@Carolina Hurricanes

Doug Warf Named President of Hurricanes Holdings, LLC | Carolina Hurricanes

Welcome back Doug!



  1. millard_spillmore

    Long overdue splitting of hockey ops and business operations. Criminal it took this long

  2. workingman264

    Glad to see Doug Warf back! Exciting news.

  3. sftwareguy

    Excellent choice. xGMDW probably went into the WTF mode when he saw this.

  4. notyomamasusername

    This is great, I think the hardest part for GMDW was having to balance both sides.

    Now Tulsky can focus on the team, and Doug can focus on everything else…. Including that HUGE renovation

  5. charcuteriebroad

    Smart choice. He knows the team and the fanbase well but also has familiarity city officials. Good job, Tom.

  6. Okay now bring the price of beer down, Doug. Please. 🙏

  7. grasshopper7167

    Warf’s job is to get the PNC arena bumpin’

  8. JalopyChief

    What a great addition!! Warf and Tulsky working together are gonna get this team over that playoff hump and bring home a CUP!!! 🏆

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