@Buffalo Sabres

A Franchise Reborn – Sabres Trade Savoie For McLeod

A Franchise Reborn – Sabres Trade Savoie For McLeod

[Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] hi good evening everybody welcome to another episode of a franchise reborn and guys I’m a little lost with this one okay I was planning to do a video on the bottom six it won’t be tonight I am like out of commission guys this is just even to stand up is hurting right now my sciatic is completely shot ever since I became a Grandpa I haven’t even read your notes yet guys but I want to thank you for the support I’m sure uh you dad’s out there and your grandpa’s out there and you Granny’s and moms everybody’s like uh uh gets into that time when a baby’s born eh so um guys this move I’m dumbfounded I am I’ll tell you before I get into this Ryan McLoud story okay I called my buddy right away he’s an Emon Oilers fan so I called Abe I said look what’s the story with Ryan McLoud he goes why I said you traded him to us he goes what did we get I said we gave you Matthew seavoy one of our top prospects he goes are you kidding me that’s his first reaction he goes oh I like that deal so this guy I don’t know I don’t know I’ll tell you what I do know okay looking at the numbers I don’t enough don’t know enough about this player I just don’t I know he’s a role player in emont okay no he’s not as bad as like aoso was on Buffalo the numbers look the same but I’d rather have this guy at 24 but look he had 12 goals 18 assists let’s look at the numbers as I’m talking all right 12 goals 18 assists 30 points you seen in the play offs he four goals no assists in in their playoff run I’m sure you’ll see that most of those games he played like 10 11 12 minutes but 30 points and his plus minus he was a plus 10 now let’s look a little deeper into the numbers here okay so there you see it again let’s look far right guys all right he had 3 uh 34 blocks he only had 65 hits in 81 games which for me kind of sucks but the stat I did like the takeaways and giveaways were very good 66 takeaways 48 giveaways very good there and faceoffs won 365 faceoffs lost 353 for a 50.8 in the faceoffs in his career he’s 49% on the faceoffs it’s not bad but if you do look at one stat that for me kind of stands out his shooting percentage is 11.9 and guys I’ve always said 11% is the magic number we’ve got to get this guy shooting more this year even in a bottom role on this team besides that average ice time 13 minutes 41 seconds in his career this year he played about 14 minutes per game average numbers average everything I’m lost with this call now I don’t want to go and start saying I know this is wrong this is stupid cuz I don’t know I I I don’t know how this guy’s going to be as a saber guys I don’t know what we’re going to see but to give up seavoy you know to give up seavoy that’s for me that’s one of our top prospects I’m a little taken back by this and uh maybe uh there was grumblings I don’t know uh there could be I don’t know what it is uh why we were willing to part with him I really don’t understand um yeah like you know if you look at uh L Freedman the Sabers have traded away you know uh say Oilers traded McLoud to the Buffalo Sabers no word yet with the return assum it is droping okay well this is before they knew it was seavoy seavoy it’s a lot I I’m a little uh uh like my immediate Instinct with this I don’t like it uh a TI Tulio I’ll I’ll just check him as we’re speaking I don’t know anything about this guy and you just never know guys what’s you know what Diamond’s in the rough and so on but um you know this is a prospect he is 22 years old 5′ 10 165 lbs he played for the Condors in the AHL last year nine goals 12 assists not much there’s not much there he was a fifth round pick so there’s nothing really much to talk about when it comes to Tulio really no size no goals no assists like I don’t know I don’t know guys look I get of voice not the largest guy it’s the first thing Abe said to me but guys for to when you give away like a high-end Prospect like this I would I I’m I’m underwhelmed today I’m not impressed with this trade at all but I don’t want to judge it till I see McLoud in a saber’s uniform and if he gives us anything resembling good hockey solid like solid thir line Center then okay then we’ll live with it right then we’ll live with it because it’s what we need right now but I’m just trying to figure out how Adams gave away such a high-end pick he’s this is not like Adams guys this is like you know Adams is he’s tighter than a drum when it comes to giving up our prospects so I’m a little surprised with this one I wonder if Lindy was behind it saying look this kid you know I like his game who knows um I’m trying to figure out I am just trying to figure out what the hell is going on with u with this deal um because there has to be something I’m not seeing there has to be guys now there’s many times I look back at our history okay and I’ll tell you what I remember when and this has nothing to do with the position or anything guys and you’ll forgive the way I’m walking and standing but this is bad look I I remember we we one off seon we go and get this free agent and his name is Teo Numan I’m like what the hell did we get this guy for like you know like the Sabers ever going to do anything right is how I felt at the time I was like come on and that turned out guys for me maybe perhaps to be the best free agent we have ever acquired in our entire history this guy fit in he fit like a glove he fit into our system he fit into everything we were so reliant on him you might recall