@Buffalo Sabres

Jason Zucker on Lindy Ruff

Jason Zucker on Lindy Ruff

Lindy’s um reputation you know is is incredible he’s been in the league for a very long time and he’s had a lot of success in this league and there’s a reason that he continues to get coaching jobs um and uh you know for for us playing against New Jersey it was always it’s a very fast game it’s a high Tempo game high pace and it’s h making teams trying to keep up and it’s a high skill game as well um but you know he he has he tries to make sure that he has enough grit within his lineup to complement that skill and I think that’s something that he does a very good job of when he’s honing his teams together and um you know you got to give him a ton of credit for again for the success he’s had in in kind of the formula that he’s that he’s used throughout those years so um you know I think it’s a tough game to play against um and I think um getting off to a fast start for this season is going to be huge um and uh you know hopefully just kind of build it from there and a lot of it just comes from confidence and um all these guys have a crazy amount of skill and have played the game enough to know you can’t get behind the eight ball to start a year and um you know that’s something that Lindy and I talked about and I think we’re going to push hard to start this season and um just kind of keep going from there but as far as you know the Savers go um the past few years you know it’s a lot of the same a lot of skill um you know a lot of a lot of pace it’s not a fun game to play against them um you know night in and night out and so um you know again I’m hoping that I can come bring an element um um you know a physicality of speed to the game that’s only going to complement all the skill that’s already on this roster

New Sabres forward Jason Zucker speaks on the style and makeup of Lindy Ruff teams and on playing against the Sabres during a video call with Buffalo reporters on July 3, 2024.


  1. Sounds great….although Adams is paying Zucker $5 Million for one year to bring some grit and toughness to the bottom 6. Colorado on the other hand is paying Casey Middlestadt $5.5 Million per year for 3 years to bring them SCORING on their second line. Let’s see which player is more valuable for their $5 Million this season.

  2. 5 mil for this barely avg player. Isles should’ve signed him since they love insanely ridiculous contracts

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