@Boston Bruins

Locker Room Raw: David Pastrnak

Locker Room Raw: David Pastrnak

time needs to go by before you start thinking about that goal against Toronto and not about losing to Florida uh yeah I mean I probably won’t think about it uh for a while you know so um yeah it’s hard to you know find that uh found look at that goal now when I just finished your season I we didn’t reach your ultimate goal so it’ll be hard a fr TR was that Florida series for you um yeah it was you know they are a heck of a team and and uh obviously uh um you know definitely uh feel like we could have pushed it to game seven you know and and unfortunately we didn’t and um you know how I said they did a hell of a job and and uh you know they they were the better team did it feel like you guys were heading overtime six sorry did it feel like you guys were heading to overtime in game six is just that kind of a um yeah I mean the you know that’s not what really what you’re thinking about like uh there was you know you always uh keep playing and don’t have much time to look at the time or anything so um yeah it was really tight uh game you know and and uh couple minutes away from OT uh you know and and U maybe we wouldn’t be standing here but how I said uh it’s it’s easy to say now you a couple of gr days in that game six how how long do those stick with you yeah I mean like you know uh those are definitely going to stick sometimes longer than the game seven goal you know uh against Toronto it had a lot of looks you know uh and and I didn’t bury them so it’s obviously uh tough for a goal scorer not to you know bury those chances and and uh yeah this was supposed to be a step back this season for the Bruins you guys did something last year his team didn’t do you want a playoff series um does it feel like progress for you yeah 100% uh you know I’m I’m so super proud of the the group uh you know we we got much younger and we had some experienced guys who came in and uh who won the cups and and did unbelievable job you know that uh any player could learn from you know and and you know guys that grabbed the opportunity that they came you know and and did a good job so I’m very proud you know um we uh you know we a lot of people were saying we know going to make the playoffs you know or be at wild cast you know and and I think uh we put ourselves in a good spot for going into playoffs and and uh so it’s definitely you know a lot of how I said much younger team and and uh good experience uh for uh for some guys uh to get that uh first play of Seri win you know and and uh good uh little motivation going for into the summer for next next uh next season Bruins have some money to spend what do you think you guys could use what what would be uh be valuable to to add to your career ah listen man I don’t like to get into this uh management stuff uh you know it’s it’s I’m I’m a player and and obviously like you said you know that there’s going to be changes that that’s the business we are in you know it’s uh it’s where rarely almost never happens you have the same D for two years so um you know you as a player you understand that and um you know it’s kind of excited as well as a player so uh um yeah but I I don’t really get much into it would you be somebody that would recruit some guys if there were some guys that were interested would you be somebody make a pH call yeah I mean I have you know uh um hope that uh you know never that people should be very excited to come play for organization like Boston Bridge you know it’s it’s it’s an owner original six so uh I think that’s already enough motivation for players to come here your role changed this year um more of a line driver L The Finisher teams defended you like basketball like don’t let this guy beat us how did how was the game for you and how’ you feel about how your role Evol during the season and is that part of leadership yeah I mean I I you know uh happy that I I was able to you know uh produce and and uh carry the line uh you know I you know it’s how you said the change you know we lost two big leaders but also like uh unbelievable hockey players with the high IQ you know hockey IQ so um yeah you know I um change but you know for me it’s like uh know mind playing with the new players you know and try to adjust and learn uh from my linemates and and communicate to see what can makes us uh best of the line David as you grow as a player you’ve been here a while now obviously the bottom line is to win a Stanley Cup do you think you have a better understanding of what it takes individually and as a team to try to win a Stanley Cup now yeah of course uh of course then how you said much older now you know and and uh more experience so uh definitely you know it’s it’s it’s not easy and and uh you definitely have better understanding and excuse me um so yeah and what do you think needs to happen as far as as a group to take that next step a lot of guys you like and you guys continue continue to grow uh yeah I mean obviously uh you know you you have to win hockey games you know to put it simply and and uh uh it was very tight a lot of tight games in the playoffs you know that uh uh you need to you need to get score that one more goal you know and we did couple times we uh make couple mistakes which we were you know how I said a little younger this year and and those are a learning experience you know and and uh you know just need to need to be able to close out the the tight games and and uh you know overtime and and stuff like that so uh definitely you know have to dig deep you know big health health is big part of it you know your group needs to stay healthy your goalie needs to be healthy so uh this just a lot to it you know and and uh hopefully you know uh uh use how I said use this uh as a motivation again work going into the summer you know and and get back to work ASAP you know because uh a lot of work to be done talking about the younger guys what was it like seeing people like lur I beer coming in have the playoffs that they did yeah it’s how I said