@Boston Bruins

Answering your summer Bruins questions | Pucks with Haggs

Answering your summer Bruins questions | Pucks with Haggs

pucks with hags is brought to you by prize picks and the game time app welcome to the puck with AGS podcast powered by prize pick the exclusive daily fantasy partner of the clns media Network I believe this is the 107th episode of the pucks with with hags podcast so thanks for tuning in uh for all these podcasts that we we’ve done uh with me today longtime friend and colleague and frequent guest Mick kagio Mick thanks for joining us and please tell everybody where they can find your work my friend first I want to note that I think the Bruins had 107 points in the 7273 season um I had there you go I had uh they did win 50 games um but they did not win the cup un hell no they lost five to the Rangers and they had home ICE was a disaster Phil bito got hurt anyway you can find me blah blah about this and other things on my blog rink WP which I link to X um I write a Sunday column for Boston hockey now and um and I do appearances like this because Joe’s so kind to have me absolutely uh I’d love to have you Mick and uh always a pleasure my friend I love the I love the uh and I the listeners do too love the historical perspective you give on things and sort of the the different perspective you have on all things Bruins uh from being a fan for as long as you have Anna writer and and all the different hats that you’ve worn so you are well appreciated here lot of hats today’s Cafe Martin that’s right oh that’s a beautiful hat I love to see the cafe Martin hat all right uh we we are entering Mick um now that we are you know close to what’s the date today we’re doing this Friday July 12th we are entering uh perilously close to the hockey Dead Zone uh from about July 15 until about August 15th uh standard Jack squat going on in the hockey world yes there is there is um you know we’re GNA see like incredible Facebook post about outlandish stuff that’s clickbait it’s because those people are trying to make money in the the absolute uh Death Valley of hockey news that’s going to be going on for the next month or so so uh the podcast will be going we’ll still continue to churn them out and and we’ll uh find some fun stuff to talk about but I think today we’ll stick with the standard uh of what we’ve done in the past of talking about um some of the news that’s going on a few things that are happening out there and answer a few questions as well um the only thing of uh today and the last couple of days really is uh Michael Callahan and Alec regula uh household names if there were ever a couple of them on the back end for the Providence Bruins they got signed today to one-year uh two-way deals for 775k at the NHL level um both I call depth defenseman I don’t think we’re going to see them at the NHL level unless there are injuries you know regula I think probably has a bit uh of a better chance of Callahan of of you know Mak a cameo or two now uh but there’s still I think other defensemen uh Ian Mitchell being one of them that are going to be in front of them as far as depth charts go well he’s a right shot he’s a right shot Mitchell and and uh I know that regula and Callahan are not the same as far as which way they’re they’re holding the stick right so that that can affect things a little bit um Regular really been a nice he and Renu were really a reliable pairing for the peep Bruins and um they were and can’t remember what Renu status is right now and I can’t pull up cap today else yeah Ruf is gone he signed somewhere else I saw that the other day I forget who it was he signed with but he’s gone okay so hey regular you know he won’t be a regular but um Providence low hanging fruit Joe these These are gonna be uh these are going to be stalwart uh guys for the Providence Bruins as as Mark dver I think tweeted today he said mentioned something about how these are two of uh down the stretch maybe last year these were uh two of providence’s best and most consistent defensemen and I think that will be you know the case again this year uh for both these players Michael Callahan being a local guy Alec regula Along came with along with Ian Mitchell in in uh trades that Don Sweeney made before last year to kind of shore up the defenseman depth and give him a couple guys that have had some NHL experience yep um if if there are injuries that are coming so uh just any thought on this um this leaves only um uh Mark mlin and Jeremy Swan is the only restricted free agents uh that are still yet to sign contracts everybody else has been taken care of at this point with these two deals coming down the P yeah it’s we’re at that point where Houston’s about to lose contact with the ship and we’re gonna have to sit and stare at the clouds for three minutes and hope it isn’t four or five or six before the you know the you see the parachutes come through and and um and Swan has a deal so um I’m not really worried about it but I did just think that probably be a fascinating article right now to to talk about Bruins RFA goalie contracts through through history and uh that went into the D dog days of summer without resolution and what they and what you know each not only what each player got and but and when he was signed but if the prolonged weight affected the play yeah and and I don’t see any of that I think that you know they’ll both be proclaiming a win there’ll be a win-win the only way that has any chance of happening Mick is if it spills into like training camp you know if it starts to become real where they’re missing real time I mean swan has been a round Warrior he was there at development Camp uh multiple times including be on the ice before one of the sessions like I think he’s doing what he normally does I think the only and and he’s readying for the season as he normally would I feel like the only way this becomes a real problem is if it starts spilling and bleeding over into training camp and he starts missing real you know practice time in real reps uh because this is there’s any kind of hold up here I don’t foresee that happening but I think that’s the only way it would turn into like a negative impact on the season well it would because then you get us making pains in the butts of ourselves to the coaches at training camp you would never do that I would never do that well I would not sit back and let other people do it but I know it’s coming if if this thing somehow winds up there we I can’t ever forget that Andrew Ray Croft was the 20304 Rookie of the Year yeah and he was he and Nick Pointon I remember that Nick Bon and he had bad