@San Jose Sharks

Was explaining to my wife who Clowe is. I described him as Bradley Cooper and now I can’t unsee it.

Was explaining to my wife who Clowe is. I described him as Bradley Cooper and now I can’t unsee it.

by jetpackswasyesV2


  1. ObjectiveSubjects

    Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures

  2. Electrical_Fix7157

    Very funny, posting two photos of our Assistant GM Bradley Cooper.

  3. maddiemorph

    I mean…. You’re not totally far off 😂

  4. Badluck2killaseabird

    His nose was always broken too 😂

  5. Outrageous_Change313

    Probably my favorite Clowe moment is when he played the puck from the bench in a game vs the Kings. So glad to have him back at the tank!!

  6. SJtinyone

    Yass love Ryane Clowe he is such a cutie fun to watch play

  7. DefeaterOfDragons

    I hope he teaches our prospects his super sweet shootout move.

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