@Buffalo Sabres

Blue & Gold Talk – Thoughts On Free Agency So Far

Blue & Gold Talk – Thoughts On Free Agency So Far

[Music] hi good evening folks welcome to blue and gold talk the video on the channel That I Used to do that discusses talks about Buffalo Sabers related issues and we have a lot to talk about today guys and before I get started guys you haven’t seen me my daughter was in labor 44 hours 44 hours yeah you heard that right 44 hours and she gave birth to a 9 lb 6 o boy which we don’t have a name yet they don’t have a name yet not my call but uh sounds like it might be August we’ll see so my I am officially a Granddad guys oh scary to say that so that’s why you haven’t seen me I’ve been wrapped up into this like for days on end guys leading into this we were down the stretch run my daughter’s home she just got home about a half an hour ago the baby’s home it was funny watching the baby sneeze and do all the little hand things I mean thank God unbelievable you know the miracle of birth he and it brought back memories and when my daughter was small you know so just funny the cycle of Life how fast it goes goes guys it goes fast and I’m going to enjoy this one and I’m going to turn him into a power forward that’s the plan and he’s going to be a Sabers fan guys he doesn’t have a he doesn’t have any option just so you know he’s going to be a Sabers fan and we turn him into a power forward he’s going to be a big big boy his dad’s 6’4 so all right now let’s talk about the sabes guys uh okay I’ll start with uh Jason Zucker um I like the signing it’s low risk it’s one year we can always get if if this doesn’t work out we can move them for a rental at the end of the season it’s low risk guys there’s no risk to a one-year deal there just isn’t and we got some veteran uh help up front which we desperately need especially now that Skinner’s gone this guy kind of replaces Skinner in the age Department looking at it that way uh Sam laferty I could say the same for it’s another that’s a depth signing so uh lafy will be more it’s more of a depth signing for the bottom six and uh I I I like the deal I’m good with it I don’t have an issue with this one either I was hoping for Sam Bennett but I mean this is uh where we’re at so Sam lafer is a saber Jason zucker’s a saber now Nicholas Obe kubel this is muscle guys we needed muscle this is muscle all right so we got some muscle here with Obe kubel I’m good with the I’m just good with the signing um for those of you that were expecting like a 40 goal guy wake up seriously wake up guys they’re going to go elsewhere and the sabes the truth is goal scoring isn’t what they lack maybe that’s what we lacked last year okay but we don’t lack it with the Personnel we have the Personnel we have are more than capable of uh of scoring a lot of goals we know this so I’m good there now Beck melin I’m I’m the most excited about him because if you look at the amount of hits he had was it 251 I believe it was on the capitals like insane amount of hits this year right and he’s versatile he played like all the the games except one I believe so we’re good there this is this is a good pickup and I’ve seen people say like I don’t know sorry guys my back gave out to today before my daughter comes home you know just the kind of thing that would happen to me when I’m about to beat meet my grandson cuz uh I was busy here and um my daughter and her husband they want to be left alone which I understand totally respect you know so I I said I’ll just see when you get home cuz I figured they were coming home today so guys sorry if I’m squinting but my God this this um back of mine is bad but the melan Stein uh I I won’t say signing because we got to get him signed don’t forget we got his rights but we got to get him signed now we got to get him signed we need that muscle in in the lineup yes we need that muscle in the lineup so the Sabers are doing their uh doing their game now where I’m a little confused guys why did we sign Jacob Bryson uh I I mean even Dennis Gilbert I’m going to say that’s just going to probably be a depth signing we’ll see how that works out you know we’ll see how that works out but uh the Jacob Bryon signing I’m a little taken back by that one it’s like why I thought we were done with these guys I mean I did and there’s no hate on Bryson but we just don’t need him you know maybe it’s they’re just thinking of uh I don’t know I don’t know what they’re thinking with this one I can’t I can’t I thought he