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WATCH | Glen Dimplex All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship 2024 – Tipperary v Kilkenny

WATCH | Glen Dimplex All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship 2024 – Tipperary v Kilkenny

timeing make you never e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good afternoon thank you very much and welcome here to the temporary kogi grounds the rag the final round of group games in the Glen dlex all Ireland senior kogi Championship I’m Darren Kelly and I’ll be with you for every Puck of the ball over the next hour and Abyss as we find out one of the first teams to qualify for this Year’s all Ireland semi-finals both temporary anle Kenny are unbeaten this year but one of them will go straight through to the final four the consolation prize for the other will be a trip to Crow Park next week and a quarterfinal we’re going to run through the two teams first and we’re going to start with the temporary the home team the current league champions four wins out of four and they have no changes from the side to beat Li last week so the temporary team in goal number one is Nicole Walsh full back line of two Julian Burke three is mered ever and four is EMR Lan the halfback line were number five qu McCarty Center back number six is the captain Karen Kennedy and seven is CLA Quark in Midfield we number eight Casey Hennessy partnered by number nine Karen Blair the half forward line 10 Rosen Howard 11 is qua Maher and 12 is CL McIntyre and the inside line top of the right number 13 Emer Hein full four number 14 is em mcra and top of the left where number 15 is Grace O’Brien the temporary manager is Dennis Kelly so Kenny have a tree changes from the team that beat Derry last week Ean is coming back into goal also playing today is Laura green and Katy power and the Kenny team with three wins in a draw so far line now as follows in goal number one is Ethan Norris full back line of two Michelle tan three is Grace Walsh and four is Kier felen the halfback line were number five Tiffany with Charles Center back number six is NE Dy andeven is Miriam bamri in Midfield where number eight is Laura green partner with number nine Laura Murphy the half forward line where number 18 is Katy Nolan 11 is Katy power and 12 is EA Doyle and the inside line top of the right number 19 Julian Malone 17 at full forward is Stephie Fitzgerald and top of the left where number 15 is the captain EA prast so the referee for today’s game is Gavin Donan from County Dublin a big day and of course as you can probably tell in the background wet and windy it is in the rag and Irish summer doesn’t last too long hopefully it’s not the last we will see what conditions here in the r absolutely superb Association was deeply sad to hear the passion of the esteemed RP as you can hear there JY Canan the St announcer make an announcement because we’re going to have a minute silence in memory of the Irish legendary broadcaster Mi hmer herik and inspiration for so many of us those who play the fields are those luy enough to be in this position to tell you the story he passed away during the week at the age of 93 behall over ticket J rest and now are on the be [Music] you [Music] it’s a busy weekend of the Kenny temporary action indeed the all Island minor hland semi-final takes place later on this evening between the two counties tip rary won the league for the first time in 20 years they beat Kil Kenny on the way to that 212 to6 but they haven’t beaten the cats in the championship since 2012 that was back at 215 to 115 victory for temporary ironically enough they gold goalkeeper today Nicole Walsh was the top scorer in that game she was paying Outfield and she got seven points when they met in the championship last year at finish in the draw 28 to K Kenny 11 to Temporary that won’t be enough for the cats to outdo their quarterfinal performance last year but it was back in the semi-final in 2019 the last time they beat temporar in the championship 221 to 312 on that occasion Michelle Quil to East SK and an Dalton all sharing 216 of tatal none of them are here today Peter chap clear as the Nuuk Kenny manager course he still has a lot of experienced names even if he’s missing one or two of the old guard for temporary under Dennis Kelly they’ve been consistent in their selection so far a reliable side who believe they will win any day they go out they only defeat they’ve suffered it so far this year between league and Championship was to Waterford in the opening day of the league though the Daya did get the job done in the monster Championship so the two teams are getting themselves into position the wind looks like a stiff enough Breeze blowing to the right in the first half and it looks like it will favor the home team temporary we’ll keep you updated on all the other games that are taking place throughout the country there’s a bit of shoving and pushing everybody relies the importance of this game while nobody is going out of the championship it’s a chance to get her four weeks off and Bill for a semi-final the ball is thrown in the game is on and the final round of the Glen implex all Ireland senior kogi Championship was on the way as qua Maher has the ball sended down the far corner of off the field and tiary trying to create an early attack for Michelle ten takes the ball for Kenny gives it to Miriam bamri who looks like she swapped wings with Tiffany with Charles and the ball finds it way way into the middle of the park the K Kenny defense know the importance of winning the first few exchanges in this game do not want to give the premier County an early Advantage there as Kil Kenny take possession and the ball goes out the field number 17 is Stephie Fitzgerald and Stephie Fitzgerald will send it down in towards the attack and you can see Julian Malone always very very dangerous is Julian Malone the last time we watched Kenny live for you up in cargan park in Belfast she h a few goals on that occasion as well she scored 4 six in the championship so far for Kil Kenny looking around for a teammate the teammate is the Captain Eva Prendergast Eva prast to Laura Murphy Laura Murphy with the shot for K Kenny and that ball is going to go out for a 45 and not the 65 that was worn out there by one of the selectors the Kenny bench is right underneath us here in the commentary box and while they had a very very disappointing League they’re unbeaten in the championship so far AR K Kenny victories against Lim and Anum in their opening two rounds and did a 113 a piece draw with Waterford to beat Derry last week by 47 to7 points so EA prast in the second minute of the game can she put the visitors in front and of course be a straight forward as you can see on your screen that ball has gone wide but we have to just divide that with the conditions the ground is perfect with the weather not obliging and Nicole Walsh seven points she got in 2012 against Kil Kenny I wonder what she come up to take any in this game we will see temporary with the ball it down towards the attack and the K Kenny defense so they let one go and it’s e MRA e MRA loves to score goals it a part touch there by K Kenny the danger is not inverted just yet and an opportunity looks like Rosen Howard and Rosen Howard puts the ball over the bar the opening score of the game it has come for temporary and it’s temporary one point K Kenny no score so Eman mcra miss a ball there Grace Walsh experience it full back as Ean noris restarts the action out the field Stephie Vitz Jer we number 17 tried to get a touch but it’s with tiary again and this is King Blair King Blair moving down the right and it goes out over the line so it’s going to be a Kenny sideline ball chance for them to restart the action so just treat what’s gone here the glex all Ireland senior kogi Championship one score win is Tiffany V Char restarts the action goes out over the line so it’s going to be a temporary ball number3 for them is em he encouragement great crowd here in the rag 2 tiary in the Premier Junior competition beat M before R by 212 to4 Advan into an all