@Boston Bruins

Black N’ Gold Hockey Podcast Episode 358 Live Stream #NHLBruins #NHLDraft #NHL

Black N’ Gold Hockey Podcast Episode 358 Live Stream #NHLBruins #NHLDraft #NHL

e e e hello everybody and welcome to episode number 358 of the black and gold hockey podcast on the new Cyclone Sports podcast Network and we are live on multiple different platforms I am Sam Smith once again joined by Dominic Tiano Dom how are you you doing good doing good Sam how about you I’m doing pretty good uh noticeably our co-host founder and CEO Mark aled is not here tonight as he is battling an illness but hopefully he’ll be back next week Mark hopefully you feel better soon uh yes definitely yeah especially with free agency coming up and the draft this weekend which we’ll be discussing later on in the show um yeah so hopefully he gets better um hello to everybody watching on YouTube Facebook X twitch wherever you’re watching shout out to all of you watching shout out to those listening on Spotify and apple podcast make sure to drop us a nice follow and leave a nice rating for us it would really appreciate we would really appreciate it and it helps grow our podcast apparently on Apple podcast we got into the top 150s in the United States last week so that was pretty cool I would say so right Tom oh definitely definitely definitely be sure to Le those five star ratings for us and Le a nice review for us it only helps our podcast grow this podcast is once again sponsored by the amazing BBL Lux Transportation Company please follow this five-star Private Car Service on Facebook you can email them at bblu forless or you can call 978717781 11473 to schedule your next trip into the Greater Boston area all right so let’s get things started so first topic of discussion on the podcast today or this evening is uh a defenseman that spent most of his time with Providence last season and he gets another another uh hack at with the Bruins that’s Ian Mitchell Ian Mitchell gets a one-year contract at league minimum it’s a it’s a two-way deal um what are your thoughts on Ian Mitchell coming back to the Bruins uh will he’s most be spending most of his time in Providence again or do you think he could possibly crack some NHL minutes oh I I think he’s destined for Providence um the thing is is Providence is so thin on the blue line um that if something happened to the um one of the top six in the NHL that he’s likely your first call up right um if he wasn’t there I don’t know who you’d be looking at like they are that thin on the Blue Line in Providence so uh it speaks to the prospect pool um I’m a firm believer that they’ve got to find another left shot defenseman in free agency um you know that can take that next number six spot and that would move wat spoon down to number seven who can play both sides and and be your fill in but uh uh if they don’t like Ian Mitchell’s your next man up and uh you know they basically had to get him under contract uh because there’s nothing else there yeah um providence’s defensive core is a is a paper thin I would say especially when it comes to players who are going to be who are trying to be NHL ready I would say out of the bunch Ian Mell has the Ian Mitchell has the most um again you know when you look at providence’s Blue Line um I don’t know he like he was a top four like you know they had reu there they had Rula there uh lorai was up and down um you know so he was probably the the number three in terms of ice time uh when when lorai wasn’t there but uh um I think in the event that somebody is required in Boston that he would get the call up over regula simply based on his experience that makes a lot of sense so he spent 13 games with Boston last season recording two assists and a plus six rating so that’s that’s I like that plus minus rating on him uh he spent a lot of his time with Providence last year playing 42 games with Providence uh tallying six goals for 24 points with a plus 10 rating so it kind of even though he isn’t know for producing on the offensive side as a defenseman it’s nice to um know that he is still on the ice creating creating opportunities for goals to be happening on the other side yeah yeah and you know he’s not going to be a big Point producer like let’s get that out of the way right now um if you know heaven forbid Charlie makoy goes down he he’s not going to fill maoy shoes uh he could go in and fill Andrew Peaks when needed he could even fill in for Brandon Carlo for a bit you know small stretches but uh other than that you know he’s your number eight defenseman right now absolutely we’ll answer your questions later in the show as we have a we we’ll have the final like 25 or 30 minutes the podcast blocked out for live questions from the chat as we had last week so um so I think the consensus is this was a necessary contract for Ian Mitchell however he won’t have a lot of time in the NHL because of the number one the skill set that the other seven defenseman that would be NHL ready would have and as well as they need people in Providence right absolutely so the next two topics we have in discussion are is going to be kind of all swelled up in a bunch because the fir they both happened relatively around the same time the second topic of discussion is Brandon busy now Brandon busy he was a RFA and on Monday they also signed busy to the same contract Ian Mitchell received uh it was a one-year two-way contract at league minimum 775 um and we were all convinced that he would be the eventual backup to San um once the season began we’ll get into that in a little bit um but what are your thoughts on Brandon busy coming back and what the contract will mean for busy well first of all everybody’s got to know that busy or or uh Mitchell even Michael DPO when he signed his deal what a couple months ago now uh that they all signed for underneath below their qualifying offer um yep their qualifying offers were over 800,000 so but that’s normal um I never thought that busy would be guaranteed or or get the biggest look as the backup goal tender I I think that they’re looking and you know I’ve often said that they’re probably going to bring in a a veteran I didn’t think it would be corpolo um but I believe that they would look for a veteran that would push DPO and busy so and now we’re going to have three guys battling it out for a backup role uh uh behind Jeremy Swan and you know um competition is good they’ve got a great goaling coach um they got a great developmental coach and Mike Dunham uh we’ve seen what he’s done with busy and with d Petro especially Reviving D Petro’s career so I I think it’s going to be a a big battle in training camp I wouldn’t say that bus’s a lock I wouldn’t say any of them is a lock uh but we’re going to have to see how they do in in training camp yeah so busy had had I’d say an impressive preseason last year um making notably that phenomenal save in the first preseason game on against the Rangers on Johnny brinsky um that save I still to the say thought that was the best save of the preseason for the Bruins last year um so here are some of his numbers those who aren’t up to speed on him he played 41 games with Providence last year recording a 2310 and5 record that’s pretty good with a 2.67 goals against average and a 913 save percentage um he has an overall record of 48 17 and9 with Providence uh he was originally signed as a free agent in 2022 so he’s been with the club for a couple of years now um when what do you think his ceiling is for when he could when he could be the eventual backup or a starter if in the NHL with this with this club I I think he he has the ability to be a backup this season it’s just I Mark often talks about how hard he works during the off season to IM improve himself and to be the best that he can be so he’s gonna have to do that this summer and go into training camp and uh and win himself to spot I I think he’s more than capable of it uh but I also believe that Michael D Petro is capable of it um so um to answer your question Sam I I I think he’s ready to be a backup now uh I don’t think he’ll ever be a true starter in the true sense of the word like he’s capable of being a 40 game guy you know so a 1B uh if he reaches his potential but I don’t think he’ll ever be an a true number one that you know gives you 55 to 62 games a season yeah I think busy uh I I definitely believe that it will be a dog fight for that backup role in in training camp with between him deep petro and Corpus solo um Corpus solo has a lot to prove in himself self right as last year he was statistically the worst goendale hockey league um but that also may be because of who his defensive core was in front of him for all those games with Ottawa and how they’re they have been struggling for years um trying to in their rebuild and so maybe that might be why maybe it could be a bounce back year for Corp pasalo next year if they if he gets the backup role to Swan I think regardless of who gets the backup roll they’ll get 30 Games tops it’ll be Swan’s team next year yeah definitely definitely that’s what I think Corpus solo I think he could be a serviceable backup and same with bus your deepo all three of them I’m not concerned if they get the backup roll I’ll be completely fine with either three of them yeah the the only thing I worry about D Petro is size but no no yeah but knowing his competitive level um all the way back to his first day in the Ontario Hockey League uh it’s been noticeable how hard he competes so um I give him that uh he won’t let the size thing affect him but you know we’re talking the NHL