lockout years the 0405 no NHL the dark winter uh they wound up doing I think razor played in this awful league in Canada which guys were scoring like 17 goals a game and nobody was defending and and then later in the season he catches on with a team in the Finish league but he doesn’t really get starter reps so he has very incomplete Nick Bo wies up playing in England and yeah they both come come back and because of the Bruins botched lockout strategy which Jeremy Jacobs has told me that we did what they told everybody to do right it was not a Maverick solution in his mind it was what the league said every Everybody do but once they Incorporated the players offer of a 24% roll back into a cap then the Red Wings and teams like that got to keep a lot of great players that it was supposed might wind up on the open market and they didn’t and so the Bruins were suddenly like Super Bowl Sunday you’re in the grocery store at 6m and the shelves are bare and you’re trying to put together a hockey team and you’re hoping like hell that Brian Lee still has something left that Sean mcran still has something left that uh that you don’t have Mike Canal anymore but you’re hoping that who’s the guy who used to play for the Islanders that wind up uh replacing him and wearing number 21 briefly for them just that one year I can always come up with name but now I can’t um but you’re hoping that these guys could be reasonable fact similarties and you run through all of these different guys who have seen their best years Alexis Jam knof being among them um and uh and you wind up having a season that actually was starting to after the disaster start the Thornton Blockbuster and now Patrice berson is making his NHL debut not until that trade at the center position he was they actually started himself he started them out on the right wing again even though he had played that lockout year at Center in in in the AHL um and so they were only like two points out of the playoffs at at coming out of the Olympic break and um unfortunately for them uh they start out in Carolina and PJ axelon has a head-on collision with Aaron Ward and it blows up axelson’s knee and the whole team goes downhill after that next thing you know The Season’s unraveling and and now Michael Connell gets fired at in March why because he in Harry’s words he did things that he ought not be doing when we kind of knew we were gonna make a change okay what was he doing he was signing two players he was extending two players PJ axelon and Tim Thomas so yep OC literally got fired for signing Tim Thomas turned out to be a good I love the irony turned out to be a good thing be a good thing so yeah he’s the D do cat of that Championship there’s no doubt in my mind yeah but yeah I and I don’t foresee this like this is not the Harry sendon era I do not foresee this turning into a Nick Boon uh Andrew raycraft situation with their contracts where it’s going to become a problem and uh cen’s gonna tell somebody to start go yodeling instead of uh playing for the ruins take that J you know he’s gonna tell him to go go salmon fishing in Alaska SW instead of uh playing for the bru like I don’t see any of that happening I this this is going to get done and and what we talked about because the San wants it to get done he clearly wants to be a member of the Bruins the Bruins want it to get done I really think what’s at play here and I wrote about this and we talked about it on the last podcast Mick and we can talk about it now again a little bit I want to get your perspective on it um I think it’s just the difference in uh numbers and what he’s going to get paid right now and I I honestly think this is a tough with Jeremy Swan because I’m sure he wants to get paid like he’s one one of the best goalies in the league but I don’t think you can pay him like that when he’s never played more than 44 games in a season and he’s never like even shouldered the full workload and proven that he can do it you know when he wants to get paid like the comp there’s no comparables out there the comparable that I looked at when I was looking at the other goalies was Saros the deal that he’s coming out of that he just signed it was the Saros three years $15 million that he was make that he got when he was splitting time with pekar Rene yeah that led to the deal he has now the seven years 7.75 million whatever it is which that’s I think the very very high end of what San would ever get in a million years because he’s got the Bruins over a barrel a little bit because they traded alark because they don’t have any other real alternative and chose against arbitration right and and like look they’re going to be buying out a lot of his free agent years so I’m you can make an argument that you can pay him more than you probably should because you’re buying out all these free agent years but I still think it’s going to be in the low sevens like it shouldn’t be even what Saros has Saros has played over 60 games three years in a row uh he’s been you know a stalwart Workhorse guy that’s put up big numbers that’s been a vzna finalist and and uh gotten heavy vzna voting every single year um Ilia Ilia shesterkin was another guy that I think was a comparable uh but he as well playing 50 plus games a year getting vzna uh vzna Trophy and vzna votes being a vzna finalist Connor huk two vzas like Workhorse plays over you know 60 games a year like all this all the other guys are not comparables to Jeremy Swan because they’ve all been established starters for a long period of time and some of it’s not his fault because he was here with omark like you get all that but you can’t you can’t say he’s going to be cap of maintaining his performance for 60 plus games in an NHL season as a Workhorse number one starter if he’s never done it before I really think he needs to go out and and prove it and maybe there’s some way you can like give him a you know a three-year $18 million deal or something that and that’s a dangerous game because that ends in Ufa it is and and but you can’t but what happens this is the other scenario Mick what happens if you give him seven years s A5 million you’re paying him like one of the best goalies in the league like you know the the top guys one contract yeah yeah and then he goes out and in the first year he when he plays for two weeks in a row all of a sudden you see the performance start to go down you see mental and physical uh wear down effect as the year is going on playing a lot more like I don’t think that’s going to happen I actually think he’s built to be a number one goalie in a Workhorse and I think he’s going to be a guy