Ireland semi-final themselves can their Senior Team follow suit the ball goes out of the Stick Of Grace O’Brien so it’s going to be aenny ball so a b playing for touch here at the moment like the rugby telling to restart the action and every ball every dead ball will be strongly taught about Tiffany Vitz jeral didn’t get the contact and that that she wanted and ren Howard wins the ball back for temporary sends the ball across towards the Middle where there a bit more space there’s qua Mah qua Mah with possession going to send a ball down towards the corner and it’s CLA McIntyre wearing the number 12 Jersey she’ll be having a great battle with Miriam bamri in this game but McIntyre has the ball play with the match and they be water here in the opening round of the glint dlex all Ireland senior kogi Championship with live here in the kogi association YouTube channel brought to you an association with Entre we’ve our cled McIntyre wins the free and there’s going to be a chance for temporary to double the lead as we mentioned the breeze it’s hard to judge how many points it’d be worth in old language but it certainly would favor tieri in the first half that they’ll want to have something to play with by half time Eman mcgr scored 324 in the championship so far goes for the PO the is like it the ball has gone over the bar in the sixth minute of the game tiporary go two points in front it’s tiporary two points K Kenny no score Ean Aris long drive down the fields Kenny on to play rout one the first half Stephie fjer very busy in the early stages but it’s one back there by Casey Hennessy Casey Hennessy off loads the ball the play from tieri the player goes the ground like Karen Kennedy had pushed up the field and I think s qu might have swwa positions so e mcra have another pop of the posts it does look like the Karen Kennedy’s lineing out of Center forward and qua Mar at Center back very first this team is under opportunity for Ean mcgr to put tree between them hits it high that might make the next field it’s gone over the bar and Tipper area three points in front remember grab with her second she’s still no part in the early stages as Ean naris continues the tactic was looking for Laura Murphy in that occation not to be ball goes out over the Liney it’s Jal as her routine before matches always make sure she eats three hours before TR wi so she would have had her last meal at 1:00 make sure she puts the plat in the hair personal cup wi unway this year the ball goes out over the line right in front of us here in the commentary box and Julian Burke from Baris Lee takes this or indeed we’re going back over a bit but just with d a big shout out to Evelyn Russell from the bo K Baris scub she was the temporary mascot for today’s game an exciting day for her EMR heern in the yellow helmet sends the ball down towards the attack and the Kenny got cut out once they won’t want to get cut out again Michelle T trying to control it multim all Ireland with Loretto out the far side of the fields and the ler side now ear big run here at the moment toward the 45 M line a nice little touch on that occasion I think was by CL Quark but still wi Kenny and Julian Malone has come out the field going to go for a shot of the post and no Nicole wal says no you’re not getting your first yet good stick work by the temporary goalkeeper sented out towards the Left To Em Lan but can Kenny have the ball again you can see how difficult it is to control that first touch dark clouds here not on the fields great kogi that’s where we’re watching here as Casey h off loads the ball to my teammates and tipar sent it down towards the attack again Kenny get a touch but Rosen Howard with Possession looks around for options a dangerous Cross Field ball looks like Grace O’Brien out on the left puts the ball over the bar it’s another score for tieri four points to nil an ideal St for the home side they were in the all irland semif fin last year they got beaten by Waterford and he thought that will be Temporaries coming with the respond well this year an opportunity for Rosen Howard again well involved in the play it’s roshen Howard that’s gone to the left and white as you saw earlier on with the free for past you just can’t take anything for granted in this weather at the far side of the field K he trying to work it Mariam bambrick brings it inside of course this is one of two live games we have today if you want to watch cark and gway Keen will and general Conor are in Parky ke for that the stakes are just as high K power was playing that day in 2012 D KY power’s been playing since 2009 for K Kenny down towards the right Tiffany V and ran Howard that’s another Jew worth watching Tiffany VCH did very very well to keep the ball found the teammate and now it’s with n Dey and Eve de sends it down open space here this is the way that K Kenny like it EA Doyle sends the ball across will it work out for them juliia Malone tried to flick it down for Stephie fitzgeral but it’s quea Mah back Skips a little bit but green Blair is there got the winning point in the league final against gby Karen Blair looking around for options sends it forward for em Lan lemur lman one of the best defenders in the country looking to get it down to Grace O’Brien of season she’s had after breaking into the team she’s been around the set up for a while but really establishing herself in 2024 K Kenny win back possession up towards Mariam bamri and again towards Katy power her experience going to be very very important today Tiffany vur has a bit of space in the middle down towards the attack but quea Mar you can just see why she’s playing the holding role at Center back to Mcintyre towards the PO down towards the attack that’s Grace O’Brien there trying to get away from Kirin KY win the ball bringing it out towards TI it’s j but Rosen Howard has lost a hurl she’s a jewel foot player she can play a bit of football too as you saw an example there and that looks like Casey Hennessy and the ball has G Over the Bar and it’s five points to n temporary in control in the early stages Ean naris goes short for the first time K just need to get a score to settle themselves down and still very very early stages referee let them off this is Laura Murphy sending it down towards the goal and this could be a dangerous one the C wall show good composure again back to Defender to hold off the attacker while she waed to judge the bounce e hean moving towards the 45 M line faks it out towards the left and this is Karen Kennedy coming through a chance for temporary save an excellent save of eanz the danger not a f to Jets another shot at the post the ball’s in the net and the referee I think is he going to blow for the square ball so the referee’s going to have a word with the Umpire so I’m not too sure at the moment was that a Grace O’Brien Balo directly went in or did Karen Kennedy get a touch you can see the tiporary number 15 on your screen so it’s going to be a square ball yeah so it won count temporary certainly in control other way back up here let’s go St out St out jul out hold up and play as looks like Miriam bamri is receiving some attention for Ken teacher she a County intermedius Title with barel Rangers back in 2021 she’s back in her feet she’s okay and good to go to k the all Ireland Champions on 15 occasions the last time in 2022 indeed they are celebrating their golden jubilee of their first win in 1974 this year temporary also celebrating to it’s the Silver Jubilee of their first Victory back in 1999 referee follow the late challengeing in the back of Rosen Howard who’s having a great game for tieri in the early stages she has won this free opportunity for em M on the lines just trying to make sure that the temporary number 14 is where she’s meant to be it’s to put six between them temporary in control and M grad I think that’s gone it’s gone over ifar was playing onire for a second but her decision was not correct it’s Iman mcra and it’s six points to nil and we can tell you a lest score we have as we will be torn around the country Waterford Le Derry by one six to a point the winner of that match will