we’re not talking the the AHL now so yeah so yeah I think it will be down to Corpus Solo or busy just be just because of the size and not the DPO being small is a bad thing I just think it sometimes it might not work out in an NHL setting yeah not everybody can be UC Soros right exactly yeah so who I guess his price has picked up I guess a little bit too I yeah we were talking last week that maybe uh he was close to an extension in Nashville now I’m hearing rumors that he could there there could be a trade on the works for Saros I have no idea so we’ll have to see what happens with that in Nashville I don’t know but well trots would like to get him extended we know that much so and that they would be smart to do that because Saros is he is phenomenal um well we were just talking about the dog fight for who will be the backup s San next year because well unfortunately we had to move on from Lena somark as he’s the next topic of discussion as the Bruins on Monday as I was live here on this channel on all of these platforms on Monday night as well as my personal YouTube channel discussing this trade as the Ottawa Senators swooped in and took lenaar in a trade from the Boston Bruins in exchange for this year’s uh 25th overall pick um fourth liner Mark cellic and Jonas corpos solo who is at 25% retained he again we were discussing him earlier Dom he was the backup he well he was the starter for Ottawa last year and he lost it and he did not have a great season um so now he will be the most likely backup in Boston this year um coming in at 25% retained I remember discussing people were asking me if Corp pasalo will be flipped at the draft to get higher up in the draft I doubt that I don’t know if you agree with that I think they’re going to keep Corp pasalo at least through next season yeah I like I don’t know that he would be an asset you could use to to move up in the draft I I just don’t see it you know yeah I I don’t I don’t think it would be um I don’t think there’s enough value there right especially if the Bruins FS are clamoring for a top 10 pick I’ve been reading it all over social media oh we should try to trade up to get into the top 10 and use Corp pasalo as trade bait there’s no value guys that’s the problem there’s no here here’s the value you could trade the 25th overall pick right and Corpus solo for the 26th overall pick see like there’s no point in doing it you know yeah um there’s no uh there’s not like a lot of um opportunity there they took they took Corp pasalo on it’s good that he’s 25% retained leaves you a couple extra million dollars there to go after Swan uh and lock him up and give more money to him and also gives you more money in free agency to go out and go get that number one Center go get that Winger you need if de bruss doesn’t come back go get your left defenseman that you need fill the holes in your roster and maybe put more money towards your rfas especially if boquist coming up as well as an RFA yeah I I mean it was a weird trade like you know really what really hurt Boston was that there was no extension for lenus olmar we knew Ottawa had to move salary back I just I don’t know I I I hope that Bob as Senza can work miracles and increase corpos Solo’s value that at some point they will be able to trade them absolutely because you don’t want because like if the in in my personal dream scenario busy would be the perfect backup at league minimum if he would want a million or 1.25 as a backup to Swan with his eight and a half he’s probably gonna get that would be probably an ideal scenario instead of paying Corpus solo $3 million and wasting hope hopefully not but possibly wasting a year of his career is backing up to Swan when he could probably go out to a a team that needs a starting start somewhere else yeah and let’s say let’s say busy beats out Corpus solo so they can send they can wave Corpus solo and say send him down to the American Hockey League and they can save about 1.1 million bucks uh they can bury without counting towards the cap so that means that 1.9 is still counting towards the cap and you add busy to that you’re now at 2.75 million for your backup goalie when you could have been at 775,000 yeah it just kind of a weird yeah like ifar got the extension along with the trade the Bruins would have gotten a lot more back than what they actually got and that’s just the way of the that’s just the way of how hockey works yeah and how and how trading in sports works there’s an extension guaranteed you’re going to get a lot more back yeah people point to Mark markstrom in New Jersey markstrom has two years left on his deal so there’s there’s the difference yeah that that’s the difference markstrom has his contract will be up at the end of the 2526 season yeah but olark say he’s gonna omark said extension of s side is going to play out the year and see how it goes yeah um he had his introduction press conference today he uh said he’s excited to join Ottawa and he also mentioned something interesting which was kind of um he mentioned that apparently Ottawa was not on his no trade list during the introductory Zoom call and he didn’t have to wave to go to Ottawa like we were talking about last week because Al although even though people say always on the no trade list we never really know until it happens so it’s kind of interesting that you know we were talking about it I guess I guess not so all right I don’t know most people think that players don’t want Canadian don’t want to get traded to Canada so all the Canadian teams are on their on their no trade list we know for sure Toronto was on his no trade list yeah that doesn’t surprise me yeah so um the the other interesting thing about this deal or the the most interesting thing about this deal besides the getting their own pick back is the Castell deal like you know I I think that the Bruins are moving on from uh Pat maroon and they brought him in as his replacement yeah I don’t know what what you think Sam big guy he can skatee pretty pry well yeah he reminds me a lot of uh because I didn’t really know much on him so I I looked up some highlights on him he reminds me of a faster version of Justin brazzo if that makes any sense he kind of oh a lot more physical though he’s yeah he is a lot more physical than him he has a little he has some speed but he also has the he also has the the stick handling that brazo had um which is why I think they bring him in at a cheap price of 835 which is what said on his salary that’s not that bad for a guy who if if he makes the NHL roster fourth liner brings a little jump to your game there’s nothing wrong with that and he’ll fight he’ll fight he’s gonna be the if he’s gonna be the maroon replacement that’s not a bad thing they they’re almost identical in size yeah so yeah it makes sense if they want to bring in um mark cellic That’s not that that getting cellic back was not the problem with Bruins fans the pro the problem and of course Bruins fans complaining about about the uh about trade no never never never never no um the the M the the biggest complaint was Corpus solo because they yeah it will be for four years or unless they move him before then yeah they thought oh this busy deal ensures that busy will backup swimming next year and I was convinced to believe that too which is why when I saw the when I saw the return I was kind of confused I was like Corpus solo interesting you know see I got the exact the exact opposite feeling when when they announced the busy trade because I I I felt that if he was going to get a legit shot and I’m not saying he’s not he’ll get a legit shot in can but if they believed legitimately that he was going to be their guy he would have got a one-way contract and he probably would have got a two-year deal as opposed to a one-year deal yeah that that would make that actually makes sense now now that I think about it but yeah soon soon as I saw the deal I don’t know I had a funny feeling yeah I just I didn’t think that um I didn’t think that through so when it happened I was like oh well this is interesting um yeah so people in the chat right now are talking about if are asking if omark’s 100% healthy um I believe that that he was battling something because as David pointed out in the chat there was an injury against Arizona in January where he kind of where he kind of like folded over in overtime I don’t know if you remember that yeah and he missed a few games too yeah he was out for couple weeks something I think he missed four games yeah so maybe but that was five or six months ago he would and the Bruins have been out for almost a month now so I would assume that that he would have gotten any situ any injuries that he had fixed before you would think yeah you would think that he would at least go get the at least if it’s not a surgery get like in PT and gets you know get himself fixed up and the sense would have received all the medical information so they they would have they would have known yeah so um if Omar wasn’t healthy like 100% or at least going to be ready for training camp they probably weren’t G to take on omark so I don’t think they were worried about omark’s injuries so um moving on to the next topic of discussion as I know this is going to take up a big chunk of our of our time um let’s talk about the draft the draft coming up this weekend uh this is where the offseason really picks up uh Friday and Saturday from the brand new sphere in Las Vegas I can’t wait to see how that looks wait isn’t it Thursday and Friday is it is it Thursday no I think it’s Friday and Saturday I think