@Boston Bruins

Boston Bruins 2024 Development camp recap

Boston Bruins 2024 Development camp recap

lowquality fans of a high quality Bruins team and getting higher that’s the offseason motto right there it’s a higher quality Bruins team that we are going to meet in just a couple of months this is the full Dev Camp report as you may notice I’m back home uh I don’t want to be I had so much fun at Dev camp and I really would refer to still be in Boston it is a billion degre in South Carolina right now literally look it up it’s a billion I’m sure I’m right about that and I have to go to work tomorrow so all the things that make you not want to go home after a vacation uh they’re hitting me hard they’re hitting me hard but that’s okay because I had a blast and first of all let me say thank you to everyone who came out to say hi or came out for the development camp and then walked over to say hi I don’t want to assume by any means that I was the reason you were there you probably just wanted to see some really great hockey and I just happened to be next to you but for everyone who said hello and the people I met at the bars after or for lunches or it was I met a ton of you guys and I really appreciate each and every one of you um little special shout out I know it’s it’s mean for me to pick out one to shout out but Ben going for Varsity this year in the the fall he’s a Winger I don’t think he told me which side but he’s a Winger he didn’t tell me a lot about his game but I got to assume I got to assume he’s a martian type just get the vibe probably got some pest to him I mean he can go bardownski he’ll score on you he’ll taunt you after he’ll get in between the ears wish him luck because he’s going for it this year I think he’s going to break some records he promised 50 goals I swear I swear he did I’m not lying about any of this he promised 50 goals so I’m pretty excited for Ben he going to make Varsity he’s going to crush it so we’re going to wish him luck but for this video like comment subscribe nailed it for this video we’re going to have time stamps below of the specific players that you’re looking to talk about I am not talking about every single person at Dev Camp because some of them just weren’t on a level that made sense to I mean they were just in the middle somewhere the Pelosi or Schmaltz or n or those Langan Brunner like they were fine but there wasn’t a lot to speak about there really we’re going to pick out a bunch of them we’re going to talk about a bunch of them but there’ll be time stamps below for you to bounce around so that you don’t have to you know sit through the whole thing if you’re not hearing the names that you want to hear also not talking about Patra he was there for the couple Day first couple days he clearly was taking things a little slower speed I think that kind of makes a lot of sense he looked healthy he said that he is up to speed in the gy gym for the most part he was not part of the scrimmage because why risk your literal NHL player in a scrimmage where half the people on the ice more than half have like 30 lb on the dude I can’t we had some Mammoth human beings out there the Boston Bruins are going back to the80s because we’re going back to Big Bad Bruins is basically what I’m trying to say let’s start with the new draft class of Mammoth mammoths M mammoths big guys we got four of them and they’re all huge we’ve already been through all that you can watch the the draft recap for the sizes and everything with them but we’re going to start with your first rounder Dean lerno 6’7 215 PBS at 18 years old I’m not doing that with El them but you should still say this is a big kid it’s a big kid I know that a lot of you who are on social medias and twitters and whatnot have seen a video of him absolutely deaking Belle’s pants off good for him he has so much promise I don’t know if he gets there but when I said highrisk High reward after the draft I meant it even more so now the guy has hands during the drills he wasn’t the fastest guy you got to remember also that this is a couple days after he just got drafted he was in Vegas I mean what a whirlwind of a week for him but he wasn’t the fastest guy but his skating is smooth and sharp and once he gets going he’s tough to catch and even tougher to stop he doesn’t he’s not an overly physical guy but he has no problem meeting you in the corner or meeting you in the slot right in front of a players too much and the smaller lower center of gravity guys are just ripping the puck away and moving on he’s going to have to use his size to bully players he is going to have to get more comfortable with that now of course he’s coming out of a prep school where I mean he could have done some real damage and I think maybe there was a little bit of rain that in he’s big he has hands he has hockey IQ particularly in the offensive zone he’s not afraid to post up in front of aend and although the report on him was not quick enough with his hands to collect those rebounds to to make the quick move in front [ __ ] I that’s not what I saw at all he has a great control