that’s going to pass those tests with flying colors and he’s going to prove his worth as far as all that go here’s what I think I think Swan knows and is saying to the Bruins it isn’t that I think that you think that otherwise you wouldn’t have done what you did you traded elar you put me in a position that that just shows that you believe that this is the outcome so pay me like it let’s also than game time uh your best place to get Red Sox tickets at Fenway this summer if you well and actually they’re winning some games so you probably do want to get Red Sox tickets at Fenway summer although uh for me I might use game time for I saw yesterday that uh journey and uh de leopard and Hart are gonna be playing at Fenway Park in August so I made game time to go see the that three 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off download game time today last minute tickets lowest price guaranteed yeah but it’s not that’s not how contracts work though you know like you can’t just say look you traded El Mark so now you have to give me this because you believe in me like that’s not how it works you have to the AG for the player has to show contracts that are comparable to say this guy has the same numbers as this guy he needs to get paid like that guy and there are no comparables that have Swan’s numbers that are going to be making seven or eight million dollars a year that’s where the problem comes in is in the actual like negotiating of a contract between an agent and a GM there are zero comparables to Jeremy Swan that are getting paid seven or eight million dollars a year on a seven or eight mli a year deal they just aren’t so like I think this is why nothing’s happening because I think they’re in a real difficult spot where the the swan’s Camp wants to get paid like shesterkin and hellu and and Soros and I’m sure the Bruins are like we’d love to pay that kind of money but like you haven’t earned it yet like you’re not there yet as a goalie with what you’ve done in your career and it does open up a problem argument it’s a tough one because they’re contradicting it’s I I’m not disagreeing with you from a historical perspective that is how it goes I get it um yeah but a lot of guys get most of them make most of their money after they’ve played their best whatever you know and and that’s Sports and and I think that I think that other teams do do go outside the box and they do bold moves that are based on um beliefs that this is what we have and this is what we want and this is what we think we’re going to do and we want him here for a very long time I think it would really be antithetical to go with something BR try to do some sort of a bold like a high-end Bridge contract I think would really be uh something that the San Camp would kind of like get out of here with that crap let’s do this and say I’m your I’m your guy I’ve proven it in the playoffs you know and let’s go you know I mean everybody needs incredible backup now I you but you know I mean didn’t he play um not like two or three years ago didn’t he play more games than he played any of these last couple of Seasons um no this past year was the most he’s played 44 44 okay yeah yeah so it’s slightly more I mean it’s not even close to 60 it’s not even like 50 you he did have a good playoff but that’s a month that’s like probably was even less than a month it was to Series yeah two tough series and that and that helps you like that that helped him that helped them decide to trade El Mark and give him the job number one goalie like there’s no question he’s going to be the number one goal critical to hedge their bets on with a contract after after making the Personnel decision that that put puts them there that’s all I’m saying and that’s what I’m that’s what I expect is to swayman Camp’s argument about why he should be paid like the like the top down guys right but you can’t I I don’t in in a world in a world of negotiation and you know the way it works it’s just like real estate you have to find comparable properties and that’s how you get like the value of a property like that’s just how the it goes that’s the way the game is played like that’s how every single one of them um and I you could make the argument I guess that like if you’re selling to a relative you’re gonna sell for less money or you could give a sweetheart dealer I they I think if swmming has to settle for a bridge contract and takes fewer years because like three years because he doesn’t want want to settle for that salary and on seven years for instance I think he’ll leave I I don’t think he would but like I don’t think it’s going to get that far either I agree with you I don’t think they’re going to go down that road because they don’t want to I think take the risk that he’s just lights out for three years and that turns into their paying him 10 million a year or whatever you know three years from now but I I do think it’s gonna take it’s gonna cause him to probably get less than everybody thinks well I I do agree with that part because I heard a lot of yeah everybody thinks he’s gonna get eight years 64 million he is not going to get eight years no no that ain’t G to happen because I think closer to 8 years 56 million what I feel like I’ve learned over these last few years every time there’s been mass panic over the Bruins cap situation and they’re not going to be able to fit these guys in they’re not going to be able to do this guy always works out they always do what they want to do so Zam Bon well they also they’re also willing to spend money you know they’re they’re willing to spend money for the players yeah they they spend to the cap like the the era like what you’re talking about when they were coming out of the lockout and it was a disaster when they didn’t resign Canal they didn’t resign you know Ralston they didn’t resign Sergey gonar they didn’t resign neander all those players they had that they loaded up on right before that yearlong lock Mar Le Point go um his he had one more year left but it was a lockout year and they and they let that expire but yeah those those times are over you know like that that’s not been the case for the Bruins in a long time where they’ve like spent to less than the cap they always yeah spent to the cap now it does usually work out and they’ve been really good at it like it didn’t work out this this past year they had to pay the piper though obviously with all the you know the jvr um Kevin shaton Kirk those kind of contracts they had to bring in trading Taylor Hall like that whole thing but like they certainly have the cap space to sign Swan and I think they’re going to sign