it said the 28th and the 29th I’ll double check real quick oh yeah today’s only the 26th never mind yeah it’s it’s it’s uh Friday and Saturday from the brand new sphere in Las Vegas I cannot imagine what that’s gonna look like that is gonna look something Have you ever have you seen this spere yes now it and and the big thing is you know next year they when they go virtual this will be the the last one where everybody’s under the same roof yeah so to speak um and you know this this in a way has to do with the draft but not till next year for those that don’t know or hadn’t heard today I got the whole press release up on my website if you guys want to go read it but today the Canadian hockey league and USA Hockey came to a three-year agreement where the top prospects games will now be between uh the Canadian hockey league and the national team development program oh wow so it’ll be a two game series uh where you have the best of the CHL versus the national team development program in the top prospects game as opposed to the CHL having their own and then uh USA Hockey having their own so it’s a threeyear three-year agreement uh that starts next season that’s a that’s awesome that’s gonna be great yeah I hope that’s I’m hope I’m able to watch that somewhere maybe on like the NHL Network or something it’ll it’ll definitely be on NHL Network yeah it would have to be I would want to watch that just to see how that would go yeah just kind of study up on prospects for the future drafts and stuff when they when they were first talking about it I didn’t like the idea because um you were eliminating you know 20 potential CHL CHL players and 20 potential potential USHL players but now that they’re making it a two game series you can replace those players so you’re basically having two teams each that’s gonna be that’s gonna be hell of a lot of fun um so with the draft the Bruins are Bruins now have four picks in the in this year’s draft because because of theark trade um the Bruins have a first round pick drafting at number 25 they have a fourth round pick at 122 A fifth at 154 and a sixth at 186 um where do so let’s start with the first round pick where do you think the Bruins could attack do you think we were talking last week about this being a defensive heavy draft class do you think they’ll try to attack defenseman for the most part or could they expand into of forwards or goalies it could expand into into forwards I’m not going to touch a goalie in the first round the thing is is when you’re looking at probably 18 to 30 maybe 35 you can bounce those players just around just about anywhere they’re are good players um here’s the thing and for you people in the United States don’t get mad at me um I won’t take any offense you know um I’m a firm believer that you have to be cyclical in the draft you can’t always draft from the CHL you can’t always draft from the USHL uh because you have to stagger when your players are coming becoming professional so here’s the thing with that 25th pick if I’m the Boston Bruins knowing what my Prospect pool is like if I’m drafting somebody out of the USHL or drafting somebody out of Europe I better be damn sure that they’re ready to turn pro in two years not four years not five years if you’re drafting a guy with another year of USHL eligibility he could be potentially five years away okay so you better be damn sure he’s turning pro in two years otherwise I’m grabbing a CHL kid who I know is going to turn pro in two years like Matthew Patra exactly I think that’s a perfect comparison um Mark sent in his picks in the chat so we’ll pull them up here for you he says that he would draft uh in the fourth round he didn’t have a first round pick he said in the first in the fourth round he has Jonathan MLL or Luke Ashton um fifth round he says Kaden shahan or William mckisic in the sixth round he would go Eric Paulson Jack Boden or Cam Hendrickson yeah I mean I read Mark’s uh thing this morning or this afternoon at some point today um I’ve got my list coming out tomorrow I list five players at each spot except the first round pick I went with two um and I went by my own list I didn’t go what the P public lists are saying this is how I viewed the guys that’s the only way I’m going to be able to give my honest opinion on on them um like Mark I got a couple of goalies on there because I think they need to to get one um especially after letting Redick walk um we’ll talk about that later in the show yeah so um the the thing about this draft like like I said when you’re 18 to 35 you can go any number of ways you can go 15 different ways but beyond that it’s it’s a coin flip like I for for pick 122 um I got a Swedish defenseman in there who I’ve seen on some of the public list ranked in the second round I just don’t think he’s a second round player um think he falls to the fourth that’s where I have them so that’s what I’m saying as draft is like it it’s like it’s all over the place yeah makes sense you you compare you compare something like red line to I don’t want to say Elite prospects because I I I don’t compare anything to Elite prospects because as far as I’m concerned it’s a bunch of garbage um why do you rank 500 players in a in a 200 player draft like you know but you you compare red line to let’s say um hockey prospects or or mckin and look at them side by side and you might have one ranking a guy second round another one’s got him fourth round another one’s got him seventh round right it’s like all over the place it’s kind of like this it’s like yeah yeah uh somebody asked your thoughts on uh Dean Lono um I don’t think he’ll be there that’s that’s my thoughts so I don’t even consider him fair enough um yeah I I just I hope do actually I have a question for you do you think the Bruins could flip this 25th overall pick and try to get higher into the draft they could or they could SW flip it for uh an NHL Ready Player I I would put nothing past on Sweeney yeah no I wouldn’t wouldn’t past him yeah I he won’t get into the top 10 I don’t think with this pick alone he’d have to throw in like another pick oh he he’d be throwing in next year’s first as well yeah to even come close to the top 10 and that might get him close it wouldn’t get him into it yeah it the highest I could see them trading up to is maybe in anywhere from 11 to 15 if they were lucky I think even 11th Out Of Reach like to move up that high you’re throwing in Mason Loray oh yeah so maybe like 15 through 18 or 19 yeah I you know they’re they’re not getting into the top 10 without a significant ad yeah uh bear Force asked what about what about Saka uh boy at 25 uh again um like the player uh I think he’s probably in the 20 to 22 range in the draft um one of my viewers comes in and asks his thoughts on Andrew um basa or Ryder Richie if they are still available with that 25th pick all let’s make it easy here’s the two guys that I have at 25 um Cole bwin of the Barry Colts of the atario hockey league he’s number one he plays all three positions um almost an elite playmaker has energy to burn he just goes nonstop constantly um uh solid defensively um kills penalties can play the half wall the bumper or in the shooter position on the power play um and he blocks more shots than most defensemen in the game so um and he’s got leadership quality so um there’s there’s the guy that I would hope to get the Bruins like that type of player because he’s got size at 6’2 uh the only knock on you’ll read I swear you’re gonna read that he’s a slow skater and he’s not he beats defenseman one-on-one wide like he’s got a very unusual skating stance and that’s the issue with his skating but don’t believe those that say he’s slow he he’s just the Bruins type player that he plays with energy plays with Pace he’s a playmaker type of guy that would fit in very well with David posternack um and and he plays all three forward positions absolutely um Jeff says the 25th pick has trade value right though right it’s already been used to acquire bruzi to Brink it and nowark why not trade for a Winger or LD or a left defenseman in a package with the pick sure it has value and and Jeff I’m what I’m saying is that don’t be surprised if Sweeney does trade him trade it in a package for an NHL Ready Player it wouldn’t surprise me in the least we’ll see we’ll see what happens on uh on Friday night because that’s when the draft will begin um it should be very interesting this be the last inperson draft in the NHL draft era because they’re going to be going all virtual starting in 2025 what are your thoughts on that the fact that the draft will be going virtual hate it hate it yeah me too me too you know some of the the some of the players biggest memories are at the draft you know when they’re hearing their name called out and and [Music] um you know gone will be the days where Eric Lindros gets drafted and refuses to put on the Jersey or Mario Lemieux or you know um you know seeing David Pastak excited hearing his name called out finally in the 25 spot things like that they’re they’ll all we’re going to have is memories and those memories are being taken away from future players so I don’t like it no me neither it’s kind of ironic that pastron was drafted at 25 when we have a 25th the 25th pick this year 10 years later it’s kind of ironic it’s funny I read somebody I don’t know if it was on Twitter or a chat room or something um um and I I found it quite comical where somebody said uh maybe Sweeney should ask David Pastak who to pick in the 25 spot well he must know something about that right since he turned out