@Boston Bruins

Who Will Replace Jake DeBrusk? | Poke the Bear

Who Will Replace Jake DeBrusk? | Poke the Bear

this is the guy that seems ready to make that next jump and you know will it work out or not remains to be seen but I think you look at the last couple years where he’s put up good numbers in Providence but it’s like all right we need to see the compete level be more consistent we need to see the defensive game round out a little bit more it feels like now they’re like all right he’s he’s checked all these you know he’s hit these barometers there in terms of what they’re looking for now it’s all about getting the opportunity and rolling with it and seeing what you can do at the next level poke the bear is powered by Price pick the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network and welcome in to poke the bear episode 243 presented by prize pick go use that promo code clns to get up to $100 cash back uh on that first deposit and our friends at game time go use the promo code clns to get $20 off your first purchase terms apply I’m Evan marowski that is Connor Ryan Connor what is up Evan I’m doing well how you doing doing great doing great I know this is coming out after July 4th uh but uh any big plans for the fourth uh ringing in the I almost said ring in the New Year but oh you got an American flag shirt on there you go you’re very patriotic I like it yes uh I’m fully ready Evan to delete a couple of glizzies have some hot dogs not fire off any fireworks those are illegal in the state of Massachusetts but I’m ready to I’m ready to delete some food get some uh you know those great like little sugar cookies you get at like Stop and Shop they’re they’re at every superm the little cookies like the frosting that like you know it’s they’re all nut free those are all nutree by the way those are gas you bite it there’s no crunch it’s just like a it’s soft it’s it’s lovely it tastes great it’s slowly you can tell it’s eating away at the enamel on your teeth but you don’t really care that’s what Dentures are for so it’s great it is a perfect perfect little shirt you got coming up here remember what Charles Barkley was saying how San Antonio women eat churros and they’re like like that’s how I eat those cookies like constantly they’re so good and they red white and blue got little sprinkles on them they’re great perfect oh my God what do you need yeah screw Great Britain and the British um by the way uh I I got I have a little Fourth of July take uh before we get into brewing and stuff because I know there’s a lot uh I’m not the biggest hot dog guy I’m not the biggest Gizzy guy I don’t know I i i l when I that was that’s it two-minute episode it’s perfect um just all I think I don’t know like they just sit in my stomach funny I don’t know what it is um I just I prefer cheeseburger I prefer a cheeseburger so DOL that’s my thing I do golf yes but so you don’t have you don’t relish relish get it you don’t enjoy you don’t enjoy the best part of the after round of 18 going to like the clubhouse having a post golf post post round Gizzy you don’t enjoy that Gizzy and a nice cold beverage WP I’ll take like a chicken C wrap or a burger or something like that you know but that’s just me that’s just me supposed you get the two glizzies dude the two glizzies a little mused a little little relish a little little fiddlehead IPA talking about how badly you suck the last four hours with your friends what do you need it’s true but and and you and I disagree I’m not a big IPA guy at least yeah I’m still like I still enjoy like a Kors light or a you know but I love like a Good Sam Summer Good Corona good Blue Moon we don’t b smch a couple light especially in the summertime there’s no there’s no slander for me don’t worry no I appreciate I’ll slander to you about the hot dogs I don’t slendy B cause light I don’t know hot tucks there just better Meats there’s better meat to eat that’s just me that’s just me not saying everybody’s got to be that way um but that’s it’s h it’s it’s my choice it’s my choice um it’s your patriotic to say you don’t like it’s my right it’s my right uh people who I don’t remember or know that maybe I have some ancestral tie to fought in the Revolutionary War and uh I can eat how I want because that’s how they fought so there you go Jed jedadiah jedadiah marowski Crossing the Delaware he was yeah he was he was on that boat he was on that boat um changed his name to just Kevin you know so yes fit in around here of course any anyways the marowski family goes way back uh in in to the Declaration of Independence um Bruins uh this is an interesting week in terms of Dev Camp free agency um and I think the big question that’s on kind of on everyone’s mind right now is you know the depth charts are out there everyone’s doing the depth chart stories looking at what the lines are going to be next year and everything’s fairly set the bottom six is full uh on defense you definitely have seven there that are going to be playing quite a bit um your Top Line looks pretty set but what doesn’t set is that second line right wing um and you know a lot of names have been flown around it doesn’t seem like the Bruins are going to sign anybody for it there aren’t many free agents left but there aren’t like many high-end free agents left they don’t really have the money to do that because you gotta sign San so who