over what he is trying to do and how to achieve it he is struggling or going to struggle with the next level of speed because he hasn’t had to acclimate to it yet and it was very clear that sometimes the plays that were there he was unable to make because he was a half step behind yeah as an 18-year-old that makes a lot of sense I feel like I have to explain these criticisms because sometimes people jump all over you when you criticize a new draft e these are normal problems to have at that age even if you’re a first-rounder but the one thing his vision’s good defense is fine handles are really strong no the one thing that separated him from almost everyone at camp he was the better person in this regard at Camp as a whole his shot there might be two other guys that were three other guys that were as consistent as and accurate as he was his shot not only is tricky to track it’s just weird it comes off the stick you don’t even see it happening it’s bizarre watching them but it’s so unbelievably accurate it is filthy it’s quick the release Again release isn’t quick you see him load up and then it’s just gone so maybe that is sort of the release it’s just like the expectation is there you’re watching him shoot you notice he’s shooting and then it’s just the weirdest most accurate insane climb to a shot he’s in tight D roofed it he’s I don’t know 20 ft back and it’s accurate it’s going where he wants it and it’s not just top corners he’s looking low glove he’s getting a spot right right right underneath the blocker there’s a lot to love about the way this kid finds the back of the net he’s a good first round pick in my opinion obviously I watched him for 4 days and then of course all the highlights and things leading up to the draft but there’s a lot of Promise here is he a sure thing absolutely not this was a really exciting camp for him and he performed really really well our next pick in this draft Grunwald he was the one we traded up to get at 110 overall the reason loo is no longer with us there’s something there he’s another big kid not huge but 6’2 200 lb big guy there’s definitely something here his skating his IQ 200 foot game responsible across the entire stretch smooth all of it all of it smooth you could tell he was nervous to start he really settled in as the days continued you could definitely tell he’s been nervous to start the camp but once you got to the one-on ones the three on threes and the scrimmage you saw some weaknesses players were able to get inside him he wasn’t ready for that kind of speed something we’re going to mention with most of these rookies uh you saw him once in a while give up on a play that you would like to see him pursue you saw him once in a while with a drill maybe not finish it the way you want I’m big on this I like to see a guy finish the drill 100% one of the criticisms about gron Wald was hey does he have that next step to his motor I don’t know if I saw that but what I did see is excellent skating really strong vision and just an overall sense of what was going on around him he got to shine a couple times during the scrimmages he also got beat a couple times you’re looking at your your ceilings and your floors throughout the whole camp and he had some really brights and he had some lows a genuine in lack of focus The First 48 hours I would say but again kind of goes along with the Whirlwind of the week nerves and all that I like what I saw from him particularly the skating if you’re going to get a guy in the third uh round and trade up to get him fourth round fourth round and trade up to get him you have to be betting on something and you are betting on this kid skating and his stick work is really solid so again it’s another pick that you go this is a good first camp for you clearly there’s a couple years that that you need to work on other things that’s also the schedule the Bruins are on by the way there’s not a lot of guys are getting dislodged from our our six defenseman anytime soon so couple years away that’s totally fine a good camp for gronwald I wouldn’t say great or spectacular a good one where I feel like lerno had a pretty great camp but none of our rookies had a better Camp than MLL and I know I was a little bullish in my last video on Mel but I said during it hey we’re probably going to see him or I think I said this probably going to see him struggle a little bit once we get to the scrimmages never looked out a place he never looked out a place he did struggle at moments in the scrimmage much like any of the guys who had a tough moment here or there but particularly once he settled in on those scrimmages it was the first couple of shifts you’re like okay all right no not same thing with the drills by the way first time he’d do a drill second time the one-on ones first time he’d lose it second time not the same mistake again doesn’t do it he doesn’t make the same mistake twice once he settled in during the scrimmages something that really really shown was his vision and his Edge work once you got him in tight and again this is another another big kid he doesn’t have the