especially when we started getting injuries remember we were so reliant on him and and of course I mean everybody got hurt it felt like right that year in that playoff run so never judge a book by the cover I’ve learned a long time ago in this sport guys a long time ago but my God today I’m disappointed I’m not impressed with this so ah this is not like me e h um I just want to see uh a good return at this point I want to see that a lot of us I’m sure there might be a lot of Sab fans that just don’t care we made this deal I’m one that cares cuz this was my probably favorite prospect that we have really seavoy seavoy for me is like this is a high-end Prospect man I I I don’t know you know maybe they just didn’t have them in the plans for some reason uh to give up a prospect this good for such an underwhelming return I I don’t want to blame Adams but it looks like he really lost this time in this deal unless there’s something we just don’t know we’ll have to see on the ice it’s the only way we’re going to know that Adams isn’t on crack is to see what happens with this deal we have to see first right I mean I’ve learned that the hard way I mean you know like uh SEO might come in and be a locker room distraction we don’t know what he’s about yet really we just know that this kid’s Got Talent we know that much seems like a good kid seems like he’s uh you know so that that’s uh my take on this one guys I don’t know tell me what you think this is you know maybe this this is a bit of an answer to what we need for third line Center there’s some consistency the guy can win faceoffs we’ve seen that now is there any Edge to his game I don’t know I I mean I don’t recall much of I I mean heard I heard his name in the playoffs but it’s not like I was eyeing this guy saying we got to get him I was eyeing a guy like Sam Bennett this is who I’ve been focusing on guys like that so I don’t know I I I just think maybe we could have got a guy like s Bennett in a deal if you would have thrown in seavoy in another piece or two you know so I I’m I’m a little lost with this one I’m a little lost with free agency guys to be honest I’m a little lost with free agency too I’m not complaining about all these names we got but the thing is they sure look like rentals right and uh this is the time we’re supposed to stabilize everything and I get what he’s doing he’s protecting the cap because he knows he’s got a sign there’s guys he got he has to lock in next year we know it there’s big names he has to lock in still next year you know Levi is even one of them I mean we’ll probably get him locked in ahead of time we’ll see what happens this offseason and you Haru of course I want to mention that we did sign him what was it 3.1 right I believe 3.1 it’s good it’s fair guys it’s one year it’s one year he’s familiar with everything in our system uh he’s familiar I should say more just with the city and the team and where they’re headed and and you know he’s part of that group that came this close to making the playoffs so that should fit it should be okay Yoki another year Yoki Haru I’m okay with guys I am so I want to mention that too so I don’t know what the title will be this seavoy Yoki Haru bottom six I don’t know like this is just the seavoy thing has throw me for a loop today I’m down about it to be honest I’m I’m not impressed we moved this kid I mean I’m I’m excited about this kid and now he’s gone so but this is part of the deal of having a team you’re going to move out prospects guys you are you’re going to move things out you’re going to move things in it’s a revolving door of the world of professional sports it just is and we’ll have to see how this um this pans out with this McLoud character I just hope I hope this works out fine for us I hope that all of us next year are very happy with this guy’s game one thing I will say so I talked to Abe and I was saying AB what am I missing about this guy what he goes Wayne the guy is super fast it’s one thing he did say he’s a role player he’s a versatile player but he’s the one thing that stands he said stands out about McLoud he goes was his speed take that for what it is my buddy’s an Oiler fan and uh he was very impressed with this guy’s speed but at the same time he loved the deal for his team which isn’t good for us but it’s uh it is what it is guys we’ll just have to see it as it uh as it unfolds during the year at least now we know where our third line Center is I’m pretty sure this is going to be who it is right I’m I’m pretty sure this is what they’re thinking does that mean we’re moving on from Krebs already maybe we’ll have to see we’ll have to see what happens there if we move on from Krebs hopefully that we get something where I’m happy with the return and we I don’t feel ripped off because uh but we’re not going to get much for Krebs right now you know how it is guys it’s a pays you go you know it’s a pays you go league and right now Krebs is uh in the doghouse when it comes to numbers so we’ll have to see what happens this year all right guys that’s it done I’m going to leave that uh for the video tonight I just wanted to pop out pop this out there talk to you guys about this cuz I’m taken back by it I’m not impressed with it but I won’t complain about it till I see it unfold first I got to see how this unfolds M Cloud might be a fan favorite by the middle of next year you know I want to see that first so till that uh till it’s to the point where we look back at this and say what was Adam’s thinking we’re not there yet see you soon guys I’m going to go lie down have a good one [Music] [Applause] [Music]