go into the allar quarterfinals next week Waterford can’t rule out second place in the group I’ll tell you why in a moment Stephie fitzgeral and K Ken are finally off the mark it has taken a quarter hour but Stephie Fitzgerald has put the ball over the bar for them and that brings the deficit back to six points to one an important score for Kenny just to settle themselves down the arrogance the win let’s not forget you’re a Kenny supporter wherever in the world you are won be to responding just yet as to bring the ball over temporary there was a contact play continues on Katy noan Dean just feeling that The Challenge from ktie nor this is Casey Hennessy good work there from laa green the Kenny number eight there’s slipping and sliding heon for tempar is there she wears number 13 in the yellow helmet hard to see where the ball is there at the moment but I think this is going to get thrown in but the reason I was saying that Waterford are 16 to a point up against Derry if they win the game they’ll be into an all quarterfinal but where they go in is the second or third team in group one could be determined they are three points behind Kilkenny on Seven Points there is a 30 point scoring difference between them so Waterford will be targeted to make that because the team that finishes thir in the group the loser of the match between Cork and cway check in and pory ke in a bit this is CL McIntyre and cl McIntyre is on the move here for temporary and a space opens up here for TOA McIntyre will she go herself or would she lay it off she back herself for the shot the ire puts up the hand he says well done go to back it’s another point for temporary and it’s temporary seven points kill Kenny one and just to finish off that the point about Waterford they’ve already made up 14 points of that 30 difference and we’ve only P just over a quarter of the game so we’ll be monitoring that over the course especially if temporary do manag to straighten their position in this game at the moment WEA mccy sends the ball down for tiporary Kenny win back possession they have to try and stop the ball around that 45 met line like they did just there Katy power sending it down she’s been told to follow it and this is EA do and it’s EA do puts the ball over the bar good play by Katy power as well and good defending by K Kenny to cut out the supply in the 45 M line and it’s back to a five-point ball game it’s temporary seven points he’ll Kenny two Rosen Howard from the puck out she got the first score of the game she’s got a couple she set up a couple she’s on the move again is roosen Howard locked down on that occasion by Michelle tan who’s working very very hard in the Kenny defense heer heon comes in to help the ball off the grace of briy MRA and trying to pull the trigger got a hook and Grace Walsh gets in the way but temporary just look dangerous any time they get near the goal as Kira sends the ball out and now they’ll work at Laura Murphy on the 45 M line and the move she goes again Kenny sometimes running the ball is a good option too that’s a great work by CL McIntyre got back Laura Murphy will have another go at the PO got to be in that occasion just the second wide after the game for him one for temporary and remains a five-point ball game [Music] so there a player down the far side so I think we’re going to have hold up and play when we do that we have a quick look what’s happening elsewhere we hope you’re enjoying our coverage here live from the temporary kogi grounds in the rag temporary in front I mentioned the big weekend I told you about the all Ireland minor hland semi-final tomorrow 3:00 in freshford it’ll be Kenny against temporary in the all Ireland under 16 kogi Championship as well limi Elite nrum by4 to Four Points in the early stages the loser of that game will go into the relegation final so a very very important game for different reasons is that contest as we mentioned we have two games live today and it’s all square down in Parky ke between goby and cork three points a piece we want you to stay with us but if you’re fancy having a look at that game between the all Ireland Champions and the 2021 winners well that is also available on the kogi association YouTube page Dublin are playing down we haven’t any update in that game at the moment if Dublin win that match they will be through to the all Arland quarterfinals we’ll get you an update on that as soon as we can again we haven’t Tau you clear leading Wexford by five points to three they’ll be looking for Dublin to lose and they might be able to get in and scoring difference so a lot of permutations to be looking at here on the final round of games in the Glen Dimplex all Ireland senior kogi Championship we’ve seen some cracking contests indeed the opening round game between temporar and wford was in my opinion a contender for Game of the Year done no updates in Dublin and down at the moment but we will get that to as soon as we can and it looks like it was to sure was which of the Defenders it was for Kenny but she’s back at her feet anyway that b we can tell you the play will restart and now we have no updates in the game at the moment we get that you when we have some so plays down now the Kenny half the field 20 minutes gone temporary seven points K Kenny two and Tiffany Fitz Jer continuing her new full-time job of sideline taker in front of the scans Karen Kennedy gets the way the captain lead by example Kenny have the ball back and this is Stephie Fitzgerald and Stephie Fitz Jer will send the ball down towards the attack the referee has blown the whistle and I’m not too sure exactly why but EA do probably would have felt she had the advantage withen ball so we’re going back for the threee so EA Prendergast all IR winner with Dix also a teacher by one County titles an under 16 minor under 21 and Senior came into this game with 215 and the championship so far still waiting for a first trying to judge the win she could cut out with her first threee silence and respect for the free taker as he for p gas goes with the B by droping towards the house was Kenny hand there and juliia Malone got a hand to the defender got in the way we’re going out for a 45 if a gas will get another go and getting off the mark in this game but Julian Malone you can just see her there she did get a touch a Defender just also getting the touch to get it away temporar do not want to give away a cheap goal jul work ktie work Laura Kenny also won the all Ireland minor kogi Championship chary sorry the all Ireland minor kogi Championship this year beating Waterford in the final be K in the semi-final this the Rivalry to bring us in to the rest of the 2020s W discounting cor goway Waterford NS he for gas with the 45 is finally off the m in the 23rd minute of the game it is three points to Kenny seven to Temporary that is two in a row for Kenny might sound small but significant in a day like today as the two number sixes go to battle Karen Kennedy against n de the Kenny player has won the ball at the moment but CL McIntyre comes in to get involved in the action and now we have a scrum just outside the 20 M line Karen keny looks like she’s still in control of the slitter and gets the ball off Rosen Howard Rosen Howard sends the ball across the field Ken Blair down towards the corner every Kenny touch has to be perfect you would feel Casey Hennessy down the attacking roll the shoulders there’s contact and every you say about Rule books you going have to say we let H in this game and that’s what everybody wants to say [Music] course I hope you’re enjoying our pictures our cameraman John Nolan is right beside me here in the commentary box as well we’re getting very up close and personal here today but we’re making sure we give you every HCK of the ball and keep you updated on everything that’s going on 24 minutes in and just a bit of concern there is a Grace wal the nurse based in Dublin a family but in shrin Kenny Hing and kogi Tiffany Fitzgerald to take the free the shoulder Stephanie Fitzgerald with the ball stay in play that’s on the line everybody wants to go the linesman head on but I think