weight yet but he has the height 62 once you got him into a corner or a tight space it just just shiftiness he would get you off balance he would skitter away if you managed to pin him he wasn’t afraid of it and yeah he didn’t win every single battle but you’d get him against the boards he’d fight fight fight either strip it away in a quick move to a guy that you didn’t even see was open or sometimes he got bullied a little bit chevel de off was really trying trying to bring it to him I think he didn’t like how the one-on ones went on day three I cannot say enough positive things about what I saw from Melo he had he lost a couple battles to more physically Adept men men 21 year olds he’s 17 most of these guys had 20 maybe 30 pounds on them and he brought it to them the whole conversation about his motor I didn’t see that at all the whole Camp he finished every drill he listened to every coach he was locked in from start to finish and more often than not he beat the goenda shot when he felt good about it and he didn’t shy away from it he was hit in the back of the net he has a nice nice shot quality chances too he was creating I mean his defense was probably the biggest be like okay not great definitely needs work other than that though you you”ve got a lot of stuff there that you go fifth rounder he was bringing it and he showed a lot of flashes of Just Pure Hockey IQ there’s a lot to like about him Edge work and uh and his vision in particular really really nice again you’re betting on skating and you’re betting on hockey IQ those are two things I can really get behind the last pick of the draft for us was uh Lok Johansson he was very consistent I was actually prettyy impressed pressed very consistent across the board in his um his drills the scrimmages is where he started falling behind a little bit more he got beat a few times it’s a six round pick but I was pretty surprised where he didn’t look out of place on too many drills made some mistakes here and there particularly there was one skating drill where he was having trouble cutting the corners as sharply as he would have liked taking things really wide uh but at the end of the day for a six round pick showed up looked soft stayed consistent throughout listened locked in I think there’s some positives there obviously years and years away from from the next level but certainly not a bad camp for him certainly not all right I took way too long with the rookies so we’re going to talk about the good the meh and the bad all right the good is how I like to start and the most impressive defenseman at this development Camp I’m going to give you a second you say it out loud if you think you know who no it was Jackson Edward unless you said that then yes good job by you I thought it would be brune too I really did brune who I’m actually just skipping to real quick skating was super impressive his blue line play offensively really good other than that was he a level above the players around him for the most part yeah I would say so by a degree but he didn’t overly impress yes he played defense well which is kind of a knock of his cuz he’s a more offensive defenseman but he was in front of people he had this active stick he controlled the flow of play well during the scrimmages but there wasn’t something that really stood out to me all that much about brune’s play he kind of I don’t want to say he wasn’t being physical because he didn’t shy away from it but he kind of picked his spots if you will right like like a veteran basketball player who’s who’s deciding when to exert energy brune kind of felt like that throughout not a knock but he wasn’t overly impressive and then there’s Jackson Edward who particularly in the offensive zone where the the conversation has not been based for him has been great I he couldn’t have had a better camp in my opinion was he Flawless absolutely not but the skating was there not as good as brune by especially the reverse skating brune blew everyone out out out of the water but Edward was fine but skating was solid scrimmages physical nasty but kept it under wraps I think to a degree he’s like all right I can’t kill these guys physical though aggressive Defender he certainly didn’t shy away from jumping into the offensive zone pressures jumping down in the slot is turning into a bit of a net front Presence at times as soon as he’s a able to he had no problem getting in front of the goenda with him the only part that I could be like this was bad the transition defense boy did he commit he decided on something he committed and it burned him multiple times obviously transition defense huge part of the next level so going to have to figure that out but when I tell you he was the most talked to prospect by our coaching staff I mean I I cannot emphasize that enough someone was in his ear constantly and I don’t mean that in a negative way I mean that in a they like this kid they think he has something for the next level they’re trying to make sure he has everything he needs and even when he did something well there’s a coach in his ear and I believe that more