and help you like earn a spot yeah uh I mean uh we just had another defenseman go down and it was kind of we went into the first Big 10 weekend which was Ohio State and they kind of told me and this other kid they’re like hey you guys are going to fight for the spot well the other kids hurt and I knew that was my time to kind of just take over my game and kind of take it up another level because you have to in the Big 10 and every night in college to be honest tell me the story of the goal it’s forever yeah I mean crazy if you I look back and I don’t kind of believe that I did it I don’t really score those big goals usually so I mean yeah it was just a play by I was out there at the senior line they’re they’re unbelievable and they make the right plays all the time and I just got lucky to have the puck at at the top and just kind of just shot it just went in so kind of crazy I saw it last second so I knew I scored it but yeah last second what’s have been like to be part of like that Revival michig because they’ve been kind Darkness for a while now it’s right back on the scene tournament team yeah I mean all credit to the coaching staff for sure but yeah you kind of hear the stories from from the seniors last year of how it was their freshman sophomore year and doesn’t sound fun I can tell you that losing so yeah I mean it’s been unbelievable be a part of it and see the team grow and I mean National Championship is kind of what we’re going for now thanks everybody

Buffalo native Patrick Geary speaks to the media following the first day of Sabres Development Camp. Geary discusses his feelings on being drafted by his hometown team, and how the draft process went for him. He also talks about his feelings heading into Development Camp and what he has to prove.

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