do you want to see as that second line rightwing well I mean I think if you listen to what the top evaluators and the top uh you know Player Development coaches and all those people are saying within the Bruin system it feels like Fabian was getting set up for a pretty significant push here I mean you had Don Sweeny before the draft mentioning L was a guy that if he didn’t get injured at the end of the regular season he might have had a chance to get into the lineup over that you know the the two or three weeks at the end of the regular season where you usually you’re able to give those guys those spots and then I know Ryan muel mentioned on Wednesday of just how much lysel developed um and was kind of knocking on the door and should be a guy that can make a you know legitimate push during training train camp and I feel like it’s kind of been a little bit different in terms of what we’ve heard in the past like I think you know Lys has been in the system for a couple years and every Dev Camp we’ve heard about the strides he’s made and you know how promising of a player is and it’s all about just rounding out his overall game and and what’s next now it seems like the you know I don’t know if it’s whether it’s a circumstance of the fact that there is a vacancy there in the top six but from what like muel these guys are saying it feels like obviously not a finished product like that’s the wrong way to phrase it but this is the guy that seems ready to make that next jump and you know will it work out or not remains to be seen but I think you look at the past couple years where he’s put up good numbers in Providence but it’s like all right we need to see the compete level be more consistent we need to see the defensive game round out a little bit more it feels like now they’re like all right he’s he’s checked all these you know he’s hit these barometers there in terms of what they’re looking for now it’s all about getting the opportunity and rolling with it and seeing what you can do at the next level like lysel always feels like a guy that once he kind of hit where he can be a point perame guy in the AHL he’s like I’m here I’m ready maybe now all of a sudden he can Elevate that or it can translate to the next level we’ll see what happens but from what the the coaches and everyone else has said so far during Dev Camp again this is like the first Dev camp in years where he’s not actually there Fabian lysel but it’s still kind of a a lingering narrative just in terms of that vacancy in the top six it does seem like they’re going to give him every opportunity during the preseason to do what he can and if he can’t roll with it and and grab that rooll then you know shame on him because it does seem like they’re kind of carving out a path where he has the means to open the year with at the NHL roster I want to see them try it like this is the chance and this is his shot like and this is the thing like goes back to we talked about on Bruin speed earlier this week um when I was saying how you know I don’t like you know that they they didn’t really address Wings in free agency but then we kind of said at the end like you do have the guys in the system or a guy in lysel that would actually fit here if you know his that’s what his potential is a top six uh right winger and here’s your shot here’s a chance um and development takes a long time we talk about this all the time we’ve been talking about it with Dean Lono we’ve been talking about it with players for a long time like guys develop at different pace not everybody’s David pook uh it’s stupid to assume that everybody is and guys take time to grow and to you know shape and I know mu Janelle talked on Wednesday about how you know him coming over from Europe he PR itiz different things than you know a lot of the North American game did and it takes time to get that into a young guy’s head and it’s worked for him for so long so uh you know understanding that you know hey if you’re great on defense that’s not like the end of the shift you you can produce a lot of offense from good defense I think drilling that into his head so this is his shot and I think when you look at what his skill set is what he can be what he’s been projected to be could be a second line right winger and I think we’ve said this before like if he you know it’s a lot to ask but what if during this year he gives you like 20 goals I mean you take that you take that every time uh and fitting alongside a marshan in a coil potentially I think you know the opportunity is there it sort of reminds me um I think it was that covid shortened 2020 21 season so really just the 2021 season when um I think it was either berson or Cree was hurt and Jack stad Nika got like the first crack at at being a Topline Center and he was legit Top Line Center for like a game and then he the dogghouse and Cassidy was like all right no more of that um but I I do think with uh um with lysel I think it’s going be a longer leash because they need that second line rightwing spot it needs to hit um and I think you know you’re better team when guys like Trent Frederick are on the third line or Morgan geeki are on the third line um you’re better when Matt ptra is down the middle um you’re better when Georgie marula I think is down the middle I think you want to develop him as a center uh and see what he can give you so to me like I agree