often than not they were coming at a boy here we go right fantastic Camp the transition defense was a one like real sore spot other than that though he impressed across the board and he wins a lot of battles because I think he’s really mean in the corner I do not want to be in a corner with Jackson Edward either way I if there was one guy I could pick out that had the most uh or the biggest leap I should say in Camp that’s Edward from last year this year yeah big time another really good one Riley Durant felt like he couldn’t do anything wrong honestly his motor is what you talk about the most he is a constant pest he’s in the mix he’s adding more nasty to his game he fears no man and frequently was the much smaller guy in battles didn’t lose too many of them he is going to be a fourth line grinder that you love to cheer for one thing that I really didn’t expect and I don’t expect to translate to the next level the guy couldn’t miss the net he beat the gender every time not literally but it felt like every time if he took a shot or was in on net it was in the back of the net it was incredible to watch honestly and you you listen to the crowd around you and the other guys kind of analyzing we’re we’re we’re not in the seats typically we’re kind of above and and watching over the whole ice and you just hear someone go Duran again oh there’s Duran Duran Duran he made a great statement this camp and to the point do I think it happens no but going into training camp he’s gonna really make some coach’s decisions difficult we have a lot of bottom six guys if he firmly implants himself into that conversation the way it looks like he’s doing right now conversations just get tougher and tougher you love to see it for him because I don’t think there’s a single player in this organization who works as as hard as Riley Durant and it’s showed what an awesome camp for him and now we’re going to get to one of my personal favorites I’ve been talking about him a bunch over the last few months uh zelic he is at BC next year with lerno and gaso he has added some real nasty to his game he has an attitude I maybe I just didn’t recognize it as much earlier but it’s getting more and more intense which I’m not mad about he’s a smaller guy he doesn’t shy away from contact though or netfront battles he’s a strong finisher always focused on getting the puck to the net he’s got this third line trigger man figured out cuz he knows Puck to the net he knows how to get to the puck to the net he knows how to for check how to be a pest how to make a guy look over his shoulder there is so much about xelic game where you watch him and go oh he’s probably not oh yeah he came away with that one okay nice all right nice oh yep there he goes again is he going to oh he just went right through him there’s just so many moments where you can’t help but kind of oh I didn’t expect him to be able to yeah there he did he died it his handles are getting better and his offensive instincts strong he just gets it he’s a guy that just gets it I feel like he works his ass off and I know we’ve talked or I feel like we’ve talked about Je before about whether he was going to bring that intensity all the time he really brought it his consistency in just being part of the play over and over and defensively although he wasn’t shining in that area he was putting everything he had into it against bigger bodies kind of a refused to lose uh a camp for him and he had plenty of moments where people were saying his name and should have been he did lose some battles where you really felt like he had the advantage in them he would get there first and there were a few moments where all right you tried to get a little too clever there or something along those lines and and he did struggle with the bigger bodies a little bit and that’s when I started seeing more of the nasty he’s not afraid of those bigger bodies and he beat them a few times but there’s a few times he would get knocked down and slash comes out of nowhere right to the shin yeah he’d get called for that a few times if it weren’t a development Camp so as much as I liked the attitude and his aggression and he won some battles there’s still some work to be done especially in open Ice getting knocked over by some of these bigger guys but he just keeps getting up and keeps pushing I think this is another good camp for him I think this is his last year of BC and I I’m surprised by how many people have actually asked me about him I think a lot more people are are looking into him than I realized so that’s always nice to see I’m going to name two more in the good section there’s a lot of good maybe I’m just optimistic 21 years old 6’4 left wing gleb verv he was an invite uh he was the best of the invites by far no NHL team has his rights as far as I can tell he wasn’t like a Flawless dude by any means his offensive instincts skating shot ability to get his body between a Defender and the puck to protect it really really good really good kind of guy you keep an eye on he’s college right now I believe so just one of those guys that the organization