Hey folks, this one I didnt like but who really knows how this will turn out eventually? the Sabres traded high end prospect Matthew Savoie to the Edmonton Oilers for Ryan McLeod and prospect Ty Tullio ..what is all your takes on this? cause I am lost with this one ..thanks for watching 😎
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‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. One of the complaints the Oilers fans had about RM is that there is no edge to his game and he won’t go to the front of the net. Terrible trade.

  2. Oilers fan here. You’re getting a good one here Sabres fans. McLeod is a very fast, incredibly responsible defensive forward. He was a key part of the best penalty kill in playoffs history this year. His offence as it stands leaves a bit to be desired, but he has all the tools to be effective if he can put it all together. He’s 24 and has plenty of upside. The Oilers are in win now mode so it makes sense that they wouldn’t want to wait for him to develop further and with us resigning Henrique, there was no place for him on a team that is very deep at center. You may have overpaid a bit, but in a vacuum McLeod is an excellent addition to any team. Best of luck this season, treat Clouder well!

  3. Savoie is 20 and stands 5'9.

    Let's be honest, at that age/size he is NOT a "high end" prospect, he's a bit of a risk.
    Lots of 5'9 guys light it up in juniors or the minors, few make the NHL, so he's still got something to prove.
    Clouder is a responsible third line penalty killer with wheels. Throw in Ty to grease the wheels a bit.

    Why the trade? Sabres need to responsibly build salary, Oilers need to dump salary.

    This trade serves both teams equally.

  4. Joe from Locked on Sabres (by watching video of him) liked McLeod's speed, ability to chase down players & steal the puck (Joe mentioned a shift vs Matthews) & his exclusive defensive face-offs. He was basically the Oilers #5C after they resigned Adam H. McLeod is signed for $2.1mil x 2 more RFA years. He is ready to step into the #3C role & is currently cheaper than Mitts with more size & speed. Wayne GMKA had to give up something to get McLeod. The drafting of Helenius more than likely made Savoie more expendable. Now knowing his 11% shooting % is another plus. Maybe he will blossom more in Buffalo.

  5. I like the deal for us, trust me my fellow sabres fans you’ll love McLeod. He’s fast as lightning. I live in Edmonton and watched all the oiler games and sometimes I’d mistaken McLeod for mcdavid, solely on speed and skating style.

  6. Why does everyone love Savoie so much? He's been in the Sabres' system two years, and played one NHL game – and then got hurt. Sabres got a fast skater with actual NHL and playoff experience.

  7. This franchise is lost they trade a 1st round 9th overall pick for a 4th line guy before free agency I read a quote from Adams it said we hope coaching makes all the difference and could make up the difference and get us in the playoffs that was a day or 2 before free agency right then I gave up all hope that they would get a Bennett type or a Lindholm or even Foegele or Zadorov Adams always struck me as he doesn't know what he's doing he isn't a personnel guy so what does he do well?

