@Calgary Flames

Off season continues. Here’s Stecher, Johnny, Guddy and Weegar at Mangis wedding

Off season continues. Here’s Stecher, Johnny, Guddy and Weegar at Mangis wedding

by backchecklund


  1. Chemical_Signal2753

    From the outside, I am always a little surprised by some of the people who show up at these players’ weddings. I could be missing something, like maybe they played together in Junior, but I didn’t think Stecher played in Calgary long enough to have made become a close enough friend to be invited to Mangiapane’s wedding.

    Players being absent never really registers for me because people can have conflicts, but the unexpected additions make me wonder how they’re connected.

  2. Hopeful_Bass5125

    I think we can make some conclusions based on the people who were not at the wedding. Let’s just say I’m happy that he’s no longer a part of the team, as I’m sure the flames are.

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