@Ottawa Senators

Tim Stützle Scores Controversial Goal Despite Net Coming Off Moorings

Tim Stützle’s hard drive to the net results in a goal despite the net coming off its moorings.


  1. Bad call. When net is off moorings u blow the play regardless. Give penalty shot, delay of game penalty anything. But can't call it goal

  2. They’ll call goaltender interference for a player barely touching the goaltender in the blue, but they call this a goal…

  3. Not a goal. The net was off before the puck crossed. Also, Johnson did not commit a penalty other than bumping Stutzle. How can such an easy call be missed? Did the rules change during the off-season?

  4. There was a similar goal, about 2 or 3 years ago, that counted when the puck crossed into where the net was after a defender crashed into it.

  5. that shouldn't be a goal, but if the official call on the ice is goal, you can't call it back on goalie interference. the interference is all on Johnson, not Stutzle

  6. As a Sens fan who was at this game, everyone in our section was confused about this call. Was expecting it to be a penalty shot.

  7. Easy. Good goal. Seen this before opposing team cannot knock the net off. In this case pushing him into his own goalie caused this. And the puck was going towards the net doesn't matter if he shoots it or not. The puck was on his stick that's a shot and a goal if the net doesn't come off. If he crashed the goalie by himself then no goal

  8. 63.6 Awarded Goal – In the event that the goal post is displaced, either deliberately or accidentally, by a defending player, prior to the puck crossing the goal line between the normal position of the goalposts, the Referee may award a goal.
    In order to award a goal in this situation, the goal post must have been displaced by the actions of a defending player, the puck must have been shot (or the player must be in the act of shooting) at the goal prior to the goal post being displaced, and it must be determined that the puck would have entered the net between the normal position of the goal posts.

    This is exactly what happened. Good goal.

  9. I believe it's a right call because he was pushed into the net which took off the net in the first place and the puck was going in anyways if he was pushed in or not

  10. As a fan of Ottawa I was there and I don’t think it should’ve counted but like I said to the fans next to me with how ottawas year is going…I’ll take it

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