all right that’s not a bad Camp defensively kind of a bad camp but offensively not a bad Camp you don’t expect a lot of a lot from these guys who are just invites who haven’t been drafted but as far as that goes I think he he really stood out amongst those kind of players and the last good player in the camp and that’s it’s a little rude to say but the one I would list is had in a good camp was Jonathan mirenberg who has spent another year overseas in Sweden but he’s one of those jack of all trades Defenders and he plays against men out there so it’s it’s nice that he’s he’s playing on a really good level against guys who have a physical advantage against them and I would say that as far as consistency goes no one in the camp was as consistent as mirenberg constantly at a good level did he Excel anywhere I wouldn’t say so I wouldn’t say he was ever the best in a drill in a scrimmage in a one-on-one well I guess in a one-on-one he won a couple of those but I wouldn’t say he was a superstar by any right but that kind of consistency across the entire game in a positive way and you’re building on that it was a good camp it was a really good camp for mirenberg and uh I know there’s a few guys around the team that really have their eye on him they think that he can continue to develop in a very positive way and becomes a third or or second pair guy that the team can count on in tough minutes those guys are worth a lot in the league when you can put them out there and go I know exactly what I’m getting and I know I’m getting it the entire shift the meh don’t read this as the bad the bad’s coming next the meh is just didn’t do enough to impress but certainly didn’t struggle enough to warm any concern and we’re going to start with my favorite Prospect that’s right L mels he’s about to start his second year at UMass his skating and physicality is still holding him back his physical attributes and I mentioned this in the last video are his weakest attributes he is not an elite talent talent physically an NHL Talent physically it’s just not what he is he wasn’t when we drafted him I I have never changed my opinion on that I’ve been very honest about that from the beginning during the drills during even the one-on ones it’s not where he shines it’s not where he’s at his best it’s not where you’re going to sit there and go he’s ready for the next level his skating isn’t bad it’s just not strong enough yet physicality it’s not it’s not there yet is he winning enough board battles not with his body he is and is he able to protect the puck not with his body he isn’t that being said the scrimmages start on day four and I’m nervous right I love this Prospect I’m so excited about what he does someday I want this so badly for him and for me sometimes you just get tied to one we’re fans what are you going to do you just pick a favorite sometimes so I’m nervous the scrimmage starts and I’m worried that he’s going to have a bad scrimmage and my faith is going to waver a little bit is that fair during development Camp no absolutely not but we’re human scrimmage starts and he immediately immediately turns the puck over and I’m like no please don’t do this to me gets the puck back finds a pass that no one saw in the building just no one he’s pinned to the top corner of the offensive zone and whips it around tape to tape giving an open chance to I believe xelic but don’t quote me on that one just a fantastic play and everyone goes o who was that I’m that was l m I know who that was I know who that was the rest of the scrimmage and then the three on threes that followed he used his vision his consistent put carrying ability again physically he’s not great at at protecting but if you’re struggling to catch him properly or to pin him in he’s Shifty enough where he’s going to get away from you and he can carry this and finds ways to make you miss over and over and over again until he finds something he likes and you might watch and go all right this is a little bit too much herob ball he’s holding this Puck for a while well there’s nothing there and guess what no one can take the puck from him so what does he care he’ll wait till there’s a play to be made and every time he would find a play to be made and make it the guy’s instincts and vision are insane they’re nuts his team play his understanding of structure Puck possession the entire time he was quarterbacking his unit every time and you could see the other players playing off of him they know who has the puck they know where they want to go and they know that he’s going to find them I can’t I cannot be more excited about how day four went for him I thought he was great the first three days nothing to write home about but this is a guy whose play on the ice is what matters I know that sounds ridiculous but not too often do you have prospects who don’t Excel physically but are still able to be that guy on the ice in a team setting I see so much of Ki in him I cannot I I can’t emphasize it enough I keep saying things like that but I can’t he’s he’s a little Cy that’s what I’m saying love day 44 the reason