with you I think lysel is the play there it looks like it’s sort of his spot to lose um you know I don’t like a brazo I I don’t I think that’s again a better guy in the bottom six if he goes off and he’s you know can’t miss and scoring goals then yeah you move them up but starting the year with Frederick or brazzo or geeki on that right side I think you know you know what those guys are lysel you don’t this is a real opportunity we’ve said this for a long time like you’re not bringing lysel in to play you know 10 minutes a night on the fourth line you’re not you know they brought marula in played eight minutes on the fourth line like that’s just a taste that’s just dipping your toe in the water you don’t know what the water temperature actually is and how you’re going to react to it when after you just jump in so um yeah I mean I think likea it seems like he’s sort of the fit there and yeah I’m cool with that like I’m I’m cool with that you know I’m not saying it’s going to work but it’s time you see what you got from the kid and hey maybe he gives you a ton and you trade him down the road or you’ve got a rightwing of the future which you don’t seem to have a lot of um outside of Pasto so I think that that is a good thing um one thing that also happened Wednesday these uh these new Bruins have been doing zooms it’s like we’re back in covid it’s like you know freaking uh you know back on the can I raise my hand you know but I get it obviously have to do it because these guys are are are far away uh yonas Corp pasalo spoke to the media on uh Wednesday and you know he was asked a lot about um you know the Senators and what that was like and he you know pointed the ownership changes the GM changes uh but I said ultimately it’s up to him like he’s got to be better um and I’m curious what you kind of took away from those comments yeah I mean I think for him the the one thing that kind of stood out is him mentioning that he doesn’t really feel like it’s all about completely overhauling his game which I mean if you’re a goalie Who’s 30 who’s been in the league for seven eight years now right like I don’t think you’re completely starting from scratch going uh you know beginning there yeah it’s not going to work you’re a little bit too far into things right to do that I don’t know um but yeah like I think it was good that you know he admits that yeah last year was you know more or less a [ __ ] show with with uh with Ottawa and that can weigh on a player same as you know Elias lindol mentioning like in Calgary like going into the year uh knowing that you’re going to be a pending free agent knowing pretty early on you’re gonna get traded all those things that kind of weigh on you as a player um but corpor solo again cuts back to the fact that he just needs to be better um and mentioned you know working with uh goalie Bob Bob asza and how that could kind of bring more out of him um which is is you know it’s encouraging that he’s saying all the right things it’s still I think remains to be seing what the Bruins ultimate plan will be there I think you know they hope they can get something out of Corpus solo I don’t know why you would take on that contract at a 25% hit if you didn’t think you could get something out of him as a solid backup but we’ll see right like you still have Brenan busy you still have this weird situation where um I think it was uh Bruin’s cap space who I think was the first one I saw who kind of brought up the scenario of like it could be you see what you have in corpor Solo but if he’s not strikingly better than Brennan busy then I think you take the the cap hit of putting corpa Solo in Providence it’s you know only I think 1.15 million you save so not a whole lot but better than a player with a $3 million cap hit who’s not giving you as much and you you you roll with busy as you’re back up there so that you know that also falls on like with cell bu needs to make the most of his opportunity and make it work but um yeah it’s very inter to see like what the Bruins can kind of coax out of a player like corpal who again should have a really good Decor in front of them like um as much as we talked about you know the Bruins last year were prone to more um you know giving up high quality chances great a looks you look at you know one through six what the Bruins have now with zadorov in there um it should be a good group you should have strong defensive structure you add a goic alive Lindholm who’s a great two-way centerman as well um you had a lot of guys in the bottom six who are good on draws uh the team in front of him should be a lot better but if corello can’t hold up his end of the B and again we’re not saying he’s gon to be you know we’re g to be in dece early December and he’s gonna have like a 924 save percentage but if he can be a capable backup then I think the brones are going to give him the leeway and work with him to you know have him kind of reestablish himself but again all kind of falls on him what he can make out of it it does and I want to get into this goal tending uh situation because everyone’s focused on swayan resigning and yeah it’s very valid we’re all waiting for that to happen we don’t want arbitration again but busy or Corp pasalo I think this is a big thing and I want to get into that in a sec but first quick word from our friends over at the NBA finals are over and the