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In today’s Habs Daily News video, Coach Frenchy breaks down his top 10 Canadiens prospects for the 2024-25 season.

This exercise highlights how the Canadiens’ pipeline is continually improving and becoming stronger each year. With the addition of Demidov and Hage, the rankings have shifted significantly compared to last year.

Watch until the end to see the full top 10 Canadiens prospects list by Coach Frenchy. Don’t forget to leave us a comment, subscribe, and like the video. Remember, we deliver a video and poll question about the Montreal Canadiens every day!


  1. Awesome video! It's great to see so many young talents that could join the team. I've been a Habs fan since the mid-80s, and I've never been this excited and optimistic about their future!

  2. Love your dailies Coach…I think Beck will surprise and Roy may disappoint but regardless, this is a strong prospect pool and the future LOOKS bright for the HABS

  3. 1- Demidov
    2- Hutson
    3- Reinbacher
    4- Hage
    5- Konyushkov
    6- Kapanen
    7- Mailloux
    8- Roy
    9- Beck
    10- Engstrom

    I didn't include goalies, but I think Fowler is the future Carey Price of the Habs.

    if we go by tiers
    Demidov (top 12 most pts in the NHL, SUPERSTAR)
    Hutson, Fowler (top 15 best D in NHL and top 10 best goalie in NHL, HIGH ELITE STAR)
    Reinbacher, Hage (top 2 D in top 16 teams, top 6 forward in top 16 teams, STAR/SEMI-STAR)
    Konyushkov (top 4 D in top 16 teams, SEMI-STAR)
    Kapanen, Mailloux, Roy, Beck, (middle 6 forwards in top 16 teams, top 4 D in bottom 16 teams, SEMI-SEMI-STAR)
    Engstrom, Kostenko, Nurmi, Berqvist, F-Xhekaj, Eriksson, Koivu, Farrell, Kidney, Thorpe, Protz, Mittelstadt, Gordin and Sobolev
    (top 6 D or bubble D, and bottom 6 forwards or bubble forwards, PLUMBERS/DEPTH/BUBBLE)

    In a year from now, my list would change for sure. A lot happens in a year.

  4. Reinbacher is 6'3", 209 lbs. Hutson played 2 games with Montreal and was -2. His offensive ability is not in question as he's highly skilled as described but he's a defenseman and needs major work playing in the Dzone. Where they play 2 games a week in the NCAA it allows players the advantage to beef up and pack on muscle, Hutson chose not to and an NHL defenseman at 161 lbs and is concerning. Roy played 23 games and was -2, he has defensive senses, offensive skill, needs work on skating/speed, physicality and getting more power behind his shot would serve him well. He'll be an excellent 3 line player and could very well become a legitimate 2nd liner. Personally my feelings about Demidov is I hope he turns out to be all he's hyped up to be. Being "elite" in the MHL is one thing but translating to the NHL is another and the injury history is concerning. For one, the wide leg stance while gliding will make him vulnerable. Montreal could have got Tkachuk but chose Kotkaniemi…Utah was ecstatic to land Iginla.
    Hage, Beck, Fowler, Reinbacher, Kapanen, Mailloux, Engstrom (who shoots left but plays strong on the right side)…if all these players translate to the NHL, when my concerns with Demidov prove unwarranted the Habs will have a great line up and we'll be watching some hockey in MTL that we haven't seen in years. If Thorpe, Koivu, Sawyer, Volokhin and any others turn into surprise talents this organization will be overflowing with skill and depth (and won't be able to keep them all). Physicality up front is still questionable…those players disruptive to the opponent's breakout and transition game.
    The top ten is an excellent pool of prospects to look forward to.

  5. Love the list, but let’s pump the brakes on Fowler. Primeau also good numbers in NCAA and hasn’t panned out yet.

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