to be yeah the player he is now maybe maybe POS uh you know maybe pck knows something we don’t um so of course tune into to the draft this weekend uh the Bruins have a lot of stuff to do with the draft they have four picks um don’t be surprised that there’s movement um is what we’re kind of getting out of this don’t be surprised there’s any sort of movement out of this draft but again if they use if they decide to take all four picks it also wouldn’t surprise me either no no nothing you should never be surprised by anything that Sweeney does you might be surprised in what he gets back in return in the trade but don’t be surprised that he’s making a trade absolutely um coming up next let’s talk about free agency so we talked about it last week we’ll talk about it again as we’re getting a little bit closer towards Monday afternoon when free agency goes live and all hell breaks loose uh still no San contract yet that’s probably the number one concern of Bruins fans right now is that Swan doesn’t have a contract quite yet do we are we starting to get a little concerned about a possible second trip to arbitration or are we just kind of overreacting I’m not concerned I because um Sweeny is in Vegas um Swan’s agent is in Vegas all the GMS all the agents are in Vegas so you know it’s always better to do these things face to face than it is over text or over the phone so um I’m not worried I’m not worried at all yeah excuse me absolutely um just want to point out on YouTube we are at 899 subscribers on YouTube so if you have not subscribed to our YouTube channel we are one subscriber away from 900 so make sure if you have not yet hit that subscribe button the subscriptions have gone up a lot recently um so due to uh the podcast returning and uh Parker’s videoos coming out every Saturday which I’m pretty sure he’s going to be doing another one on Saturday probably recapping the first round or something like that so make sure to keep that uh keep that um in noted that um Parker’s releasing new videos on Saturday for us um if you have not yet hit that subscribe button on YouTube turn on that post notification Bell get notified every single time we go live or upload here on the channel as well and uh now let’s get back to the free agency discussion so free agencies be opens in 5 days we still believe that Elias lolm is their target for a number for a top center right yeah although if he’s not I wouldn’t be surprised I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Stevenson and uh tley type and then a defenseman yeah yeah we discussed last week that if ly Holm doesn’t work out we were we were gonna do Chandler Stevenson Tyler T Foley and a Brendan Dylan type defenseman which think would make this offseason pretty successful if you’re the Bruins at least free agency standpoint if you’re going out and getting new Talent there you go yeah exactly is it a better team than last year yeah it would be um minus the goal tending the goal tending uh won’t be the same but you’ve improved everywhere else in your lineup yeah which is um especially if you get Brendan Dylan your defense only gets better I think some’s a very defensively Sound Player um I think he would be a perfect fit with Andrew Peak on that third defensive pairing yeah and when need be if you’re playing lorai with uh with makoy you can flip them I I just I just don’t think Mason lorai is ready for 82 games uh of top pairing minutes so you’re gonna have to spell him sometime on the bottom pairing yeah it’s only it’s only to help him develop um I don’t see lorai Ever Getting sent down this season I just don’t L that was that was only because he was a rookie now this year it’s gonna be different he has a full-time roster spot now pretty a lot a lot of a lot of it too though with him and Johnny beer was they didn’t have cap room some there were there were times where they only had $20,000 worth of c space right and you couldn’t bring up a $925,000 player you had to bring up a $775,000 player yep exactly yeah so that that that’s the problem I think I think Sweeney will remember that this time and maybe leave himself some some leeway so that he can call up players and send them down as needed as need be without having to worry about a salary cap crunch um we just hit 900 subscribers on YouTube so thank you very much for that we’re on the road to 1,000 so make sure sure to uh still if you have not yet hit the Subscribe button over on YouTube uh thank you very much for 900 um so if H let’s look at our free agents right let’s take a look at the free agents that are coming out of our team right now right we have uh Pat maroon whichat Maron we talked about already I think cellic is the replacement there yeah so I don’t think Maron will be hitting I don’t think Maro will be back yeah so on defense you got Matt grizzli Derek forber Kevin shaton Kirk I think all three are gone uh we know our playoff six will be our top six uh starting this season right now Mitchell is the seventh if they bring in a defenseman like a Dylan wat spoon becomes the seven Mitchell becomes the eight down in I see no way it no possible way that they bring grizzli forber or shaton Kirk back um up front we got B reike I see him gone yeah we got heinan I think he comes back yeah I think it was Dave panota who said weeks ago that they were talking and you know the the numbers everybody keeps throwing out is three years $3 million oh no no no too much for me I would do I’m fine with the three-year term I don’t like the $3 million I would be if it’s a three-year deal anywhere from two to 2.5 is my my range for me for Heinen versatile player like that that’s what I would I would be down for yeah yeah I don’t anything over two and a half is an overpay and that’s not a sign in that’s just what we have exactly yeah so so there Patrick Browns not a UFA or RFA he’s under contract he’s likely headed to to Providence uh so that leaves Jesper boquist who’s an RFA arbitration eligible um and Jake debrusk UFA you also have Jason Magna who’s a UFA yeah he’s gone yeah magna’s gone um I think debrus is gone that’s just my opinion I don’t know anything obviously I just think debrus is gone I don’t I I think he’s gonna test the market I heard the Leafs might have some interest in him that would suck if he goes the leaves that would that wouldn’t that prob wouldn’t go well I don’t know if he can’t handle the scrutiny in Boston oh from fans and the media if you think Boston’s bad man Toronto Toronto Toronto’s on another planet compared to Boston he’ll fit perfectly with like Utah you know or Winnipeg or Winnipeg where there’s not a lot of scrutiny up there you know there’s just kind of like you know we like everybody it’s We’re Not Gonna really crap on you you know right like in Boston or Toronto they’ll give you your crap if you’re in a big Market Boston Toronto New York Philadelphia La those my five big markets in the NHL those five markets are going to crap on you if you if you’re not playing good well you got to throw Montreal in there Montreal in there too Montreal in there as well um you know if you’re in a market forget it Montreal they’ll burn your jersey yeah yeah Montreal is something else up there so if if if it’s always been an issue for de Brusque I don’t see a market like Toronto or New York interesting him no uh somebody said that we he could see de brus going to Calgary yeah Calgary is is a lot like Winnipeg in that way [Music] um you know it’s a possibility I I just don’t know what Calgary’s trying to do I really don’t I yeah I don’t know they they have their their decisions ever since they traded kachuck have really confused me like most of them have like if you’re trading markstrom you’re rebuilding so why would you want de brusk yeah yeah right I could see debrusk ending up in Nashville there’ be a nice place for him I could e yeah the reason why they could use another guy like they could use a guy like him in in there to continue their they had a retool for like a year or two I think next year Nashville could be a threat in the central if they get a guy like de Brusque who is a playoff performer yeah so yeah I ideally that that that would be another ideal situation for yeah again not a not a crazy scrutinizing market right um what he well very very passionate fan base in in Nashville but they’re not gonna they’re you know they’re not as tough on you as Boston or Toronto they are just very very uh eager to watch the Predators each and every night yeah so and yeah I I think debrus and Nashville could be an ideal scenario and they have a little bit of money to spend too so and you have you can put oh I can I can see it now you could your Top Line could be O’Reilly forsberg de Brusque in Nashville yeah it’s just I don’t know that Nashville would pay the money that it’ll take to get him there though I don’t know I can see I can see wiip Pig doing it yeah especially if they let toley walk it kind it can kind of be a makeshift swap yep if the Bruins go after TFI I can see d going to winipeg it can it can be it can be a trade without being a trade exactly exactly yeah so um keep an eye on Detroit and de Brusque Detroit I don’t know I don’t know about Detroit I don’t know just doesn’t seem like an Eiserman Type move no eisman’s very calculated in what he does I that doesn’t no not to me um what about Chicago for de Brusque that that would not I the the thing is with de Brusque is he wants to play for a contending team and Chicago isn’t close yeah Chicago still has a couple more years left to come close um I remember stupidly saying that Bard could