was gone so let me just get on a few more things here guys Rosie’s driving me nuts hold on Rosie so the next business we have to take care of we got to get melanin signed we have to get Krebs sign yes we have to keep Krebs okay for those of you that want to get rid of Krebs no absolutely no no he’s 23 you don’t give up on a guy that’s 23 that’s a first rounder uh Yoki Haru got to get him signed get him signed UPL they’ll get him signed for sure and that’s really about it there I hate looking at the dead cap and seeing Skinner there but it is what it is guys you know that’s the other thing now the the reason I didn’t think guys that that uh I want to talk about Skinner I’m going to jump a little all over the place guys cuz it’s been that kind of day um it’s been that kind of day in my body and my mind and my soul it’s been crazy today emotionally the last four days has so when I seen the Jeff Skinner thing I I when I seen what’s what it would look like if we bought him out next year it I could understand how it made sense to do it this year all of a sudden I I thought it would look a lot better I thought we would lose one of those four or $6 million hits and we don’t if we even buy them out next year so I was like oh okay I thought we lost one of them I thought it would look a lot better to be honest I knew we’d probably still have to eat that six one I didn’t know we’d have to eat the four also even if we did it next year and the truth is so it doesn’t make a big difference if we do it this year because it opens up 8 and 1/2 million or 7 and2 million bucks of cap for us this year so it’s not a bad thing guys I don’t think Adams is finished okay I really don’t I think there’s a big fish he’s going to still go after I’m not sure who it is I don’t even know if Bennett was signed guys oh my God my body is like ready to give out I think maybe this was just stress I don’t know I don’t know why my body just gave out all of a sudden let me just check Florida because I haven’t really had time to I I mean I did watch some of this today but with the baby and everything it was just you know it was hard to find time and uh and to do my work around here you know all right let me check Sam Bennett guys oh damn it yeah he signed oh he wasn’t UFA why did I think he was I thought he was UFA he wasn’t okay my bad that’s my bad for not being up to I thought he was unrestricted he wasn’t he is next year all right he’s in a contract here God the saber should overpay and get this guy I wish they would you know I wish they’d like give up uh a few good pieces to get this guy but uh it is what it is so we’ll see guys we’re going to see how this pans out uh I think the Zucker deal is a little um I didn’t see it coming I didn’t see that one coming at all I didn’t see any of these coming some of them make sense though like the Obe kuel and the the uh melen Stein like these are the ones that make sense to me because we lack physical play on this team we need guys that can hit you know and it’s it’s all of a sudden the Sabers uh look a bit tougher guys they do look a bit tougher I I I’m reading a lot of stuff um you know when we got malen Stein I seen a lot of Sabers fans were like upset we didn’t get you know that we got rid of Skinner and we got this guy but the thing is the truth is we need guys that hit on this team we we’ve been lacking it doesn’t matter if we have a team that can score 300 goals if you’re going to miss the playoffs every year and waste your waste prime years of like Rasmus dalen’s career you need guys around the team that are mean so this team got meaner and uh the truth is Zucker is more than capable of getting 20 25 goals so pretty much we’re covered there for what you know I I I won’t say you know that Skinner would can’t score more than Zucker he can but Zucker it wouldn’t surprise me if he has the same amount of goals as as uh Skinner this year wherever Skinner goes it wouldn’t surprise me it’s possible yeah and the obey kubel so like we got some mean guys on the team we needed that guys we need some hard hard-hitting players we got a few UPF front I’m good with that uh as for uh the Jacob Bryson thing I just can’t wrap my head around it I don’t get why we signed him it’s low risk 900 grand for one year you know I’m good with it I’m good with with the offseason but to be honest guys it’s just not an overwhelming success you know what I mean it’s that’s how it feels for me it feels like okay you know we’re taking care of some role playing