swam and I just think it’s kind of irresponsible and it’s kind of not like reading the landscape to just say it’s 8 64 pay him his money like he’s earned it like no he hasn’t he’s going to get paid less than that the body work the body of work doesn’t dictate eight times eight no it’s gonna probably be like seven Max or somewhere in the low sevens or high sixes because like that’s there’s nobody that’s making and who knows maybe they’ve already got an agreement in principle and they’re just trying to decide how much are they going to front load you know when’s the CBA coming up you know doesn’t feel like that though does it it never does it always feels like there’s a strain until it happens until it’s done it feels like it might not happen but that doesn’t mean yeah but history tells me that this is nothing for Bruins fans to stress over no I agree I think it’s G to get done I I just I it’s more explaining what the holdup is I think the holdup is that Swan’s in a very unique position given what he’s done to date and given what he probably wants for money where it’s just not it’s not one plus one equal two you know it’s not it’s not lining up where he’s probably going to get a little bit less than he wants to get or thinks he’s earned at this point he’s never played a full regular season and playoffs as the number one goalie correct hasn’t done it and you can you can be that you can be that basic and and be right well and it and it’s that it’s the the games played plus being one of the best which Visa being a vzna trophy finalist being in the top five of vzet trophy voting like that kind of thing is should take seriously because the GM’s vote on the vzna it’s not like you know usmu you know I mean I’m sure if they don’t give a crap about what the phwa does you know yeah but well I think it’s all Awards voting though like I think that it that comes into play with the negotiations too like you know showing that you were a dominant player oh yeah during the season yeah I mean you know for long stretches of time where like I said shurkin heluk Saros all of them either won vzna trophies were vzna Trophy finalists or were like multiple Seasons where they were top five in the vzna Trophy voting Jeremy Swan this past year just popped on the vzna Trophy voting for the first time and he finished seventh yeah so like he’s still on the the lower end of like building that resume to get paid like he’s pretty damn good when you consider the fact that it was a 5050 split oh yeah well it’s and it makes it even more amazing that El Mark won the VZ of the year before because the GM is saying that about him against the reigning vzna Trophy winner in a year that they won 50/50 and and uh and it wasn’t the protected 5050 that it was the year before and and I know the playoffs don’t count and then but that’s something else the swming camp can bring along and say yeah and um and he took over the net and he did it with a plum so yes he did um had everybody chanting swan in the handshake line at the end of the floor that’s incredible I mean it was so much about you know this is their goalie this is their guy um I mean he pretty much he pretty much owns the city about as much as is possible for a guy who lost in the second round of the playoffs yes it was really something well the the Bruins fans in the city of Boston loves their goal tenders there’s no question about that like it’s pass they usually do love them and I will agree and I will also see this um I always like Tuka yeah and I felt like he got a bad rap from some people because of things that happened at the end of those Seasons when yeah I mean I know it seemed to always happen at the end of those seasons though didn’t it well that’s the problem you’re at the scene of the crime you’re holding the bag perh people think you’re guilty at a certain point it certain point it becomes more than coincidence that’s what I feel like well if that’s the it becomes Legacy I know what you’re saying that’s the yeah becomes Legacy yeah yeah so but I I I mean he never won the big one yeah you know that’s that’s the other thing that you get I mean I I I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fin a goal tending performance than his Eastern Conference Final against Pittsburgh in 2013 that was unbelievable what he did against the pengu the whole postseason in 2019 Mick he was unbelievable well he was I mean the numbers kind of fell off in the um and you know they didn’t get the they didn’t get the biggest big saves that Tua normally would make in the final but I don’t feel I feel like he was a by that was a byproduct of what happened between the Nets yeah and I he wasn’t great in game seven I thought against uh St Louis which was kind of like the first goal by the blues was very much like the first goal on leango in in 11 it was kind of like this Puck was supposed to go to Mark wcky and berson sees it sitting there and fires it inside the post and people like huh what it’s one nothing you know and yep next thing you know Marian wrap around Berg on his knees penalty kill and the roof caves in so that this this is um a tweet from uh Larry Joe East uh Jeremy San hope I’m not bothering you Joe can you tell us your view on the sing contract I would have thought he would have been signed before the allar deal thanks that should the show open well that’s I mean I’m I’m just reading I’m going to read Larry Joe East because we were GNA I was going to read that before we talked about swim but we just flowed right into it anyway so yeah Larry jois good question I hope you enjoyed the answer got your Phill you got your fill of your our Swan thoughts and like I in a perfect world they would have done the San contract before they traded lus alark they would have been in much better uh bargaining and negotiating position if they had done it before they traded Lena all Mark and if if really like this tells me if they really wanted to be like hard asses about it and hardcore about it they probably wouldn’t have traded all Mark and they would have kept him in the folds and and waited until the very last minute to trade him and you know and sign elar I mean sign Swan to try to keep leverage Don Sweeney Don Sweeney said that he would preferred to keep both goalies and I think that that’s I think that the zador off acquisition speaks to this I I think that these are linked I think that this is I think that I’m I felt pretty off guard when the zadorov signing I know there was some rumbles but I wasn’t really taking him too seriously because he there always rumbles in the sky but the rain isn’t necessarily going to fall but when you