he’s in the me is because he had three days of being like is he right he wasn’t bad but it was like all right he’s just in the grouping also his shot isn’t anything to really write home about but I thought it’s improved I do think it’s improved but yeah just an okay camp but day four he had a really good one chevel de off is another me he’s another guy who does not have his rights owned by any team right now physical aggressive intense does whatever he needs to do to make sure he comes out on top does not consistently come out on top but the motor and the aggression is there and his really nice off Puck movement to help create these scoring opportunities I wouldn’t say he shines anywhere in particular but he’s aggressive and he had some nice moments throughout the camp uh also the last one Cole Spicer our little flunky he failed out of school he’s working his way back though it’s going to be fine really didn’t stand out until the last day where over and over and over and over and over again he beat guys in tight and finished his chances it was weird it was very I mean I know I just said all this about lot mels but he just didn’t look impressive throughout most of this camp in my opinion and then you put him in a team setting and had kind of a prick attitude wasn’t beating guys really physically or or with speed but was just finding his way around them and burying his chances it’s I don’t know what gets him to the next level it certainly isn’t going to be his physical traits but it seems like another high IQ guy has decent Vision willing to do what it takes to make the play I’m really not sure with him it it’s hard for me to see him at an NHL ceiling but he had a really really solid 200 foot presence on the last day the first few days nothing really to to highlight I would say decent shot though and another the bad The Bad includes a couple of guys that you’re probably going to ask about the first one being Harrison who is still allergic to contact that was a conversation through the whole Camp honestly he doesn’t drive the line doesn’t get on the boards often enough he is an unbelievable shot he sits in the top of the slot or over the circles and waits and when the puck gets to him he finishes a chance it’s in the back of the net none of the mentioned a go tender in this video none the go tenders were all that impressive to me but boy Harrison can shoot I mean I would watch a shooting competition between Harrison and poock right now and I do not know who would win that might be a little bit of a Bluster but damn man Harrison can shoot he also had five goals in 40 something games last year in Providence he doesn’t work hard enough he doesn’t get into the areas he needs to get into he’s not fast enough he’s not involved in transition unless he’s the guy in the back waiting for a drop pass there’s too much there that you go wow you have such great offensive instincts and an amazing shot where’s the rest of your game specifically effort and I hate I really went into this Camp going open mind maybe he’s maybe he’s going to hit this next level maybe he’s understand this just never really saw it personally had a good moment Here There and again couldn’t stop hitting the back of the net you need more than that though because at the the next level if you’re not in that position to take that shot and earn your way to that position it’s not going to do anything for you so that was not another not a good camp for Harrison uh gaso this is because of expectations I don’t think he was bad and he was intense he had that that intensity the motor was going he just didn’t stand out at all like at all I really I hope his season is good at BC I hope he gets a chance to work with lero and jelic on a line that’d be really funny all Bruins line for him but I just don’t and I think people disagree with me on this one there’s other people who went to the camp I think disagree but I didn’t see anything from him that I got all that excited about sorry I know a lot of people have asked about him another guy a lot of people have asked about Gallagher same exact thing didn’t Stand Out didn’t consistently win any defensive battles didn’t do enough with the puck on his stick he didn’t have great blue line play the only thing I can say is again the motor was going didn’t shy away from contact and had some nice moments where he rushed up and joined in front of the net and and battled in the offensive zone or defensive Zone in front of the net there was some nice moments there but outside of that really just didn’t do enough to to draw the eye and again his his path isn’t over but it’s it’s hard to see that next level for him in my opinion other bad ones uh Ryan Mast he signed an ELC a couple years ago which we all thought was way too early we were confused by that because there’s just so much he still has to work on his skating is holding him back so badly he just can’t keep up and he can’t create he can’t I mean he’s struggling to defend because he falls behind players that they too easy to shift away from and he could have gotten called for holding like six