Celtics are champions but there’s still so many ways for you to get in on the action and win up to 100 times your cash on prize picks as you and the world’s best plays take the game to a whole new level on the court based basball diamond and much more with prize picks you could turn $10 into $11,000 in a single game watching your favorite sports this summer you can make a prize pick lineup in as little as 60 seconds you just need to pick more or less on two to six player stats projections and you’re locked in prize picks is America’s number one fantasy sports app with over 5 million active members get on the daily action your friends and become part of the prize picks Community today quick withdrawals easy gameplay and a huge selection of players and stat types are what makes prize picks the number one daily fantasy sports app with the Finals over the 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you bring Corp pasalo into the mix uh I think it’s a fascinating look at like because again you know Corpus solo has had some good stretches like he had that you know those 11 games in Los angelist that he was strong in two years ago um was a promising young goalie for Columbus at one time uh he’s not old by any means um maybe with some coaching from goalie Bob that you know there’s some uh uh improvements made for sure you know playing with the Bruins whatever um I still get worried that you’re just kind of you’re you’re keep you keep pushing down busy like that’s the one thing where it’s like what’s your plan there you know I mean and the other thing is like I I also wonder this like if Corp pasalo has an outstanding training camp and looks real good going into the season like do you trade busy like that’s the other thing too like how do you juggle all these guys and and how do you not stifle bus’s development I think think it’s a a real concern yeah I think the one thing that kind of irked me at the end of last year there’s a couple times terms like again you look at last season and you had guys like be and you had guys like Lura and ptra who all had these opportunities in rign with them but you also have like Georg G marel playing two games and playing I think if my math is correct I think he played about three minutes and 11 seconds per game that’s what it felt like felt like he played one shift yeah no I’m joking it was like it was like nine minutes I’m joking you’re right though it was it was very minuscule amount of of time on ice so you look at that you look at there was that stretch right where uh omark got got hurt on that West Coast trip or out in the desert wherever it was and you didn’t you pretty much ran with sing the entire way there um instead of going with like busy for at least one game right you’re playing a couple of honestly pretty [ __ ] teams out west um yeah um was a chance there and then once you have stuff more or less locked up at the end of the year not getting bus in for at least one game see how he does again like gending is so you know volatile in terms of the Baseline numbers that um you know it shouldn’t let one bad start necessarily like you know ruin your perception of a player but good just to get him in a game see what he has right like you look at like I remember I think he started the first preseason game and he had that crazy like uh diving glove save I forget who they played but I think it was the first preseason game of the year right so V flashes that and all of a sudden you have you know people excited about his development and he builds confidence up you have a guy that can go into the year going into the offseason thinking that all right like I’m on the right path got my first taste not taking advantage of that when you had that opportunity and now he’s again in this limbo where you know is he he’s gonna go into I’m sure going into Camp he’s gonna think he’s competing for the backup job but again if it’s all things equal between him and Corpus solo and Corpus solo has a 912 save percentage in a couple of preseason games and plus he has a 910 they’re probably going to go with corpa solo unlike unless like it’s just the the money and the the way they crunch things doesn’t work out or their short you know 500k or something in terms of another deal they want to make or or whatever it is like it’s not cut and dry and you run the risk if you’re the Bruins of once again either stagnating busy’s development or giving away for nothing and putting him on waivers right like it’s it’s kind of a tough spot to put a guy that again you sign it’s the Bruns have this track recet of signing these undrafted free agents out of college that end up being good value players letting a goalie especially walk that you’ve developed last couple years who could be something and that’s also the issue right we don’t necessarily know because you haven’t given him a look yet so but if he does walk and he gets claimed on waivers it’s big waste of a couple years of investment in a good goalie who could make you pay a couple years down the road if he’s playing for another team especially in the East well you look at sort of like when when a when there’s a good young goalie who comes up who comes up behind an established younger goalie you know like San is is the guy Swan is number one the number one for sure busy comes up plays well behind swayan shows a lot of Promise obviously he’s had a great