that we need on this team role players I should say you know that we need on this team so we’re good there but I’d like to make one Splash in the off season and to be honest guys I think they’re going to now who and what and where and I don’t know I don’t know did they sign Bryson as part of a trade to trade him out eventually I don’t know I I just don’t know you know we’ll have to wait and see what what they’re going to do cuz right now I can’t figure out that signing at all I don’t I don’t get it again no hate for him but just we don’t really have the space for Bryson at this point we’re pretty loaded on the blue line guys so let’s hope that they extend uh you know some players need extensions I guess they’re probably going to wait till everything’s said and done right like bym it would be nice to extend him if we could this year it would be nice you know but uh they’re probably going to wait um same thing with Devon Levi and UFA next year will be uh you know laferty Zucker o Kell all got onee deal so this is these guys are are what do you call it are on a short leash and they’re all trade pieces worst case scenario if the season goes south on us guys if it does and it doesn’t go our way we can move these guys out at the end of the year no problem we’ll get draft picks or whatever for them is what I’m saying so you know I’m not overwhelmed obviously cuz we didn’t we didn’t get that big splash that I was hoping and um I still hope I’m still hopeful we can pull a trade or a trade or two and see what uh see what transpires what I’m saying I don’t believe it’s over I don’t think the Sabres are done they’re far from it there’s we have way too much cap space guys right now as I speak I’ll close it up guys soon just I’m all excited about the baby and I’m all over the place guys because I haven’t done a video in a while so I’m Rusty uh right now the Sabres are sitting on 20 million in cap space and we got to get six guys signed we have a roster of 17 we got to sign Krebs malen Stein Yoki Haru UPL those are four right there so we have we have to figure out that that money Krebs won’t cost a lot malinin won’t cost a lot Yoki Haru will be probably around the 4 million range if I was to guess and same thing with UPL I would figure three and a half 4 million bucks so eight say these four will cost about 10 and then we got to get uh two more two more in the lineup which I’m guessing they can do they can look they can what I’m saying guys is they can have 21 we don’t need to have 23 sign we we can have 21 and see what happens in training camp but I would like to make one Splash this off season one really good one you know so we’ll see how this works cuz I’m sure if the Sabres were that sure in some of the guys they got here they would have got longer Deals they would have got longer deals so I don’t think the Sabres got what they were hoping to get so far and and is just my gut feel right now I mean I’m sure we’re going to do better than this so we’ll see you know but again I’m not complaining rosie come here come say hi come here oh sorry guys I got to like take my time with this come here little girl I’m sorry oie do let Daddy hold you carefully there okay little one and there she is guys the one and only Rosie who has been my moral support well my daughter was in the 44 hours my God I guess any of you that have a a a daughter know what I’m what I was going through because that was that have that has a grandchild knows what I was going through it was nerve-wracking as hell you know you always worry that you know you just want the best right so my little girl you want me to put you down all right let me put you down guys I’ll call it a night there all right that’s just my take on some of these players yeah I’m I’m cool with the contracts but there’s no term we didn’t we didn’t land anything is what I’m saying but mind you the the again the diamond and the rough might be malinin guys we need that kind of player in our lineup that throws his body at everything so we at least got that so far we got some physical guys obey kubel also so we got some guys that can throw the body I’m good with that but I I would like to get one one more name so we’ll see what happens we’ll leave it there Yak long enough thanks for your time guys thanks for your patience with the channel I’ll see you guys when I see you I got to be up at 7:00 in the morning so I’m going to crash I’m going to get some rest and I will see you guys soon enough have a good night [Music]

