@Toronto Maple Leafs


The Leafs continue to bring back their old players as they re-sign Timothy Liljegren to a 2-year $6 million contract with is an AAV of $3 million!! What are your thoughts on the Buds bringing back Lilly on that type of cap hit…cause I’m not a fan!!

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  1. Dumbest deal of the off season. This team needs offence at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter that you can keep the opponent to 2 goals this team can’t score in the playoffs every season. Needed to take a big swing on offence but now with Mitch coming back it’s gonna be yet another first round exit, this team never learns.

  2. I was okay with the idea of Lili coming back as a depth guy but I don't understand why Brad didn't wait to see if there were better options available in free agency. I also don't understand why he is being payed 3 mil per season. What did he do this season to get anything above 2 mil?

  3. What bothers me most is not the deal itself….it’s the fact that our GM thinks that it’s a good deal. It’s alarming. I think we might have a dud GM guys. That’s terrible. Would have been better to just let him walk and saved that money for free agency.

  4. Makes no sense. Would not be an issue if Marner, or JTs contract were not on the books. But, they are. Next year is going to suck. They are basically running it back. Nothing has changed.

  5. Kind of getting a Jeff Finger vibe here.

    You're telling me that even if this went to arbitration, somehow the annual average would have been higher? I doubt it. This management (Rogers & Shanahan especially) seem to allow players to constantly dictate terms and cost.

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