@Detroit Red Wings

Detroit Red Wings (@DetroitRedWings) on X – Yzerman says Edvinsson, Johansson and Berggren are the three prospects expected to contribute at NHL level this season

Thought it was interesting that despite a lot of folks glossing over Berggren here, he’s clearly the next forward up in Yzerman’s eyes

by doltron3030


  1. Sword0fDam0cles

    I haven’t kept up with GRG since I’ve moved but I had seen that Berggy is talented offensively and offers very little defensively. Idk if he’s been glossed over as much as people expressing reservations about his role at the big club.

  2. Busy-Drawing-2576

    Johansson would be the 8th defenseman for now, hopefully he can find a role.

  3. coltron57

    I would hope the younger guys can get some runway. Curious to see how much Johansson gets though because we have too many defensemen as is already. Seider, Edvinsson, Chiarot, Gustafsson, Petry, Holl, Määttä, Johansson, and maybe Lagesson if injuries necessitate it. We moved Kostin last year because it wasn’t wise to have that much money sitting in the press box, but we’ll only have 6 in the lineup most nights and that means we’re going to likely have two guys making more than Kostin did sitting on a regular basis barring any moves, but it sure seems like it’s not easy to move contracts right now.

  4. LucasRaymondGOAT

    He said in his presser that Berggren is expected to contribute. He’s basically a PPG player in the AHL, he should be in the NHL at this point.

  5. PineapplePhil

    Feels a little bit like the Ken Holland era where guys are getting blocked. Saw it last year with Berggren and Edvinsson. This year, there’s really no reason that two of Kasper, Danielson, and/or Mazur aren’t on the team.

  6. 72athansiou

    Berg scored 35 points in 70 something games on a 22-23 team that had cracks everywhere. He’s lit up the AHL since he’s come over to NA. His offensive skill will translate to the NHL in my eyes no doubt and I’ve been saying this.

    I’ve see a couple of comments how are we gonna replace said number of goals we’ve lost. Well don’t look to far berg is good for 40-60 points this next year. Senko is good for 45-65.

    There’s 1 factor that a lot of people haven’t thought of and it’s guys overplaying their value. I have 1 guy who I think it could be. Ras not that he has more skill than we’ve seen but he’s a bigger guy hitting that 25-30 range where they really start to pull into there own. Also he’s gonna know exactly where and who he’s with in the lineup now coming into camp.

    1 more guy is Kane for me. I think a lot of people are gonna be shocked to find him over 82 points but not me he still carry’s an elite game at 36 and he missed offseason training which has to kill when you’ve already had to sit and wait around right after your surgery.

    The wings are gonna shock some people a bit more than last year let’s hope the goaltending and team defense just looks better and more sound this upcoming season after being 1 point away from the playoffs

  7. If your erection lasts more than 4 months, consult your physician.

  8. lionbacker54

    I think he got Motte and re-signed Fischer to support Berggren with their defense. Kind of like hiding Sprong on the third and fourth lines

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