Hey folks, time for a video and time to talk about the ‘quiet’ day the Sabres had..I expected more..thanks for watching 😎
**Discord community at this link 🦬 : **

‘Khatchaturian Sabre Dance’ was licensed and purchased from Audio Micro (License #U269T3409)


  1. I really like your take on the roster. The talk in some many other forums is so unbelievable negative that I can't take it any more.

  2. Hey grandpa, lol. Sabres made the right moves. Make it hard to come to buffao to play. Can you give some hit stats from the Stanley cup finals. My God, it seemed if you touched the Puck, you were getting hit.

  3. The problem I have with Adams finally is that he bought a top 6 forward out to get more cap space and he doesn’t replace him. The signings he made yesterday do not replace Skinner. This is offseason could put Adams on the hot seat. His press conference talking about saving money for future guys in our system was a head scratcher… why? Next offseason we have 38 million….

  4. Wow congrats to your family. That’s amazing Wayne! Get that back right cuz he’s a big boy, you’re gonna need it lol.

  5. Stay safe out of the path of the hurricane due to impact Florida Monday onwards @jasoncrandell.
    The Sabre community need, love your updates on all hockey matter sourced out of FL.❤

  6. Congrats on the new addition to the family! I'm a fan of the moves Buffalo has made so far. They needed to be tougher to play against and I think they did that. They essentially got an entire new 4th line, and they combined for over 540 hits last season between Lafferty, Malenstyn, and Aube-Kubel!

  7. Congrats Wayne What do people want Kevyn to do hold players at gunpoint and force them to play in Buffalo? There is not much he can do if the players say no to an offer glad we have more players who can check

  8. Is this a new blue and gold talk Intro or has it just been too long since a blue and gold talk video?

  9. The fan base is absolutely hysterical right now. I'm starting to think everyone is negative Nancy's now.

  10. Once again another uneventful off-season. Wooo I'm jumping of my seat for these 4th liners. While Nashville completely loads up their team

  11. Congratulations on being a grandfather. Like the meat we got in free agency,don’t think we have to do anything else, we got the talent already Go Sabres

  12. Congratulations to you and your daughter. I too shall join the grandparents club in December. My partner is both overjoyed and a little horrified about being a granny! Now if the Sabres could provide a suitable present…say a +500 season? That would be sweet. 😊

  13. Wayne! Congrats to you and your family on becoming a grandfather…. In the meantime, you finally got what you wanted in getting rid of Skinner's bad contract by buying him out… Perhaps, he'll now help the Oiler's in winning a Stanley Cup as he signed as a free agent with Edmonton for one year at 3m on yesterday… Despite being very disappointed with Skinner's departure, in the end, Adams did the right thing as Skinner wasn't worth getting 9m annually… I was also very disappointed to see Zemgus Girgensons sign with Tampa Bay, but they offered him a better deal than what the Sabres offered him, as he signed a 3-year deal for $885k annually… Perhaps, he'll finally get to experience the Stanley Cup playoffs for the first time in his career with the Lightning… Needless to say, I wish him nothing but the very best… Thanks for all the memories to both Jeff Skinner and Zemgus Girgensons, as you will always be cherished during your time as members of the Buffalo Sabres Organization…

  14. Ik lots of fans are gonna call me crazy Wayne but I like the moves we made this offseason. We upgraded coaching we upgraded our bottom 6 we are much more physical we got a great young d core we have lots of young star forwards yes one more top 6 player would be good but we can’t overpay. Lots of teams today made questionable moves that will age horribly just look at what Boston paid guys so I’m still optimistic despite lots of pessimism in our own fan base

  15. Congratulations 👩‍🍼 ⚔️ 💛👶💙

    I smell a big fish coming 🎣 big trade if not this summer at some point next season

  16. I have to say, I absolutely hate our fanbase. The amount of whining and bitching is coming from these grown adult men….. It is absolutely fucking ridiculous. You idiots are the reason our fan base is a laughingstock in the NHL. You’re just as fickle as a Dallas Cowboys fan.

  17. I am very interested to see if we had any meaningful talks with Stamkos and what came out of that, this is an absolute make up break season for the Sabres no excuses they need to make the playoffs this year and congrats on the new baby!

  18. Now, its a question of how Lindy will use these new guys. A 4th line to grind teams down, or spread them out to "possibly" open up ice for the skill guys. 👍👍

  19. Don't you think Buffalo could have used their second round pick they used to get Malenstyn for acquiring Chychrun in a trade instead. They could have got Malenstyn for a cheaper price.

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