see that Mason lry had such a great playoff that kind of says I’m Not Looking Back and it looked like I it just screamed to me that you know the Bruins have a guy here that they’re probably going to play with makoy next season well I suppose that’s still possible if they want to go with a hyper balanced you know where nobody gets too overly taxed kind of a situation that could happen but let’s face it this is a pairing this pairing is geared toward Charlie McAvoy why because they want to make sure that they have two pairings that they feel really good about defensively in the new goal tending era yeah yes I think that’s definitely part of it and I think it’s also because they want they want makoy to feel like he has to do less you know they want the pounding to stop on him physically they don’t want him to stop wearing down in the postseason because he has to do so many things they probably want him to focus a little bit more on being an offensive factor and uh less having to be the guy that’s always throwing the tone setting hit or the you know momentum shifting hit doesn’t have to be Scott Stevens and Scott neem just focus exactly just kind of more focused on the need end of it if there a big hit there sure make it but he but just seems like there games where the opponents could goat him into being preoccupied with the next hit that he’s going to take or make yeah he could Chase things instead of like just playing his game yeah right trying to do you know there’s too much trying to do too much every a lot of great players I remember Ray bour during the 9192 season he had played a ton of hockey as the Bruins had gone to two Stanley Cup finals two other Conference Finals he had played a boatload of hockey and he was playing with the minutes he was playing and then in 9192 they’re going through uh labor War and the Bruins lineup is changing quite a bit and you know everybody who is like the player rep was getting gassed you know and was like the team is getting weaker and weaker you know and Gary G’s gone and you know and and so they’re come they they’re asking more of bour and his situation and he’s going through that season and and and they’re going through a lot of players a ton of players played for them that year and Ray Bourke tried to do too much that year and it wasn’t until um it really kind of bought him doubt in a couple of bad losses against one of them was against the Red Wings for sure at the Garden and uh that he you know they all kind of like had like say okay let’s all take a breath here and settle down and and then obviously they got became a much better team uh with the uh injection of late season Olympic uh players and Glenn Murray simultaneously that’s that was right in my wheelhouse of uh of being a Bruins fan was those years when they started bringing in the college for the playoff runs and the late season stuff I remember those Jo Juno um from Team Canada Ryan Ryan Teddy Donado that’s right tin and Donado they were like salt and pepper they came came together on the on the table and Glenn Murray was brought up from Junior at the same time even though he was a very primitive version of himself he didn’t have his NHL stride yet but he could sure shoot the puck now with me Major League Baseball in full swing with the Boston Red Sox actually doing okay sort of fighting for a playoff spot certainly better than I think anybody would have expected going into this season now’s a great time to use prize picks uh if you’re a Red Sox fan and if 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bit uh with Mark dver about um in the last podcast about lysel about several Providence players Mark mcgoffin there was a question about him as well um and I mean I think the consensus here is that he’s gonna get looks this year he’s gonna get looks with Charlie Coyle and Brad Martian he’s going to be part of that sort of buy committee Carousel of right wings that they’re probably going to try in the top six um and I’m sure there’s probably going to be a training camp invit or to Danton Heinen um for that spot as well uh guys that don’t have jobs that they can bring into camp and maybe somebody flashes and earns a job uh that way as well but like you know Max Jones will get looks there Trent Frederick will get looks there Morgan geeky will get looks there there’s a bunch of players himself as the plumber centering the second line that that to me you know in the postseason for the heavy hockey uh that to me tells me that he’s going to be uh getting definitely getting some of those looks but lysel would B if he earns if he has a good camp he’ll definitely get his shot at that because he made a big a big uh a big leap last season this past season and and U and was you know second or third in P Bruin scoring most of the year um he took that horrible hit he’s still very young for AHL standards Mick at 21 20 years old whatever he is like he’s still a very young player for that league and I think they like the fact that he’s got a little bit of um confrontational um uh Yapp in his game he enjoys getting into it with opponents he’s got a very fiery personality so he’s fun and I think that you know that that kind of can translate into competitive style uh so I I look forward to seeing if his game you know at this stage has any ability to translate to the NHL I tend to think that you know that he’s got really incredible talent but the Bruins have a thing now and I felt this way about the draft that you can go one or two ways when you pick late you can say okay then I’m going to go for a third liner I’m going to go for a number four defenseman I’m going to go for a guy that I I see yeah that I see a guy right perfect example we see him as like a they drafted him thinking someday he’ll be our third line Center they wanted a guy who could be who could exude the the properties that that PL kind of player ideally has and brings to the team chemistry what the Bruins have done instead in this particular draft starting with Dean lero is get try to identify Diamonds in the Rough and and by doing that they’re getting people who did not play in the Showcase level appropriate for their age so in the case of lero they got a guy here who who uh who wanted to play in the OHL his whole life got drafted too far down to think he had a realistic chance of making a team and decided instead to go the college route and it was going to be Northeastern it winds up BC um you know with uh Will Smith turning pro you know they have a slot so he’s going to go there and uh we’ll see how he does and uh at the same time these other guys that you’ve seen in this draft are