help them make the playoffs in their first year obviously now I’m like no that wouldn’t have happened but Dar definitely helped develop things along but I don’t think he was the the final piece of the puzzle no if the brus wanted to go to a rebuilding team I think Chicago would be a good fit for him but it would de brusk and Dallas well yeah because they need I think if pavelski’s gone which he is yeah then yeah if they’re looking for a top six forward I could see de bruss stepping in MH Dallas is in a huge scrutinizing Market they’re a big Market but not a scrutinizing market yeah that could be interesting that could be very interesting yeah uh it would not be a trade but what are the chances to De brusk and Toronto we were just talking about that that’s not going to happen there’s like little to no chance to brus would sign anywhere besides anywhere in a big market like that that’s scrutinizing on their team he doesn’t want to deal with that again um yeah let’s see who else uh so we yeah what are your thoughts on boquest do you think he comes back well I would like him to Sam but you know right now if if you’re looking at the fourth line in pencil you got John beer playing the left side Castell in the middle and brazo on the right side and that leaves Loco out and that leaves Loco out and like do you think you trade loo you’re not going to get much for him well I well I know that but do you think they could for like a late round pick maybe in over the weekend possibly could they could like Ottawa was interested in them in part of a bigger deal for a signed allmark um but whether they want to give something up for him just for him I don’t know so you know let’s say they bring in a guy to play number one Center whether it’s Lim Holmes Stevenson or somebody else so you got a top line of Zach on the left new guy and poock then you got marshan Coy and you need somebody on the right now okay if you’re going to give Maddie ptra a shot out of the training camp a third line of Frederick ptra and geeky would be awesome ptra show chemistry with both those guys uh and I think could be a very good third line and then you got a fourth line to beer Castell Brazil so you bring in that number one Center you bring in that right winger now you’ve got Loco you’ve got boquist yeah that that and you got possibility bringing back Heinen too if they decide to bring him back that’s that’s going to make an they’re gonna have a lot of decisions to make for that bottom six a lot of decisions I personally think Buist is gone not because he’s bad I did obviously not BWI was awesome last year especially he his speed was necessary with uh on that fourth line I just think he’s gone to go get a more consistent role I think Loco might get traded or if he does he won’t make it out of um if he if he does not get traded I don’t think he’ll make the NHL roster I don’t probably is a 13th forward and that’s where Heinen would come in I think he you’re gonna sign Hein for three years two million bucks to be your 13th forward well yeah no that’s the problem that’s the thing they put themselves into a situation where they have a lot of bottom six players and not a lot of top six players right so unless you’re moving geeky up to the second line right wing and you’re putting hinen in that third line spot with Patra and Frederick and to me it doesn’t work their play Styles don’t work hinen and Coy H and but I don’t think Patra in that situation would work with hinen with h the the the reason why I like ptra with them is you got a left shot and Frederick and a right shot and geeky who can spell pot trup from the face offs if they need to right one on the left one on the right and they’re big bodies and that should take some of the beating that Patra took last year away and also another thing that I want to point out and I notic I noticed this more in the preseason than the regular season Patra is really good along the wall he’s good at keep Puck free from from um from SC from uh scrums behind the net or corner or along the wall which I think having an insurance policy like Frederick and geeky there will only help him be able to sneak in and kind of steal the puck away yep so I think that that could work so we’ll see if we’ll see if they decide to bring back hinen I think loo and boist are gone unfortunately yeah if they have to hold on to loo they they’ll hold on to CU I think after he’s a UFA yeah I would try to get something back for him if if you can if because I don’t think he has a consistent roster spot over beer brazo or Castell I don’t think yeah it’s it’s hard to say I mean it’s hard to say they got earn it right if they decide to keep loo I think the preseason will be very telling yeah on who makes and who’s who’s an NHL learn who’s not um what would it take to land a Winger like uh St like Sharon go like uh Sharon govic from Calgary pick Prospect player Formula he he’s been talking in the chat about possibly getting uh Sharon govic um I don’t know like like I said it’s it’s so hard to figure out what Calgary is trying to do um you know I I don’t like to speculate on what it would take to to trade for this guy or that guy um would I like him definitely I would like him but I don’t know I would think Calgary will want a roster player back one that can play uh not a yakalo type player so I don’t know who’s that guy I don’t know maybe the RFA rights to boquist possibly who they know who who Calgary knows that that could play their style or a Trent Frederick yeah but I don’t know if I’m willing to give up Frederick for sharing that’s just it like who’s Calgary gonna ask for prob who they have yeah probably Trent Frederick will probably be the only guy that I could think of that could fit their play style yeah so and the Bruins won’t take Frederick they won’t they won’t get rid of Frederick um yeah let’s see [Music] um I’m gonna do some rapid fire let’s go through some of the top free agents that in their needs and I’ll see if the you and you’ll see if the Bruins uh could take them um obviously Elias lolm yes yes or no okay um let’s see some top centers let’s just say uh Alex wenberg no Jack rosic yes Max doy no Chandler Stevenson yes uh let’s go to let’s go you didn’t include you didn’t include Monahan in there that’s a yes oh yes Sean Monahan I didn’t see him on the list yes Teddy bler got resigned today so he’s not on the list anymore oh that’s right he did too yeah yeah um let’s see and I’m not seeing anybody else it’s like a top Center so I pretty much went through the top centers of the free agent class I’ll go to I’ll go to rightwing now because rightwing is the next Target if they don’t bring back Jake de Brusque um Sam Reinhardt I think he gets resigned by Florida and he would also cost a yeah I don’t think they could afford him but would I want him yeah absolutely um teraso can we come back to that one yeah sure uh oh okay this is the guy that I would want on my team Jonathan marao yes yeah absolutely that’s a guy would want on my team do you think we could afford him um depends are we getting ly Holm or are we getting Stephenson if we were to get Stevenson yes if we were to get lyol no no okay all right decisions to be made there uh Tyler Tyler Johnson no uh Kevin leank uh if you had asked me a couple of years ago I would have said yes but no Victor arvidson yes and the last one I have uh I’m gonna say is uh Tyler tley yes all right back to Tarasenko tereno yeah um is it for one year um let’s say let’s say it’s a one-year deal yes more than that I’d really have to think about it but probably not let’s go uh left defenseman so let’s see um I’ll just run through some of the top names that are on that are a left shot defenseman Brady Shay yes Alec Martinez no he’s 36 he’s he’s an older guy they don’t need that uh TJ Brody no they already have that in wspoon he can play Both Sides yeah um I guess the wings are interested in bringing back this guy Shane gos despare no Brendan Dylan yes definitive yes Nikita zidor off I wish we could afford him so it has to be a no yeah uh we’ll skip over grizzli since he’s the seventh on this list Joel Edmonson no maros scandella no and the last one Ryan lingren Yes fair enough kind of ran through some uh Lin’s a h yeah I guess he is a left shot sorry play he plays uh with Adam Fox there top defensive pairing for the Rangers there um oh yeah there’s another one I didn’t didn’t even see him on the list Nikolai eers yes yeah fair enough so that was just some rapid fire kind of running through some of the top free agents as Monday comes we will be live next week uh discussing free agency um I will be live on my personal Channel during all the Mayhem on Monday afternoon so I’ll be uh live there if you look up Sam Smith Bruins on YouTube I’ll be I’m there and you can I’ll be live for all of the uh Madness on on Monday afternoon and it should be fun unfortunately I’ll be working uh the draft and free agency on one of the networks behind the scenes yep um so I’m GNA be on Twitter a lot yeah if you’re not following this guy on Twitter go follow him uh Dominic Tiano on Twitter no follow don’t follow me no um oh I had something on the tip of my tongue for you Sam oh for me um and now I forgot it oh no oh yes yeah so there’s a kid uh oh who went back to college decided he doesn’t want to sign with the win a pig Jets oh um yes okay so you being in the states do you did you follow him at all or no I didn’t I haven’t I don’t I haven’t really known much of them I only really knew that he was the Jets Prospect okay I just don’t know much on him but I know that he the