  8. He’s fine on the bottom 6, crazy fast but doesn’t do a ton. Doesn’t use his size at all, but good defensively and on the PK. As an oilers fan I’m pretty thrilled with the trade

  9. Speed, defense, and size in a 3C will that play in the NHL from day 1. I think it'll work out. (Zucker is fast also, might be something Ruff wants to focus on).

  10. Put McLeod with the right people and he's a 40 to 50 point player.
    Last year Draisaitl with McDavid on his line was 4.89 goals per 60. Draisaitl with McLeod and Foegele was at 4.97 goals per 60. There's definitely a player there.

  11. My initial reaction is Savoie is the one guy that cannot be used as trade bait. His size is small (but so was Briere and LaFontaine) so this really pissed me off to hear the only WHL player with over 2 pts per game was traded for someone I barely heard of. This still is grinding my gears thinking about it. I would rather any 2 or 3 of the other prospects. I didn't know he had injury problems, but then again so does UPL (he is also going through arbitration which concerns me greatly of his future since money is obviously the issue already). I get that he needed a player like this but he needs a top line winger more. This guy should have fetched a top liner imo. Guess the season will tell the real truth but this feels so much like a Botterill trade that it sickens me. I hope I am wrong.

  12. McLeod like it's been said before is fast, he's as fast as McDavid. The only problem is he has Rico Fata's hands. He is a wallflower and shys away from the physical play. He needs more coaching defensively because he gets lazy and instead of finishing his check he will take a big looping turn away. He was a healthy scratch during the playoffs due to his lack of defensive awareness.

  13. Great trade. Savoie had no route onto our squad for years unless Kulich, Ostlund, Helenius, and Wahlberg got moved. Passed by our last two 1st rounders. Passed by both 1st rounders taken after him in the same class. Still small and fragile. Least professional experience of all our A prospects, and second oldest. Second lowest of our A level prospects for a young, fast, defensive 3C with upside on an RFA. And an extra asset. Beautiful bit of business.

  14. This is a little fish move setting up for a Big fish move, it will all make sense and if you look at it down the road as a package for the Big fish 💡

  15. The Sabres have many prospects like Savoie (Kulich, Ostlund and Helenius but all 3 have more defensive play in their toolkit). Savoie is not given to be a top end prospect especially at his size and we need a 3rd line C right now and has Stanley Cup pedigree. Our bottom 6 looks so much better than it did before the season started, I really like what Adams has done so far. Ruff can definitely get us to the playoffs with these moves imo.

  16. Sabres overpaid big time. Oilers are in cap hell and all you had to do was wait if Ryan was your 3c guy.Sabres have all the cap space and could have waited until their asking priced dropped. Yes sabres have a ton of 1st rounders but Adams asset management was not good. I bet if you waited until August you could have got him for a 2nd round pick and a B rated prospect. Now if this were Leon coming to Buffalo witha new 7 year contract of 12 million per year then I'd expect Savioe to be going the other way but not for a 3rd line center!

  17. This is beyond forgivable. Imagine the offers we could've gotten had other clubs known Savoie was available

  18. Oilers fan here. Gonna miss mcleod he was an effective middle 6 guy who could play up and down the lineup. Sometimes would mistake him for mcdavid when he would skate up the ice. As much as he was fun to watch when he was hot, hes abysmal when hes cold and offers no physical play whatsoever. Buffalo defenitley overpayed here, im still in shock from this deal. Thanks i guess Adams and good luck clouder

  19. McLeod immediately makes the PK better, he is solid at center, has more grade A chances for then against and is fast. We like him it Edmonton, but at this point he was the odd man out. If we weren't over the cap he would still be an Oiler. He also played on the second line wing a few times with Drai, wasn't his best look, but wasn't a fish out of water.

  20. Short term deals probably to leave it open for guys to move up the pipeline. 5 first rd prospects still in line to move up even without Savoie.

  21. McLeod is a hard working, smooth skater who can play 3rd line center or top 6 wing. Most of his points were 5v5, he could produce more if given some PP time. Basically, a discount Ryan Nugent-Hopkins.

  22. There was no place in the line up for Savoie. So i guess the trade makes sense. Would have got a 3rd or so to sweeten deal though.

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