@Montreal Canadiens

Is Lane Hutson a GENERATIONAL talent?


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  1. He definitely has the potiential. Now, it's all about how he develops and since Jeff Gordon and Kent Hughes are there they hired many of the best people on many levels to make sure all newcomers have the possibility to reach their ceiling.

    Honestly now having possible quarterbacks on the Powerplay will sure help. Imagine Lane Hutson on the 1st PP unit and Logan Mailloux on the 2nd one… the future is so promising now you can't be not excited as a Habs fan.

    And I didn't even mention Ivan Demidov =)

  2. Don’t know about generational but could be franchise changing, much like Slaf, Suzuki, Ghule, Reinbacher, Demidov, Fowler, these guys if the hit would be a franchise changing starting 5, not to mention Caufield, Dach, Mailloux, Wifi, Hage who could all be key pieces if not franchise changing themselves.

    Need players to find their roles and excel at them.

  3. Even if he is 1 level under Makar thats still an amazing player! Nice to see ya back haven't seen you since you left after our Finals run! You and HockeyJunkie are destined to collab hahah. East coasters ftw!

  4. Look at the players he's surrounded by, guys like Reinbacher and Xhekaj will take care of the physical&defensive aspects of the game which will allow him to use his crazy offensive skills constantly.

  5. If he had Makar's size I'd dare say so. Then again if he had Makar's size he would have been taken early in the first round.

  6. I hate to break this to you guys, but he'll never be a Makar. First, he's not remotely close to being as good a skater. Makar is a tremendous skater. Hutson is an OK skater with limited speed. Makar plays over 25 minutes a game. That will never happen with Hutson. His defensive game is just not good enough to be a number 1 defenseman. He's at such a disadvantage. He can't use his body to defend. He has to rely entirely on his skill.
    I'm a Hab fan myself. I can't wait to see him play. He'll be somewhat sheltered at 5v5, not being sent out against the opponent's best players. He'll be a spectacular player that gets a ton of PP time. That should be enough to rack up a lot of points, which is fantastic for a 2nd round player. But if your expecting him to be as good as the best defenseman in the league, you're setting yourself up to be disappointed.

  7. Lmfao what homer take. To say Lane Hutson is generational is an insult to actual talent. Jesus Christ the cope with your weak prospect pool.

  8. Missed you buddy. Glad you’re back. I was glued to this Chanel during the 2021 run. I’m stoked on Lane as well. I think he’s going to be great. I think it will be another Caufield situation. He’s gonna be awesome but not quite at the level of Makar and Hughes. Unless we really start rolling and winning a lot of games. It all depends on how well the rest of the squad performs.

  9. If Hutson is 70/80% of Makar that wouldn't be bad. Makar is no giant but he's considerably bigger than Hutson. No doubt Hutson skating is other worldly but Makar is the Goat. I'll have to see it to believe it.

  10. How many very small dmen are generational. I suspect Quinn Hughes is the closest weve seen ad when i said that in a 30 team league chat about three years ago- I was roasted. To wit he has ONE season you MIGHT call generational and its very fairly deep into his career. To 5his day hes still croticized for getting outmuscled defensively.

    No one is doubting Lanes skill- but small D face very legitimate difficulti3s transitioning to the bigs. The Makar comp just feels like a surefire way to let people down. Im a TO fam so I get how both markets work but why not aim lower and be pleasantly surprised if he beats the odds and hits that high? Makar wasnt even supposed to be as good as Makar- the rebuild is going well my friends in red but yall gota to tone this Hutson stuff down a notch…

  11. i think makar also got the conn smythe the year avacado ( avacado = colorado avalanche ) got the cup 2 years ago ~ one of my new favrite players ~ he amazed me in those playoffs ~ what a great final series against tampa bay ~
    i recall he won 3 cups in one week stanley norris connsmythe ~

    this years finals were equally amazing but in a roller coaster way ~ im a habs fan but i was cheerin for florida this year & avacado in 2022 ~ love the hockey man ~

  12. Yes! He's one of a kind! Listen! His two nhl games, he was a dominator on the ice! Detroit was lucky that he ends up only with two points!
    I still beleive that he should have been the number one and Slaf second on his draft year!
    This next september in the training camp Lane will be amazing again like you majesticaly described him!

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