Jets were interested in tring him I didn’t really read up on it I just knew the Jets might want to trade him I I that’s well I I was trying to save it from earlier when we got to free agency and but then you mentioned it at the draft about the draft would swedy move the 255th overall pick so here’s my question to you would you move it to win a pig for mcity do you think he would be worth that do you think that he Quinn mcor is will is going to be an NHL in the next one to three years yes then the answer and but I I don’t know that you’re going to get a better player at the 25th pick okay it’s how do I put it it’s you’re you’re comparing 18y olds to 20 year olds 21 year olds they’re at a different level so it’s hard to say yeah are you gonna find that 18yearold that’ll be the same as this guy when he’s 21 that’s a good conversation to have because I’ve heard a lot of good things about this about Quin mcity I’ve heard a lot of them I’ll have to read up more on them to give you a more sophisticated and more educated answer but if what you’re telling me is right probably and maybe like a late round pick maybe like a six put that put that on the agenda for two for next week we can well depends on if he’s already moved by next week I well that’s the thing right that’s interesting I never really thought about that until now yeah that is uh very very interesting we’re going to run uh oh your webcam your webcam turned off uh oh uh how do I get it back on that’s please start your webcam uh oh that’s an issue uh Dom’s having some webcam issues but you can still hear us right oh yeah okay like we can still hear you perfect um while you get that situated um next topic of discussion it’s going to be real quick um some of the fellas over at at at b& are going to be at Bruins development Camp next week um and uh oh there it is very good you fig there we go um the develop the annual development draft will be July Camp excuse me will be through will be uh next week Monday through Thursday from July 1 of July 4th the event has opened do we have a roster yet Sam is there a roster yet I haven’t seen anything I don’t think we have a roster I would have seen it where’s Mark is he still on maybe Mark can type in and you have a uh do you have a roster for what that could look like and can you send it to me on slack because um I will I’ll read it off if I get it yeah because I haven’t seen anything I no no roster for development Camp he says no not yet it’s Monday right it starts Monday yeah that’s unusual Mark are you going yeah so he uh will black and gold Productions will have food will have uh boots on the ground H as Mark with Jason cook and Tom Kat are gonna be there on uh during the uh development Camp next week so I hope he’s taking video like he promised me he would yeah I love you mark what what’s up yeah I’m I’m just surprised there’s no roster yet we usually get one by now right yeah we usually get one we probably would have gotten one a week or two ago by now yeah usually you get it like a couple of weeks in advance so I I’m surprised about that maybe they’re waiting until after the draft but that’s on that is not what their usual Mi their MO is to not is to do it probably the beginning of June very yeah interesting suspicious yeah maybe maybe they haven’t released it because they don’t know what their roster is going to look like because maybe more trades are coming I don’t know I I don’t know I would assume most of the AHL guys are going to be there yeah you you can I would imagine that most of the college guys will be there for at least two days Yep they’re allowed to go for two days uh anything after two days they have to pay their own way um interesting really H I’m going to look that up on the Bruins Twitter right now and see if they released any because it’s usually on the Bruins Twitter let’s see well usually they put out an article about it yeah I know Mark always does an article about it so I just yeah yeah there’s nothing there is nothing here wow that’s interesting huh all right well anyway Mark Jason and Tom will be there next week um plenty of video will be taken Dom uh just purchased new video equipment good um mark question for you will this will this footage be uploaded to our YouTube channel because I think it should yeah definitely it definitely should be because I would definitely like to take a look at some of our prospects and kind of see what we’re what we’re looking at here oh better do it Mark I guess Kevin thinks that you’re in the whacking mood how was the chicken parm Kevin oh chicken parm that sounded good yeah he sent me he sent me a picture of it the bastard uh yeah had some steak for dinner here and you know right off the grill was very good but chicken parm can never go wrong um no especially when done right oh great breaking news it’ll be uploaded here right here on this channel perfect and I’ll be definitely be sure to look look out for that because I kind kind of want to see myself what the uh Bruins prospects are looking like in Camp uh last topic of discussion let’s discuss um a guy that had a lot of more questions than answers uh and that’s Reed dick the go tender um he uh he went undrafted signed him as an undrafted free agent if I’m not mistaken correct oh no dick was drafted he was drafted in the sixth round right he was drafted that’s right he was drafted on the sixth round sorry I kind of got that confused yes he was drafted uh sixth round in 2022 right um but never got even to the ECHL level he was he uh spent the last three years in the WHL with the Swift Current Broncos and then the Bruins decided to not renew his entrylevel deal yeah I don’t understand that one no like he’s coming off a fantastic season um yeah a good season I’m looking at his stats right here yeah we don’t even know if it was his decision or a team decision it kind of just went like that just happened so um I’m hoping it was his decision yeah because if it if it wasn’t then that’s a bad look on the Bruins I would think well no they’ve walked away from other players before it’s just this was one I didn’t think they were going to walk away from last season in the WHL he had 35 appearances in the regular season a 2.7 goals against average and a 0.911 save percentage his best stats to date since he got into the WHL he also played nine playoff games to them last year uh his goal his goals against average was up the same percentage prayed stayed steady at 9 won he had a nine he had a 3.38 save percentage goals against average excuse me last season playoffs for Swift Current yeah there’s one game where I forget where it which one it was where he got shellacked for five goals in a period and a half and that threw his numbers way out of whack yep um oh I’m sorry yes I was mistaken who’s never signed to an into an entry-level contract that’s my bad no they so they let him walk yeah he was he was still with the organization but yeah not ever signed which is interesting but you know they still got some goalies in the system so yep they have well of course San Corpus solo busy deep Petro so yeah d the kid they signed out of college to an AHL contract yes um bishel yes that’s his name and then they’ve got sped back in college y they gotback who I’ve heard good things about he’s developing well in college I’ve heard so I think he kind of regressed last season but you know we’re not always going to agree on a on a prospect I just yeah that’s it for goenda few in the system which is why we are talking about possibly drafting a goalie this year’s draft maybe in the later rounds yeah yeah I mean you’re looking at another college guy or a European where you don’t have to sign up for four years so they’ve got a lot of time to develop yeah oh they have Kyle K they have Kyle ke that’s right they have Kaiser as well exactly yeah but he’s a group six unrestricted free agent so yeah they got to sign him so is Oscar Steen who I think will hit the market uh he’s already hitting he’s gotten permission from the team to look at other offers fair enough according to his agent yeah all right let’s quickly run through some uh some questions here where we only have about 10 or 15 minutes to go on the show uh so what are some of your live questions you guys have you guys can send them in in the chat let us know uh what your questions you have for us about anything draft free agency um omark whatever you got for us let us know in the chat we’ll answer some of your questions oh this is a good one especially as me sports broadcasting kid in college I like this question who will be the Bruins nessen play byplay guy um I don’t know I have a personal favorite [Music] um his name is Reed Dy who the playby playay voice of the Branford Bulldogs in the Ontario Hockey League I know that Jack Edwards has mentored him over the last few years has supported him and I know that Reed has submitted his um uh resume and and tapes to to nessen and I’m sure it included a nice letter of uh support from Jack Edwards um I would suggest that ness’s goal would be Alex fa he did a couple of games for Boston on the road last year including uh a backto back with Winnipeg and Minnesota did a preseason game against the Rangers um for those who don’t know Alex fa he’s a local boy he’s from the area um he uh started out with nesson as a hockey East announcer and then expanded into the voice of the LA Kings um he covered for Jack Edwards when he was gone he’s done some uh professional work for TN NHL on TNT he’s done um MLB he’s he’s probably their most ideal Target I think so um Tyler oh yeah Tyler Murray for nessen