AHL career you might have a team bite on a guy like uh Brandon busy down the road in a trade where it’s like you know he’s done a couple years in the NHL he’s clearly a starter but not going to start here they’re not going to do the tandem again you get a team that needs a goalie gonna give you something for him and I think with cor pasalo like if you you know rehab him so to speak and he improves and his numbers get better sure you can trade him but there’s always that track record of oh he wasn’t that great prior to Boston you know whereas bu you don’t have that he’s just a young fresh goalie and I think that’s more appealing to team so that’s kind of where that Corp pasalo contract uh is is sort of annoying in the sense like you know even if corpos solo gives you good play which very well could happen like it wouldn’t shock anybody if that was the case what do you do about busy and that’s the thing I think that’s going to be a storyline that we talk a lot about um over the summer and try to get clarity on because you know again that’s a good young goalie is hard to come by and you have it and you’ve had him for a couple years now um something that you should have had a couple year had for a couple years now it’s game time here’s our friends over at the Celtics are Champs the Bruins are hibernating and Patriots training camp is still months away but it’s the summer and the Red Sox are heating up at just the right time and if you’re a socks fan and want to catch a game at Fenway 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much there it’s not going to be a heck of a lot there um so far through uh I we’re this is coming out Friday so we have not seen the scrimmage yet uh I might I may or may not have went to the beach instead of watching the scrimmage I must admit no glizzies no no glizzies no maybe actually I don’t know I I don’t know if I packed a lunch so if I pack a lunch maybe but if not if that’s there I’m eating a Gizzy I’m eating a Gizzy you go um who stood up to you so far at Dev Camp uh I mean I think in terms of everyone will obviously I think look at l know who’s an intriguing player right in terms of just how rangy he is and I think it’s the number one thing that sticks out to me like the skating has been pretty solid he’s got good strides um you can just tell he’s a bit of a project right in terms of just how lanky he is but you can see like especially in some of these battle drills where um he’s you can see why if he fills out and he continues to got to play into that size he can really be a Difference Maker there but he’s a couple years away which again it’s not like this is a guy you saw and you’re like this is going to take a while this is going to take more than a little bit of duct tape right like you can see like wow if he fills out and goes along the developmental timeline that we all expect like he could really be an intriguing guy um moving forward so I think that’s encouraging but i’ would say Riley Duran’s a guy that has looked pretty good uh so far in Camp and he’s another guy that you look at merkulov you look at lysel does seem like from me listen to musel and some of these other guys um that Duran’s right there uh and I I think I think it was Adam McQuade mentioned on Tuesday he’s like this is you know not to sound disrespectful but he’s just a very simple player but you look at how he plays and the motor he plays with um there’s a lot of value in terms of what he could bring in a bottom six role the brunes have no shortage of guys that could fill out those kind of roles further down the depth chart but you do look at just the way he’s played um especially shot which I think is kind of stood up to me in Camp so far and which I think was kind of the last missing element as to whether or not he could be a guy that could be an everyday fourth line player in the NHL but I think Durant’s one guy that even if maybe there’s a bit of a log Jam this year he’s probably the next guy up if you’re looking for kind of that call up from profit and Spock plug all those kind of things I agree Duran’s been great I think you know you as you mentioned like muel said on Wednesday like kind of expect didn’t expect this amount of skill out of him I didn’t expect this he’s giving you that so I agree I think Duran’s been won some other that I’ve liked you know on Wednesday they did a lot of three Onre a lot of battle drills um Oscar Yelich and Andre gaso um gaso moves well for a guy who’s 64 215 I know he’s a seventh round pick um but again he’s getting developed at BC still obviously has a little ways to go in his development but heavy shot like I’ve liked that so far I you know I don’t know what his ceiling is going to be I don’t know what you can really project him as um again it’s going to take time and Providence uh whenever the time comes he moves Pro but I think he’s a an interesting guy has the size um can move well so like gasso is one and then as I mentioned like Yelich like partially I think Yelich looks good because like there’s no one else at his size that moves like him in this camp like everybody’s huge there’s you know uh three three guys in the whole camp that are under six feet like that’s crazy Cole Spicer Yelich and danl melis who that’s a UMass guy and Matt Potter by the way so four um P’s like not even like a de I know he’s at Dev camp but it’s like it is very funny that