from like these tier 2 sort of Junior leagues I think there was one that was similar to the Ivan when they 20 years ago when they got Ivan HL terrific talent but they got him from like the second level he wasn’t major junior he was playing the the one notch down but they felt like this kid’s got it and and and he did he just didn’t I think he liked the pregame warm-ups and the crowd interaction too much didn’t really didn’t really understand what the job required and uh and he’ never really fully developed into what I think he could have been which is a really terrific NHL play play and um and so but I think the Bruins are trying to identify guys like that that they think that can punch above the weight of where central scouting would have had them because of where they were hiding because of family circum personal circumstances whatever wrong along the way whatever didn’t have late bloomers whatever it’s a very it’s a risky kind of a way because you could wind up striking out all the way across the board but if you hit you hit bigger and that’s what draft Legacy will be yeah yeah for sure that pick the Lono pick no doubt will be that um I think it’s easier to take a risk on a player like that when he’s six foot seven and he’s got great offensive skills you know that there were some things about him that I think you looked at and said okay we can we can take a risk on this kid because the physical tools are are impressive and he’s going to a great program in Boston College we’re talking about a player that you know it is has got legit credential even though he was playing in a in a not quite as high a level as competition as most of these other kids um so he’s going to need more going to need more development it’s gonna translate to more development even though he’s saying one or two years at BC and I’ll be ready to make Boston I’m like dream on buddy yeah no no that’s what yeah when I saw him say that at the draft I was like no waying worthy that was even before seeing him at development Camp it was just further cemented when I watched him at development camp and he was like physically not able to you know handle the strong guys that were like five years old or six years older than him um and was like you know was giving up on drills too you know was like uh before the whistle would blow just like giving up on a drill and skating away and the other kid you know finishes off the drill finishes off the play and I was looking like what why did he what was going on there like you can’t do that at the professional level like you know that’s not even something I want to see on my peee team joh where’s Johnny Whit side when you need them seriously welcome to the prospects Camp you know and I don’t care if you would drafted one or if you had drafted 172 but that’s kind of I think the knock on him a little bit is that there’s a little bit of a lack of compete at times where he disappears at times in games and some of that can be you’re six foot seven you’re not the fastest guy in the world like you know the optic the Optics is going to be less kind in a situation like that yeah and everybody’s always going to be watching you because you’re that big and it’s going to seem like at times you’re not sort of moving or not right you know giving full effort or whatever like um and it’s going to be tough but like there you could see in development Camp there were times where he didn’t seem as competitive in some of the shifts and some of the drills as you kind of need to be and some of that is being 18 year yeah some that’s a learning curve as well it is of course but like you also have to wonder how much of that is his DNA as a hockey player and how much of that we we’ll find out now because he’s going to be in a spotlight here you know no totally but like that’s kind of like what you come away from that like short viewing of I saw some things I really liked he can shoot the puck great like people were telling me he’s not Tage Thompson and that’s not a great comparable because he doesn’t shoot the puck the same way I thought him shooting the puck was one of the best things he did the entire week when he was at development gamp I thought his ability to pick pucks up and and really rocket them quickly like the hands going from collecting the puck to shoo it his actual shot his ability to create shots around the net like all that stuff I thought was really really good and he had a really powerful like Cannon shot like that stuff is going to be a weapon for him it seems like the classic prospect that yeah this classic prospect that that long after he’s forgotten because he’ll no longer be the shiny he’ll be exceeded by shinier newer toys and get forgotten about but he’s still developing those years and then he’s going to emerge later that’s the outcome the Bruins are hoping for a little like they’re getting the you know they’re getting Justin Brad zone now you know what were people thinking about him in Toronto two years ago I don’t know right like he’s the kind of guy that to your point like 21 years old he might all of a sudden have a massive year at BC and like really be everybody’s radar and like oh okay this is this is what they pick but but also like you were mentioning I think it’s going to be like more like three years at Boston College based on what I saw at development Camp I think this coming year is probably going to be like growing pains not a ton of offensive production not playing high in lineup like maybe he doesn’t play every single game like I think it’s going to be one of those years for him as he transitions into like big time division one college hockey and Hockey East and he gets better progressively as it’s going along but I think if you have like Mile High Skyhigh expectations for him going into Boston College based on what I saw at Dev Camp I think it’s GNA take him a little while it might be very Joe Thornton is you know as far as like when he came into the the NHL at age 18 there was really no recour sending him back was not an option and yeah legally it was but rules wise they could have but it was a bit of terrible idea better to just try to protect him and the perfect coach to do it sometimes people say well it took Keenan to bring out the best in Joe thoron he was the right guy at the right time but he would have been a disaster at the at the beginning Pat Burns was the right guy at that time most definitely um but like getting back to what we like initially we were talking about lys um before we went down to the dean Loro Rabbit Hole uh lysel is a guy that I think is going to get looks this year uh I think it’s a big year for