in verici is completely right everybody just stopped but the ball was on the line so did Chi get the decision eer heon to get us going again e heon th Thomas toown National School in casel was the temporary filous skills winner like only fa 2016 all across the [Music] field jul Malone out in the M but this is Michelle tan Michelle T says the ball is good work from Miriam mambri banre inside the 45 M line going to go for a shot at the post the wal bats it away she needs to make sure Defender is there and qua Maher is there for temporary and comes out towards the 20 M line Kenny still trying to organize their troops in this game Julian Malone in her own half of the field that’s not something I expected to say at the start of this commentary as NE de hands the ball to Michelle T Michelle T send it further down the field Lowa green will get in this laa green wins the battle with Kim Blair on that occasion plays it along the ground to play football in Kenny to this is Maran banr again looks like she’s pushed up the fields Mar and bambr on the right will be a great score she gets it it goes across the goal and drops to the right and wi five minutes to half time it’s a four-point ball game but and Kenny are certainly going into the contest so e heon on the move to send suppose think we going back for a foul so looks like e MCG grab will get a chance to get tiary will be the first score in 10 minutes it’s now 29 to Waterford two points to Derry so it’s 13 points into the 30 plus the four here me bford are over halfway there to try and get in second course the need temporar to win this match and even M grab lies with the free three minutes to half time and it’s 83 the blue and gold of Tipperary down the center in the direction of Katy noan one on this occasion by Julian Burke Julian Burke sent it down in Grace O’Brien country temporary moving Fielder players around mhin Howard is coming in to get involved referee has blown the whistle short in referee spots a foul Shel doing well there in defense for Kenny Aran bamri up the field CL McIntyre says thank you very much SS the ball off shot of the post looks like gra Bryan come out the field for that one and she puts the ball over the bar in the 29th minute of the game but it was clo McIntyre that won it and suddenly there’s six between them again it’s temporary nine points K Kenny tree ra Bryan’s second point in the game she scored 512 coming into the championship including 4-1 last week and they win against lii 718 to six points at finish fromation this is Karen Kennedy Karen Kennedy gives the ball off roing Howard back to Karen Kennedy and shot go for temporary a goal for temporary and Karen Kennedy buts the ball to the back of the net after playing a one-w with Rosen Howard and it’s now one n to temperary three points to K Kenny and just like that in the space of two minutes k Kenny gradually controlling their deficit has now popped out to nine they lost to Cork in Grove parking in all Ireland quarterfinal last year by one point they won’t want to be playing goby or cork next week but the way things are going down in Walsh Park all of a sudden Waterford are three quarters of the way to making that deficit and Karen Kennedy who cut us off guard by going into Center forward for the first half she has played there before it’s not new for her I mentioned the versatility of this temporary team while the Personnel might be the same they can rotate between defense and attack uh regularly enough and Karen Kennedy gets the goal and temporar taals are up against they one another ball Grace O’Brien going to go for a shot at the post and Grace O’Brien puts the ball over the bar CLA McIntyre was involved again and it’s 110 to Tipperary three points to Kil Kenny let’s not forget can Kenny have the win in the second half we are in injury time we haven’t seen any indication how much at a time will be played but one three from Tipperary have put distance between them and tiar are just weeding all these breaks que Maher did well there gives the ball to Casey eny Kenny here just getting frustrated apologies if you heard any bad language in the back ground referee is going to throw the ball in the ball is C in play continues on and here she goes again this is Karen Kennedy and the move got a little bit of a hook the ball trickles out over the line Second wide of the game for temporary we can tell you the car leading goway by 1 n to4 down in Porky ke that game also live in the kogi association YouTube page EA do ver Kenny back to Miriam bamri Miriam bamri sends the ball towards the attack as EA past is pushed in she runs out to get this two temporary Defenders around her and play the Crossfield ball hoping it might work out for Katy Nolan temporary say [Music] no K Blair it to Casey Hennessy Casey SS it down towards the corner and all of a sudden it’s waling Howard [Music] again pass across for eer Hein she gets the ball eventually she might need some support good defending from je from K Kenny takes the ball hand passes into space but Mar and VRI redis Kenny could do with a score just before halftime but tipar are complete control here at the moment Karen Kennedy down towards Ren Howard Grace walin very very tight to her Kavin Donan the referee has blown the whistle the ball is thrown in we have played nearly three minutes of injury time in the first half of this GL dlex all Ireland senior koki championship game and this is looks like casy Hennessy sending in an important take on that occasion for K Kenny jul back in defense carrying that ball you can see aggression from both teams Katy power goes to ground with head the ball wins to free four in total so we have another 40 seconds so this might be the last chance of a score in the first half we can tell you was halim in the early game that we’re keeping an eye on it’s water for 29 Dairy three points so that’s 12 points that’s 10 in this one that’s 22 for prast every score is going to be important that looks like it’s going to go to the right will it stay in it didn’t go out he for doy juliam Malone tried to get the shot got contact in the process goes the ground and the referee blow the halftime whistle well temporary with the wi certainly took advantage but there’s no way that the elements were worth 10 points to WI six points to nil up in the opening quarter Rosen Howard EMR mcgr Grace O’Brien and Casey Hennessy all on target for Stephie viter got the opening point for K Kenny on 15 minutes the cats brought it back to a four-point ball game seven points to three anding the final three minutes of normal time in the first half within one three unanswered starting with an E graph fre Grace O’Brien with two points both set up by to Mcintyre but the goal by Karen Kennedy crucial as well gives tip rary a 10-point Advantage K Kenny do have to win in the second half expect them to make some inroads into that deficit but temporar looking good for five out of five in the group stages of the Glen implex all Ireland senior kogi Championship will be back in about 5 to 10 minutes with live coverage of the second half here in the rag on the kogi association YouTube channel the halftime score here it’s temporary 110 to Kenny three points e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e thank you very much and welcome back here to the temporary kaboki grounds in the rag halftime in round five of The Glen dlex all Ireland senior kogi Championship it’s temporary 110 Kil Kenny three points I can tell you Kilkenny have made one change anyway because I see Kelly and Doyle were number 21 on the field of play and well done to the young players in Burgess tahara and kill dangan who entertained us at half time the other 10 and they organizing a guard of Honor for the temporary team to come out for the second half they haven’t come out yet the referee is out and a big 30 minutes for Kenny because they are guaranteed to place Norland quarterfinal they want to go directly into the semi-final but also they if they do have to go through the quarterfinal route they want to go as group one Runners up at at 30 point scoring difference advantage in war three points