@Boston Bruins

Lindholm and Zadorov are Boston Bruins

Lindholm and Zadorov are Boston Bruins

what’s up Bruins fans I’m here to give you the latest info on your belov Boston Bruins the Boston Bruins have signed unrestricted free agents Elias lhol and Nikita zador [Applause] off linol has been linked to the bro since before the trade deadline last year and in fact the brunes tried to trade for him twice the brunes didn’t have the assets the Calgary Flames were looking for last year to pull off a deal so Calgary shipped him off to Vancouver Vancouver then had buyer remorse and looked to move him to Boston but the deal fell through according to Siders not sure what the deal involved but if I had a wager I guess Jake debrusk would have been headed to Vancouver lyol is a two-way Center that isn’t going to fill the void by Patrice berson because honestly no one can but he is a true number one center for the Boston Bruins who is a significant upgrade for them at the position last season he was playing on the third line for Vancouver in the playoffs but that was because they had an embarrassment of riches down the middle and they used his defensive awareness to have him be a shutdown guy lome last season got only 44 points with 15 goals and was a down year for him the pre previous season he got 64 points but wasn’t in trade talks and consistently being asked about his contract we know this can sit heavy on players and I would think linol was no different in the playoffs Lin Holm was one of Vancouver’s best players and proved his worth in 13 games he got five goals and five assists and was dominant for Vancouver on and off the pock Vancouver had him playing in every situation including out there to win Key face off ly Holmes signs with Boston for 7.75 million over 7 years so the Bruins have locked him up long term and he will be 36 years old at the end of the deal deal I’m not going to he to say I love the contract but sometimes you need to pay to get the player your team needs lyol feels like a perfect fit in Boston based on his style play and I can’t help but wonder where he fits in the lineup does he play with Pastak or Marian if he plays with pasta I couldn’t help but think that means zaka would be moving to the wing and the Bruins would need to find another Center if he plays with Marian Coyle then would be moved down to the third line and have a new role after a career year with the Bruins last year I guess the last option would move zaka to the wing Cole slots in as your number two Center and I think you put Lyn home and pasta and zacha and feel that line would dominate pasta would have guys again that can allow him to make more aggressive plays offensively knowing you have a guy that is so responsible in his own end like Lin Holm the last time pasta had a centerman like that he tied Matthews for the rocket Rashard trophy Zach’s Puck possession skill would allow room for the whole line and I would think lolm would have a career year in Boston while I was talking about him yesterday but the rumors were correct and Nikita big Z to Zer off is a Boston Brean I can’t help compare him to charara as they have the same nickname but let’s be honest he’s going to need a new nickname the door who is 66 but plays like he’s 7 foot out there but oddly enough isn’t a bad skater the Bruins need help on the back end on the left side with the departures of maick and Kevin shener zadorov style play is something the Bruins have been lacking on their back end the past couple of seasons and certainly could have had a huge help for them against the Florida Panthers in the playoffs zadorov is a big body that is great off the puck and is dominant in front of his own net during the playoffs the Panthers took runs at everyone including Swan and with zadorov in the lineup those Liberties wouldn’t be as franquin zadorov is coming in at 5 million per on a six-year term and isn’t a bad deal for the Boston Bruins and does give them room to do other things Z dorov doesn’t have a huge offensive upside but what he lacks in scoring he makes up for defensive awareness and snarl I’m interested to see where the Bruins put him in the lineup as they already have hampus lolm and Mason lorai on the left side lorai emerged as an NHL regular during the playoffs last season but maybe this will help him to put zadorov on the second pair and move lorai to the third pair to get better matchups to have Carlo play with Zadora would be an embarrassment of riches and fantastic shutdown pair lowai playing with Peak would be a good compliment to each other and allow lowai to control the play on the back end knowing Peak is there to move bodies and being that standup Dem man back there Parker Withers spoon would be your seventh defenseman which is the perfect spot for him and wouldn’t hurt you coming off the bench I think instantly zadorov would become a fan favorite for the Bruins fans as they always love a guy with sandpaper with the two signings the Bruins still have around $9 million in cap space to work with so I assume San probably eats up around 8 million of that so maybe Sweeney has more moves up his sleeve that wraps up the video for today to stay up to date and all the news surrounding the Boston Bruins Please Subscribe and drop me a like if the news breaks surrounding the Bruins be sure to check out the channel if you’ve already subscribed to the channel thank you I’ll see you next time

The Boston Bruins have signed multiple-year contracts with Elias Lindholm and Nikiata Zadorov.

Both players add something the Boston Bruins have desperately needed over the years, and I broke down both signings.

#nhlbruins #nhlfreeagency #eliaslindholm #nhl #bostonbruins

Time Stamps

Intro 00:00 – 00:13
Lindholm 00:13 – 2:19
Zadorov 2:19 – 3:48
Outro 3:48


  1. If if and if we could still pick up decent top six right winger it would be mission complete and a great off season.not sure enough money left after swaymen ext.coast is clear for someone from providence to grab the big chance

  2. Yea buddy!! Bruins have done good so far today!!? Elias Lindholm, Nikita Zadorov, and Max jones!! Theyve gotta get Swayman signed asap tho!!

  3. His point total concerns me for a 7+ mil player. We need a face off guy, but we have a bunch of guys that don't score a ton of goals. I like the defense. Its better. We got bigger and tougher with Z and Kastelic from Ottawa. Id like 1 more wing that can score. Maybe a trade

  4. Yes we need another top 6 winger but we wont have the dough if swayman signs which should b the #1 priorty. Get a deal with swayman asap.

  5. Does Zadorov play with McAvoy, enabling the latter to play his game? That dynamic improves the power play and the rest. There was lots of chatter about this (ie shut down McAvoy) after the B's were put out by FLA.

  6. At the beginning of the video, I could barely hear you, so I turned up the volume only to jump at the loud goal horn and crowd noise, please pick a volume level and stick with it…

  7. DAFUQ? MOTGHERFUCKE45RR GODDAMNIT this is so fucjking annoying – sincerely – all canucks fans right now. These guys are absolute playoff studs its burns my soul that the canucks are losing both of them – especially zadorov,. omg he is immense in the playoffs

  8. Season overpay, yet, playoff underpay.
    Nice job Boston 👏 Playoff are gonna be good for you next year. Go get 'em.

    Oh yeah…🤬 you. (Canuck fan 😂)

  9. Damn, 2 big reasons the canucks did a little in the playoffs. Hate to see them go, the depth they add is incredible to any team, trust us.

  10. As the cap goes up. 7.5 is going to be a good deal. Plus the taxes Massachusetts has. He’s not getting the same return as other places.

  11. sweeney haters will still find something to cry about. they get chara junior. thats impressive. i will miss jake. lots of big changes today in the nhl landscape.

  12. Lindholm will be a significant improvement for Boston and badly needed. Coyle and Poitras will center the other two lines. Zacha can play wing where he fits. This contract for Lindholm will probably not look good after maybe six years? Zadorov is pricy, but they need a big tough D man to give opponents someone to worry about.DeBrusk signing with Vancouver for $5.5 tells me Boston was never interested in keeping Jake and I agree. Heinen also leaving for more $$$ I can’t blame him.

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