@Boston Bruins



what is up brunes fans today I’m bringing you a clip of episode 359 of the black Old Hockey podcast for host Sam Smith Mark AR Dom tono and myself discuss this year’s Bruns development Camp coming up next uh let’s talk about development Camp here uh we have a few players highlighted that Mark wanted to chat about and Mark along with Jason cook and Tom clatty were at were at the development camp at Warrior Ice Arena the past few days so let’s chat about a few of these players first off recent draft pick Jonathan Mela what did you see Mel how good did he look yeah we talked about it earlier he’s got some good speed good skill um you know it’s just it’s a working progress um Raw Talent as many would say um a solid pick and I like what I saw out in the ice uh very engaged um you know when he needed advice you know uh Adam McQuade was close by or or any of the other supporting coaching staff that was out in the ice all week um development Camp was a four- day uh um event this year held at the warrior Ice Arena um and yeah I mean I thought it was uh I thought he did good along with several other prospects um uh this was a much better development Camp than I than I anticipated because of the fact is that we were kind of wondering if we were going to get back into the first round or not but I think that the the players that were invited uh did a decent job and um and put a good show on for the fans that were in attendance speaking of the first round Dean L Toro this year’s first round pick we discussed him earlier how good did he look in in the uh in development Camp is there any uh is there any still big any problems with him or did he have overall a good development Camp I I want to say Oscar Yelich uh put him over his ass um and hit him pretty hard and knocked him right off um so there’s there’s some things that he needs to work on you know he’s a young kid coming into Camp uh for the first time um in in Boston pretty much for the first time so there’s a lot of work things that he could work on too stability agility and strength uh is one of the biggest things that I noticed but if you look besides all of that when he does have the puck he’s very creative for a big man and he has a really decent shot and he you know he really leans into a wrer it puts a lot of that weight behind him to get off a really good shot yeah uh Jackson Edward you highlighted him drafted in 2022 looks like he’ll be with either Maine or Providence next year what’s Jackson Edward how how did he do uh just another skilled defenseman that is a nasty guy to play against it doesn’t matter if it’s a regular season of playoff game or development camp this guy brings it every every time he’s out on the ice um he there’s no friends when he steps on the ice and an opposing come opposing player comes at him um just just a nasty guy and Adam McQuade talked about him a lot this week about how much more how much he’s getting better and his track is getting you know a lot better than what they thought it would be absolutely Riley Duran 2020 draft pick what’s Riley Duran looking like how’d he do Speedster uh great release um really engaged as one of the um guys that has been around for a couple years in development camp now um so you know younger players or even invites that come in um can lean on a player like him um split this not split the season but you played at Providence College and then seven games in the American Hockey League um and uh Ryan Mel and uh Adam McQuade they all spoke very highly of him about his track and and his development curve is going in the in the very good uh right direction um you know some are calling Dark Horses for for him to be an NHL player very soon so lots of good things from Riley Duran and I think he’s gonna be a really good player uh with a full season under um in the American o league with the province ruins next season hopefully we get to see some a glimpse of that hopefully in the preseason Oscar jelic how did he do yeah probably one of the best players out of Camp uh in my opinion and and from Reading several other articles and several other Med media members that were alongside uh Tom and Jason and myself uh this week um he just really stood out his offensive capabilities his speed his Edge work um agility he’s he he’s he’s another one that’s like really on the right curve of his development going back to BC uh gonna play with uh LNO and gasa uh so I’m not not sure if it’s going to be on the same line due to left shot right shot but they’ll be on the same uh team and uh moving forward together so that’s uh something to look forward to at Boston College next year yeah so we had some feet on the ground obviously as you were saying we were we had Jason cook Tom Kat and yourself Mark and you took a lot of footage for us and you’ll be posting some of that footage later in the week you mentioned earlier before we went live uh some scrimmages and some stuff like that yeah so uh yesterday was July 4th uh as and today’s the 5ifth as we’ record this so um I’m having a little bit of uh computer problems technical issues as uh as Boston gamer would say our boy Kevin um but I am going to be releasing pretty soon we we are going to be releasing pretty soon in uh about a 20 minute video of the of the full scrimmage and later on we’re going to be releasing some three Onre Short Ice um tournament it’s four games that they played so I I that’s about 30 minutes that people can see how these players do uh in shorter areas and uh and how nasty they are to each other even though it’s development Camp nobody takes a break like what you saw be sure to come back next week for episode 360 of the black and gold hockey podcast for host Sam Smith Mark alled and domana discuss the latest rumors and updates on Bruins free agency and the world of Bost BRS see you then [Music]

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Full Scrimmage Video:

Full 3v3 Tournament Video:

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1 Comment

  1. You're not serious right?

    I mean, I know you are but I have to ask for the sake of sanity anyway 🙂

    Not a single one of these guys has any shot of making the Bruins in 25-26, alone 24-25

    Letorneau is years away

    After that it's the 4th – 7th round long shots

    Do we need to do this exercise again?

    According to NHL draft history metrics, less than 12% of 4th to 7th round forward or d-men ever make the NHL & less than 5% of those who do, have real NHL careers

    Don Sweeney himself drafted 29 forward or d-men from 2015-2023 in the 4th through 7th rounds

    A grand total of 2 guys he drafted in those rounds as forward or d-men have played in the NHL.

    Oscar Streen & his lousy 34 NHL games played & Jonna Koppanen and his lousy 5 NHL games played (neither of which are even with the organization anymore)

    29/2= 6.89%

    RIght in line with NHL's 4th to 7th round draft metrics for ye ole Don Sweeney

    All of these guys besides Letorneau were also considered bottom 6 / AHL tweeners or bottom of the roster, #7 or #8 D-men at their ceilings, if they were ever to actually reach those ceilings

    At their draft, besides Letorneau, all pre draft analysis on the rest of these guys was "project", long development curve & or never making the NHL

    As usual these are the outside of Boston views of the Bruins largely terrible prospect pool and farm system which seem real & largely based in analytics & research minus the hometown bias

    The Hockey News just released their overview of the Bruins 24-25 prospect pool

    Spoiler Alert, they think it's garbage

    Here is the Hockey News truncated overview of the Boston Bruins Farm System for the 24-25 season:

    Strengths: Nothing
    Weaknesses: Everything

    Sports Illustrated also just released their list of their bottom 5 NHL prospect pools for the 24-25 season.

    Guess who made the list?

    The Boston Bruins

    Yet here in the Boston Bruims Homer spin zone you have all of these bottom of the barrel, 4th to 7th round draft picks Don Sweeney drafted as either "Good" and or making the NHL soon? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    Good grief😭😭😭😭

    Don't let this stuff get in the way of actual reality….

    -The NHL's own draft history metrics of 4th to 7th round forward or d-men

    -Don Sweeney's own hit rate on 4th to 7th round forwards or d-men (6.89%)

    -Or the fact the every credible NHL site or service that ranks NHL Farm Systems & or Prospect Pools has Boston's as either one of the worst, if not dead last & 32nd in the NHL

    But sure, these 4th to 7th round guys are making the team in 25-26 🙂

    Get back to me when that happens….😭😭😭

    And if if Dean Letorneau plays a single shift in the NHL prior to the 27-28 NHL regular season, that'd be next to a near FN miracle🤣🤣🤣

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