behind but already between Kenny be 10 points down and Waterford be 12 points up 22 points has been made up here is the wind picks up here in the rag it’s going to favor K Kenny for the second half so it’ll be very very interesting to see are the scores we have in so far Limer lead andum by 27 to six points um that’s game to avoid the relegation playoffs it’s CAU One n going the bar replaces number 18 K noan and number 21 Kelly and replaces number seven Miriam B so you’ve heard it there from Jing canand two changes for Kenny Kelly and doy and Sarah Barco on on Katie Nolan g off and Miriam banre as we get ready to start the second half I’m just to say corkle going 1 n to5 clear Le Wexford by eight points to4 we haven’t been able to get a doubl and down score yet anytime we check it up on social media all we hear is about Taylor Swift in Dublin well we’ll see who’ll be shaking it off into the quarterfinals and the semi-finals over the next month in July but for K Kenny they want to get themselves back into this game and they’ve won an early free and it’s NE Dey that is going to take this so n Dy sends the ball down towards the attack e for PR G just couldn’t hold on to the hands it just would get the feeling not that we want to be getting premature here but the opening score of the game would be nice for Kil Kenny just to get them up and run it took them 15 minutes to get a point in the first half he he did well won the free in the process so good work by the temporary number 13 temporar not worried about what’s happening elsewhere all they care about is getting the results that put them straight through to an all Ireland semi-final hean Tiner laces there it’s an important job too you can hear the wind there in the background it’s really picked up so can Kenny make it work even mcra didn’t get the touch in that that she wanted and Grace W showing that sense of urgency and then decides to leave it off for NE Dy owned her skills been underage tournaments on the newa road and here she is now playing Center back for our County finds a gap but only as far as Karim Blair Ken Blair s a nice one for Grace O’Brien three points in play in the opening half of Michelle tan great battle between the two in as well and you couldn’t say either are playing Bad come out the field to get two of her points Julian Malone playing a more defensive role in this game out over the line so it’s going to be a temporary ball play continues on come working here for her [Music] team mccar Casey Hennessy on the 45 Casey Hennessy with the shot and it’s gone to the left and wide so e sends the ball down the field she’s tried to direct ball to get her teammates into the game Laura green has pushed up towards the attack has gained a few yards but qua McCarty is back for this [Music] it’s Lura Murphy right in front of us here in the commentary box a great view we have here in the rag McIntyre had a touch there goes into the player need holds possession gives it to Michelle tan sends the ball across the field and this is Julian Malone going forward again she prefers to be in attack but she’s come back to help her team juliia Malone was a little touch there I think by e to take the sting out of it in Nicole Walsh with the ball qua McCarty takes the challenge wins the [Music] free no scores in the second half so far it’ll be a temporary fre out to give you the scores in the first half even regr with four freeze for temporary three points in play for Grace O’Brien the goal by Karen Kennedy Rosen Howard Casey Hennessy and C McIntyre also all On Target three scores for tip or Kenny Stephie Fitz jar EA doy and a 45 by EA prast will keep Tab and water against Derry but this is quea mcar free blows to whistle play STS that’s going be a free for K Kenny so this is the chance that they waited for E for prast it’s an important free it’s not a gim Me by any stretch of the imagination Eva Bast with the free the ball has gone over the bar six minutes gone in the second half to Kenny get their first and their first score in 17 minutes of play so it’s now Kenny Four Points tiary 110 nine between the teams Kenny not just playing for the uh semi-final play face they’re playing to try and stay second at least Tiffany wither gives it back good play Julia Malone driving it down the field superb defending there as they come out towards the [Applause] 45 that was the fullback BR everon she was trying to pick out even mccy but this is Julian Malone has decided to take on this temporary team and shot at the pole and it’s another score for K Kenny two in a row and it’s Kelly and doy they had to pause for a second but Kelly and Doyle with a wonderful score for Kenny brings it back to eight it’s Kenny Five Points Tipperary 110 Tipperary goes short the 45 and again blocked down there by Sarah Barco and Sarah Barco could between Ro for K Kenny it’s come off the upright and nobody was pushing in WEA Mar will be there first right front us to Rosen Howard Rosen Howard just a bit too much purches on the pass but Casey Hennessy controlled it well great work Michael Kenny and Michelle tan and a scramble there just outside the temporary 65e line referee thinking about blowing the whistle Vally says he has to and we’re going to have ball right here in front of us tiary came into this game with 12 points from their four matches Kenny on 10 a draw will do tip with the lead by eight Sarah Barco that’s a great interception to mcar did good work a good touch there by qua mccy [Applause] so it looks like we having a change here indeed we are cuz low green has gone off anyway confirm was K on in the moment but there has been a change for Kenny tary going to have a free here just a b stop start during the third quarter of the game two scores for keni the highlight and this is Ema mcra looking for a fifth point of the game takes the free one by cl to mcard the ball goes over the bar 9 Minutes gone team number 13 qua M replaces number eight Laura green you heard it there qua ker granddaughter of the legendary Eddie Care on the field of play can she work the magic and get K Kenny back into this game they’ve only closed the Gap by a point we’ll check in in Walsh Park in a couple of minutes to see what’s going on in that game K the ball comes across the goal win possession back pass there Casey Hennessy takes the ball it’s giving away Kelly and’s got one already from distance can she get another theart sters it’s got over the about 10 minutes in and Kelly and with two in a row for her and it’s back to an eight-point ball game again it’s Kenny six points tiporary 111 I can tell you that the O run Comon in the here and Brian Malloy is here and we’ll be presenting the player of the match award afterwards whoever the selection committee decide Tiffany Fitzgerald temp temporary break it down go again down towards the attack every touch fighting for to Kenny Waterford has stretch their lead against der to 212 to Five Points that’s 13 against 821 have to Brak 30 in order second in the gr he says too many steps temporary number 13 doesn’t agree but I think the referee was right it’s going to be a free out so Tiffy Charles with the free sends it down in toward danger area this is e for prer Gast to go for the shot it’s another point for Kenny they’re getting into the groove now 11 11 to7 temporary go short anything to use up a few valuable seconds coming out the field three times three times what the official to [Music] this is going to bring it back to six and this game is starting to come alive again EA prast under [Music] 45 tell you the game in Porky ke it’s cork 211 go5 look like cork are going into the semi-finals as he for Pras takes the free the ball has gone over the [Applause] bar it’s 11 to eight points till Kenny are back in this match they about scored temporary by five points to one the breeze has picked up that has to be said but Kenny are finally start to work out how to make and that’s lower Murphy winning the free gets a hug from Katy power Murphy teaches Irish and history in s Colin kills not Lo in Dublin could they be playing Dublin in the quarterfinal we still have no update in that Dublin