Hockey East yeah I’ve heard his name thrown around too as a possible um Target he he covers Hockey East on nesson he’s a very good announcer he also covers the Worcester Red Sox on um nessen as well um how many years has Peak left have on his contract he has two years right yeah two more years 275 yeah 2.75 for Andrew Peak um which I think is very is not that bad of a contract no it’s not considering you know he’s basically taking over for Derek forber yeah okay and he’s coming in cheaper forberg was at three million bucks saves you a quarter of a million dollars and you probably get a little more production out of peak than you do at corber um oh Kevin jokes he will be the new play-by-play guy and he’ll do it with a mouth full of food too oh yeah it wouldn’t surprise me yeah are there any serious links with the Bruins signing Elias lolm no no but I think there will be there will be it’s just Neil you the answer to that question has to be no because they can’t communicate they can’t talk before July 1st yep no can’t Do It um what bruan star needs to prove themselves this coming season proving he still has it or belongs here so what would be his La what would be a player that has their last you know shot um are okay are we talking NHL level or in the system any of the above I would think okay in the system I’m going to go with um Fabian lysel that’s who I was thinking too and if we’re talking at in Boston um I’m going to say pabell zaka yeah here here’s here’s why I’m gonna say zaka I want to know that one year um you know without David Cree wasn’t a fluke [Music] and I want to see him do it again and even better because I I think I think a little bit he underwhelmed this season from my expectations anyway so he’s my guy up top Fabian lysel for obvious reasons yeah he needs to you know mhm um the last first round pick that we had uh right he’s the last first round pick to Bruins yes he was so um it’s time that he works his ass off this off seon and goes into Camp prepared to win a job yeah absolutely uh somebody suggested coil is that player that needs to prove I don’t think so I think Co I think Cole proved it co last season had his best season to date since he got to Boston so I don’t I don’t think Coyle has anything to worry about Co coil is is solidified if we’re worrying about coil maybe yeah the playoff production from coil wasn’t what up to par with what he was doing in the regular season but when it comes to what he gave us last year in the regular season coil that’s not an issue it’s I agree it’s zaka um somebody asked bus’s new two-way contract if he’s waved and claimed is it true that he must stay on the claiming team’s NHL roster is that a deterrent for teams claiming him yes he do well okay it’s rather confusing he has to let’s say 10 teams put in a claim okay and it goes by last year’s standing so right um who is last last last season uh let me pull that up real quick I’ll pull it up this with the shot is it San Jose Columbus had 66 San Jose had 47 oh yeah it was it was Shark so let’s say San Jose claims him okay he has to stay on the NHL roster if they choose to send him down they first have to offer him to Columbus or any of the other teams that put in a claim yeah if they don’t want them then they can send them down yeah so pretty much he has to clear two waivers to get sent down the AGL pretty much or more or more depending on right it depends on how many teams claim him so technically yeah he has to be on the NHL roster for the for the year Kevin asks uh if they draft Ryder Richie what are the chances they will bring back Nick Richie they got a better chance of trading for Callum Richie than they do bringing back Nick Richie um let’s see somebody suggest that he thinks makoy needs to be needs to be better uh yeah um yeah uh I’m not gonna here’s the thing you can say that about the whole defense in Boston my biggest peeve last season was they didn’t have a guy behind the bench to coach the defense and we discussed this last week when they had John Gruden there everybody was having career years or near career years he walks to take over the AHL job for the Toronto Maple leaps and they bring in John mlan who sat up on the ninth floor next to Bob bza who’s running the D behind the bench I think we see an automatic improvement from the defense this year because Jay leech will be back there running the defense makes sense I mean two years ago when you had guden on the bench Lin Holm and grizzli had their best statistical years to date their plus minuses were in the 40s that is and and maab boy if not for missing a month of the Season would have had a career year as well yeah [Music] um Mark suggest to take makavo off the first Power Play unit um depends on who else they bring in and I’m not giving it to Lor right away he’ll have to work for it yeah he he needs to he needs to learn to do it I think he’s fine on the second PP unit yep where um Montgomery likes to put out a second defenseman that’ll back him up I I just I don’t think he’s ready to run the the top PP unit not yet not for not for 82 games no now God forid ma makoy goes down lorai could easily step in and play that role for a little bit of time I think yeah and but definitely for right now if if the team’s completely healthy they’ll figure out their top unit but lorai will be comfortable on the second unit I think so uh yeah Neil’s right lolm had a Norris caliber season in 2223 did he finished fifth in North voting did he not he was up there yeah so um yeah send in any other questions you guys have we only have a few minutes left in the show like these guys may be professionals they may be men right but they need coaching absolutely they they 100% too yeah do you think Jim Monk gets an extension before the end of the ne of next season depends on how the season goes here is where this is a tough conversation right I’m looking for an improvement from the second round next year if that’s a trajectory we’re going on if he wants he wants to stick around I’m looking for a conference final appearance that’s what I’m looking for out of Montgomery or a St final appearance before you even think about it it’s all dependent on the roster he’s given though too exactly but let’s say he’s given a great roster right let’s say he’s given all the fits that that they fit all their needs everything’s right has a good regular season gets into the postseason again and then another sec first or second round exit then you have to make then you have to make a discussion from there about do you do you bring back Montgomery but I don’t think they’ll Bruce Cassidy him either because I think the locker room likes Montgomery there it came I guess a lot of the like lock like Bruce cidy his final year with the Bruins um and of course knowing the Bruins luck he goes to Vegas and wins the cup the next year yeah so and Montgomery has given the Bruins two fantastic seasons in his first two years so you don’t just you don’t lose that right away you can’t I don’t know there’s got to be Improvement if depending on how the roster if you if he’s given a good roster there there’s got to be improvement from last year before you think about it I would let the season play out there’s regular season success and there’s playoff success exactly exactly success in the postseason will be key for Montgomery’s uh how would you guys feel about lyol and being our big signings if I’ll be honest with you Kevin if they’re getting to Foley I would rather Stevenson and then another d y because I think if you’re doing linol to Foley there isn’t enough money for that defenseman I agree I think because what would Lin Holm want like seven and a half eight well he turned down seven time seven from Vancouver now seven time seven in Vancouver it’s not the same as seven time seven in Boston so it’s it’s hard to say we’ll see because obviously I think it’s obvious the Bruins GNA take a shot at him and hopefully they get him I think the Bruins might have some good odds at getting Len Holm too because he would want to play for a contender assume and the Bruins are almost at the contending level they’re kind of yeah let’s say they get them for seven MH okay and what’s to fly get in your mind let’s throw out four and a half five okay so you’re at 11 11 and a half okay yeah Swan at eight you’re at 19 and half 20 million leaves you one and a half million yeah that’s that’s problem but you’re not improving that you’re not improving that defense with one and a half million bucks if you believe if you think forwards more than your defensive core then you hit a home run but if you’re trying to also improve your left defense side then get lolm and to Foley isn’t financially smart right you’re better off with Stevenson to Foley and say Dylan yeah thought the Bruins had over 23 just had just over $23 million in salary cap let’s see what let’s see what it says uh cap friendly reports they have 21.6 2,599 one666 yes and 33 cents if you want it down to the cents yeah um let’s see uh couple more questions and we’ll wrap things up here because we got some good questions coming in here um if de Brusque walks what would you what would you rather fill his position with an fa signing or internally I would rather it’s t toi type yep the unfortunate part with Fabian lel’s injury last season we didn’t get to see him at the NHL level even for a couple of games to see how we would handle it that’s a killer that’s a big killer yeah because you now don’t have that sample to be able to say hey he could win a spot come October and you can’t count on it so now you have to