he’s just back there once again like I get coming off the shoulder injury young guy but like he’s just chilling he just there for the he’s like the veteran of it yet there are people four years older than him at the at the camp um but yelich’s Speedy Shifty you know I don’t know what his NHL ceiling is going to be just given his size I mean he’s 5’10 uh 181 you know plays with Attitude physical all that stuff so maybe he does carve an NHL roll out for himself he had 41 points this uh last year with BC um you know at the very least I think though he’s a very great AHL player at the very least and you know what there’s value in that there’s value I know people only care about what happens in Boston there’s nothing wrong with a great career in the AHL and he might end up cracking the NHL I’m not saying he’s not but I’m saying like his floor is he could be a great uh AHL player so again um take that for what it’s worth um and then and I think the Yelich and gesso being good is interesting because BC looks looks at their lineup and they feel that um you know last year they had you know Heavy Hitters up front you lose Smith you lose gotier I’m sorry Connor it looks like Ryan Leonard is definitely coming back uh B not great yeah that’s not good for you um but they have a top nine they have a lot in their in their top nine they have like guys like Teddy stega coming in they have Hagen obviously that Top Line most likely if perau Higgins and Leonard is going to be filthy um but then you know yeah not good but like lero will play the middle most you know I don’t see why he wouldn’t um and you know is he between Yelich and Gau like I think that’s a really intriguing line if you can make that work you know you also have guys like Stiga will vote others but like I I think that’s an interesting thing if they end up putting lerno between um Yelich and gaso um so that’s one thing to watch um this is by I guess because he’s from New England uh but I like ellot Greenwald I like him I do um good stick like I’ve I haven’t seen anything new like I’m not like oh wow he’s a phenomenal Puck mover but just like one-on-one defense defending the rush in some of these drills he never quits good stick positioning Mel talked about you know the importance of a good stick uh on Wednesday so I like green wall too so you know not to say everybody else sucks but you know those are the guys and yeah there’s a lot of guys and it’s been three days and most of the days have been skill work drills skating drills there’s I’m sorry like I know we say this every year you there’s nothing you can take most times like I tweeted a video of Dean Loro skating and it was just like the first skating drill day my God people are like this is so misleading it’s like no it’s just a drill like you know take what you want from it it’s just him skating it’s not I’m not saying he’s good at skating I’m not saying he’s bad at skating it’s just him skating and that’s it um so that’s been that it’s a hard any camp like this is impossible for goalies like goalies rarely look good at events like this I mean you can’t um most summer events a goalie is not going to be looking great um so you know another interesting one though is Mike Master Dominico I don’t he wasn’t drafted uh there’s a defenseman good guy like I don’t know maybe they signed him he’s still at Notre Dame so you know could be a college free agent signing I don’t know so yep we’ll see interesting stuff at Dev Camp um you mentioned under the radar Pros in the system would yours be Riley Duran at this point I would say I mean I feel like he’s gu probably not even under the radar now in terms of like he seems like he’s got a pretty easy flaw to chat out right in terms of being a um a fourth line guy that could very well be in that mix maybe sooner rather than later I’d say probably underrated um I mean like Gast I would think is a good one in terms of a seventh round pick who like produced even before BC got an All-Star lineup he was good as freshman year as well as a big body high motor which is I think a good thing to see the brones targeting those kinds of players um so I like G’s game Yelich as you said is a really intriguing player that has some good you know middle six upside right if you can to play at this level which I think is encouraging um then underrated I don’t if it’s underrated but intriguing um and you can’t really glean I think his skills probably at Dev Camp because it probably not look good if he’s just obliterating his fellow Bruins uh teammates but Jackson Edward a guy who’s gonna go up to Providence this year again a seventh round pick so if you take you’ll take anything out of what these guys can contribute whether to the AHL or the obviously the NHL but um Edward’s a guy where I feel like we’re going to see a whole lot of uh our friends who uh clip you know non-stop these videos in Providence Bruins Network who continues to trip me for no reason I would like to say kind of kind of being a jerk but he’s on top of his Bruins prospects um between that wait what is the what’s the history on the Linguini what’s the past thing well no I I’m not going to reveal his identity for for people who who don’t know him but I he he has an Instagram and he’s he like will post a photo of like an impeccable like three little raviolis it’s like a very fancy like pasta dish but it’s like it’s it’s like