it’s it was great I’m very proud of them uh it’s not easy you know uh being young and and playing this kind of game especially like uh you know overtimes or or uh you know the tight games and and they did Heck job you know Beach was a big part of this group whole year like with the face of and penalty kill you know and and with his fast skating uh he did a great job and then uh Mason you know is just fun to see him then ing around there like that uh as such a young age and and first playoff you know uh and he’s just dancing so uh think it’s fun to see to see them and I can’t wait uh you know to to see what uh they bring next year what did you have to play through um I wouldn’t I want to get this year whole season yeah I had a couple growing issues this uh this season uh that was coming back a lot but uh uh that was the main thing uh the drawings 61 goals last year but Monty said that you were an even better player this year what what made him say that where did you grow those earing well uh you know a lot of people were saying that uh you know it’s going to be downgrade year for me because of CR is not here in Bergie you know and and how I said earlier I love uh that I was get the opportunity to carry the line now you know and and uh playing with P you know and and uh grow together as a as a good pair and and you know uh I had to change my game a little bit sometimes you can have uh the shots every time you don’t get it right they’re going to take you away so uh you know I’m happy I was able to to do some playmaking this year you know and how I said uh I love I love to set up goals and and set up looks as well as much as I I like scoring so uh yeah I think the playmaking uh uh you know for me it’s came up uh bigger than than usual in this year David was the issue a thing in the playoffs did that impact you in the playoffs uh no torella said that paner is the best tired player he’s ever seen uh I feel like this has become a real strong point in your game end of shifts end of period you’ve become one of the best players in the team is you does that something you really worked on yeah I mean uh how I said like have a bigger role this year you know than I ever had in this team and uh you know uh there’s more ice I’ve never played this much you know so obviously uh you know I’m I’m a pro right so you need to stay in the shape and and uh you know I love playing um a big minutes so I have to be ready for uh you know High I plan with that said how excited are you for the future seems like you still have a ceiling in yourself the way you continue to grow as a hockey player yeah I mean super excited you know I’m honestly uh hate this part because you know the offseason it’s long and then you don’t want that as a player uh but at the same time it’s it’s a big opportunity to keep working and get the better you know you have a lot of time so I’m I’m super excited you know and and uh how is it there’s going to be some changes you know that uh you know it’s coming and that’s just the business and and you know um excited to get back to work with with the group seems like the city’s still a perfect match for you too how much do you enjoy playing in Boston in front of these fans man it’s my home here you know home away from home uh the people here you know uh uh are a big part uh you know of of uh me loving it here you know I you guys as you guys know I love uh uh you know uh the city and and play for the people and and uh you know uh it’s unbelievable to play with such a sport City and and uh and you know for my family uh uh became a you know a big part and uh feel like home and and uh you know I I don’t see uh uh myself anywhere here David the nature of the business is the team you lose to ends up being sort of the litness test of of where a team has to get better how it has to grow if you walk away from twice now what gets you over that hump as a [Music] team yeah I mean uh yeah they got that they got it twice in a row that obviously uh you know helps their their confidence going against us but uh you know you you don’t you need better I mean like to put it you know in the simple uh that they were the better team and and we just uh need to get better to to become a a better match up for them and and uh you know kind of uh be a better team honestly they they shot a lot more I was it’s simple to one more time they shot a lot more more attempts more shots easy to say I guess shoot right yeah but we are not a high uh High uh shot volume thank you we are not high shot volume uh Team you know and we haven’t been the whole year like there is games obviously uh you have more chance than the other yes we didn’t shoot enough pack for sure I think in the Florida game but I wouldn’t say like we have to throw everything at the net you know uh that’s just not the way we play uh now we definitely uh definitely had to maybe bring more packs to the net in said you know then uh curling around yes that I think is a maybe bigger uh uh more north south you’re saying yes more North out than uh than shooting more you know the goalies in this league are so big and obviously you can’t give them too much respect but you know they uh shooting from outside the dot sometimes uh it’s going to be hard to score in this league

Bruins forward David Pastrnak speaks to the media at Warrior Ice Arena for End of Season Availability on Sunday.


  1. Pasty you’re probably my #3-4 player keep up the good work only thing is I think you pass the puck to often but overall you’re a great player

  2. They blew a lot of leads we should have won they lack intensity aka laziness they won’t get a penny next season from me they need a shake up enjoy your early vacation . Swayman does an excellent job!

  3. 47 goals in regular season and stalled in the playoffs. Only 9 goals in playoffs over last two years. That’s not good enough for someone one signed a big contact. Gotta do better job of shooting more and creating your own chances as opposed to waiting to be setup by someone.

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