down game Dublin avoid defeat they will be TR as the third place team in group two so for picast only one score in the first half there already two three in this one looking for a fifth in total this goes over half the deficit at [Music] halftime e for prast from Dixboro the shot looks good from ourang doesn’t look good from the upir it does indeed 11 minutes gone in the second half sorry 14 minutes gone in the second half and it’s now nine points to Kil Kenny 11 to Tipperary and chenade O’Keefe is coming on for [Music] Kenny looks like she’s coming on for Tiffany fit chars so Kenny four changes they’ve made not wasting any time roshi Howard with the ball off FL it temporary moving forward they won’t panic yet even grad just missing that occasion but Grace o’ Bren will come out to take [Music] is BR against K feeling R bran did well since the pass it’s all I thought it was coming to Karen Kennedy but the wind held it up and can Kenny say that’s all right down the field the pass looking for Julian Malone but in the green and white helmet is que car carer referee spoted infringement number 29 Tado number five syney tempar will get another free just approaching the end of the third quarter Kil Kenny have halfed their halftime deficit it’s Kil Kenny nine points Tipperary 111 Waterford have scored a third goal in the the other game 312 to Five Points so still it hovers at 21 tot aggregate differences which will determine second place if D Kenny don’t turn this around em mcra with the free sending it down towards the danger area and it’s drops in front of Ean naris touched our foot but it was all right Nar they call giv the sheno KE out to Julian Malone who’s covered enough L ground in this game Julian Malone sends it down a touchdown four by Stephie Vitz she might have to go after it herself qu gets a touch and it’s won by CL Quark Ken Blair we mccy sented it down towards the attack and it’s with Ean mcra Iman mcgr down towards roen Howard she’s got one score in the game and set up one three directly can she get space for a shot she might have loaded sends it towards Grace O’Brien Grace O’Brien has the ball goes for the shot the ball has gone over the bar and it’s Grace O’Brian with our fourth from play and temporary get a much needed score 112 to n points and six between them they’d like to get it over to seven again for three scores between them Ean Aris knows the can K here getting back to the game hoping that her teammates would that better it might work out for even prast goes the ground Julian Malon is there the referee play on Toler heard the whistle but we did not scambled for the ball Outside Inside the 45 M line hard to tell exactly who has it breaks out a bit to Quark is there but Over Kenny that’s Karen Kennedy took the contact they continues on Kenny have a back ktie power EA Prendergast going for the shot and it’s gone over the bar from EA Prendergast she’s having a superb second half it’s back to Five Points 112 to [Music] 10 m her one by NE Dey all rightor win back again from Casey has to watch the steps B just wouldn’t come into our hand laa Murphy was there too this is Kelly and Doge he’s got two points to play in the game finds shado Keef’s nobody down inside that’s not the first time that Kenny been guilty of that Nicole Walsh bringing the ball out the field you can hear the temporary support they really loving this game it’s gone out over the line it looks like it’s going to be a temporary ball it’s actually going to be Kenny ball is it yes it is prast you want to find a spot on the actual line and take In fairness to the linesman he’s going to show a bit of compassion but let’s not forget there’s two points for sideline cting kogi will she have a goal very difficult conditions it’s actually a threee this was very hard to see from our vantage point so don’t forget the two points she’ll take one she can pull it over the bar e for pencast with the free is it good it’s not good no I wasn’t too sure what the ire was going do there but he waves It Wide 11 minutes to go Kil Kenny 10 points tieri 112 tieri have only scored twice in the second period the arrogance the win Kil Kenny have scored seven times can they hold out for their first championship win over the black and Amber in 12 years the 16 be clear this temporary 65 to5 last night and the all AR the championship contact there but e he had the momentum worked hard for her team in this game was that over the line that can Kenny support by getting themselves heard B 313 der Five Points 10 minutes to go there so it’s holding at the 2122 and I think we’re having a temporary change are I think Casey Hennessy is venturing off the field and caught the van on for them what a great player to have in reserve for temporary this season [Music] the referee not happy about something substition for temporary number 18 e mcrad number 19 number 1man and number eight casy henness well e mcra also a great player to have on as Captain drin inch to County and monster titles Defan a legend of tier’s Rise they’ve had a couple of Bad seasons on the temporary have been knocking on the door at the big tree for quite some time they feel themselves two yellow cards for Mar everon and EA prast for their off the ball tussle go back they caught the van temporary a bad year two years [Music] ago a great ground of the bill Milani who’s overseen the premier junior team again and they a massive 11 Point victory over Arma all Ireland jior champions in 2020 n d Fork Kenny gets underneath the ball Downs qua but it’s won by qua McCarty qua mcar offloads the [Music] ball sarra Barco sending it down towards EA prast EA past there can she get another score in this game EA prast puts the ball over the bar 8 minutes to go another fantastic score by her Kenny 11 points temporary 112 Julia Malone could she go for one herself [Music] he got this and all of a sudden it’s back to a three-point ball game Julia Malone out on the left and Kil Kenny forget about the 22 points forget about the scoring difference Kil Kenny are very much back in this match K Kenny 12 points temporary 112 they call wsh in no rush [Music] Julia amalon prast she she was held the referee didn’t want to know about it ra everon gives the ball out you can see the 18 jersey therea mcra is the red helmet there’s a player on the ground for K Kenny the katd power going hold up a play Kenny with 7 minutes to go they don’t their momentum to go now Waterford lead Derry by 313 to six points Focus l in that now because things are happening here Kenny back in the match it’s a cracker between Li and Anam Li lead by 213 to 211 car can control against goway 213 to6 cork look certain of an all irland semi final [Music] Place qu qu on the move ball offloaded this is C McIntyre C McIntyre on the [Music] Move [Applause] Kell down toward for prast and an exhibition in the second half that K Kenny number 15 is given in this game just gets away from Stephie JS Ean mcgr with the ball out towards Rosen Howard Rosen [Music] [Applause] [Music] Howard it’s one by W turn up the field [Music] [Applause] great battles going on here cut the [Music] e was pick off the ground a three four minutes to go tiary 112 to K 12 points br br for [Music] prast watch the turn around this would be for K Kenny cani put this over the bar and bring it back to a two-point ball game big moment three minutes to go EA prast with the free it’s going to be close it’s going to be close and it’s got over the bar he PR gas from about 80 yards puts it over the bar in the 57th minutes and it’s 13 points to Kenny 112 to Tipperary we’re having a substitution tieri making a [Music] change a Grace going off tiet is Mary bur coming out number 26 Mary bur is number right temporary are bringing on the names as they try and get this job done a job that many felt they had done already Michelle tan Cheno Keef Julie andone locked down there by Howard again Grace Walsh has a good second half Murphy th to Mcintyre G full stop this is Ean mcra Eman mcra with the pass inside the referee has BL the Whistle the advantage was in the crew in [Applause] anyway closing in towards the Finish can temporary