@New York Rangers

Emily Kaplan confirms some info from Brooks’ article

Emily Kaplan confirms some info from Brooks’ article

by Livid-Screen2880


  1. gimmer0074

    rangers need to buy him out and use the savings to make a big trade either now or big time rental at the deadline before next years new contracts

  2. Hungry_Stoic

    At this point I’d have him stay put and mend it. Reality is that she finishes her residency next year. Buyout and trade is much more realistic with 1 year remaining on the deal.

  3. DrFrocktopus

    One thing I’d like confirmed is whether he’s been trying to torpedo trades to teams that aren’t on his no-trade list. Fair enough to selectively add teams you think that may be interested if you don’t want a trade. Thats his right under the contract.

    But if he’s making it clear he won’t play to his full potential on another team regardless of whether they’re on the list or not, that’s where’s there’s an issue.

  4. Cool, if that’s the reason we’re keeping Trouba, then Igor and Laf better take decent pay cuts in their 8 year deals

  5. Dig-Duglett

    such an embarrassing situation for our front office. our extremely overpaid captain was inarguably one of, if not the, worst player for us this postseason and is now doing everything in his power to overrule the 15 team ntc that he willingly signed.

    if he somehow remains on this roster wearing a C come october i can’t imagine he’ll be receiving much goodwill from the fan base.

  6. mbsmilford

    The only part that makes sense to me is that he is not worth 8 mil per year. I’ve said that after his first year here. Trying to rectify that situation is hard but I still don’t see what his wife’s residency has anything to do with that. That should be a non factor as how this team moves forward And gets better. Is it a sad situation, of course but sometimes life sucks.

  7. AlboutThatActionBoss

    His wife was off limits when Pasha from Chiclets brought her up out of nothing. She’s fair game when an obvious article paid for by the Trouba’s in some desperate attempt for sympathy uses her as a scapegoat. Again, why the fuck are we supposed to care about his wife’s occupation?

  8. agent7300

    its really fucked up that this dudes wife is affecting an NHL teams hockey ops. waive him yesterday

  9. hockeyhow7

    Guy should never put on a rangers uniform again

  10. Uncle_Gazpacho

    Y’know if the guy wanted to stay so fucking badly, you’d think he would have played better than microwaved dogshit for the entire postseason just sayin.

  11. Main_Photo1086

    Given my downvotes in the other thread, I’m not surprised at the toxic posts here remarking about the nerve of this dude’s wife for having involvement in a negotiation situation. Men have dictated the terms of their relationships and the pursuit of careers for a while now. Didn’t realize prioritizing a wife’s career too was such a terrible thing. Man sometimes I don’t understand why I associate with other hockey fans.

    ETA: Clearly I triggered insecure men here.

  12. AARP_Rocky

    All I know is, this guy cannot come back and captain the team. He needs to be gone one way or another, there’s no coming back from any of this.

  13. brando_iconyc

    I have zero sympathy for Trouba. Sure, no problem him looking out for his wife’s career, but he’s a young guy, with a long life ahead, so many regular men and women have to sacrifice family time for work – often traveling and living far away for the sake of a career and making a living, and going without seeing families for months.

    Yep, Rangers take blame for the stupid contract, but surely Trouba realises how bad he’s been, and can’t be surprised at this. And yes sure, it’s well within his rights to dig in, but people getting mad at fans for not being sympathetic? Cry me a river. He’s a rich guy, being asked to go play a game for a living in a different city for 2 seasons, while having the money to shuttle family back and forth as he sees fit, and having a nice long summer with them in between.

  14. ginandplutonic

    How does Trouba go from being captain of the New York Rangers to passing waivers and playing in the AHL?

  15. TheFaustianMan

    As a practicing physician, I don’t understand the problem Trouba is having. I don’t know his wife’s field of practice, but it’s not uncommon for residents to have long distance relationships. And their spouse usually isn’t a millionaire. A change in residency isn’t uncommon, especially now a days. 10 or 15 years ago it was less common. But this probably was all addressed in her interview. If she’s at a large institution, especially one that focuses in sports medicine it’s not an issue. Unless she wants to stay because of the program. Which is common, when I was in my residency it wasn’t uncommon for people to have spouses scattered throughout the planet. They all made it work, with far less resources. Especially when I was in Manhattan, people rarely saw their spouses they lived in the city with. It’s a strange non issue, and to see so many opinions outside of medicine, is a wild read. And how the Rangers are buying into this hokem, is beyond the pale! The other wild part is they can afford the help, cooks, and everything. I lived on PB&J and slept in a janitorial closet, as did most of us. It’s kinda a badge of honor.

  16. Sad_Feeling3131

    Do you honeatly believe he didn’t try?

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