three strands of Linguini like buddy get some Chef boati or something what are you doing what are you doing spos exactly get have a hotti your meal dude [ __ ] so I didn’t know that I didn’t know that kid I kid but we know I I know that this upcoming year whether it’s you know video clips we’re going to see online or like diver watching games in Providence it’s gonna be like just Jackson Edward wreaking havoc the guy’s like a wrecking ball out there so’s video for sure yes exactly like uh there will be you know clips of that where he’s probably going to be uh going crazy out there on the ice but he has the se you know the floor of a guy that can be a third pairing no Frills really physical player and you look at Adam McQuade or you look at like Kevin Miller those guys like they had pretty productive NHL careers so I think that’s a guy that you look at just what that Dynamic is and where the league is so heavy on skill and speed now not to say that like he’s onedimensional at word but the fact that he is so aggressive and is so physical makes him kind of an outlier in today’s game so I think that’s a guy that’s worth keeping tabs on because he could be a guy that just the way he plays he could have a pretty uh fruitful NHL career down the road yeah I I go back to like you mentioned like seventh round picks and and like if you can get anything out of a seventh rounder at any level of your Club AHL NHL whatever you take it and uh by the way though if Jackson Edward ends up hitting and Jack Edwards is like it’s it’s the post Jack Ed what a waste wasted wasted opportunity such a wasted opportunity um but I agree with you and I think G so is an interesting one I mean Yelich was only a fifth so like that’s the other thing like if those guys can give you anything um you take it the reality is most of these guys not going to pan out not going to do a heck of a lot most of them but you take what you can get uh you look for it’s it’s very interesting to me to see like seventh rounders um looking good and then guys who were picked in like the third and fourth round who you know getting past a bit you know and I think that’s an interesting thing of Player Development and I we talk about this all the time people develop at different times it takes you know shorter longer for some people and I think people have to just be patient and I know that’s hard I know people want everybody you know people are gonna want Dean lero in the NHL like next year it’s like no wait a don’t do that don’t do that you need to wait um so uh and so far from lero through like three days I mean it hasn’t been a ton to watch but like you’re 100% right in that clearly raw lot of work to do the the tools are there definitely has you know sneak a really good shot um all that stuff um needs to fill out a bit like you can knock him down fairly easily for a 67 guy but he’s 18 years old and 67 of course he’s gonna go down um so I think that you know not saying he’s gonna be you know 100% a number one Center someday but like be patient at least be patient before people uh start to say what he is and what he isn’t um anyways Connor what could the people look forward to from you over at the globe and yeah you can uh we’ll have you covered every step of the way this off season now that we’re past the the the busy stretch we’ll slow things down just a little bit but we’ll have you covered if you will not you will not be slowing things down your own life you got some stuff going on coming up yeah I’ve got I’ve got my own wedding coming up and things like that but when Leon dry cdle does get traded to the Bruins the night of my wedding emergency pod will be no okay we’ll we’ll we’ll see we we’ll roll with the punches when that happens but anything you’ll be on your flight you’ll be on your flight to your honeymoon and that that will happen that will probably happen yes thank God for uh inflight Wi-Fi but regardless of what goes on this offseason whether it’s trades signings anything like that we’ll have you covered every step of the way over at and the Boston Globe and you can follow me on Twitter X whatever you want to call it uh over at Conor Ryan 93 go do all that you and Sarah Kirkpatrick signing a lifetime deal that’s a yes that’s a hell of a free agent signing uh yeah absolutely it’s better than a PT yeah PT would be tough yeah we we’ve we I say I do to a professional Tri out agreement that would be uh that would be as good as it gets uh anyways Connor always fun um happy fourth to you and our uh United States of America listeners uh and uh you poke the be listeners have a great rest of your week [Music]

On this episode of Poke the Bear, Conor Ryan and Evan Marinofsky discuss who will replace Jake DeBrusk on the second line, and if the Bruins’ best option could be an internal one. That, and much more!


– Who will slot in with Brad Marchand and Charlie Coyle on the second line?

– Fabian Lysell has the inside track

– Joonas Korpisalo’s recent comments

– Who has stood out at Development Camp?

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  1. Consider that the obvious is that there is a difference between an 18-year-old body and a 21-your-old body. (It's a lot like the difference between a 12 and 13-year-old…Little League & Babe Ruth.) Now layer the rest (of the development) on top of that.

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