hold on or k Kenny hold off a sensational Result One win one goal I should say would be massive think Laura Murphy the player that’s down at the moment all adding to the drama to the excitement Murphy won’t go off this field unless she has to remember the winner go straight through to the all Ireland [Music] semi-final loser Laura Murphy go into a quarterfinal next week with no update in Dublin and down so I’m guessing Dublin will be the likely opponents Eman mcra with the [Music] three even mcgr with the free puts the ball over the bar we’re inside the final minut minut it could be a crucial one because even a draw will still do temporary 113 to 13 points are temporary on the verge of beating Kenny for the first time in the championship since 2012 we will see they won this ball one more score might be enough Laura Murphy as you can see back in her feet EA doy great little Rob there by Karen Blair EA Doyle again the Kelly and Doyle the do sisters down toward the attack Katy power is pushed forward quer MTA in possession out on the left I’m not sure how much EX time will be played but they have are taking about a goal soon Katy power taking about a point and Katy power floats the ball over the bar that’s the 60 Minute Mark is reached four minutes of additional time will be told and it’s back to a two-point ball game K Kenny 14 points temperary 113 that’s time for two points for K Kenny there’s time for a goal there’s time for the winning score for cherer group one of the Glen dlex all Ireland Senor kogi Championship is coming down to this as qua Maher brings the ball up the field bur is done well there there’s options she’s picked one option is it the right option race B’s got a touch but mcgr there he’ll touch it on the ground to CL McIntyre CL McIntyre to Rosen Howard can she get the shot off a team mcra the referee has blown the whistle for a chop down Rosen Howard wins the free and EMR mcra will take it one minute of the four has been played again an opportunity to protect their position IMA mcra looking for a seven point of the game two minutes of injury time pledge he puts the ball over the bar if temporary or Kenny I should say are going to win this group they’re going to have to get two scores and one of them has to be a goal 114 to 14 points still time Terra Baro getting in there but temporary win the ball back again their defense have been very very good in this game the ball s out towards the left shoulder comes in from Sarah Barco has really had an impact in the second half Karen Kennedy has drop back gives the ball to quea McCarty qua McCarty hooked by Eva past but it works its way to qua Maher qua Maher to Karen Kennedy Karen Kennedy up the field there where are the options and nice low ball up towards the attack p m pushing forward there but might leave it to Mary Burke Mary this a go on Mary marry Burk is on the move I don’t think she was expecting to go this far marry bur with a shot and surely that’s the score that is going to make sure a temporary are going straight through to the semi-finals of the glendle all Ireland senior kogi Championship 115 to 14 points there’s four points between them K Kenny will need two goals there’s time for that they’ll finish as the group runers up we’re just checking the score of water and Derry but we’re not expecting anything dramatic there 3:15 to six to water last be heard so K Kenny will more than likely play Dublin we’ll check in on WX and clar in a moment but tipar win the ball back in the fence qua M down the field [Music] [Applause] [Music] Kelly [Music] [Applause] Ando they continues on Katy power had passes forward the referee spotted the foul so it’s going to be a free in for K Kenny but they have to go low so clear have beaten WX by by 115 to 111 we’ve no score in doublin and down down would have to win that game in order to open the door for CLA so if a printer cast with the free the four minutes have been played what has the referee told her temporary have bod’s back the ball goes over the bar so we’re back to a goal but kenu scores to win the group 115 to 15 points it was 215 to 115 to Cheri when they won 12 years ago will we get a goal each for a repeat score line we will see M Misses the pass K Kenny will not give up and rightfully so as kir picked out Cho Keef this is Julian Malone Julian sends it down for [Music] qu qua has the ball tries to work inside pass off there D de pushed up the field I think it is the referee has BL the final Miss and it’s all over and temporary have won this game by 115 to 15 points their first victory over Kenny in 12 years and will advance to the semi-finals of the glint implex all in senior kogi Championship per Kenny all is not lost they will go to Crow Park next week for a quarterfinal we think will be against Dublin but that is not confirmed yet they Trail 11 to three points at halftime but when EA prri Gast delivered an exhibition they outscored their opponents by 12 points to five during the second half with a five points were enough for temporary to get the job done five wins out of five they’re true to the semi-finals till Kenny are going to Crow Park don’t go away here in our broadcast in the koki association YouTube channel because we’ll get some reaction from the player of the match and the winning manager in just a moment but temporary are the winners they’ve beaten K Kenny temporary 115 K Kenny 15 points for e e e e e thank you very much and welcome back here to The Ragin we now have the presentation to the Glen dle per the match and is roing how from tipari and the presentation will be made by UT on coming and Brian Malloy R we bring you over here for a chat for a second I know more people want to take pictures with you but well done tip’s first championship victory over Kenny in 12 years and you’re true to the all semifinal jeez I didn’t know that now but you’re look um yeah look that’s the aim we wanted to win all our games and go straight through to the semi so we’ve got that now and yeah really looking forward to the next four weeks to train and go from there five wins out of five in the group you would have happily snapped out at the start of the campaign yeah exactly look that’s our that was our aim but we did take a game by game as well we had a big win over Waterford in the first game and it kind of went from there you know like if you lost that match you’re looking at it’s a totally different ball game but yeah look we just took a game on game and look we got plenty of um plenty of game time into players and you can even see the likes of CAU van and Mary Burke there the difference that they made Mary scored a vital point there at the end so look it’s key for us to have that impact Off the Bench as well R you soldier with this team for quite some time but even as you mentioned players like that it just goes to show this temporary panel are getting stronger and you’re in the right frame of M olis and we’re only into a semi-final there’s long way to go but it’s great to go into a semi-final with that confidence yeah exactly look um like you just take a game on game as I said but yeah look you need the depth in the squad and you know compared to other years I think we do have a little bit more in the Off the Bench this year as well and you know any given day where someone’s not form you know you’ll have someone there to fill your booth fairly Lively so keeps it on your toes and this is a great competition too and he showed on the field of the start with the Wind of course it comes to pressure the stakes are high in this game because nobody wanted to have to go play next week even with in C Park but gradually the work rate the work rate you got the opening score you set up three more scores a few ERS were inolved Grace who bred a great game so you were six points to n up and then you’re involved in the goal for Karen Kennedy yeah look um I’m probably better at setting up the scores and I am at scoring them but look I’ll take whatever comes I just kind of played the game in front of me on any given day and look I don’t care who scores him Sian one Tipper on top at the end that’s all I care about 