@Buffalo Sabres

“It Was a Good Year For Me” | Maxim Strbak After Day One of Development Camp

“It Was a Good Year For Me” | Maxim Strbak After Day One of Development Camp

what was your uh first year at Michigan State like you saw your last year and you had one year under your it was good it was a good experience uh I can say it was a bit different than than the USHL uh with uh bigger competition obviously play playing Big 10 and it’s known for its speed and scill and and the guys being very very good so uh it was hard uh in to start but I think I got adjusted pretty good and and it was a good year for me what was your reaction when you heard Patrick he was drafted by the it was I was uh eating lunch uh I don’t even know what I was having like a breeder or something and then I like at TV they had it uh they had the draft on I was like oh Patrick IUS I was like what just happened and then uh I just texted in like congrats like I’m I’m very pumped and of course he’s from Buffalo so I guess for him it’s a it’s a pretty big big deal in for family so uh very good news for him what do you appreciate about his game and and just the the progress that he made while playing with you guys yeah he’s made uh I think the biggest progress amongst all uh the players in Michigan State I mean to start he was getting scratched uh I don’t even know how many games like six or eight games he he didn’t even play and then one game uh one of our one of our players got injured and then he had to hop in and right away he kind of established that his uh physic presidence is very good uh defensively he’s kind of uh if you need to shut down someone or or you need that um you know defensive skills you put him on the ice and then that that that’s what he uh provides for us when you examine your freshman season what allowed you to make an impact equ College hockey so quickly I think uh a lot of it has to do with our coaching staff uh Adam ningo and they’re uh they’re doing a very good job with uh with everybody with the with the way we practice and and uh it’s given me a lot of confidence when when we practice and I can see that turned into games more and more and and I think that’s what’s uh making an impact what is your plan for maybe how many years you’d like to play uh you know I haven’t I haven’t really thought about it that deep just yet um so right now I’m just uh looking for another good season in Michigan State and then I guess we’ll see we’ll see what happens at at the end of the season uh I’m not trying trying to look too far ahead but uh yeah I guess I’ll I’ll just see have the saers giving you any kind of like calendar for what they would like to see or are they just like go play do well yeah pretty much go go plan do well uh I’ve talked to them throughout the season and uh the feedback was was uh usually very good so um I think they’re they’re happy with the way I play and I’m also happy with the way I play so we’ll see another big season for me and for for Michigan State and and whatever happens happens what kind of teammate and player was already already good uh teammate I used to have uh like three or four classes with him or at least two I’m not sure anymore but uh at the start he was he was kind of shy his English wasn’t wasn’t the greatest but throughout the season he has uh progressed as a hockey player as a as a person too and obviously on the ice he was he was very good I mean got drafted second overall I think that that says a lot about him and and uh he was uh it was a very very big player for us what impresses you the most that Pi second overall what do you like about play I think he’s just a very big dude he’s a monster um on the ice sometimes when when uh we practice and and we have some some drills where we play physical and and stuff like that I can’t even you know do anything with him uh he’s that strong on the other and on his skate so I think that’s his that’s his uh biggest thing but then he’s also very explosive on the his stride is unreal the way he skates and and his vision is also so um very good so he’s kind of an all run player he could do it all were you the guy helping him out most with with learning English a little I think everyone contributed um I think he he doesn’t really or he’s his English isn’t the best but at the same time he still tries to socialize and and somehow talk to to to guys so I think that that just makes him better what is your plan for the summer as far as what kind of things are you going to be trying to get better at what are your goals I think just uh more all round game I think this year I was more more of a shutdown also defenseman I was uh kind of stay at home but I think I have uh two-way abilities in me uh so I think uh just trying to produce more and and uh uh be a more more all round player how much have you just enjoyed the program Revival at Michigan State yeah yeah it’s good um I personally haven’t been at school when when it wasn’t in the greatest spot but I’ve heard stories from our seniors and and everyone and and they’re saying that I wasn’t you know the best the best program when it came to uh playing games they’re not winning a lot but now it’s good to see that everyone at at school is kind of acknowledging us um the way we play and and hockey fun again at Michigan in Michigan State so it’s been uh it’s been very good to be part of that process well was that NCA like getting West first round with Michigan again yeah yeah we played Mato constantini here uh so we I trip him every now and then uh but uh it was it was a hard game uh I guess Western Michigan we were obviously down I think it was 4-2 uh then we somehow turned it around and then unfortunately against Michigan you know we’ve beaten him uh I think four times or five times during season and then you know the last game we just could couldn’t do it somehow so it was uh a little painful but it’s it’s hockey thanks everybody thank you

Buffalo Sabres prospect Maxim Strbak speaks to the media following day one of Development Camp. Strbak discusses his play at Michigan State last season and what his plans are going forward. He also talks about getting back on the ice at Sabres camp again.

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