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“I’ve Always Been a Fan of This Hockey Club” | Sam Lafferty On His Decision to Sign With Buffalo

“I’ve Always Been a Fan of This Hockey Club” | Sam Lafferty On His Decision to Sign With Buffalo

hey Sam Lance in the Buffalo news congratulations welcome when it when fre agency opened ultimately what led you to choose the Sabers yeah thank you um it was a number of factors I would say um and the more we thought about Buffalo the more uh we really liked it and and loved the opportunity here I’ve always been a big fan of this Hockey Club and the players they had so um it got me excited you know playing with a lot of the opportunity to play with a lot of these guys obviously and um could just tell the conversations with um you know with Kevin that this was a going to be a good fit and in a situation where um you know I think I see myself really helping the team so I think it uh checked a lot of boxes and additionally uh a little bit closer to family too so I think uh just just pretty much checked every box and the more we thought about it the more excited we got what do you think you gain the last two years in Vancouver getting more reps back at Center and to play it at that level and to do it with you know the different guys that you were able to in different situations yeah it was a great experience in Vancouver I love my time there played with a lot of the great players uh for sure and I think just you know more experience playing you know meaningful hockey games and down the stretch into the playoffs and I mean that’s what that’s what the goal is you want to win you want to get in the playoffs and see what what happens so um yeah L my time there learned a lot from the coaching staff there and uh hopefully be able to bring that experience with me and and uh help this group last one for you just overall what was your reaction to the other guys that the Sabers signed obviously you know Jason but you know this team wants to become harder to play against and you’re part of that group that Kevin brought in to try to address that definitely I I got excited seeing some of the other guys we brought in obviously played with Jason in Pittsburgh and know what kind of guy he is and one thing that always impressed me I was a little bit younger when I was in Pittsburg but just watching him every night um how consistent he was and how much intensity he brought to the table every single night in addition to obviously all the skill he bring so um you know really excited to play with him again and um yeah familiar with uh OB kubel as well mostly just battling against him over the years so here’s a guy’s always hard to play against so fortunate to be on the same team as him now and excited to see what we can do together thanks a lot ni Sam uh just you know the Canucks had a very quick turnaround last season after a rough season in 2223 what lessons can you take maybe from what you experienced this past season and apply them to the Sabers with just how you know you guys were able to turn it around so quickly yeah I think I I only got there the day before the season but from what I could tell the team had a great training camp and everyone was on the same page with the systems and how we were trying to play and um I think there was just Collective buyin everyone was on the same page the message was pretty simple of how we were trying to play and everyone bought in and everyone was um accountable to one another for that standard so I think once we gained some momentum we started gaining confidence and I think um yeah we were just able to to sustain that throughout playing the right way um you know starting in our own end and and just the details all over the ice thank you Hi Sam excuse me Mike Herring with the Buffalo News here uh I want to delve a little more into Jason if you would tell me a little bit about the skill set you saw a guy who scored 30 goals in this league is what impresses you about his ability on the offensive side yeah I think if you just watch a lot of the goals he scores it’s um you know High skill level but also the the hockey IQ and the awareness of knowing where to be at the right time and then I think like I said before I’ve always just been impressed with his compete level and the intensity he brings um every single day to the rank um so he scores a lot of goals that you know you know areas that guys don’t want to go to around the net and um you know he’s not afraid to mix it up and just competes all over the ice he he was a player I always looked up to when I was in Pittsburgh and and admired his compete level the Sabers have been a team that have struggled in the faceof circle for several years running now and I I would imagine they want you to help in that area um when you think of faceoffs how much of it is you know execution and strategy and how much of it is just pure mentality I’d say it’s mostly mentality um there’s definitely strategy that goes into it especially if you’re facing the same guys over and over you start trying different things but um yeah a lot of it’s just timing and knowing what you can get away with and what you can’t get away with um and so yeah I think a lot of it just comes down to experience and mentality thank you Hi Sam from welcome to Buffalo um I just wanted to ask you it’s not how much does it help you where it’s not just you you’ve got guys like malen Stein and Al Bell and Dennis Gilbert and Clifton who’s already here and you’re very familiar with him with the Bruins and and now with Buffalo how much does that maybe help Thompson and and cousins and Quinn and and tuck you know knowing that you guys have their back and it’s not just one of you that has it it’s not just you you’ve got other guys you all have each other’s backs does that that make a huge difference I think so I I envision our team being uh you know team that sticks together and and competes hard for one another so I’m excited to you know to get everyone together and and um you know start to build that chemistry but it’s uh it means a lot to have uh you know all those names you mentioned and a lot of the higher-end skill guys I think um you know there’s no reason we can’t piece it together and and have a lot of success this year hi there Sam uh congrats on the on the contract um what has uh what has Lindy talked to you about and has he discussed your role with the team and uh how how comfortable are you with getting a heavy defensive Zone starts yeah that’s definitely what I expect and something that I think I can can bring to the table and I think just the versatility wherever uh you know wherever the team needs me I I’m willing and able to uh be put in those situations and I think I can definitely help with the penalty kill um and just bring my speed and energy every single night I think um yeah kind of wherever wherever I’m placed is is where I’m I’m comfortable um and so yeah just excited for for starting to build our team game and um that’s one of the things Lindy’s talked about is just you know how we want to play as a group and just being hard to play against and you know starts with playing hard in our own end and and uh you know tracking back hard so um excited to to get things running and um yeah seeing what we can do thanks Sam appreciate it Sam you didn’t get the chance mostly early in your career but the last two years now you’ve played 20 playoff games between Toronto and Vancouver what were some of your takeaways of those experiences and just that can help you going forward with a team that had hasn’t been in playoffs in a long time yeah just you take away the the intensity level and um just how much fun it is playing at that time of year it’s uh you know you still get goosebumps thinking about playing at some of those buildings and Toronto and especially this year being in Vancouver um you know it’s just I’ve never heard an arena that loud and I can tell you know Buffalo is a place where I remember as a kid seeing the teams that had a lot of success and you know the the 2000s and um you can just tell the city really gets behind the team and is really craving uh you know playoff hockey around here so um yeah I think it’s it’s when it’s most fun and and that’s what we’re that’s what the goal is that’s what we’re looking forward to what was it like watching Edmonton you know get all the way to game seven of the cup when you know essentially in Vancouver you guys were close to getting yeah it was um I mean that that was just really get hockey at the end of the day but a little tough to watch for sure a little uh you know a little bitter sweep but knowing you were that close but um you know Florida obviously had a great team and you know congrats to them but um yeah I think uh the margin is is just so slim um separating teams that you know when you get to that level that stage of the game so um you know it’s tough to be that close but I think it makes you that much hungrier knowing knowing you’re were right there thank you right any more questions for Sam all right I think we’re all set thanks for taking the time Sam all right thank you

Buffalo Sabres forward Sam Lafferty speaks to the media for the first time after signing a two-year deal with the Sabres in free agency. He talks about his reason for choosing Buffalo and how he has always liked the young, talented group he is now joining.

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