him you know he’s gonna get legit NHL uh playing time but it’s it’s on him like he’s got to be the guy that comes into training camp ready to go ready to impress ready to show that he’s he wants to do it he’s got to be the guy that’s got to prove it to guys like Brad Martian that he’s worthy of skating on the same line as him and he’s worthy of that top six spot that they’re probably going to like give him sometimes like he’s going to have to prove to those players Charlie Coyle and Brad Marian that he can play with them and that he should be playing with them and that’s going to be a big part of it too if he’s gonna stay there is martian going to Jim Montgomery and saying hey I like this kid keep him playing with us like that’s what happens in these situations like when there a veteran player and it’s two veteran players you know the coach is going to them and saying hey who do you guys really want to play with just as much as it’s Jim Montgomery evaluating and say this is the guy that should play with them like it’s going to be a a a a back and forth kind of decision and there’s going to be a lot of uh collaboration between all parties involved so like that’s something that a guy like Fabian lysel needs to understand is like he needs to do the right things because the veterans are going to be watching and and they’re ultimately gonna have a lot of say into what he does and where he plays and how long he gets an audition there um you know because we’ve seen and I’ve mentioned this a few times before poor Brett Conley uh when he came in and tried to play with Patrice berson and Brad Martian like it was an absolute disaster and like you could tell by the end of the time he was playing with them they were kind of like f you gotta find this somebody else this isn’t working it just was not jelling even though the you know Peter Shelli and the Bruins really wanted it to work it just wasn’t happening no and I think that a guy like Conelly because of his draft pedigree he was gonna in his size he was going to get a lot of chances and he was better play with the capitals afterwards than he was with the Bruins when they had him but more of like a third line kind of role yeah yeah it’s just kind of like it’s it kind of like the expectations were lower it was more cup half full and um you know I mean I just think there was a lot of pressure there when you’re making a cap move and and moving a player as popular as Johnny Boychuk and and and this is what you’re getting back um you know ultimately this is this is what that was all about and and you’re saying okay well if this guy pans out well is he panning out no he didn’t pan out so it was a that was a that was a tough one it was very probably very causitive to them missing the Playoffs um so you know and having the kind of season where missing the Playoffs became part became a 11th Hour just you know fate so um yeah I mean lysell I’m looking forward to seeing what he’s got but I also I think that on his side it’s good for him because every good thing he does is going to translate to is going to become it’s going to be money in the bank for him to get more chances because that’s the way they want the traffic to go there’s nothing more the Bruin would like than to see that draft pick pan out and absolutely and uh so I mean we saw it this past year Mick with with Johnny beer and um Mason lowai yeah and those kind of guys uh grasping hold of jobs like they want those kids and and and Matt potra they want those kids to seize the job sees the opportunity and say you know I’m so good that you have to pass up the veteran that you put tried to put in my place and you know you’re going to give me that job because I’m going to earn it like they want that they totally want that yeah that’s that’s that’s the outcome they want and even if you don’t get it right away in the season you know you know Brazos comes up later um you know there there’s just things that that happen that were Providence related that didn’t happen right away um and and it turned out to be a good thing for them you know and uh we never talk about Mercury LOF because uh of you know those four was it four games was four four regrettable games he played fourth fourth line and he got sent back and it was just really just kind of like a why did you bother kind of a thing and um yeah and so you know who knows there One Shining Moment was hitting a post right so so maybe maybe that situation isn’t the last time we’re going to see hear about that I you know oh of course so so that’s no merav is definitely in that mix too Mick there’s no doubt about it like he’s going to get looks too I think there’s a a handful at least and perhaps more if they bring in a veteran Camp Tri out or two yeah that second line right wing spot has got a lot of interest uh right now uh and and then you know that the the chemistry in the how which where when you might agree on which eight guys are going to get the bottom six spots but you might not see a a fruition of the form of it until we’ve had some time so uh in a defense is you know in the goal tending is pretty much already decided pending performance you know Corpus Salo you know Bob ESS is one of the great goalie Whisperers of our era and uh and Corp pasalo is probably going to be a great backup for Swan so yep no and uh I yeah I that stuff is established and I still think too what we’re probably going to see is at the trade deadline they’re going to bring in some kind of Winger um to fill that spot um when it when it comes down you know to it uh if they’re like in a position it looks like they’re going to be you know Stanley Cup contenders which everybody thinks they’re going to be um based on last year and based on the ads that they have I think they that’s their number one target at the deadline barring injuries is or some crazy you know performance going sideways that we don’t see as a top six Winger that can put the puck in the net had me on the other night at the on The Sports Hub and he said that the athletic came out with a thing about how everybody gave everybody a grade or or stacked the teams in order of who did better in the post in the summer and uh they are the Bruins at 26 of course they did something the athletic does not like the Bruins there is something going on there because like it was stupid that they they ranked their draft and development pipeline as 30th and then all and then Mason lorai Johnny beer Matt ptra all became contributing members on team last year brezo other players came up like it it like it showed you how like uh SPO in that yeah yeah the rankings are not even worth the words