110 to three points at halftime what we said at the break is that wind was picking up and as we’ expected Kenny came right back into US yeah they did look they’re fro to seeing they don’t have a few allars in the backpack for nothing um they threw everything at us there you had you know they were throwing their bodies on the line um but I suppose we did settle the ship as well we got a few vital scores there just to keep us in touch and yeah look we’ll look back on it I think a lot of it maybe might have been a few unforce errors on our behalf as well you know which which allows them to put in a few tackles there and win ball back so we’ll just look at that and try and brush up for the next set ring before you go do you reckon he’ll give you the night or the weekend off and let you go and join us I don’t know look we’ll have a few tonight and and rightfully saw roing how you GL player the match congratulations thanks very much that’s that’s roshen Howard there Dennis we’re getting very very used to these conversations in the rag but well done first and foremost your team got the job done yeah thanks Darren delighted to get it done now you know it was at half time it looked like we were cruising but we knew it was a strong Breeze there we knew k Ken Kenny and no matter whether you’re playing darts or tly wings or what you’re playing they come back at you and they did and they really put us to the pin of our color that was some epic battle there and we just about just about got over the line but we’re delighted to get through now because it gives us a bit of a break now we can you know assess TI bodies get maybe a few days of a break and then crack on again but uh definitely that was that was a massive game that second half it just goes to show the importance of having that lead at halftime because Kenny came back the wind was picking up which he picked off crucial scores at certain times I’ll talk about those in the moment but your defense worked Savage throughout the whole 60 Minutes they did and we readjusted things as we went through but you know they put us under serious pressure but you know we we stuck to the plan as suppose we St dogging it out and we just didn’t give in and you know previous years we probably would have maybe folded a little bit didn’t today we’re delighted with that there’s some character in this bunch I keep saying it all year and they showed it again today because that was some test one thing I like about your team and you touched on there the versatility of them because your players played in different positions during the league campaign back to probably traditional positions but then you start off here qua Mar’s back in defense Karen Kennedy is up in the attack and it worked out exactly look at the girl the times like Z are sick of us moving them around you know but I suppose versatility is is probably a weapon we have and you know we needed to do make changes throughout the game today but you know they walked for a finish and we just just about held on there but you know I no doubt Kenny are going to be there thereabouts again I’d say we haven’t seen the back easier yeah of course it is an all and semi-final too and we’ll put that in context as well but it’s just great to see the players responding getting out there starting off with the confidence start there as well because he won the first 15 minutes the goal gave you a buffer at half time to prove vital it did and you know we probably missed about two two other chances as well we had good chances we didn’t put them away had we taken those it would probably game over at halftime but you know we knew at half time it was going to be that wind is strong even when you’re standing here in the middle of the field now you can feel how strong it is so it was it was massive a massive help and a massive aid but you know we just got got the job done and few of our subs came in and did well too held the ball up for us we were struggling there around half hour line Midfield to hold that ball for a while but you know the few changes we made seem to seem to walk I’ve talked about some of the defense there as well but even up in attack race O Brien what a season she is having as well another I think was four or five points in play CLA McIntyre equally working as hard as Roshan Howard are a deserving player of the match there as well and that’s what you want I think rosi touching it there as well as players that are willing to let put their bodies in there again the referee let you off at the majority of the game yeah I was delighted with Kevin you know he he he did a great job because you know you could have been blown for everything there today it’s very wet and slippery but he he used common sense and you know it added to the game as well I think so yeah no Grace is fly and she came in with a bit of an eagle so just got her out before it was over but look she’s she’s having the season of her life I suppose so hopefully we we have a bit of time now to get her right and you know but all the forwards and the work rate is is our motto like in our MRA and you know once they’re working hard the the scores will come and that’s what happened how important is it now having that four-week break because the stakes were high not just regards qualification but while even we were talking privately as well beforehand going to Crow Park wouldn’t have been the end of the world but it’s nice now to have that breeder knowing you’re in the final four it is because you know we have a few things to address after today as well you know a few little little tweaks to make and and we get a chance now to maybe get a run a training maybe take a few days of a break and get and refresh the bodies and then go after it again we know like we’re 60 minutes away now from another and final you know we haven’t been there in a while so you know we’ve we’ve we’ve a lot of work to do to get there but uh we’re going the right track and Dennis brings me to the final question and you kind of touched on it there as well because these this temporary team have been used to making all IR in semi-finals they’ll enjoy tonight they’ll enjoy the weekend and rightfully so but I suppose the overall assessment of the team will be determined by that result in four weeks time yeah exactly that’s it you know that’s that’s the currency we’re dealing in at minute you know we got to the semi-final last year it didn’t go well so again if we don’t go past that stage again I know we have a league in our back pocket but it’s it’s about Championship now this stage of the year so you know we we we won put pressure on anyone but you know we think that the system we’re working it’s do barding well for us and we hope to finish the job you know in in four weeks time and get get to that final if we can well Dennis you’re exactly where you want to be congratulations tipperary’s first victory over K Kenny in 12 years thanks very much Dar thank you cheers Dennis thanks me that was Dennis Kelly the Tipperary senior kogi manager Kilkenny are just doing their warm down here at the moment but don’t forget Kilkenny are still very much in this Championship race they will be in Crow Park next weekend we haven’t got confirmation with it be Dublin just yet or not bu no doubt that’ll be up in the kogi social medias as soon as that is confirmed while a game of kogi we had here another great exhibition of the skills of the game it was a game of two halves and tempar damage in the first half proved to be the difference between the teams 110 to three points St LED Karen Kennedy with the goal but K Kenny they never lied down led by Eva prast they came flying back into the contest in the second half and just lost out in the end where we see these two teams meet again l in the air I certainly W rulers out but today is tip R’s day they beat K Kenny and it’s all over here in the rag and the final score line here and finish temporary 115 K Kenny 15 points e e e e

Catch all the action from the Glen Dimplex All-Ireland Senior Camogie Championship 2024 as Tipperary take on Kilkenny.

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