prepare to that spot uh let’s see what would it take to make you happy and forget about the Ottawa trade if corpo does well yeah that’s the only thing because cellic in the first I’m fine with it’s the Corpus solo that confused me but now I understand if Corpus solo gives us 30 games and gets us 152 wins I can’t sit here and say that’s a bad thing here’s what it would take for the majority of Bruins fans the vast majority they get to the Stanley Cup finals exactly it’s game seven uh Jeremy swan has the runs and can’t Playas and corpos solo gets in there and shuts out whoever’s whoever they’re facing that’s what it’s going to take for most Ru fans yeah because it’s not all Mark uh that’s funny though um Do You Believe Chara or berson have a future in management I say if they want it I could easily see berson being an assistant coach easily berson has hinted at coming back to the organization in some capacity yeah um depends if Lin Holm wants to come east I think he want I think he’s expressed that I think he wants to come east no uh not that I’m aware of but I’m sure he’ll probably go where the money the money is though yeah so I think he wouldn’t mind coming east if he get if he gets more money Uh Kevin suggest I’d rather go lolm and Skip to Foley than for another Winger okay he you’re not you’re not going to get a defenseman well I think he’s saying that to get a defenseman and keep yourself some money so I think he’s saying get Elias lolm forget about the Winger and then go get a defenseman oh he’s saying another Winger skip to Foley for another Winger oh and then oh sorry a cheaper Winger then is probably what he’s saying V Foley okay that’s interesting um I’m gonna bring up a question and this is just this is the last question I have then we’ll wrap things up there was a rumor that came out today that said that Leon dry cidal uh guys this is all rumor and speculation that if dry cidal were to not resign with Edmonson the Bruins have the best shot at dry cdle I don’t know how to feel about that what do you think signing him as a free agent that or possibly acquiring him in a trade trade what are they trading for Leon Jeremy Swan yep Swan starts with sanry you know and uh they’ll want a center preferably one with uh a future ahead of him Swan lorai and like five first round picks is what they’d probably want yeah you’re Bruins don’t have what it takes to trade for Leon dry cidal no they don’t they’d be better off if they really really wanted dry cidal you know what they would do they wouldn’t sign a center this year and they’d wait till next summer and then they give dry Sidle the big the big bucks but again is that a financial smart decision because again you’re risking of not making the postseason with this roster you got to convince ownership at that point to say hey we need to lose some playoff re Revenue this season in order to get the big fish next season in a hypothetical scenario if they were to get Leon dry cdle from the Oilers that would make him in C cup contenders now instant yeah but they don’t have the pieces they don’t have the pieces for dyal yeah they have the pieces but they’re going to significantly weaken their roster absolutely to the point where you’re wasting Leon dry a year of Leon dry cidal because you’re gonna lose yeah like who’s your number one goalie after you yonas caras solo I’m I’m not so sure about that I don’t know well I just wanted to bring that up at the end because I read that today and chuckled with that um because I knew the Bruins would have to give up an arm and a leg to get dry cidal yeah um it would yeah Mark’s right it would take it would it would uh take the Bruins steps back not forward exactly exactly so again it would be fun but it wouldn’t work it would be fun in a dream scenario poock and dry Sidle playing together would be magic but it wouldn’t work because the money wouldn’t work maybe they could out score every EV everybody eight to six every night yeah and maybe they’ll just you know carry the entire team to the Stanley Cup go doesn’t matter defense doesn’t matter depth score doesn’t matter when you have dry SLE andstock there but yeah hypoth hypothetical dry cidal and McDavid didn’t do it what makes you think dry cidal and ponut can do it exactly exactly yeah no you’re right well we are going to wrap things up here on this edition of the black and gold hockey podcast um when we come back next week Mark will be back with us yes yes and the draft will be done so we’ll have a lot to talk about next week we’ll be talking about how the Bruins did at the draft and we’ll be talking about how the Bruins did in the first few days of free agent frenzy that will be the most show that will be the most of our show um on next week uh and it should be heck of a lot of fun make sure to follow us on social media um you can follow us on Twitter um you can follow black and gold on Twitter as well on um at black and gold pod on on Twitter you can follow Dom on Twitter if you if you if you want he said not too earlier in the show but you can if you want at dominicano you can follow me on Twitter Sam Smith onyt um of course as I said earlier in the show I will be live on my Channel for free agent frenzy over on my channel on Monday afternoon watching all the Mayhem and Sue um and slowly uh losing my mind like a lot of people will be on Monday afternoon here’s a prediction for you oh yeah what’s your final pred for Bruin’s free agency well NHL free agency on day one general managers will spend in excess of $1.2 billion dollar wow on day Sig happen it’s day one it’s when all the Mayhem happens uh last year on day two there was uh if I remember correctly it was about $400 million on day two w damn that’s that’s good it’s G to be interesting this the Bruins guys by the time we come back next week chat and to those and to Dom and everybody El listening on Spotify and apple podcast it’s it’s G to look a little bit different by next week yeah we we’ll pretty much know what their roster is next week pretty much know um Mark uh Jason and Tom from b& are going to be at the development Camp it’s open to the public make sure to be there if you want to come by um so definitely make sure to come by on uh at Warrior Ice Arena uh again make sure to follow us on social media make sure to uh turn your notifications on like subscribe on YouTube and uh make sure to give us a nice review on Spotify and apple podcast for those listening audio on listening to the audio version of this podcast um Mark please feel better have a fantastic rest of your week and uh go Bruins the next few days hopefully they make a lot of good decisions to kind of make it up to the fan base after pissing them off with trading omark for what they got in return yeah for Dom and myself we sign off for now have a good rest of your night uh we’ll see you next week good night everybody oh Sam I got to go

Join Black N’ Gold Hockey Podcast hosts Sam Smith, Dominic Tiano, and Mark Allred as they break down the week that was in Boston Bruins nation.
We’ll discuss the Ullmark trade, Bussi’s Re-Signing, the 2024 NHL Entry Draft from Las Vegas, and our thoughts on the upcoming free agency that starts this Monday afternoon.
Please follow/subscribe and participate in our live chat with your B’s related questions in our Q&A segment!
See you there!

Today’s Stream Topics Include:
– Ian Mitchell Signing
– Brandon Bussi Signing
– Ullmark Traded to the Ottawa Senators
– Boston Bruins NHL Draft Preview
– Boston Bruins Free Agency Preview
– Bruins Annual Development Camp Preview
– Losing Reid Dyck
– Live Questions!

#NHLBruins #NHLDraft #nhl #bostonbruins

We have several Boston Bruins-related topics to discuss in this early off-season. Later in the program, we open the floor up to viewer questions for the podcast hosts, so please tune in and participate in our live chat!

Ian Mitchell signing, Brandon Bussi signing, Ullmark traded to Ottawa Senators, Boston Bruins NHL Draft preview, Bruins Free Agency preview, Bruins Development Camp preview, losing Reid Dyck, Bruins news, NHL trades, Bruins prospects, free agency, contracts, draft picks, hockey camp, Bruins roster changes, Bruins signings, NHL trade news, Bruins future stars, player development, NHL offseason

Boston Bruins highlights, Boston Bruins game recap, Bruins live stream, Boston Bruins news, Boston Bruins trades, Boston Bruins rumors, Boston Bruins analysis, Bruins player interviews, Boston Bruins press conference, Boston Bruins podcast, Boston Bruins updates, Boston Bruins season review, Bruins game highlights, Boston Bruins goals, Bruins defensive plays, Boston Bruins power play, Boston Bruins penalty kill, Boston Bruins training camp, Bruins player profiles, Boston Bruins roster updates, Bruins draft picks, Boston Bruins fan reactions, Bruins playoff highlights, Boston Bruins top plays, Boston Bruins injury report, Bruins coaching changes, Boston Bruins rivalries, Bruins victory celebration, Boston Bruins community events, Boston Bruins fan meetups, Bruins behind the scenes, Boston Bruins locker room, Bruins pregame show, Bruins postgame analysis, Boston Bruins best moments, Bruins player stats, Boston Bruins live commentary, Boston Bruins game predictions, Bruins team strategy, Boston Bruins season preview, Boston Bruins merchandise, Boston Bruins ticket info, Boston Bruins fan experiences, Bruins hockey tutorials, Boston Bruins game tickets, Bruins social media updates, Boston Bruins training sessions, Bruins player development, Boston Bruins charity events.


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