@Montreal Canadiens

They need to make room..

OK Guys, it’s time to take an updated look at the Montreal Canadiens blueline. With many young defensemen coming up and into the mix.. Kent Hughes is in a situation where he may be FORCDED to make a deal.. Just to allow some room for other kids to crack the lineup in the near future. Lets talk about it!

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  1. Ewww brother what’s that….lol. Would dump savard and keep Mathieson, although I know the latter would fetch more. And seeing now that I’ve typed this and the video has played out you said the same dam thing 😂😂

  2. Agree with most of this. I been thinking the same with Matheson(sell high) plus the leftside is full full plus Chewbacca is a better mentor for the boys. I would rather keep Struble over Barren he plays soft

  3. I agree pretty much on everything.
    I like keeping Savard as a vet. And the others are most likely the future. But they aren't there yet. So nothing should be made too quick. A month or two is a little soon for my taste but I get that you just can't have everyone either in Laval or scratched. As Ric Flair would say, "You gotta BEAT the man to BE the man.". So they need lots of minutes in the big league to become what we hope.

    And as for Matheson's value, it sucks to trade someone JUST because they had a great season and his value is high and you're worried about losing that value. That shouldn't be a concern. I think he's going to keep his value or more for a few seasons still.
    It was a big deal when he was brought in to MTL. He's a hometown boy. And he came through for MTL way more than we could've hoped. And he did it on a team that finished almost at the bottom that was starved for goals. So I wouldn't be surprised if he produces even more and his value increases.
    So unless he's being traded somewhere that is somewhere that he would love or get a huge pay raise, I see no option of letting him go anytime soon. Until Hutson really REALLY proves himself , I would keep Mike for GOOD.

  4. Not sure they trade Matheson yet but Savard is likely gone at trade deadline for a 1st rounder or a package for a top 6 forward. If both Mailloux and Barron look good starting the season then Savard will be traded as likely Reinbacher will be pushing for his place by mid season. That means Guhle goes back to left and now Matheson is trade bait and would bring a good package if he continues racking up points. Good thing about Guhle is he can switch sides and so can Hutson so we have two versatile Dmen.

  5. Yes keep Barron!! I agree with the take but I would say move Barron into Savards spot at the deadline and get a 1st for Savard. Keep Struble as the 7th D.

  6. I can see Harris and Matheson and possibly Barron being traded. But I see Struble, Xhekaj, Mailloux, and Reinbacher having Canadiens written all over them. Savard, though, is the senior VP of defense.

  7. I’d swap Savard for Matthesson. Not sure if I’d want Hutson or Reinbacher with the big club this season either

  8. what would they even trade matheson for? the habs seem pretty set tbh maybe a goalie upgrade + picks?

  9. Oilers will be more then happy to take Guhle off your hands the hometown boy deserves to play with the Oil and get a cup ring, we'll offer you a used cody ceci in return.

  10. Habs are much more likely to keep Matheson over Savard. Math is likely a Dman who'll have a long career and would be worth keeping for veteran experience into his 30s. But I do think Habs need a veteran RD, ideally a younger version of Savard. None of the D prospects on the right besides maybe DAVID look like they'll be good defensively. In fact really only Guhle looks like he'll be good defensively out of the young D that have played NHL games so far. I predict either Mailloux or Barron get traded if neither can handle the defensive side of things well and on the left, both Harris and Struble will get traded but likely only as part of a larger package as they aren't worth much on their own. Hopefully someone surprises big time this coming season but most of the Habs young D look like 3rd pairing talent and that's no good. Depth is only good if it's got a lot of high quality, which isn't the case with the Habs as of now.

  11. One of the positives is that time is on our side. You can have Hutson, Mailloux and Reinbacher play in the AHL and play some minutes down there. There's no rush.

  12. I fully understand that we should probably move 1 or 2 defensemen but when I look back and see how young guys like Chelios and McDonagh turned out it scares the bejesus out of me! I find it difficult to tell who has the most potential!

  13. Hutson-reinbacher

    Would be my pairing in 3-4 years. Trade matheson at the trade deadline getting at least a first rounder and then package that first round and harris to get a big player for the top 6 (like necas or zegras) or a elite goalie ( askarov or dostal) and the rebuild is pretty over after this

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