that they’re like put on and like it’s not worth the time to read the articles because like these draft gurus don’t or Prospect gurus they don’t really know like they they are all it’s like a group think where they’re all basically saying the same things about the same players where like anybody that would have watched Mason Lowry play would have said that kid’s going to be an defenseman like he’s good yeah I think part of the problem too is that um is that they tend to think and you know aggregate terms you lose de brus you lose this many goals you lose this guy you lose this St stat you lose that you say then where are you going to get this this isn’t baseball it isn’t even basketball and you know you you put a guy who is as dominant a player three zones whichever team has the puck no matter where it is on the ice Elias lol’s going to be one of three best players on the ice so that’s 20 minutes a game from Charlie Coyle and you now go to 40 where you have more of a berson Cree presence back on your team and this isn’t even the foundation for your cup contention anymore at your defense which I thought they were going to go into with that big three plus lowai and instead of going in with a big four and then getting zidor off at the same stage of his career and age that charara was when they got him so is he charara of course not he doesn’t want to be called Big Z because you know out of respect and and uh and God bless him for that um he’s already endearing himself to me so but if the Bruins are right about zadorov and about him being less Radco and being more measured and mature in his approach then they’ve put their team in such a better hampus lindholm’s job just got so much easier he’s going to be so much this year not having to face the guys that he had to face because zor off’s going to face them and this is the this is the where the where the uh uh you know you know put it on things are going to fall down here and you know and it’s going to be there’s going to be succession and and there’s going to be a lot of support and help and more guys are going to score more goals because they’re going to be a better hockey team that’s playing more of the game in the opponent’s end as a result of the lyol acquisition this is huge see I’m I am of the opinion that it’s okay if he still got a little Radco going on and I think the Bruins need that so I’m fine if he still has a little bit of Radco in his game uh but I think people are sleeping on how important the zadorov signing is and how much of an impact it’s gonna have I think it’s gonna have a very big impact on this team especially come playoff time when you need somebody like that that is just an absolute enforcer in the dzone uh among your defenseman and it just like puts fear into the other team going around the net and like when they’re carrying the puck into the offense Z I was so taken by the zadorov signing that it my first thought was I wonder if they’re re-evaluating their commitment to hampus lolm and and I and maybe at the deadline if Lise playing really well that they would reconsider this whole thing and and maybe cash in for a high-end forward to score I only I say no only because if you look at zadorov he’s never really averaged even 20 minutes a game uh in his care career he’s never been a true like really sort of like super Workhorse all situation top four defenseman and I just don’t and and linol is that and has always been that and I just think they’re stockpiling D and and and making themselves bigger like uh the smallest D now on that Decor Mick is Charlie McAvoy at 6 foot1 209 pounds that’s crazy when you think about it that everybody else is bigger than that but that’s how you win in the playoffs and that’s what you need to win if they can if they can and this group grou kcap well yeah of course Mick thanks for joining us my friend let’s do this again next week great thanks Joe all right everybody thanks for listening we’ll see you at the ring [Music]

Welcome back to Pucks with Haggs! Joe Haggerty and Mick Colageo answer your Bruins questions about the Jeremy Swayman contract negotiations and whether Fabian Lysell has a shot at an NHL spot this season.

From the intricacies of Jeremy Swayman’s contract negotiations to the strategic roster moves involving players like Ullmark and Zadorov, this podcast leaves no puck unturned. Delve into the legacy of past Bruins goalies, the significance of player development, and the team’s quest for a championship-caliber lineup. Join the conversation as they explore the dynamic landscape of NHL goaltending and the Bruins’ strategic vision for success on the ice.

0:00 – Intro
1:30 – Entering the hockey Dead Zone
4:30 – Restricted free agents status
8:11 – Team’s hope for players
10:08 – Negotiating Swayman’s contract
16:11 – Comparing player contracts
21:21 – Speculating on contract terms
23:22 – Vezina Trophy finalists
25:00 – Tuukka Rask’s performance
26:48 – Zadorov signing implications
30:53 – Bruins playoff memories
33:19 – Fabian Lysell’s potential
35:26 – Bruins’ draft strategy
39:04 – Need more development
41:53 – Long-term development plan
46:31 – Draft pick success
52:27 – Impact of Zadorov signing

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  1. Holy cow, I feel like I'm finally hearing knowledge- & reality-based analysis about Swayman. And thank you, Mick, for finally confirming what I have been saying FOR YEARS about Connolly, that he was given so many chances with the top 2 lines but basically dragged down the performances of both the Bergeron and Krejci lines, as well as the PP. I have been swearing for years that the B's too-prolonged attempts to make it work for him as a top 6 & PP player led to their missing the playoffs and the firing of Julien. When he started having success with the Caps, a big part of it was Lars Eller as center knowing Connolly's game and being ready to get the rebound when Connolly missed perfect setups – this is what happened with Ellers' Stanley Cup series-winning goal. Eller didn't say it like that, but he said he knew Connolly was at a location where he like to shoot, so he passed it to him, AND charged the net for the rebound lol which he scored.

  2. I would like McAvoy to ease off on the PK as well during the regular season. Let Peeke pair with Zadorov on PK2 and let McAvoy and Lorhei take care of the PPs.

    Obviously McAvoy will need to PK if any of the four D outside of Lorhei are penalized, but if he doesn't need to be out there, don't put him out there. Let him eat the even strength minutes and be fresh for PP1.

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