different times during the scrimmage but they weren’t really calling anything like that just not the skating’s not there and without the skating being at least a moderate level you just can’t hit the next step so really disappointed I I was hoping for kind of a jump from him and then kadinsky the seventh rounder from a couple of years ago or a year ago whatever it is the one who last Camp had to be taken aside and shown how to skate and how to stop his skating has really improved is it great no no I wouldn’t even say it’s but it has taken a huge jump his shot his Slap Shot is Charles Barkley golfing esque it’s it’s extremely awkward and uncomfortable but once he’s settled in a little bit and once you could see that the wheels weren’t turning as much and he was just playing the game the dude’s massive he was driving guys into the boards getting the puck out quickly he’s not a guy who’s going to make the first pass to to get the puck up ice but he’s going to clear the Zone I really enjoyed the fact that he was focusing on what was making him successful beat the [ __ ] out of the guy take the puck get it the hell out of Dodge I’m going to compliment the guy for that the reason he’s in the bad there is nowhere near enough traits to imagine an NHL future for this guy I love to root for him though and I I’ll believe until he’s no longer in the system he was a six-year project when we drafted him so let’s just see how that continues to go I just know I’m going to get some questions on him still huge still improving long road to go and guys that’s it that’s all I want to mention for this video uh if there is somebody that you would like an opinion on in the comments I’m more than happy to answer those but these are the ones that stuck out in one way or another and of course these are just my opinions I think it would be really fun as a fan of course I’m going to do a little bit of myself of this myself do a little bit of myself do this a little bit as well a lot of people went to this Camp a lot of people are going to be covering it a lot of Articles and podcasts will have different information out there of their opinions so I’m really curious to see how many of them have different takes about this because we’re all not professional Scouts right we’re fans of the game we watch it a lot we make our criticisms we keep moving but I’m really curious to see what other people might have these uh these takes and that different from mine so should be interesting let me know below if there’s anyone else you want to chat about but for now I would say go bees go bees and of course we have to say a big old thank you to the highquality inspectors who happen to all be 10 out of tens not sure if you guys knew that we’ve got our Topline tier inspectors GD V Works Tiffany Hegel Chris and Erica Len Cruz moonlighter TV the bugman Brock nope Han slowmo coach D the atomic lizard Bradley Johnson Aaron Adams just Aaron Darren Woodbury Brett Arie pinent and Nick Zulo absolute studs 10 out of 10 I’m not kidding every single one of them and of course there’s the highest of high quality inspectors the allstar tier 12 out of 10 can you believe it so hot we’ve got the Mad Marcus Adrien winter Tyler mccort tupton deashi John Kirk Jacob Pratt H E coyote Michael doollo wolf Warrior Vinnie Adam Ella Bruin smash Joel Aion da kinger the only NES a tasty snack dutes 42 and Jeremy you guys are stallions you’re all legends and I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you and your help with keeping this channel going thank you and go bees

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  1. Super stoked to have met you at Dev Camp! All the fun conversations we had, drills we watched, and jokes we shared was a blast. Will push back about Pelosi, though, I think his camp kept getting better and better, with a really good scrimmage on him. But regardless, lovely to meet you in the flesh, and GO BSSSSSSSS

  2. I hate all the people trash talking Poitras and calling him soft lately. He isn't in full swing because he had shoulder surgery a little less than 5 months ago. I had mine a little later than his and my surgeon won't let me even get close to playing soccer yet. Imo he's back on the ice pretty early and it's expected and normal for him to not be full force in all the drills. (I saw some people yapping on social media)

  3. I’m hoping laterneau becomes like Derek Henry. Slow first step but when he gets going you can’t stop him. Meaning slow to start but can get up to speed.

  4. I’m just praying lysell makes the jump we need. The only thing about lysell I’m nervous about is you can’t put him on line 1 to play with the better of lindholm and Zacha so he plays with Coyle and Marchy. Not sure those two are the best to bring out the ceiling of Lysell. Could go Marchy lindholm pasta I suppose then Zacha Coyle Lysell but I don’t like that either.

  5. I met Marchand in his first rookie and development camp. He guaranteed 30 goals on Boston. He scored like 20 in Providence. But I respected the confidence.

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